Dear SE, about RMT friend request spams

Sent a suggestion through in-game Help Desk today:

Nowadays RMT friend request spams are getting extremely aggressive. I’ve just gotten 3 requests in 5 minutes or so. Right now how the Friend Request notification react to our click makes it cumbersome to decline friend request.

Please change the interface to make “no” mean NO. For example, change the options from “Yes” and “No” to “Accept” “Decide Later” “Decline.”

Right now, when we click on the notification of friend requests, it automatically assume that we want to accept friend request and only ask “Accept friend request from XXXXXXXX?” and only let us answer “Yes” to accept, or “No” to temporarily dismiss the window.

Please change this menu to reflect Teleport offer menu, where we can immediately decline it and get rid of the notification. Or, as I’ve already stated in my other suggestion long ago, please make it so new characters cannot send Friend Request unless a tutorial quest has been completed first, and please limit the number of friend requests that a character can send out per minute or per 10 minutes, so that people or bots cannot spam friend requests to a thousand of receivers at a time.

– End of suggestion letter –


Scenery Screenshots

Some scenery screenshots from my FFXIV folder. I posted this on tumblr yesterday and this set of pics was shockingly popular and received over 70 notes in just one day. O_o

Some of these were taken before I got my new PC, so the pictures may vary in size and resolution.

Sunrise at Tranquil


The moon outside Tempest Gate


Sunrise at Costa


The light house at Hammerlea


The moon at Forgotten Springs


Morning sun at Sagolii Desert


The Byregot’s Strike


The Oasis of Forgotten Springs


Costa Del Sol sneak a peek


Ul’dah view from Hammerlea


Monk’s Battle Effects

The other day, my desktop computer decided to mess with me and suddenly played FFXIV on slow motion. (Can watch here if you’re curious how it looked like ) So I saw it as an opportunity to play around with Weaponskills and take some screenshots which would be tough to take in normal circumstances.

The light effects are stunningly beautiful (a bit too bright, though, sometimes I can’t see anything lol, just blinding blotches of light).

I try to name them the best I could, but it’s from memory and doing the attacks again can’t really reproduce what happened in these screenshots (as my PC is now acting normal, no more slow motion) so forgive me if the Weaponskill names are wrong in any of these pics.

Dragon Kick






Howling Fist

I didn’t get any good pic for Howling Fist on that day so here’s a new one to show the light effect.


One Ilm Punch


I really love One Ilm Punch. It’s handsome. :)



Snap Punch

ffxiv_Monk_SnapPunch ffxiv_Monk_SnapPunch2

Steel Peak


Touch of Deathffxiv_Monk_TouchofDeath1 ffxiv_Monk_TouchofDeath2

True Strike


Twin Snake


First pic was taken from bad angle and distance, but this pic has the black snake-like shadow trace from my fist so I want to show it.

ffxiv_Monk_TwinSnakes1 ffxiv_Monk_TwinSnakes2

Twin Snakes impact!

Arm of the Destroyer


Bootshineffxiv_Monk_Bootshine ffxiv_Monk_Bootshine2

:D 21 pics, that’s it for today.

Knight Captain’s Chair in different brown dyes

Today I made a mistake of dying my chair Rose Pink. So I had to remove the dye using Terebinth. However, I thought it might be better to try to match the chair’s brown to my table (I’m using Glade Dining Table which unfortunately cannot be painted) so I tried many browns. I took some screenshots for self reference in picking the best brown, so I’m uploading them in case someone will find them useful.

Rose Pink


No dye (terebinth)


Bark BrownKnight_Captain_Chair_03


Chestnut BrownKnight_Captain_Chair_07


Orchard BrownKnight_Captain_Chair_06

Russet BrownKnight_Captain_Chair_05

Chocolate Brown

Mole BrownKnight_Captain_Chair_08

My Nirvana Zeta

Finally! Today I’ve finally finished what I started so long ago, probably 1 year ago? LOL.


I’m so excited to get this weapon. It’s been a long trek. Spent so much effort and will power. So much blood spilled and tears shed, ahahaha!


Behold, the two goofy guys who made this possible.

And me….



My preciousssssssssssss!


And this quest line always has hilarious dialogues and cutscenes. XD



Crotheon Rahool was wrongly accused

Related link:

Today I was harvesting Clusters in Mor Dhona and there was this random shout telling people to blacklist a person for being a ninja looter. (Meaning they roll lot for loots they aren’t meant to roll? Or probably rolling need when other people use greed?)


The accused person defended himself (for ease of writing, I’m going to assume Crotheon is a “he”) and said he had the chatlog to prove it, so I volunteered to help (as his own shout won’t be able to clear his name because those who blacklisted him won’t see anything from him).

Note, though, that he seemed to have mixed up Wistrol Wistrol with Skyline Infinity and thought Wistrol was the one who asked that question in the raid.

So here I am, uploading the screenshots of the chatlog.

FFXIV_Crotheon_Rahool_Chatlog_2015-04-22lFrom the chatlog, Crotheon didn’t do anything wrong about looting. So, the accusation of him being a ninja looter was based on misunderstanding or false information. In my opinion, he doesn’t deserve to be blacklisted.

——————— UPDATE ——————-

Last night when I wrote this entry, it was very late at night and I was sleepy. Today I reviewed the chatlog again and wanted to add something.

I’ve marked number 1 to 6 from the above chatlog to make it easier to follow along:


I am assuming that the loot that Wistrol was thinking about was the Caster’s Bracelet, because from the screenshot, it seems to be the only loot that could have been troublesome.

First, look at loot table, which is the loot declaration of all the raid members in party. Note that at (1) and (2) the table shows that there are 2 members who declared Caster’s Bracelet: Crotheon himself and Skyline.

At (3) Skyline asked, as direct question addressing Crotheon, whether they are going to need or greed.

(4) Crotheon answered “Let’s need it”

(5) Skyline said “kk”

(6) Crotheon rolled need and got the drop. Please note that Skyline DID NOT roll need. It must have been either greed or pass, because when someone “need” your greed roll won’t show up.

From (1) and (2), we know that Crotheon had all the rights to  loot the Caster’s Bracelet. Why Skyline didn’t “need” is, however, a mystery. But in this circumstance, it is not Crotheon’s fault, as he played by the rules, or agreement. It is also by no mean a “ninja looting.”

I assume that the Mor Dhona shout from Wistrol occurred right after this raid run. Yet, I heard nothing from or about Skyline. I’m going to assume, again, that Wistrol’s accusation was caused by some confusion or misunderstanding while being a bystander, because Wistrol didn’t even declare the Caster’s Bracelet, according to  the loot table.

Now if we look more closely, the line between (4) and (5) was Crotheon saying “carbon need.”  — A random person who saw my shout (linking to the screenshots uploaded by Lucius) in Mor Dhona sent me tells to discuss about it. He or she speculated that there might have been confusion about what to roll need, as the party was talking about 2 items at the same time.

Upon reading the chatlog thoroughly, I agree that someone might have midunderstood Crotheon’s answer about “need” and thus started saying he ninja looted something.

If you are the person who are spreading the words about Crotheon being a ninja looter, or if you have a friend who is doing so, I ask that you kindly (tell the friend to) stop, reconsider, revoke the accusation, and reconcile if possible. It is unfair to throw such accusation and discredit a person in such large scale (like shouting in Mor Dhona) without carefully reviewing what actually happened. No one likes to be accused of a crime they didn’t commit. Please be fair.


Flag coordinates marker

Useful map function of FFXIV: <flag>

I’ve already talked about <pos> which will mark the map at your current position, but now I’m going to talk about how to mark a flag on the map without having to be physically there.

However, I only know how to do it by using keyboard and mouse, because I use keyboard and mouse. If I find out how to do it with a controller, I will add the information later.

– Additional information –

A friend, Kuji, looked it up for me and said:

PS controller it’s R1 on map to set a flag marker

So, R1 for PlayStation controller, it is.


Austia Silverwing of Midgardsormr says:

On ps3 you can hold L1 and click R3 for mouse. then L2 is left click, R2 is right click. also L1+select gets rid of hud, L1+start is screenshot.

– End of additional information –

First, you have to open the map where you want to mark a flag on. Then, you use your mouse to point at the spot, and hold CTRL button on your keyboard while using right-click with your mouse.


When you mark your own map with a flag in this method, the chat input will automatically type <flag> for you, so that you can hit enter to add text before or after it, or just send the <flag> to your chat channel right away.


When sent into the chat, the <flag> will show coordinates as the pic above. Anyone who sees this message will be able to click on it in the chatlog to mark their own map with this flag.

This flag will stay there until you mark other flag, click other coordinates, or log out.



We can only have 1 flag at a time, so if you click on any other coordinates, the new one will replace previous one.

Although there can only be one <flag> marker for anyone, but you can mention 2 coordinates at the same time if you use a <pos> and a <flag>, like in the example below:


The chat log will come up like the next screenshot below:


If your friend click on the coordinates that you sent, in this situation they can see (and mark) 2 different spot, but only one at a time, because every coordinates flag will overwrite each other.

FFXIV_Map_Marker_006I guess that’s all to know about <flag>.

Related entries:
Coordinates in FFXIV
Handy coordinates marker

Ishgard at night

I’ve been browsing my screenshot folders recently and found this one, which I would call “my masterpiece of the year 2014” without hesitation. It was taken on 8 December 2014 when I made a stop at the Mark of the Lover on the top of a cliff in Coerthas Central Highlands.



Below: me in front of the backdrop. I can’t remember why I was there. Probably was because I saw nice sky and decided to go there for a pic. You know, Coerthas hardly ever has a break from the snow storm. Rare photo occasion anyone would snatch if they have chance!



Update: 2 more Ishgard screenshots from later (5 MAR 2015), now with “glare” setting on low (I usually keep it off, so the first pic had glare: off).


It snowed on me while I was messing around with my glare setting.


Trying to catch Olgoi

Have been unsuccessful in catching the fish for my Supra fishing rod.


In 2 days (I don’t fish 24 hours, I slept too!) I got about 10 rounds of Heat Waves. Most rounds were about 20 – 25 minutes long, except one that was 40 minutes! I got a hell lot of Dune Matas, and a bunch of Caravan Eels. Got 9 “the fish gets away” messages in total.

G: 369, P: 315 = Fish gets away x 4.
G: 387, P: 307 = Fish gets away x 1.
G: 382, P: 307 = Fish gets away x 2.
G: 363, P: 299 = Fish gets away x 1.
G: 359, P: 305 = No hook yet. LOL.
G: 353, P: 289 = Fish gets away x 1.

I’ve been trying various foods to tweak my Gathering and Perception. I’ve tried fishing with both FC buffs on, and no buff. I’ve tried sitting while fishing. This is driving me nuts. At this point I’m ready to try any voodoo to help me land some Ogloi Olgoi already. XD

It’s going to be a long and tough road…. But I’ll keep trying.



An hour later, I got one more chance with Heat Waves. So I used G: 359, P: 305 setting. Heat Waves lasted 25 minutes. Results as follows:
Mooch x 5
Caravan Eel x 2
Dune Manta x 2
Fish gets away x 1

Then I got mad and stood up and changed my belt out, trying G: 355, P: 300 setting for the first time.

And yes, I landed my first and only Ogloi Olgoi on 27 Jan, 9:09 PM.

ffxiv_01272015_210959sThen, the weather ended. I will try to catch more when Heat Waves show up again.


27 Jan, 11:05 PM, I caught my 2nd Olgoi.


Then 28 Jan, 12:43 AM, I caught my 3rd Olgoi.
