Cooking Animation

I really like the character’s animation when we craft HQ stuff. Like, they look so proud of themselves and stick the item up high towards the sky! (Have to quietly think “Don’t spill it, please!” LOL!)

Cooking: HQ

But better, yet, is the Hasty Touch animation. Oi! That is one angry chef, I say.

Cooking: Hasty Hand

It looks like I go “GRRRRR! HQ, or I’m gonna be so mad and get up from my kitchen then smash some bricks!”

Cooking: Hasty Hand 2

Also, I love how we see the crafter’s name in the item info window.

Honey Muffin

So, you can show it to your friends and be like “Hey, remember this name and if I die from food poisoning, go hunt down the bastard and stomp them to death for a revenge, please!”

Salt Cod PuffsBy the way, I really hate how the NPC shop values our items (or junks) so low. This is offensive!


Culinarian Apron’s Set

Warning: Screenshots spam.


Hehehehe! I didn’t want to brag, but now I want to brag. I recently got level 50 equipment for my Cooking class, thanks to our linkshell’s seamstress master tailor who was so diligent and patient enough to make me all these gear.


Before, I was always wearing this Vintage Seneschal Coatee (which had been sitting in my Retainer since 1.0) on my craft classes that are high enough. CUL, GSM, CRP, for example.


I like the design because it looks fashionable, though a little bit too exposing. :P

At first, he made me some Linen items to wear on my lower level classes. Then, not long after he hit level 50 on his Weaver, and I managed to harvest Crawler Cocoons, he started to make me level 50 gear. By that time, my Goldsmith was level 50, too. And that was the first body piece of class-specific equipment for crafter that I ever had! (Because on my Culinarian, I chose the hat instead of the apron, LOL).


It looks VERY fashionable. And seems more appropriate. :P

I dyed it Lotus Pink to match with my Regal Purple hat (from guild test quest).



The stats are also great! And it came in HQ. ^^


I got the trousers from him later on. I dyed the trousers Abyssal Blue. And here’s a closer look at the appearance. Except the Mythril Choker, my Goldsmith looks totally fabulous.


On the same day I got this Goldsmith’s Doublet, I also got a Culinarian’s Apron from him.


The stats are awesome and I willingly stopped wearing my Coatee, LOL.

I also got the trousers from him later, and dyed them Abbysal Blue as well.


Below: culinarian’s equipment (and a pair of GSM’s trousers) came in Moogle Mail.


Usually, I don’t fuss about stats, because I am a very lazy player. And my inventory crisis makes me tend to avoid having many pieces of equipment. I try to share my crafting gear among all my craft classes. Mythril Choker level 39, for example. I am too lazy to make a new one which is Electrum Choker level 49, because my lower level classes wouldn’t be able to wear it. But seeing and using these level 50 gear that can’t be shared with other classes, I feel it is nice to be fussy about gear for stats! As now I can HQ most of my synthesis attempts, thanks to the stats boost from gear.


By the way, he also made himself the Weaver’s set, and Alchemist’s set. ^^


I think Alchemist’s set is the champion so far. It looks extraordinary and most sophisticated among all of the class-specific crafter’s sets I’ve ever seen. You know, it has both the hints of professionalism and fashion. Like, from behind, you will look like a mad scientist or a perfectly hygienic doctor. And then from the front, you’re like a designer at work. You have all your tools there, ready to be whipped out whenever you like. Oh, right, this set makes one look like a walking laboratory. XD


This pic was when I was sending him Crawler’s Cocoons. He was sitting right behind me when I cooked, but then I got up and ran to the Delivery Moogle to send cocoons. Soon, I saw him arriving at the Moogle to pick up the delivery, saying “I was there all the time, sitting in the bush lol.” Oopsie haha. Well, I might have noticed him but as his outfit was now Regal Purple instead of Abyssal Blue, it didn’t strike me that it was him!! *lame excuse*

MasterTailor10Last screenshot today, this is a candid pic of him when he was lower level. XD



Tiny Tortoise (Minion)

Alright, during the past week, once I got to level 48, guess what was the first thing I did. Ha! I crafted some Yumizuno lures and went to the Salt Strand to catch a minion, Tiny Tortoise. Thanks to the information in Kida’s forum, a thread by someone named Truvy~, which lets me know what bait to use and where to go. I was looking forward to catching the Tiny Tortoise since level 46. But looking up the bait info made me kind of gave up and a little discouraged, because many of the posts I found all said that we need to be level 50 and use Northern Krill for this. However, this thread (comment #12) mentioned Yumizuno, which is a level 48 bait. So, yeah, that’s what I did when I got to 48!


When I run, the Tiny Tortoise spins and follows me instead of walking on its feet! Hahaha!


I haven’t gotten many minions yet, and Tiny Tortoise is my favorite so far. It is so cute. ^^


I kept fishing more after getting mine, because I wanted to send to some friends. I ended up sending to 4 friends and put 4 (or 3) more up for sale on my retainers in the market. One was sold at 2000 (before fee) and then 3000, and 5000. It is quite crazy, LOL.


This pic looks like she’s trying to bite my tail, hahaha!

And oh yeah, I have decided it is a she, and she is a finicky fella! Look at how rebellious she was when I said no Tortoise allowed on my bed!


Fishing and Fishing


Days went by so quickly! I didn’t intend to neglect my weblog this long, but it’s been a tough week for me. Real life stuff got so busy and I hardly had enough time to rest a spell. As my real life duty was exhausting and deprived me of my sleep, when I had spare time to get on the game, I wanted to be as lazy as possible LOL. Plus, my brain had quite slow reaction due to lack of sleep, so I didn’t want to do any brain-straining activity.

So what had I been doing? Gathering, of course. Mostly fishing, specifically. I went around fishing in new locations, getting new fish, trying new baits, and stuff. So this week I finally got my Fisher to level 50.

Fishing Bronze Lake 1


Fishing Bronze Lake 2

Bronze Lake has nice nighttime sky. I love the stars in FFXIV so much.


Giga-fishing, oops, I mean cave-fishing. It’s quite annoying at Moondrop, because people always come here to kill the gigas for quest or maybe hunting log. Someone got me in the crossfire and then proceeded to die because s/he ran around while fighting a giga and ended up aggroing 3 more. That was dumb LOL.

Raincatcher Gully

Rain Catcher Gully Docks. The spot is called Agelyss River, though. I guess it was East Agelyss River, can’t really remember.


Trying to finish the fishing map in Southern Thanalan, I had to go fish in the beastman’s stronghold, Zahar’ak. LOL. Gotta love the Stealth ability.

Dune FishingDUne Fishing

Dune fishing. Fishing without water! It bugs me, though, that when I land a fish, there is water splash sound effect. There is no water!!! Make Sand Splash sound please, SE! Damn you!

DUne Manta

By the way, there are 2 locations for Dune Fishing in Southern Thanalan. One is called Sagolii Dunes, at around X:25 Y:36, in the gorge (cliff) on the east end of the desert, the other is Sagolii Desert, on the west end at around X:12 Y:36. Here’s a quick screenshot of the actual map next to the fishing log map.


Fishing Forgotten Springs 2

Me looking serious while fishing at Forgotten Springs.

Fishing Forgotten Springs 1Forgotten Springs Foggy

Foggy weather. And then I took a rather derpy-looking screenshot of my character LOL. Gotta hate when you take pics and they blink or half blink! Looks like a kitty on crack, don’t I? XD

Forgotten Spring Fishing

I also went stealth-fishing at Sapsa and Reaver Hide, in Sahagin’s stronghold. Here, too, my peace was often disturbed by other adventurers. Hate when battle noises are so loud I couldn’t hear my fishing rod when it creaks, as I usually fish by ears.

Sapsa - Reaver Hide


By the way, here are short clips of “The fish gets away” messages that I got at Sapsa Spawning Grounds. Guess I didn’t have enough Gathering for the fish. Still can’t guess what fish it was, though. My fishing log at Sapsa was completed and none of the fish I got had reacted that way!

Fish Gets Away (Sapsa) #1

Fish Gets Away (Sapsa) #2