Monsters Location Maps: Rank B Clan Hunt

Link to my Google Drive folder of Monsters Location Maps:

I made these maps because I am terrible at spotting places using the coordination, I would have to fumble about for a long time, trying to hover my mouse everywhere on the map to find the correct pos. By marking the pos onto a visual map, it helps me a lot when I need to scout for these Clan Hunts. The maps were originally intended for my personal use, but then it became useful to a few friends, then to a few strangers in the game. Eventually one of them said I should post this on the internet. So here goes…

Note: I’m not going to come back to edit the .jpg pics I post here. However, the Google Drive link will be updated as soon as I notice any unlisted spawn spot or confirm anything new.

Coerthas Western Highlands:


The Sea of Clouds:



The Dravanian Forelands:


The Dravanian Hinterlands:


The Churning Mist:



Azys Lla:


Showing off my FC house private room



Today I’m showing off my private room inside the FC house. My room has the jungle theme, mixed with Tonberry items and oriental items.



I chose Tonberry because I like pink (I actually like purple more, but there isn’t any purple themed cute set which can fit the living room).


The other side of the living room is a shelf, now quite empty.



I want to fill my dining table with desserts but the furnishing quota is so small. SE is stingy.


The other side of the sliding door is the bedroom compartment.


It is also where I placed my work desk.

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Tonberry bed with a Looming Tonberry screen to watch over me at night.


Don’t automatically blame Cleric Stance for your death

Alright, it took me 2 days to cool down enough to sit down and write about this. I need to be heard. And yes I’ll admit that I’m still butthurt from the incident. I’m now still upset enough to try to hunt down the person and shove the screenshots in his or her face to prove that I DID NOT use Cleric Stance before he or she died. Too bad this person isn’t on my server, else I would personally search for them and send a tell with the screenshot link.

To avoid name-shaming, I crossed out parts of people’s names. But if you are the person’s friend, I am quite sure you will be able to guess who it is. This person is from Zodiark server and has the initials of Y. G. If you know him or her, please forward my screenshots, because when I explained myself, this person didn’t seem convinced.

The day before yesterday, I joined my friend’s party to queue for High Roulette and we got placed into a Pharos Sirius duty. First pull, the tank went to the first corner to get 5 mobs in one pull. It’s nothing we can’t manage, right? So things seemed fine at first.

Mind you, though, that I usually evaluate the party’s tank before I choose my play style. If the tank seems sturdy enough and has sufficient survivability to let me Holy while letting Regen and Medica II work in my stead, I Cleric Stance and Holy a few times. However, if I see that the tank takes too much damage and I’m not confident that they can stay alive while I Holy twice or thrice, I refrain from that and continuously Cure tank instead.

This time I saw that the tank took too much damage and I couldn’t afford the time to cast Holy, so I decided to stick to healing mode. I also noticed that the tank stood in the middle of the group of enemies instead of rounding them up and face them all with the shield. But things escalated very quickly and I didn’t have enough time to comment on that. With this positioning, the tank also pointed one of the mob at me, putting me in a cone AoE attacks. Again, things was crazy and I had to try to keep people alive and didn’t have time to comment on that.

What happened was that the Elbst managed to land an AoE move (I googled later and found that it is Acid Shower, which should be stunned) that put people under the debuff effect “Vulnerability Up” thus increasing damage taken. 3 persons received that debuff, including me and my friend, MCH. I Esuna the tank first. The Esuna cleansed Poison instead, because, guess what, either an enemy has insta-cast poison attack or built-in poison in a physical attack, or the tank ate a poison AoE. I cured and Esuna again, which erased the tank’s Vulnerability Up, but it was too late, the tank went down already.

Note that some milliseconds before that, my friend died, too. And I did not even have time to Esuna myself. The BLM started running to the entrance, trying to kill the rest of the mobs while regrouping with the tank and my friend who respawned. I turned on my Cleric Stance and used Swift Cast Holy to try to stop the mobs in their track and buy us more time to regroup and for me to cure up the BLM after spending my Fluid Aura and Aero to chip at the enemies’ HP and turning off my Cleric Stance.

The first thing the tank said when he or she rejoined us was “Why cleric stance dude?”

At the moment, I didn’t have enough time to read it and just assumed that it was the BLM being mad at me for letting the tank died. So I replied referring to the tank as 3rd person: “Not my fault, the tank ate debuff that increases damage.” “I cleric after he died.”  (I didn’t realize that the tank died before I managed to land a cure BECAUSE the tank stood there and ate yet another AoE attack which induced “Dropsy” status effect, otherwise I would have also added that to my answer.)

The tank replied “Sure” and after a while, I realized that I was talking to the tank, not the BLM. So I added “You have to dodge AoE” referring to the Acid Shower which induced Vulnerability Up debuff.

Along the way, my friend tried to make light of the situation to help us relax and said “It is normal that tank die here” to which I replied “No it’s not normal.” And he said something along the line of “well it’s normal with debuff, that debuff kills people.” Yes of course, with increased damage taken, getting beaten up by 4-5 enemies at once is brutal. Then my friend went on to speculated whether the AoE which gave the debuff was instant or not. I said I don’t know because our tank friend never got it. Probably because he stunned it or the Elbst died fast and didn’t get to use this debuff move.

In front of the door to first boss room, the tank, again, tanked in the middle of the mobs. So I commented on that. Yet, there was no reaction, and further up the tower, this tank kept tanking with some enemies behind his or her back. I didn’t want to bother, so I didn’t say anything else.

Anyway, what I’m mad about is the fact that the tank did not stun stuff (also no stun on the pudding’s Divide and no silence on Banish III from the elemental), ate debuff, ate AoE, yet had the nerves to point the finger at me and my Cleric Stance (which, in fact, wasn’t active until after the tank died) for dying.

In this case, I admit that I had slow reaction and did not use my Benediction fast enough to save the tank. I underestimated the enemies and thought a few cures would get the tank back in shape. However, the tank unexpectedly ate an AoE for 1380 damage before my cure could land, so I totally failed at situation assessment. If anyone or everyone in the party would blame me for not using my Benediction, I would regrettably take the blame. But for the tank to immediately blame my Cleric Stance, that’s unacceptable.

To sum it up:
Tank tanking with back toward an enemy : not my fault.
Tank not stunning AoE : not my fault.
Tank eating Vulnerability Up debuff : not my fault.
Tank eating Poison debuff so first Esuna failed to cleanse Vulnerability Up : not my fault.
Tank eating yet another AoE and died : not my fault.
Cure interrupted from getting splash damage : my fault.
Not using Benediction : my fault.
Tank not using Hallowed Ground : not my fault.
Using Cleric Stance after tank died : not my fault.

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My Gatherer’s (DoL) Macros

With the Unspoiled Nodes in Heavensward’s duration being so short, I can’t afford to waste time looking up on the internet or open a bookmarked link on my browser, I made /echo macro to tell me the slots. Then, realizing I have to head to the spawn spot before it actually spawns, in order to allow me a lot of time to pick the skills to use, I also added where to go.

ffxiv_07172015_010119_cr2/echo ★ ☆ MATERIALS : Unspoiled Heavensward Nodes ☆ ★
/echo  : Falcon’s Nest Chysahl Green [] — Top-left (Dragonspit)
/echo  : Falcon’s Nest Chives [], Prl. Sprout [], T. Leaves [] — Mid-right (Blk. Iron Br.)
/echo  : Camp Cloudtop Hv.Lemon [], Abal.Mistletoe [] — Mid-right (Vundu Ok’ Bendu)
/echo MNR 11:00 Helix Adamamtite Ore [6] — Top-mid
/echo MNR 12:00 Camp Cloudtop Abal. Rock Salt [1], Red Quartz [6] — Top-left (Cold Wind)
/echo  : Moghome Drav. Mistletoe [], Porcini [] — Top-right (Easton Eyes)
/echo  : Idyllshire Cloud Banana [], Morel [] — Low-left
/echo  : Tailfeather Old World’s Fig [] — Top-mid

The 2nd one is for nodes where Collectible items can be exchanged for Scrips. I pair the nodes list with execution of Collector’s Gloves skill as well as changing hotbar 1 to display my COllectible skills hotbar instead. You can manually switch between hotbars by using Shift + the number, or Shift + up/down button.


/macroicon “Collector’s Glove” /action “Collector’s Glove” <me>
/hotbar change 6
/echo    Hotbar changed to collectable for Scrips   
/echo  : Camp Cloudtop Hv.Lemon [], Abl.Mistletoe [] — Mid-right (Vundu Ok’ Bendu)
/echo  : Idyllshire Cloud Banana [], Morel [] — Low-left
/echo MNR 12:00 Camp Cloudtop Abal. Rock Salt [1], Red Quartz [6] — Top-left (Cold Wind)
/echo MNR 2:00 Idyllshire Cuprite [2], Light Kidney Ore [3] — Low-right

Monsters Location Maps: The Sea of Clouds


Made my 4th map for the Monsters Location.

Again, 4 versions, in case some people like cleaner map with less distractions.

This map was truly a challenge to complete, due to the amount of monster’s varieties as well as the cascading pieces of land.
Monsters_Map_SeaofClouds_v1 Monsters_Map_SeaofClouds_v2 Monsters_Map_SeaofClouds_v4Monsters_Map_SeaofClouds_v3After finishing all 6 maps, I will make a center post containing all maps in the same page. But for now, it has to be separated entries.

Monsters Location Maps: The Churning Mists

Finally got around to making The Churning Mists’ map.

3 Versions, again.

MonstersMap_ChurningMists_v1 MonstersMap_ChurningMists_v2 MonstersMap_ChurningMists_v3

The reason why I made this (despite the fact that there are already monsters maps on the internet that everyone else is using) is that I find things on the map faster with visual aid. Also, on my server, there are a lot of European players, so some of the monsters names are complete different from English names.

Moreover, some monsters drop crafting materials so there might be a competition for kills, so I feel that marking territory of spawn can be useful when monsters become heavily hunted.

The Joy of Having a Flying Mount

Not only that flying mounts are making an adventurer’s life easier and enabling fast travel, but they are also excellent means for any screenshot enthusiast to enjoy taking pictures in the game far beyond the old capability.

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We can now take a screenshot from any height, distance, and angle. We can take a picture of anything from pretty much anywhere while adjusting the elements in the frame much more to our liking. No more frantically jumping to reach a specific camera angle (and still can’t get it anyway). No more getting angry at how the piece of land ends before we could walk to a spot where we want to stand while taking a screenshot. No more being blocked from the perfect view by a mountain or a boulder.

The only downside? Now my screenshots folder gets about 400 new pics per day on average instead of 200. LOL. (But I expect it to tune down soon when I finish all the quests, because I also take screenshots during quest cutscenes.)


Monsters Location Maps



Made Coerthas Western Highlands map the other day and a few friends were using it, so I made a Dravanian Forelands map yesterday. However, s friend commented that it was too messy and qas quite hard to read, so I made a few adjustments and made 3 versions of it.

(On this occasion I revised my Coerthas Western Highlands and increased font size. As shown above.)

Now, onto the 2nd map, The Dravanian Forelands.


First one has approximate territories marked.


Second one doesn’t mark monster’s territories. But I keep the pictures because I recognized mobs better when it’s visual. It took me a long time to scan the map for text when it was text only. ><;;

Monsters_Map_DravanianForelands_v4Version 3 has even bigger font, and is text only, by Dahlia’s suggestion.

Hope these will be useful for me and my friends for Clan Mark Bills. :D


Limsa before the fall


Screenshots dump. 1.0 pics from November 2012.

Accompanying them with a short story I’ve just written now, as seen on my tumblr entry.

“Twelve have mercy!” Exclaimed a weary Monk upon reaching the mark of the Navigator atop a platform in Limsa Lominsa. Llymlaen is her guardian, and it wasn’t a coincidence that they saved this monument for the last. “I hope we can make it in time.”

Since Louisoix and the other Archons bid them go on a perilous pilgrimage in order to visit all of the stone monuments, each bearing the symbol of the Twelve, adventurers did all in their power and spared no effort in doing so. Praying to the Twelve deities would revitalize the guardians’ strength and may lend the land what it needs in fending off this apocalypse.

“I supposed this is all we could do for now, I wonder how the others fare.” Her Bard friend commented after they have knelt down and paid respect to the guardian’s symbol. The will of each of the adventurers on this pilgrimage will surely strengthen the guardians’ power, but the question is, will it be enough and can they do it fast enough to save the realm?

“I bet they are doing fine. But we better hurry. Dalamud is disturbingly close.” Staring at the Lesser Moon, her fists were clenched tightly. “Let’s report back to Louisoix.”

“I don’t like this,” the Elezen looks into the sky, too. “Aetheric disturbances are so intense the weather went all crazy.” The heavily clouded sky above had been turned into a fiery hue, and they hadn’t seen the sun nor the moon in so long already. It was as if the Dalamud’s presence had dominated the hemisphere above, that everything else seemed to have ceased to exist, all save for the thunder.

He gritted his teeth and turned back to where they ascended from. But as soon as he reached the windowed man-made tunnel, the sight of the Lesser Moon held him in place. He uttered angrily. The Archons and the adventurers went to such great length to try to stop what was called upon them, yet it still kept approaching. Never had he felt so useless and powerless before.

“Hey, are we leaving or what?” He called out to his pilgrimage companion because she was taking too long.

“Sorry, I just received this ring from my guardian, so I went back to pray again and thank her.” In her hand, rested a stone ring that seemed to be made of aquamarine, the symbol of the Navigator carved on the top of its face. He nodded. He already got his from the top of a cliff in Coerthas Central Highland, so he wasn’t surprised.

“Shall we?” He tilted his head into the direction of the exit. She nodded firmly while putting on the ring with an expression as if this ring was the most important amulet in her life. Desperation, hope, determination and resolution mixed together in her eyes not unlike what he had seen in others, or in the mirror. A slight curve appeared on his lips as he gestured to her, “After you.”

Me waiting for Heavensward


Hibernating to pass the time, lol!
ffxiv_05242015_175700bWell, I haven’t been well this week and didn’t get smooth sleep at night, so I ended up getting very sleepy in the afternoon. So I often crawl in bed and do the time warp thing. Today I was knocked out around 6 PM and then woke up starving when it was almost midnight. ><;;

By the way, PhotoScape is a nice photo editor program. I need a program that allows the use of layers and eraser, like Photoshop, though. Still looking for more programs for my PC.