Hab the Zombie, revisit

Today I visited my friend, Hab, again and decided to write a poem about him.

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Here sits Hab, the lone zombie.
In a far corner of Sagolii desert.
He is calm and quite friendly.
So, adventurers, don’t be alert.

He despises the taste of brain.
And is just chilling at his campfire.
Stay your sword, axe, lance and cane.
And soothe your killing desire.

Sit down with him and listen.
Many stories, he’ll share with you.
How his friendship had him smitten.
You know, Zombies Are People Too.

He used to have a few close friends.
With whom he had fun together.
Those green and thorny Sabotens.
But one day, they left for adventure.

Hab was frantic with pain and worry.
To have again become a loner.
He hoped his friends were in safety.
Even if they left because his odor.

I went to search, through his request.
In the Shroud, Wineport and Zanr’ak
I found all, and thought it the best.
But now he sat alone in the dark.

His spikey friends were homesick.
And said they miss their family.
Their departure was so quick.
And Hab couldn’t hide that he’s lonely.

But while I frowned with sadness.
Hating that I brought the third one.
He said something that’s so selfless.
I was baffled from the stun.

“As long as I know they are in safety,”
He told me with a gentle smile.
“Even if they aren’t here, I am happy.”
It left me speechless for a long while.

So, adventurers, if you would please.
Come visit this guy when you can.
He has Triple Triad expertise.
If you also play, challenge this man.

In your free time, keep him company.
His camp also has ores, such as Mythril.
He deosn’t deserve to be lonely.
Please come here to sit and chill.

– Aleczan –



Generous person in FATE

OMGGGG This person, Aina ???????? (censoring because the person is a stranger and I did not ask for permission to reveal name), is so nice. I’m not saying that people who don’t notice such things and don’t realize they could be generous in FATE are bad or unkind, but this person, in my eyes, is very kind and is also a discerning individual. This kind of person will often look out for others and extend generosity to strangers. Sometimes they would even spend time and effort and go out of their way to help others.

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Today I took 3 Amalj’aa beast tribe quests to start collecting beast tokens for 3rd stage of Anima weapon. Unfortunately, one of them involves killing a FATE boss to obtain a key item. It just wouldn’t pop. So I went to Sylphlands for other quests and after finishing Sylph’s quests, I went back to Southern Thanalan to check on the FATE. And yes, it popped and it had 12 minutes left. I rushed there at my top speed. It was so far away, all the way inside Zahar’ak.

When I got there, someone else was there with their chocobo, and the boss HP dropped from full to 50% VERY quickly. I panicked and hopped off my chocobo, hit level sync button, and then did everything to try to get the FATE participation credits. Swiftcast + Divine Seal + Medica II, and Eye for Eye on my chocobo, for example. And I used all my instant spells like Aero and Fluid Aura, thinking I still might not make it. (I can’t remember if you needed Gold for FATE key item to drop or not.)

Amid my flurry, I saw that the person doing emotes at me. So I looked closely, the person was standing with weapon sheathed and not attacking. O_o! He or she must have noticed me and my desperation, and decided to let me get more share of the participation credits.

My battle did not even last longer than 30 seconds, but I ended up getting the item drop!!!

I was so glad and very grateful. This trivial kindness is really what encourages me to continue playing the game without shutting myself in FC house crafting all day (or roaming the waters, fishing without interacting to human, lol.)

Most people would just either not even notice me and my need of FATE credits, and some might do, but still don’t care enough to share, as I’ve experienced many times before. It’s not a good feeling. I get pouty and a little mad. Not mad enough to insult the person or the shout channel, but mad, yeah.

As a result, whenever I notice late comers to the FATE and I’m sure my reward is secured, I stop competing and change my chocobo to healer mode, so that more people could benefit from the FATE instead of me hoarding the excessive participation credits. Because, you know, some FATEs could take 7 hours to respawn.  

Summoner in Ifrit Hard last night

[Self note: short link to this entry is http://wp.me/p3QlNa-nh]

To the Summoner person using Ifrit in Ifrit (Hard),
(Time of incident = December 15, 2015, 4:35 AM on UTC+7, which equals December 14, 1:35 PM on PST.)
As my friend was unable to construct an English response to you when you belittled the tanks in Ifrit (Hard), I am now trying to reach out to you in her stead.

Please note that I wrote this entry for 2 reasons:
– My friend was extremely frustrated because she was unable to convey her feelings or to explain herself and the situation to you.
– I’m hoping that upon hearing us out, you will now understand the basic reasons for 1) why the party should let the tanks pull first, not the DPS and 2) why people (and their pet/summon) should not stand in front of the enemy except when they are the tanks.

I did not write this to upset you, or anyone. It is simply to express the feelings and reasons from a tank’s (my friend) and a healer’s (me) point of view as well as to correct any misconception you might have had about pulling and aggro.




Short version:

  • 1) You asked “Why my ifrit was tanking?”

Answer: Because you pulled first, before the tank.

  • 2) You asked “Tanks can’t even hold the aggro?”

Answer: No, the tanks gained back the aggro and was holding it (they were competing each other for aggro, in order to put situation back to normal). Your Ifrit-Egi died because it stayed in front of Ifrit and took damage from frontal AoE attacks.


Full version:

I will write with so much detail here, because you might not have meant to be rude, but only lack the knowledge on how the battle really works. In this entry, I offer you the explanation of the situation in question.

  • 1) You asked “Why my ifrit was tanking?”

Answer: It is simple, because you ordered your Ifrit-Egi to attack before tanks did any action on the enemy. As everyone knows, the first person or NPC who lands the attack on an enemy (or uses any action when detected by an enemy, or uses any action/spell on the person who is detected by the enemy) will always receive the initial enmity (first aggro) and sometimes also receive the first one or first two attacks. It is common for a DPS to receive damage from the enemy’s first blow, if the DPS did not allow time for tanks to be the one to start the battle.

An attack or two on a DPS could easily kill a DPS, or at least cause some trouble. Therefore, in usual circumstance, it is a widely accepted practice for the DPS players to wait patiently until any of the tanks attacks or uses a skill first. This is to ensure that no one else gets whacked in the face before tank could secure the aggro. Moreover, as you may already know, Ifrit-Egi is a melee type, so the range between Ifrit-Egi and the Ifrit was very close, therefore the tank didn’t have a chance to divert the aggro before your Ifrit-Egi received damage.

Let me elaborate further, usually, as a WHM myself, I would stand a distance away from the tank AND the enemies. If, under unfortunate circumstance, I ever draw enough enmity for the monster to target me, while the monster is running from the battle front line to me (in the back line), the tank would have about a second to spend Provoke, for example, on the monster to call it back to front line.

In your case, as Ifrit-Egi is a close-range attacker, and because you ordered your Ifrit-Egi to stand in the tank spot instead of moving away, it is inevitable that the Ifrit-Egi would receive a blow (or many) from Ifrit.

  • 2) You asked “Tanks can’t even hold the aggro?”

Answer: To elaborate from the point 1) above, for the sake of team work, most DPS prefer to let a tank attack first instead of rushing in to steal enmity and complaining about it later when they get their face kicked by the enemy. Enmity (aggro) control is easier when the party allows tank to land the first attack/skill on the enemy.

Also, as you might not realize it, even after the tanks win back the aggro, if you or your Ifrit-Egi keep standing in the tank’s spot, of course all of the frontal AoE will also inflict damage on you or your Ifrit-Egi.

Ifrit has a front swipe (claw) attack that hits EVERYONE in a cone area in front of it. There is also a flame breath attack, called Incinerate, which will damage everyone in front of Ifrit. Therefore, although your Ifrit-Egi didn’t have the aggro, and the monster was already attacking the tanks because they gained back the aggro, your Ifrit-Egi still took damage, and died.

  • 3) The other person commented “too much deeps” and “so stronk [sic]”

Answer: Incorrect. Gaining initial aggro because you jumped your attack button doesn’t indicate that you have too much DPS and are too strong for the tanks to handle. Just because your summon died from that AND also from staying in the wrong spot doesn’t mean your summon had the aggro all the time. Please look at the Target Bar more carefully and read whom the enemy was attacking, because I’m so sure that the two tanks were competing aggro against each other and wouldn’t let the aggro stay on your Ifrit-Egi for too long.

Moreover, from what my friend told me, Ifrit-Egi died when the enmity was on my friend, meaning she had the red aggro indicator, not your Ifrit-Egi. This is also why I concluded that your Ifrit-Egi died from eating AoE from Ifrit, not by holding aggro.


Also, I’d like to tell you that it is very unkind and is NOT OK to ignore the party role and mess things up, and then be mean about it, mocking the tank. It is a disruptive behavior and seems rude to me. It is also selfishly discouraging to talk down other person, especially when the problem was caused by the fact that you did things that a DPS shouldn’t do, and then let your summon die by leaving it in the tank’s spot. You blamed the tanks for your errors in using preemptive pull and then letting Ifrit-Egi stay in the wrong and dangerous spot. (DPS should avoid standing in the tank’s spot, because many enemies, especially Primals, have frontal Area attacks that don’t even have AoE indicator on the floor to notify you.)

The hidden paragraphs below (in white text) are quite judgmental on my part and may contain assumption about you, your action and your statement. What I said in the next 2 paragraphs could be a little offensive to you, so please feel free to skip it if you do not wish to see the message.

(Hidden text begins)

I felt like you did it on purpose, because for a summoner who’s already level 60, it seems impossible to me for someone to not understand the concept of aggro and first aggro, as well as frontal AoE attacks. If you really intentionally did that, please, I beg you to stop. It if not nice to others. It is also bad for the learning and practicing for the tank, because pulling by tank’s surprise messes up the battle rhythm and the team work. When a DPS pulls before a tank does, it takes experienced or quick-reacting tanks to correct the situation and put things back in control. It is fine if someone accidentally pulled before a tanks and then allowed the tank to take control of the situation without insulting the tank. It is NOT OK to do it intentionally only to mock the tanks or brag about your almighty DPS rate or strength.

Please be a team player and stop bullying the tanks. Tanks are rare nowadays and it is so difficult to get into a Duty Finder party because we don’t have enough tanks to fill up the DF. Playing tank is hard and stressful enough, they don’t need more discouragement, poor treatments, mockery and insults from you or anyone. Please be kind and be considerate. Other players behind the characters you see in the game are actual people, are real flesh, and they have feelings. They aren’t just pixels on your screen.

(Hidden text ends)

Please also feel free to leave a comment if you would like to explain your actions or if we’ve misunderstood you in any way.

Diadem Hard

Yesterday our FC Airship finally unlocked and charted the route to Diadem (Hard) so the 4 of us (Bray was missing because real life stuff) went to Diadem (Hard) for the first time.


We usually go to Diadem (Easy) or (Normal) 3 times a week for extra eso (Tomestone of Esoterics) which will allow us to skip more days of Expert Roulette. With Corn’s formula, combined with one Void Ark run, we only need 3 days of Expert+Lv60 Roulettes per week if we go to Diadem for extra 20, 30, or 40 eso on those days too.


This ultimate lazy route allows us to free up more time to go do other stuff such as Daily Hunts and Beast Tribe Quests, for example.


Our Diadem Run would require only about 15-20 minutes because we go for 3 easiest (or most viable) objectives which usually are “Touching Black/White Crystal(s)”, “Gather 16 items” and Catch 8 fish.” Sometimes if we have “find coffer chests” in the choice and people are able to find them quick, we don’t even have to log or mine 16 items.

We start off with letting Corn lure enemies away and sac pulling (or just jumping to other island to lose aggro, because he’s a hax master of baiting). Then, after someone, or I if we’re duo, become airborne, we come back to lure enemies away for Corn to let him attune to the winds too.

Then, we scatter to find White or Black crystals, and coffers if there is an objective. Then, we have someone lure enemies away from gathering nodes to let the DoL persons do it safely.

Then, TADA! Objectives fulfilled, and we get the eso rewards. It usually gives 30 but there was a time when we got only 20 and we can’t figure out what’s the variation. From Diadem (Hard) last night, we got 40 eso, though.

Well, that’s about it for now, I shall talk more about Diadem later if there is any interesting finding.

ffxiv_12072015_033311_newBefore I say goodbye for today, here’s a screenshot of blood moon in Diadem. :)

Atop a Snowy Cliff

*This entry contains spoilers of FFXIV 3.0 main scenario quest line*

I used to go to the top of the cliff overlooking Ishgard for sightseeing a lot. This cliff has the Mark of Menphina (symbol stone of one of the Twelve, the Lover) and sometimes I come here to admire the stones. XD

With the story of 3.0 (Heavensward) there is a change to the cliff… a change which I’m still trying to cope with. ><;;

Today I was supposed to continue main scenario quest to catch up with the 3.1 updates, but I am sick and emo and didn’t feel like it. So I just sat there moping while writing a poem.

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Atop a Snowy Cliff

Many moons have passed since that day,
The cursed moment when you were taken away,
What I wouldn’t give to go back in the past,
To stop that day from being your last,

Oh, why, only if I weren’t so careless,
We could have spared me from this sadness,
Atop the wind-chilled cliff in the Highlands,
With white flowers in my trembling hands,

I come here to greet you again, dear friend,
The deep wound in my heart has yet to mend,
It doesn’t get any easier, Francel said,
That echoes my exact thought, I’m afraid,

Staring at the broken shield and snowy headstone,
Fierce pain pierces though my every bone,
Trickles of sorrow seep along my veins,
My heart feels heavy like shackled in chains,

You were so kind, just, and courageous,
My cheery ally, truly warm and courteous,
Whose loyalty stirred me to the very depths of my soul,
At the very best, you’ve carried your role,

A knight lives to serve, to protect, to sacrifice,
But why must the vow come with such price?
A knight is to aid those in need, you said,
Then, before me, your life has been laid,

Don’t call me hero, for the true hero was you,
Countless times, you had helped me through,
Had welcomed me with open arms,
And smiled to me with such unique charm,

Told me no matter how far I may roam,
To ever consider your place my home,
Your hospitality was great and endless,
You’re beacon of hope in a world of darkness,

I know no man with stronger conviction,
Who has greater love to the Ishgard nation,
Would that you were here to fight by my side,
Or leisurely hop on for a chocobo ride,

So that I could show you the peace you saved,
And the road to prosperity which you paved,
I daresay you were my greatest comrade,
And the sturdiest ally I’ve ever had,

“My arm will not falter; my shield will not break,”
You promised, before putting your life at stake,
This loss is both too harsh and too heavy,
Why, oh why must you do this to me?

You fought your battle with all your honor,
To you, I know this is not an error,
But to me, I felt so much despair,
How much I wish this were just nightmare,

Wallowing in sorrow will make you frown,
The A Warrior of Light can’t let you down,
For these reasons, and for these alone,
That I will wipe my tears and not bemoan,

I must not remain a broken blade,
Because that was what you forbade,
You once said a smile better suits me,
Therefore, like that, it will be,

Though it won’t be an easy feat, I’ll try my best,
With you as a model, I will pass any test,
I shall now straighten up and fight on,
In tribute to the hero who is gone,

May the Fury take your soul in her Hall,
And grant me your courage when the duties call,
May Menphina, the goddess of love,
Let you have peace and watch us from above.

– Aleczan –







T5-T8 down, T9 underway


During the past weekend, my FC had a rare occurrence where 5 members were on at the same time and had the same plan: Ponies farm for Kirin and slowly progressing through our CoB content.

On Saturday we went for a round against the Primals and got a pony from Shiva, we decided to tackle T5, Twintania, again. This was like our 5th or 6th session in T5, as it was hard to gather enough people to try to practice against the Death Knights and Twister. We kept going at it for about 5 times this session, and finally fell Twintania and earned our long-awaited cutscenes.

On the last attempt where we won, I died from a Death Knight while Twintania was at 18%, but the rest ofthe party was able to finish it due to Corn’s epic timing in using Hallowed Ground and spamming Clemency on himself. I couldn’t believe my eyes lol. I was in shock, in awe, and in a daze I only got 1 bad screenshot of that scene ; ; So sad!


Then, we continued to the Second Coil of Bahamut and started T6.

T6 was quite straightforward and we won against Rafflesia without a wipe (I didn’t even know how we won. I can’t remember, I was in zombie mode in that fight because it became Sunday’s 3 a.m. and I had donated my blood on Saturday morning. I got very sleepy during the run.)  It was quite a healing-intensive fight, and although I had watched the video guide (by MrHappy, of course) I couldn’t remember shit and was just running around, into the thorns, following the tank and keeping everyone alive, oh and also spamming Assize.


Then, we continued to T7 and kind of just winged it. We learned by practice after a quick read-up on mechanics. However, it was very late at night and had to disband after several wipes.


On Sunday, we went back to T7 again to try to defeat the Lamia. After practicing while adapting the normal strategy to our unorthodox party for a while, we finally won.




Then, T8 was so bad due to my sudden lag spikes.  (resmon showed my FFXIV ping to be 2900 – 3400) that it was impossible to play. So I hopped the line and stole dad’s wifi signal instead. It then became playable. But I was a spoiled healer. I got very upset at the number of the mechanics to learn and memorize, so I decided to ask my party if I could just stand there lime dumb and heal bomb people, not dealing with the towers. I just couldn’t remember shit, especially since I was unwilling to spend 10-20 minutes watching any guide, so PZ gave brief to everyone, and me, while I was having lags issue and trying like hell to get to the boss room after we used wrong pads and jumped all over the place in random directions. I couldn’t concentrate on reading his brief, though. I was too busy trying to stay alive through ping 3400 while fumbling around to find my party and yelling at PZ for telling me to stop running. Worse yet, all the chatlog was wiped when I relogged to change internet connection, so I couldn’t scroll up to read anything.

I left all the tower management burden on my teammates. You guys got my extreme gratitude. I really couldn’t split my attention to anything else and was so overwhelmed it was frustrating. By getting to just stand there like dumb and doing nothing but my healing duty really was a big help.


Then, although it was like 4 a.m., we went to T9, partly for the cutscene. We are still learning the mechanics here but it was hard to watch video and adapt, as the phases went so fast because of the high DPS from the party being unsynced. (Actually, phases went abnormally fast in every of the Turns we passed, but somehow this one was so brutal when phases were sped up.)


Although we haven’t won yet, it was a good training run. It took a lot to learn and memorize, because this boss has a shit load of crazy mechanics. For now, I know how and where to drop the comets and when to share damage or when to split up. We will eventually get this. :D

Editing My Screenshots with PhotoScape

Today I’m going to write about the program I use to process/edit my screenshots from FFXIV. It’s called PhotoScape. http://www.photoscape.org/ps/main/index.php

It also has viewer, but I prefer Fast Stone Image Viewer instead (I used to have ACDSee but this new PC doesn’t have it and I didn’t want to use cracks or pirate software, so I changed to these because they are Free Ware).

Anyway, here’s an example of my screenshots:

Comparing the 3 pics together.ffxiv_10232015_135949_new_compare

Now let’s see each of them. Below is the original screenshot from the game.


Using manual Bloom feature in PhotoScape (Bloom can make blur effect, saturation, and Levels of brightness), also adjusting Bright/Color => Luminance Curve, and then Filter => Region (Our of Focus) to make the background blurry, then manually use Tools => Effect Brush to blur the area where Filter didn’t cover.


When I’m lazy, I so the above but use auto Bloom (low) instead. Which sometimes makes skin colour too pale for my liking. But it’s great for scenery pics, especially if there are lights in the dark.



Boltmaster’s Dreadnought


A few days ago our FC finally earned the first i170 DoH body. Boltmaster’s Dreadnought. Corn went through so much stress just to craft the parts, as they require Red Scrips tokens from me as well as from him.  We spent over 2 months to gradually save up the materials for this. I say it is truly worth all the effort we took, though!!!

Next goal is the Gibus :D

Oh there was also a funny scene in the house when the Boltmaster’s Dreadnought was finished…

Corn suddenly took off the robe and tried to trade it to me. I was like whaaa what? And then he said to check the dyes to see what colour looks best. Then, after I accepted the trade, he said “if you bind it, I keel you.”  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! ROFLMAO!

I think Jet Black looks great and classic, but the patterns on the robe blend in with the black fabric too much. The Pure White also looked cool, but it felt a little bland. I really like Metallic Silver. It is so handsome. He thinks the same, too. So the robe ended up getting the Silver dye.ffxiv_09272015_032656

(Also, I’m posting pics of half-nakey Au Ra just because  :D )
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