Atop a Snowy Cliff

*This entry contains spoilers of FFXIV 3.0 main scenario quest line*

I used to go to the top of the cliff overlooking Ishgard for sightseeing a lot. This cliff has the Mark of Menphina (symbol stone of one of the Twelve, the Lover) and sometimes I come here to admire the stones. XD

With the story of 3.0 (Heavensward) there is a change to the cliff… a change which I’m still trying to cope with. ><;;

Today I was supposed to continue main scenario quest to catch up with the 3.1 updates, but I am sick and emo and didn’t feel like it. So I just sat there moping while writing a poem.

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Atop a Snowy Cliff

Many moons have passed since that day,
The cursed moment when you were taken away,
What I wouldn’t give to go back in the past,
To stop that day from being your last,

Oh, why, only if I weren’t so careless,
We could have spared me from this sadness,
Atop the wind-chilled cliff in the Highlands,
With white flowers in my trembling hands,

I come here to greet you again, dear friend,
The deep wound in my heart has yet to mend,
It doesn’t get any easier, Francel said,
That echoes my exact thought, I’m afraid,

Staring at the broken shield and snowy headstone,
Fierce pain pierces though my every bone,
Trickles of sorrow seep along my veins,
My heart feels heavy like shackled in chains,

You were so kind, just, and courageous,
My cheery ally, truly warm and courteous,
Whose loyalty stirred me to the very depths of my soul,
At the very best, you’ve carried your role,

A knight lives to serve, to protect, to sacrifice,
But why must the vow come with such price?
A knight is to aid those in need, you said,
Then, before me, your life has been laid,

Don’t call me hero, for the true hero was you,
Countless times, you had helped me through,
Had welcomed me with open arms,
And smiled to me with such unique charm,

Told me no matter how far I may roam,
To ever consider your place my home,
Your hospitality was great and endless,
You’re beacon of hope in a world of darkness,

I know no man with stronger conviction,
Who has greater love to the Ishgard nation,
Would that you were here to fight by my side,
Or leisurely hop on for a chocobo ride,

So that I could show you the peace you saved,
And the road to prosperity which you paved,
I daresay you were my greatest comrade,
And the sturdiest ally I’ve ever had,

“My arm will not falter; my shield will not break,”
You promised, before putting your life at stake,
This loss is both too harsh and too heavy,
Why, oh why must you do this to me?

You fought your battle with all your honor,
To you, I know this is not an error,
But to me, I felt so much despair,
How much I wish this were just nightmare,

Wallowing in sorrow will make you frown,
The A Warrior of Light can’t let you down,
For these reasons, and for these alone,
That I will wipe my tears and not bemoan,

I must not remain a broken blade,
Because that was what you forbade,
You once said a smile better suits me,
Therefore, like that, it will be,

Though it won’t be an easy feat, I’ll try my best,
With you as a model, I will pass any test,
I shall now straighten up and fight on,
In tribute to the hero who is gone,

May the Fury take your soul in her Hall,
And grant me your courage when the duties call,
May Menphina, the goddess of love,
Let you have peace and watch us from above.

– Aleczan –







Showing off my FC house private room



Today I’m showing off my private room inside the FC house. My room has the jungle theme, mixed with Tonberry items and oriental items.



I chose Tonberry because I like pink (I actually like purple more, but there isn’t any purple themed cute set which can fit the living room).


The other side of the living room is a shelf, now quite empty.



I want to fill my dining table with desserts but the furnishing quota is so small. SE is stingy.


The other side of the sliding door is the bedroom compartment.


It is also where I placed my work desk.

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Tonberry bed with a Looming Tonberry screen to watch over me at night.


Limsa before the fall


Screenshots dump. 1.0 pics from November 2012.

Accompanying them with a short story I’ve just written now, as seen on my tumblr entry.

“Twelve have mercy!” Exclaimed a weary Monk upon reaching the mark of the Navigator atop a platform in Limsa Lominsa. Llymlaen is her guardian, and it wasn’t a coincidence that they saved this monument for the last. “I hope we can make it in time.”

Since Louisoix and the other Archons bid them go on a perilous pilgrimage in order to visit all of the stone monuments, each bearing the symbol of the Twelve, adventurers did all in their power and spared no effort in doing so. Praying to the Twelve deities would revitalize the guardians’ strength and may lend the land what it needs in fending off this apocalypse.

“I supposed this is all we could do for now, I wonder how the others fare.” Her Bard friend commented after they have knelt down and paid respect to the guardian’s symbol. The will of each of the adventurers on this pilgrimage will surely strengthen the guardians’ power, but the question is, will it be enough and can they do it fast enough to save the realm?

“I bet they are doing fine. But we better hurry. Dalamud is disturbingly close.” Staring at the Lesser Moon, her fists were clenched tightly. “Let’s report back to Louisoix.”

“I don’t like this,” the Elezen looks into the sky, too. “Aetheric disturbances are so intense the weather went all crazy.” The heavily clouded sky above had been turned into a fiery hue, and they hadn’t seen the sun nor the moon in so long already. It was as if the Dalamud’s presence had dominated the hemisphere above, that everything else seemed to have ceased to exist, all save for the thunder.

He gritted his teeth and turned back to where they ascended from. But as soon as he reached the windowed man-made tunnel, the sight of the Lesser Moon held him in place. He uttered angrily. The Archons and the adventurers went to such great length to try to stop what was called upon them, yet it still kept approaching. Never had he felt so useless and powerless before.

“Hey, are we leaving or what?” He called out to his pilgrimage companion because she was taking too long.

“Sorry, I just received this ring from my guardian, so I went back to pray again and thank her.” In her hand, rested a stone ring that seemed to be made of aquamarine, the symbol of the Navigator carved on the top of its face. He nodded. He already got his from the top of a cliff in Coerthas Central Highland, so he wasn’t surprised.

“Shall we?” He tilted his head into the direction of the exit. She nodded firmly while putting on the ring with an expression as if this ring was the most important amulet in her life. Desperation, hope, determination and resolution mixed together in her eyes not unlike what he had seen in others, or in the mirror. A slight curve appeared on his lips as he gestured to her, “After you.”

Me waiting for Heavensward


Hibernating to pass the time, lol!
ffxiv_05242015_175700bWell, I haven’t been well this week and didn’t get smooth sleep at night, so I ended up getting very sleepy in the afternoon. So I often crawl in bed and do the time warp thing. Today I was knocked out around 6 PM and then woke up starving when it was almost midnight. ><;;

By the way, PhotoScape is a nice photo editor program. I need a program that allows the use of layers and eraser, like Photoshop, though. Still looking for more programs for my PC.


Monk’s Battle Effects

The other day, my desktop computer decided to mess with me and suddenly played FFXIV on slow motion. (Can watch here if you’re curious how it looked like ) So I saw it as an opportunity to play around with Weaponskills and take some screenshots which would be tough to take in normal circumstances.

The light effects are stunningly beautiful (a bit too bright, though, sometimes I can’t see anything lol, just blinding blotches of light).

I try to name them the best I could, but it’s from memory and doing the attacks again can’t really reproduce what happened in these screenshots (as my PC is now acting normal, no more slow motion) so forgive me if the Weaponskill names are wrong in any of these pics.

Dragon Kick






Howling Fist

I didn’t get any good pic for Howling Fist on that day so here’s a new one to show the light effect.


One Ilm Punch


I really love One Ilm Punch. It’s handsome. :)



Snap Punch

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Steel Peak


Touch of Deathffxiv_Monk_TouchofDeath1 ffxiv_Monk_TouchofDeath2

True Strike


Twin Snake


First pic was taken from bad angle and distance, but this pic has the black snake-like shadow trace from my fist so I want to show it.

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Twin Snakes impact!

Arm of the Destroyer


Bootshineffxiv_Monk_Bootshine ffxiv_Monk_Bootshine2

:D 21 pics, that’s it for today.

My Nirvana Zeta

Finally! Today I’ve finally finished what I started so long ago, probably 1 year ago? LOL.


I’m so excited to get this weapon. It’s been a long trek. Spent so much effort and will power. So much blood spilled and tears shed, ahahaha!


Behold, the two goofy guys who made this possible.

And me….



My preciousssssssssssss!


And this quest line always has hilarious dialogues and cutscenes. XD



Ishgard at night

I’ve been browsing my screenshot folders recently and found this one, which I would call “my masterpiece of the year 2014” without hesitation. It was taken on 8 December 2014 when I made a stop at the Mark of the Lover on the top of a cliff in Coerthas Central Highlands.



Below: me in front of the backdrop. I can’t remember why I was there. Probably was because I saw nice sky and decided to go there for a pic. You know, Coerthas hardly ever has a break from the snow storm. Rare photo occasion anyone would snatch if they have chance!



Update: 2 more Ishgard screenshots from later (5 MAR 2015), now with “glare” setting on low (I usually keep it off, so the first pic had glare: off).


It snowed on me while I was messing around with my glare setting.


Trying to catch Olgoi

Have been unsuccessful in catching the fish for my Supra fishing rod.


In 2 days (I don’t fish 24 hours, I slept too!) I got about 10 rounds of Heat Waves. Most rounds were about 20 – 25 minutes long, except one that was 40 minutes! I got a hell lot of Dune Matas, and a bunch of Caravan Eels. Got 9 “the fish gets away” messages in total.

G: 369, P: 315 = Fish gets away x 4.
G: 387, P: 307 = Fish gets away x 1.
G: 382, P: 307 = Fish gets away x 2.
G: 363, P: 299 = Fish gets away x 1.
G: 359, P: 305 = No hook yet. LOL.
G: 353, P: 289 = Fish gets away x 1.

I’ve been trying various foods to tweak my Gathering and Perception. I’ve tried fishing with both FC buffs on, and no buff. I’ve tried sitting while fishing. This is driving me nuts. At this point I’m ready to try any voodoo to help me land some Ogloi Olgoi already. XD

It’s going to be a long and tough road…. But I’ll keep trying.



An hour later, I got one more chance with Heat Waves. So I used G: 359, P: 305 setting. Heat Waves lasted 25 minutes. Results as follows:
Mooch x 5
Caravan Eel x 2
Dune Manta x 2
Fish gets away x 1

Then I got mad and stood up and changed my belt out, trying G: 355, P: 300 setting for the first time.

And yes, I landed my first and only Ogloi Olgoi on 27 Jan, 9:09 PM.

ffxiv_01272015_210959sThen, the weather ended. I will try to catch more when Heat Waves show up again.


27 Jan, 11:05 PM, I caught my 2nd Olgoi.


Then 28 Jan, 12:43 AM, I caught my 3rd Olgoi.


Spriggan Cap

Today I and Corn and Chibidew hunted some treasure. We opened about 15 Peiste maps and got no Moonstone, which was irritating. However, we got like 3 Unhidden maps and one of them yielded a Spriggan Cap. :D  Corn won the loot and tried it on once, then checked the price and gave it to me to sell for FC fund. I should sell it for 500,000 – 600,000 gil because that’s the market price now. But after trying it on, I like it too much to part with it. So I’m going to keep it and throw 600k gil into the FC box instead. :P

Spriggan Cap. Mine mine mine!!!

Spriggan Cap. Mine mine mine!!!

I’m alive and well

Hi, all. Just a quick post to let you know that I am still alive and well. Been a bit busy going to places in Eorzea and hanging out with friends and stuff, you know.


I’ve also finished my fishing log in the Black Shroud as well as Mor Dhona (since last week, eeeeep!) I will get around to posting the fishing map and fish list soon.