Spriggan Cap

Today I and Corn and Chibidew hunted some treasure. We opened about 15 Peiste maps and got no Moonstone, which was irritating. However, we got like 3 Unhidden maps and one of them yielded a Spriggan Cap. :D  Corn won the loot and tried it on once, then checked the price and gave it to me to sell for FC fund. I should sell it for 500,000 – 600,000 gil because that’s the market price now. But after trying it on, I like it too much to part with it. So I’m going to keep it and throw 600k gil into the FC box instead. :P

Spriggan Cap. Mine mine mine!!!

Spriggan Cap. Mine mine mine!!!

Using mounts as height aid for screenshots

I’ve been using my mounts for height adjustment when I’m taking FFXIV screenshots in 1st person camera view for a long time but today was the first time I’ve noticed and compared the height difference between various mounts.

In some circumstances, when you’re trying to take a nice screenshot while in 1st person camera mode, tilting the camera up and down can achieve what you want for your pictures, but it doesn’t always work. Take this screenshot for an example, here I wanted the umbrella to be the foreground of the ocean view. I wanted to see more of the sea water above the wooden floor and to see some of the top of the umbrella without moving closer to the ocean. Tilting my camera up won’t help. The only option I had would be standing on a higher ground. There was nothing to climb on, so my mounts are the answer.



Without any mount I see too much floor and cannot see the yellow part of the umbrella.

Coeurl is a low mount and gives a only slight lift off the ground.

Legacy Chocobo is a little taller, and I assume it has the same height as Company Chocobo.



Fat Chocobo is a bit higher.



Draught Chocobo is even taller.



Ahriman gives noticeable height.


1st_person_screenshot_mount07Goobbue is maybe too tal. LOL!

Sea Breeze Summer Pareo

Today I finally got sufficient amount of Octomammoths and luck to use desynthesis to obtain my own Sea Breeze Summer Pareo, after having only the top part, Sea Breeze Summer Halter, for a long time. (And, OMG! Gigantsharks and Octomammoths ate people, so we found swimwear in their stomachs!)

I even got lucky enough to get an extra piece for a friend. :D So, we went to the beach and took some screenshots together.

Malana and I

Malana and I


Bombdance :)

Bombdance :)

Me on my Draught chocobo.

Me on my Draught chocobo.

Today is a great day. :D

Earlier in the morning, I also got a new pair of shiny pants from Corn. The Artisan’s Culottes weren’t very pretty, but they don’t look so bad after I dyed them.

Grape Purple Artisan's Culottes.

Grape Purple Artisan’s Culottes.

Face Camera – Pause/Break Button

*for keyboard control manual, visit official site http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/win/manual/ *

A bit ago I learned to use the Pause (Break) button on my keyboard to make my character tilt her head to look directly at the camera (if anatomy allows). It is listed in the manual as “face camera” command. I think you can also assign specific key for it using Config => Shortcuts but I’m not in the game now so I can’t check.

It really makes difference for screenshots!

Screenshot without using "face camera"

Camera is in good position and desired angle, but the character isn’t looking at the camera.

So if you hit the Pause button (next to Scroll Lock on my keyboard, and the Scroll Lock button is next to Print Screem/SysRq button) your character will face the camera.

Screenshot when using "face camera"Gotta love this function. <3


Breaking Dawn FATE in East Shroud

Today I camped a FATE in the East Shroud for several hours.

When it finally popped, I told the other person I bumped into during Breaching North Tidegate earlier (we were both there for the same book, Skyfall II) so that he or she could rush to East Shroud. Suddenly like 4 other persons were onto the FATE boss. XD What an ambush!! I thought there won’t be problem because, what? It was just 5 people (plus a Titan-Egi and a few chocobos).

However, the monster was weaker than anyone expected, so it went below 50% in like a blink. I rushed in and asked in /say for them to wait. Of course they waited!!!! That was a bunch of lovely people. I was afraid that someone would die from standing around letting the FATE boss beat on them without fighting back, so I made sure I Stoneskin and Regen everyone and kill any aggro for them.


As you can see in the chatlog, everyone was nice. The only reason why I (and the other person who was originally there) had to repeat “Please wait” was because there was a DRG who arrived late and started attacking fiercely because he or she didn’t know that we were waiting. That DRG stopped immediately after we asked, so I was afraid they won’t get enough credit for the FATE and invited them to join my party too. Then I spammed Medica II and everyone killed it. (I noticed later that the DRG said “reset” for the sake of the person who hadn’t arrived. We didn’t reset and I didn’t see that message, but I really appreciate the effort.)

My screenshot only has names of 3 people who were originally there, the DRG who arrives late, and the person whom I notified about the pop, but I have a feeling there was one more person there in the first place. If anyone ever runs into these nice people who were kind enough and waited, please, please, please be extra nice to them. 

You may notice that I didn’t get credit for the kill, I had no idea why. I did attack. I hit it with Stone and then several Repose, and also spammed Medica II.

I noticed that after I tried to leave Sylphlands and had to go back to camping it again. I was in no way mad that I missed the kill for my Book. I was strangely happy. To know and to see that they were kind and tried to wait for someone to join FATE was really wonderful. And that was enough. Not getting the kill credit cannot ruin that.

That FATE popped again 2 hours and 10 minutes after the first one died, I camped it while browsing the Internet and reading some comic books at my desk, so it wasn’t too bad.

I’m just so happy to have witnessed such act of consideration and kindness from fellow players on Ragnarok. My deepest thanks to those people.

Don’t fight on top of a gatherer

What the title says, be considerate to gatherers, please.

Seriously, there were too many instances where people brought enemies to fight on top of me while I was fishing, mining, or logging.

One time in Mor Dhona, someone aggroed a Gigas and brought it onto a group of Botanists who were trying to get some Clusters. Of course the AoE not only canceled the Stealth effect, but also kicked them (and me!) out of gathering menu. These Unspoiled gathering spots cannot be resumed after action gathering gets canceled, because they disappear once disengaged.

I don’t know if there had been any fix to gathering getting canceled, because my Botanist and Miner haven’t been eating other people’s enemy’s AoE since. But just a few days ago, I rushed to help with a Raise shout from a Botanist at Proud Creek in North Shroud, the person said someone brought a Dullahan to the tree (highly like accidentally) and its AoE killed him/her.

Yesterday I was mad, but luckily I escaped alive and didn’t have to be even more mad. I was trying to fish this elusive Titanic Sawfish which needs clear or fair weather, daytime 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. approx., and also double mooch. I was on stealth. Then, there came a BLM who seemed to struggle to find a safe spot to fight and not get swarmed, and thus coindicentally brought a Vanguard near me. I was fishing and staring at the Vanguard, so when it readied its AoE attack, with hazard zone (or crisis zone, I can’t remember what it’s called) missing me by a hairsplit, I said in /say “eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” and the person moved it away from me immediately.

That wasn’t what got me mad.

After that, the weather wasn’t suitable, so I just parked myself there with Stealth on while I did other stuffs, checking back periodically to see the game-time and weather. Then there came another person. I was reading work e-mail and writing a very long reply so I didn’t pay attention to the game. I heard fighting and assumed that it had nothing to do with me. I continued typing my e-mail until the battle sound somehow caught my attention.

I checked FFXIV window and found that I was being attacked by an enemy. I ran around in frantic, trying to shake him off me, aggroing some more enemies in the process. I think I ran around the area 3 times until I managed to shake all the enemies off, and returned to Stealth mode.


It was ugly, because one cannot change job while under attack, so I had no way to fend for myself as a fisher. I thought I canceled my own Stealth while I moved and forgot to put it back on, but I checked battle log and found out that THIS person’s Vanguard did some damage to me, canceling my Stealth effect. Then, unaware if this, I kept standing there until another enemy found me.

Alright, there was a hell lot of space along the edge of the cliff to bring your enemy to without getting swarmed, yet the person had to drag it on top of me (yeah I saw the person standing right next to me when I found out I was under attack). Come on! Well, that wasn’t really what made me mad, as it could be honest mistake. But the person never said anything. No oops, no sorry, and no trying to help AT ALL while I was struggling to lose aggro. I must say I was pretty miffed.

When I bring my enemy’s AoE onto someone else, I always said sorry. Even in the heat of a battle, yes. I don’t expect people to always look out for other players, although that’s a nice thing to do, but at least when someone causes inconvenient or damage to others, they should apologize or try to help ease the damage. Not, like, leaving them to their own fate (an ugly fate induced by you, by the way.)

Moreover, even with Stealth on, I wasn’t totally invisible. You only need to look a bit harder to see the gatherer when they’re on Stealth. You have to be blind or completely ignorant to not see them. It is more than inconsiderate to bring enemy (or enemies) to fight on top of a gatherer. Seriously, they can’t fend for themselves at all. (I really miss the pebble stun that we had in 1.0! What was it? Stone Throw?)

By the way, now I moved to another spot where I don’t need Stealth. No enemy would wander my way, unless someone brings it. I can fish without Stealth, so now even people who’s less observant won’t overlook me and won’t accidentally bring an enemy on top of me again.


Weaver’s Needle

Today I was looking through some screenshot folders and found this pic, dated September 2013. I dropped my jaws when I noticed that there is a needle in Corn’s left hand. O_o


I know that the Weaver’s main hand tool is a needle, and that when they craft, they use needle on the fabric on the frame. But I guess I’ve never looked closely enough to see that the game actually shows a needle in the graphic. Also, probably because Corn’s character was so close to the camera as I was paparazzi’ing behind him that the screenshot is more zoomed in than usual.

It’s amusing and pleasing that SQEX pays attention to small things that we might never notice.

Tank who doesn’t Flash

I don’t play tank so I’m not sure if this is wrong, but I thought tank (GLA or PLD) is supposed to use Flash at start for initiative mob control or use it frequently while tanking multiple enemies at the same time. Today I went to Tam-Tara from Duty Roulette, and was in a party where THM was constantly reminding GLA to use Flash. I thought he or she was just being fussy, but after a while I noticed that the GLA never used Flash at all.

Of course the extra monsters (which we wasn’t targeting) would run everywhere. THM made heavy use of Sleep spell so that saved us a wreck. I would have failed at keeping people alive if THM didn’t use Sleep! I tried saying in /say (in case the tank person didn’t see /party chat) Flash will help a lot when there are more than 1 enemies. Please use it.  (“Flash” and “Please use it.” was from auto-translation, just in case.) However, the GLA never used it at all.

Then, the THM said that the tank was using wrong spell, because the GLA used something that recovers MP instead of creating enmity. Since I have no knowledge in that, I didn’t say anything. ><;;  Maybe the tank set wrong skill button or just didn’t understand how those skills work. Still, it is a headache to see that some people don’t play their role in the party properly and don’t pay attention to advice.

Roulette Tam-Tara party

Roulette Tam-Tara party

At the boss room, at one point I was tanking 4 adds at the same time while GLA and PGL were busy trying to kill the Imps. THM? Of course THM was busy tanking the mindflayer boss on the other side of the room. LOL. PGL seems to have quick reaction when things start to beat up any of the mages and was the first one to come to me to kick those skeletons asses on all 3 rounds of adds summoning while THM ran around the room trying to stay alive, hahaha.

Was fun, though. I never knew that those adds were this weak. They were beating on me for a long time before rescue arrived, and I dodged most of the attacks and didn’t get too much damage.  I should have tried to kill them off instead of spamming cure.

Confusing Ifrit Run (Hard)

On 19 Jan, there was an Ifrit run that stumped me until today. I don’t know what I did wrong, but people yelled at me and 3 of them left the duty immediately after wipe.


I have been feeling unwilling to play healer for the past 2 weeks, so I played on my Monk to relax instead. (Although I went to Guildhest and Roulette 16+ as SCH at least once a day so I won’t rust.) Then I saw I could do some Ifrit to practice my dodge skill. I know Ifrit fight very well from 1.0. It changed only a little. And I did Ifrit for a few times that day.

Then, this particular run, tank asked me whats up after telling me to get the nails. You know, at first sight of the nails, I always speed to the furthest nail in the back using Shoulder Tackle to avoid getting hit by Vulcan Burst. And I usually kill that nail or punch it while watching BLM using Limit Break on all the nails, before moving to the next ones.

It had always been like that; a DPS mage would use LB, trying to get all nails to speed up the nail kills. Previous runs, I happened to be in this tank’s party for at least 2 rounds before, so I expect him to know that I was doing it correctly, because no one yelled at me in previous runs and it worked well, we all survived Hellfire. But suddenly this run he yelled at me and left the duty TAT Along with 2 other people which were BLM and WHM.

I’m also very confused about what the BLM said, “no kick = no lb” because I was kicking and punching the nails as hard as I could. I even took care to execute combo from correct sides (flank and rear) to maximize damage output. I even used Internal Release and Blood for Blood to boost it. Yet the BLM said no kick = no lb. What? Why? Was it because the LB bars weren’t filled? I just don’t get it. ><;;


Judging from the tank’s question to me (“get the nails……” and “whats up monk…………….” And there was only 1 monk in the party) maybe people had lags and saw me standing still? I suspect that this might be the case because as a healer, I used to see a tank and an archer standing still at a treasure chest in Copperbell Mines, when in reality, they were ahead in the dungeon and fighting new group of enemies and were dying because I did not join (I was staring at their “shadows” like dumb, wondering why they wouldn’t move.)

I swear it wasn’t me who had lag or was frozen due to connection problem. Because usually when I have bad lags, I won’t be able to continue my combo. My side of the game won’t recognize that I had used an attack and changed my form, so it won’t let me continue the combo chain. The chat log won’t show my damage, and there will be no damage numbers on my screen. And then I would either see fast forward vision until I catch up with real time frame, or be kicked from the server. Of course neither of those happened in that run. And maybe the 3 members left because of the connection problem. I have no idea. I just hope so. It’s sad to think that they left after 1 wipe because of me, because of the mistake I didn’t even commit.

By the way, as I hate to be misunderstood as a lousy player (monk not attacking nails is lousy, yeah) if any of my readers know those people (especially Der Henker, the tank that left or got disconnected and the BLM Tamakkia Yokai’hime that said I didn’t kick ><;;) please let them know the true story. I even saved some chatlog screenhots that show me attacking the nails during that run. TAT

Ifrit_Nails01 Ifrit_Nails02 Ifrit_Nails03 Ifrit_Nails04 Ifrit_Nails05 Ifrit_Nails06 Ifrit_Nails07

Amaljaa Dye Colors (Reputation Tier 3)

Ok, ok, so I have a lot to do and a lot to write about, but I’m a bad blogger who’s super lazy so my blog has been quite idle this week. Therefore, in order to make it have some activity, I’m cheating today by posting 3 pics for the 3 new dyes from Amalj’aa Beast Tribe Vendor (patch 2.1).

Model: my friend on Ragnarok (whose name I’ll omit because I didn’t have permission from him :P LOLOLOL)

You need Reputation rank 3 (1 is Neutral, 2 is Recognized, 3 is Friendly). I haven’t gotten to it yet, but my friend was kind enough to remember that I wanted to see the new dyes, so when he attained Friendly Rank, he invited me to observe while he tried out the new dyes on his Summoner’s clothing.

Raisin Brown

Raisin Brown

Peacock Blue

Peacock Blue

Currant Purple

Currant Purple

I haven’t gotten around to making screenshots comparison for the new dyes yet. I am waiting for myself to have access to all the new dyes first (and enough inventory space to buy them hahahahaha!)