Don’t fight on top of a gatherer

What the title says, be considerate to gatherers, please.

Seriously, there were too many instances where people brought enemies to fight on top of me while I was fishing, mining, or logging.

One time in Mor Dhona, someone aggroed a Gigas and brought it onto a group of Botanists who were trying to get some Clusters. Of course the AoE not only canceled the Stealth effect, but also kicked them (and me!) out of gathering menu. These Unspoiled gathering spots cannot be resumed after action gathering gets canceled, because they disappear once disengaged.

I don’t know if there had been any fix to gathering getting canceled, because my Botanist and Miner haven’t been eating other people’s enemy’s AoE since. But just a few days ago, I rushed to help with a Raise shout from a Botanist at Proud Creek in North Shroud, the person said someone brought a Dullahan to the tree (highly like accidentally) and its AoE killed him/her.

Yesterday I was mad, but luckily I escaped alive and didn’t have to be even more mad. I was trying to fish this elusive Titanic Sawfish which needs clear or fair weather, daytime 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. approx., and also double mooch. I was on stealth. Then, there came a BLM who seemed to struggle to find a safe spot to fight and not get swarmed, and thus coindicentally brought a Vanguard near me. I was fishing and staring at the Vanguard, so when it readied its AoE attack, with hazard zone (or crisis zone, I can’t remember what it’s called) missing me by a hairsplit, I said in /say “eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” and the person moved it away from me immediately.

That wasn’t what got me mad.

After that, the weather wasn’t suitable, so I just parked myself there with Stealth on while I did other stuffs, checking back periodically to see the game-time and weather. Then there came another person. I was reading work e-mail and writing a very long reply so I didn’t pay attention to the game. I heard fighting and assumed that it had nothing to do with me. I continued typing my e-mail until the battle sound somehow caught my attention.

I checked FFXIV window and found that I was being attacked by an enemy. I ran around in frantic, trying to shake him off me, aggroing some more enemies in the process. I think I ran around the area 3 times until I managed to shake all the enemies off, and returned to Stealth mode.


It was ugly, because one cannot change job while under attack, so I had no way to fend for myself as a fisher. I thought I canceled my own Stealth while I moved and forgot to put it back on, but I checked battle log and found out that THIS person’s Vanguard did some damage to me, canceling my Stealth effect. Then, unaware if this, I kept standing there until another enemy found me.

Alright, there was a hell lot of space along the edge of the cliff to bring your enemy to without getting swarmed, yet the person had to drag it on top of me (yeah I saw the person standing right next to me when I found out I was under attack). Come on! Well, that wasn’t really what made me mad, as it could be honest mistake. But the person never said anything. No oops, no sorry, and no trying to help AT ALL while I was struggling to lose aggro. I must say I was pretty miffed.

When I bring my enemy’s AoE onto someone else, I always said sorry. Even in the heat of a battle, yes. I don’t expect people to always look out for other players, although that’s a nice thing to do, but at least when someone causes inconvenient or damage to others, they should apologize or try to help ease the damage. Not, like, leaving them to their own fate (an ugly fate induced by you, by the way.)

Moreover, even with Stealth on, I wasn’t totally invisible. You only need to look a bit harder to see the gatherer when they’re on Stealth. You have to be blind or completely ignorant to not see them. It is more than inconsiderate to bring enemy (or enemies) to fight on top of a gatherer. Seriously, they can’t fend for themselves at all. (I really miss the pebble stun that we had in 1.0! What was it? Stone Throw?)

By the way, now I moved to another spot where I don’t need Stealth. No enemy would wander my way, unless someone brings it. I can fish without Stealth, so now even people who’s less observant won’t overlook me and won’t accidentally bring an enemy on top of me again.


Confusing Ifrit Run (Hard)

On 19 Jan, there was an Ifrit run that stumped me until today. I don’t know what I did wrong, but people yelled at me and 3 of them left the duty immediately after wipe.


I have been feeling unwilling to play healer for the past 2 weeks, so I played on my Monk to relax instead. (Although I went to Guildhest and Roulette 16+ as SCH at least once a day so I won’t rust.) Then I saw I could do some Ifrit to practice my dodge skill. I know Ifrit fight very well from 1.0. It changed only a little. And I did Ifrit for a few times that day.

Then, this particular run, tank asked me whats up after telling me to get the nails. You know, at first sight of the nails, I always speed to the furthest nail in the back using Shoulder Tackle to avoid getting hit by Vulcan Burst. And I usually kill that nail or punch it while watching BLM using Limit Break on all the nails, before moving to the next ones.

It had always been like that; a DPS mage would use LB, trying to get all nails to speed up the nail kills. Previous runs, I happened to be in this tank’s party for at least 2 rounds before, so I expect him to know that I was doing it correctly, because no one yelled at me in previous runs and it worked well, we all survived Hellfire. But suddenly this run he yelled at me and left the duty TAT Along with 2 other people which were BLM and WHM.

I’m also very confused about what the BLM said, “no kick = no lb” because I was kicking and punching the nails as hard as I could. I even took care to execute combo from correct sides (flank and rear) to maximize damage output. I even used Internal Release and Blood for Blood to boost it. Yet the BLM said no kick = no lb. What? Why? Was it because the LB bars weren’t filled? I just don’t get it. ><;;


Judging from the tank’s question to me (“get the nails……” and “whats up monk…………….” And there was only 1 monk in the party) maybe people had lags and saw me standing still? I suspect that this might be the case because as a healer, I used to see a tank and an archer standing still at a treasure chest in Copperbell Mines, when in reality, they were ahead in the dungeon and fighting new group of enemies and were dying because I did not join (I was staring at their “shadows” like dumb, wondering why they wouldn’t move.)

I swear it wasn’t me who had lag or was frozen due to connection problem. Because usually when I have bad lags, I won’t be able to continue my combo. My side of the game won’t recognize that I had used an attack and changed my form, so it won’t let me continue the combo chain. The chat log won’t show my damage, and there will be no damage numbers on my screen. And then I would either see fast forward vision until I catch up with real time frame, or be kicked from the server. Of course neither of those happened in that run. And maybe the 3 members left because of the connection problem. I have no idea. I just hope so. It’s sad to think that they left after 1 wipe because of me, because of the mistake I didn’t even commit.

By the way, as I hate to be misunderstood as a lousy player (monk not attacking nails is lousy, yeah) if any of my readers know those people (especially Der Henker, the tank that left or got disconnected and the BLM Tamakkia Yokai’hime that said I didn’t kick ><;;) please let them know the true story. I even saved some chatlog screenhots that show me attacking the nails during that run. TAT

Ifrit_Nails01 Ifrit_Nails02 Ifrit_Nails03 Ifrit_Nails04 Ifrit_Nails05 Ifrit_Nails06 Ifrit_Nails07

Zombies Are People Too

 *Spoiler Warning: This entry will talk about the quest “Zombies Are People Too” (lv 47) in Southern Thanalan with details and screenshots.*

Hello Hab, good to see you again!

A few months ago, I used to write about Hab, an odd zombie. Today I went to mine some Mythril Ore in his camp area, so I stopped by to say hello. Back in November, I finally was given a quest of level 47, called “Zombies Are People Too” and finished it, then was rewarded with a Saboten minion. ^^

*Spoiler Warning: This entry will talk about the quest “Zombies Are People Too” (lv 47) in Southern Thanalan with details and screenshots.*

Today I dug up my old screenshots and wanted to write more about him. The quest was cute, in a way, and sad at the same time. First, he told me that his friends disappeared, and asked me to find his friends for him or at least check if they were safe. After a lot of teleporting and walking, I managed to find all 3 of his friends. When I found the first 2 (one by one), they would return and reunite with Hab.

Searching for Hab's friend.

Hab seemed genuinely concerned about his friends and at one point expressed his worry that it might have been his body odor that drove a friend away (LOL!!!!) and when 2 of the friends returned, he was very happy. I thought this quest would end in a joyous reunion.

Hab and his buddies.

No, that’s not it, after I found the 3rd friend, all of the 3 left because they became homesick! So now Hab was alone again. I thought to myself, why? What had I done? If I never found the 3rd friend, the other 2 would still be with Hab and he wouldn’t be lonely. But Hab thinks otherwise. He was happy just to know that his friends are safe and are somewhere in this vast, lonely world. He then sat down on his crate chair and contemplated upon the world in his lonesome manner again.

The Quest reward from Hab.

His selflessness chokes me. I got teary. Why? He deserves some happiness. Why must he be lonely? This poor thing who is harmless and so nice should actually be happier. I really, really wish SE would make more quests that will lead to his happy ending, either by reuniting him with his friends or giving him a new friend or new activity that keeps him from loneliness.

Oh dear almighty fat chubby chocobo god in the sky, please bless this poor soul and grant him some happiness. I beg of you! /salute  /bow /kneel

Also, please like or comment on my thread ( if you agree. I am hoping that if it gets enough like or enough comments, it will catch attention from the developer team and make my wish come true.

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

*This entry talks about Monk’s Job Quests line in general, and then talks a little bit about the fight in final quest. It could be a mild spoiler. Screenshot and text contain a part of NPC dialogue from MNK quets lv 50, Five Easy Pieces.*

After a long time of slowpoking and dawdling around, today I got off my lazy bum and finally ran these legs to finish all Monk’s Job Quests. I must say, I never liked Professor Erik, at all, until the last cutscene. He is so full of himself and he looks down on those whom he deems unintelligent. He often talks down to me and disregards other people’s opinion, as you could expect from a typical extremist brainy-type NPC.

I don’t know if it’s just me and my imagination, or is his speech is even more offensive than in 1.0! Sometimes I really had an urge to drive my Monk’s punch against his scholarly face.

However, in the last cutscene of the whole quest line, he spoke one statement, that I consider a gem of wisdom.


Erik: With great power comes great responsibility. To seize the former and deny the latter is to beget despair.


So much true in it.

Anyway, having learned my tough lesson from praying at a destination in a WHM Job Quest, I didn’t forget to bring all of my Monk’s Artifact armor along when I started this quest and the one at level 45. So I safely finished AF quest for Monk without getting any duplicate piece to torment me and my inventory!

By the way, “Five Easy Pieces” my arse! ><;; It was tough, although not as tough as in 1.0 where you would require a help from some friends as a party. I had to run around a lot to let my Second Wind cool down while I picked them off one at a time. Couldn’t straight tank against them until only main boss was left. And boy, you have to be quick and dodge clear from the crisis zone, not looking back to punch him or stopping too close to the zone, or his WS still hits you anyway! And it hurts!



RMT Tell

It is the first day of official launch (not including early access) and I received a /tell from RMT (gil seller) already!?!? Just WTF!? I’m pretty pissed off at this. Just GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! //furious Go the fuck away from MY game, you bastard! RMT should burn in the seven hells.


Anyway, I mentioned it to a friend and he said “lol counter offer them.” So I replied like in the screenshot, reported the character to help desk, and could laugh at the matter a bit and got less mad. Now I’ll just ignore the bastard and enjoy my questing!!! It doesn’t worth it to hurt my own mental health fuming at such shit I can’t control.


NPC Humor

As I’ve mentioned in an entry about a quote from Admiral Merlwyb, this time during Beta Test Phase 4, while I was speeding through quests and spamming my right click through conversations, I have saved game text to read later. This time I copied most of the text from NPC dialog during quests in Ul’dah and made a file available on my iPad. Then, when I had to accompany my grandma to see her dentist, I brought the file with me and read it while waiting for her. The nurses would peek at me a few times, as there I sat, kept giggling every two or three minutes. I just couldn’t help. I had to laugh. Some of the quests were funny in the dialog itself. Some, however, were funny when I recall the NPC’s actions during the quest.

ก็อย่างที่เคยเปรย ๆ ไว้ในหัวข้อที่เขียนเกี่ยวกับคำพูดจากผู้พันเมิร์ลวิบ หนนี้ตอนเล่นเบต้า 4 ระหว่างที่รีบปั่นเควสต์และรัวคลิกขวาเพื่อกด ๆ ข้ามบทสนทนา เราก็เก็บเฉพาะตัวหนังสือเอาไว้อ่านทีหลัง คราวนี้เราเลยมีข้อความจากเควสต์ในอุลดาห์ยาวเหยียด เซฟไว้เป็นไฟล์ให้เปิดในไอแพดได้ พอถึงวันที่ต้องไปหาหมอฟันเป็นเพื่อนคุณย่า ก็เอาไปนั่งอ่านด้วยระหว่างที่รอคุณย่าทำฟัน ระหว่างที่อ่าน พยาบาลก็แอบเหลือบมองเป็นครั้งคราว เพราะเรานั่งหัวโด่อยู่ตรงนั้น อ่านอะไรในไอแพดแล้วก็หัวเราะคิก ๆ คัก ๆ ทุกสองหรือสามนาที แหม ก็มันอดไม่ได้นี่ ต้องหัวเราะ บางเควสต์ก็ตลกเพราะบทสนทนา แต่บางเควสต์มันขำตรงที่เราจำได้และนึกภาพว่าตัวละครทำอะไรในระหว่างเควสต์นั้นบ้าง 

Some day, when I’m not lazy, I will put NPC dialog from quest in my blog and translate them to Thai so that some of my Thai friends who aren’t fluent enough to enjoy hidden humor in the quest (or simply too exhausted to try to understand it) can read them in Thai and have a good laugh too. ^^

ไว้ว่าง ๆ วันไหนไม่ขี้เกียจเราจะเอาบทพูดของตัวละครในเกมมาแปะในบล็อก แล้วแปลเป็นภาษาไทย เพื่อที่เพื่อน ๆ บางคนที่อ่านภาษาอังกฤษไม่แตกฉานถึงระดับที่จะเข้าใจมุกตลกที่ซุกซ่อนอยู่ (หรือเหนื่อยเกินกว่าที่จะพยายามอ่านให้แตก) จะได้อ่านภาษาไทยและขำไปพร้อม ๆ กับเราได้ ^^

Today, while I was rummaging through several of my screenshots folders for a dialog from a specific quest, namely “A Luxury Long Lost,” to no avail, I found this one that made me laugh in the beginning of Ul’dah’s story.

วันนี้ขณะที่เราพยายามพลิกแผ่นดินคุ้ยแฟ้มภาพในเกมจากในเครื่อง เพื่อหาภาพบทพูดจากเควสต์หนึ่งในอุลดาห์ ชื่อเควสต์ “A Luxury Long Lost” แต่ไม่บังเกิดผลใด ๆ เราก็ปะเข้ากับอีกเควสต์หนึ่งซึ่งทำให้เราหัวเราเมื่อนานมาแล้วตอนสมัยเพิ่งเริ่มเล่น Phase 3 ใหม่ ๆ

AetheryteCopyright (C) 2010 – 2013 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.

***The Screenshot and paragraphs below may contain story spoiler, especially if you never started in Ul’dah before.***
***รูปภาพและคำบรรยายย่อหน้าด้านล่างนี้ อาจเป็นการสปอยล์เนื้อเรื่อง โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งถ้าคุณไม่เคยเริ่มเล่นจากเมืองอุลดาห์มาก่อน***

It was from Phase 3, when we were instructed to attune to the Aetheryte for the first time inside the city. NPC shows up to explain the use of Aetheryte, and then we would normally just listen to (or read) the tutorial, and then move along to the next quest. But this NPC in Ul’dah has more humor than that. She started her lecture by asking me to pay 100k gil as a fee for using the Aetheryte!!

มันเป็นตอนที่เราถูกใช้ให้ไปแตะเสาคริสตัล (อ่านไม่ออก แอธีไรท์ มั้ง) เป้นครั้งแรกในตัวเมือง จะมี NPC โผล่ออกมาบรรยายสรรพคุณของแอธีไรท์และวิธีใช้งาน ซึ่งปรกติเราก็คงจะฟังจนจบแล้วก็ไปทำเควสต์อื่นต่อ แต่คุณ NPC คนนี้เธอมีอารมณ์ขันมากเกินกว่านั้นจ้ะ เธอบอกว่าให้เราจ่ายเงินหนึ่งแสนกิลเพื่อเป็นค่าธรรมเนียมในการใช้บริการแอธีไรท์!!

Aetheryte Fee

She had a good laugh from it. Hahaha. And then proceeded to explain Aetheryte usage to the newcomer. Oh, and it will probably be twice as funny if your character is a Lalafell, as their /panic emote is dramatic and hilarious. Bah, I have to take that back, because when I look closely again just now, it is not a /panic motion, but probably something not in the emote list.

แล้วหล่อนก็หัวเราะอย่างครื้นเครง ฮ่า ๆ ๆ แล้วถึงจะสอนการใช้งานแอธีไรท์ให้เรา อ้อ แล้วก็ฉากนี้อาจจะยิ่งตลกมาขึ้นถ้าผู้เล่นเล่นเป็นลาลาเฟลล์ เพราะท่า /panic ตกใจของลาลาเฟลล์มันดราม่ากว่านี้และขำมาก ถอนคำพูดเพราะดูดี ๆ แล้วมันไม่ใช่ท่า /panic แต่เป็นท่าอะไรไม่รู้ อาจจะไม่มีในลิสต์ด้วย


Only By Braving The Unknown

 ***This entry may contain story spoiler, especially for those who haven’t done the quest “The Lominsan Envoy” yet.***
***หัวข้อนี้อาจมีการสปอยล์เนื้อเรื่อง โดยเฉพาะสำหรับผู้ที่ยังไม่ได้ทำเควสต์ “The Lominsan Envoy”***


I try to read every sentence I see in the game during cutscenes and NPC dialog. I must admit, though, that sometimes I don’t have the time or leisure, or the diligence LOL!, to sit and read everything. When that is the case I would usually copy all the text and paste it into a document or spam my printscreen button so I can save it to read later. During a quest in Limsa, in a conversation with the Admiral, however, I read everything through, and this statement caught my eyes and captured my heart. It is my favorite quote so far in FFXIV: ARR during the Beta test Phase 4.

เราเป็นคนที่พยายามอ่านทุกประโยคในคัทซีนและในบทสนทนากับตัวละคร NPC ในเกม แต่ก็ต้องยอมรับนะว่าบางครั้งไม่มีเวลาจริง ๆ (หรือไม่ก็ขี้เกียจ 555) แต่ถ้าเป็นอย่างนั้นเรามักจะก๊อปปี้ตัวหนังสือทั้งหมดเอาไปแปะในไฟล์ หรือกดปุ่มเซฟหน้าจอ เพื่อเก็บไฟล์ไว้อ่านทีหลัง หนนี้เราทำเควสต์เมืองลิมซ่า แล้วอ่านสิ่งที่ผู้พันพูดกับเรา และประโยคนี้มันเตะตาและจับใจมาก ๆ เลย ถ้าให้นับดูทั้งหมดตั้งแต่เล่นภาคใหม่ ทดสอบระยะที่ 4 มานี้ นี่เป็นโควตที่ถูกใจเราที่สุด

“Only by braving the unknown will you achieve the greatness of which you are surely capable.”
– Admiral Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn –


“มีเพียงต้องหาญกล้าเผชิญกับสิ่งที่ไม่รู้เท่านั้น เจ้าจึ่งจะสามารถปฏิบัติการใหญ่ให้ลุล่วงได้สมดังที่เจ้าพึงสามารถ”

– ผู้พันเมิร์ลวิบ โบลฟ์ฮิสวิน (ชื่ออ่านไม่ออก!!!) –

*greatness จริง ๆ ไม่ได้หมายถึงการใหญ่ หรือทำการใหญ่ แต่ยังหาคำที่ลงตัวไม่เจอ TAT มันน่าจะหมายถึง ความเป็นเลิศ หรือไม่ก็การเป็นผู้ยิ่งใหญ่ เดี๋ยวขอไปนั่งคิดดูก่อน*