Leviathan Ponies Farming



Alright, last night our FC went to farm a few ponies using undersized (unsync) party. What we lack most is Leviathan’s horse. 3 people including me still need it. So, at one point, we spammed Leviathan EX. We didn’t wipe. Just half wiped or almost wiped, which is a good thing, because it shows that we learned the rhythm of Levi EX battle and have improved in executing plans. Corn was on commander duty, reminding us when to stop DPSing and such, and also he was the switch person for the barrier.



During one fight, I died alone because I didn’t look at where Levi would slam down and when I realized it and sprinted, I was 1 step short from not falling off. XD The party won, however.

The next fight, Dew later said it was karma, I had to work harder than the others to make up for the previous fight. At one point, while people were towing the water orbs, something happened and suddenly 3 people died. I didn’t even know what was going on. Only Dew (PLD), Kuji (DRG) and I (WHM) were left. We waited for the machine’s energy, and Kuji managed to hit the switch on time. We survived and I thought it was going to be ok.


Nope, the damn add cursed Dew with Hysteria and Kuji accidentally stepped on a terror circle while dodging shit, so they both walked off the edge and went swimming with the rest of the party. At 10%, I was alone and scared as hell. There were 2 terror circles on the floor when Levi next slammed on the raft. I slid, and very luckily missed the circle by inches. Party screamed a lot of stuff. Dew was so hyped and was squeaking her excitement in our Skype call.


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Nervous and panicked, I still remembered to Asylum, Divine Seal Medica II, and Regen myself while dodging stuff and attacking Levi’s head. I deactivated Cleric Stance to use Tetragammatron when needed, then went on the nuking spree again. Then while spamming Stone III, I spent my Benediction. Levi hits hard, the Scale Darts were like 2300 HP dmg each. Eventually, while ignoring the adds out of sheer fear and excitement, I felled Leviathan.


It wouldn’t have been a big deal for undersized party to win against it, but it was a HUGE deal for me when I had to solo. I was particularly scared because I don’t perform well in Leviathan EX. I used to always die first because I couldn’t dodge the dive and the slam. When I won, while the party was screaming their joy in the FC chat, I was trembling, LOL. The same old excitement and rush of adrenaline I haven’t felt in quite some time came back again, and I felt as if I were on crack. XD



T9, T10 and (attempt) T11

Again, we (finally)  managed to scrape together 5 bodies to attempt T9 (Second Coil of Bahamut, turn 4) last night. This time PZ logged in and joined us (yay!) so we had more targets for the fire & ice. No more getting 2nd ice in my face before the aiming fire could land!!!! XD LOL!


T9 alone took 3 hours, including dinner break/snack break/bathroom break.

Last session (about a week ago, or maybe it was 2 weeks ago) we knew we improved. Even though PZ wasn’t with us, we nailed the Comet phase and got to the 2nd part about 90% of the time. The Fire & Ice thing was what we had BIG problem with. But last night, with Corn’s plan of having everyone huddling together except Fire-debuffed person, we flew through it quite smoothly. I even developed a skill in reading my own debuff precisely and managed to avoid zapping the party with my Thunder shots. This time, though, the Divebombs are once again my woe, up until we won.

To be honest, I ran around like a headless chicken when it’s Divebombs phase. Amid the havoc and my panic, I had completely no idea where the north is, not to even mention remembering where to place bomb or hide from bomb (4-11 o’clock, 7-2 o’clock, 2-7 o’clock). Also, I think I kept killing Corn with Lunar Dynamo that was aimed on me.


In this pic (above), I didn’t even remember what all happened…. But 3 people were dead and I entered panic mode.

From examining the chatlog: PZ died (twice), then Corn also died (from my Lunar Dynamo, I think) then Dew died.

[2:18]Philemon Zydyk is defeated by Iceclaw.

(Corn raised PZ with Swiftcast, but sadly, I also spent a Swiftcast + Raise on PZ too.)

[2:18]Philemon Zydyk is defeated by Nael deus Darnus.
[2:19]Corn Muffin is defeated by Thunderwing.

(I started casting Raise on Corn without Swift.)

[2:19]Chibidew Kinoko is defeated by Thunderwing.
[2:19]Nael deus Darnus uses Dalamud Dive.
[2:19]   Parried! Kujimaro Hanabi takes 4616 (-20%) damage.

(From here, Kuji started tanking.)

[2:19]You cast Raise.
[2:19]   Corn Muffin gains the effect of Raise.
[2:19]Kujimaro Hanabi uses Bloodbath.
[2:19]   Kujimaro Hanabi gains the effect of Bloodbath.
[2:19]You use Swiftcast.
[2:19]   You gain the effect of Swiftcast.

(I Swiftcast + Raise Dew as soon as Swift cooldown ended. Meanwhile, Kuji had to save himself using all the surviveability skills he could, LOL.)

[2:19]Kujimaro Hanabi uses Second Wind.
[2:19]   Kujimaro Hanabi recovers 2714 HP.
[2:19]Kujimaro Hanabi uses Power Surge.
[2:19]   Kujimaro Hanabi gains the effect of Power Surge.
[2:19]You lose the effect of Swiftcast.
[2:19]You cast Raise.
[2:19]   Chibidew Kinoko gains the effect of Raise.
[2:19]Kujimaro Hanabi uses Jump.
[2:19]   Nael deus Darnus takes 2319 damage.
[2:19]   Kujimaro Hanabi absorbs 579 HP.
[2:19]   Kujimaro Hanabi loses the effect of Power Surge.
[2:19]Corn Muffin is revived.
[2:19]Corn Muffin suffers the effect of Weakness.
[2:19]You begin casting Cure.
[2:19]You cast Cure.
[2:19]   Kujimaro Hanabi recovers 4921 HP.

(After raising Dew, I finally regained conscious and remembered I had to prioritize keeping Kuji alive.)

[2:19]Screenshot saved.
[2:19]Chibidew Kinoko is revived.
[2:19]You cast Cure.
[2:19]   Kujimaro Hanabi recovers 4867 HP.
[2:19]You begin casting Cure.
[2:19]Chibidew Kinoko suffers the effect of Weakness.
[2:19]You cast Cure.
[2:19]   Corn Muffin recovers 4830 HP.
[2:19]You use Benediction.
[2:19]   Chibidew Kinoko recovers 26006 HP.
[2:19]Chibidew Kinoko uses Hallowed Ground.
[2:19]   Chibidew Kinoko gains the effect of Hallowed Ground.

(Dew prepared to take back enmity.)

[2:19]Kujimaro Hanabi loses the effect of Bloodbath.
[2:19]Corn Muffin casts Ruin II.
[2:19]   Nael deus Darnus takes 765 damage.
[2:19]   Nael deus Darnus fully resists Blind.
[2:19]You use Tetragrammaton.
[2:19]   Critical! Kujimaro Hanabi recovers 10786 HP.
[2:19]Chibidew Kinoko uses Provoke.
[2:19]   Chibidew Kinoko’s enmity increases.

(Dew managed to take Nael back on her.)

[2:19]You use Divine Seal.
[2:19]   You gain the effect of Divine Seal.
[2:19]You begin casting Medica II.
[2:19]You cast Medica II.
[2:19]   You recover 3112 HP.
[2:19]   You gain the effect of Medica II.
[2:19]   You take 241 damage.
[2:19]   Corn Muffin recovers 3073 HP.
[2:19]   Corn Muffin gains the effect of Medica II.
[2:19]You recover from the effect of Icebitten.
[2:19]   Kujimaro Hanabi recovers 3113 HP.
[2:19]   Kujimaro Hanabi gains the effect of Medica II.
[2:19]Kujimaro Hanabi recovers from the effect of Icebitten.
[2:19]   Chibidew Kinoko recovers 3136 HP.
[2:19]   Chibidew Kinoko gains the effect of Medica II.
[2:19]Corn Muffin recovers from the effect of Icebitten.
[2:19]Nael deus Darnus readies Lunar Dynamo.
[2:19]Chibidew Kinoko suffers the effect of Icebitten.

(At this point my brain couldn’t think and was on auto-pilot mode. My eyes bulged at the HP bar of the boss, we were so close.  I tried my best to recover the party, because everyone took lots of DMG even then. And Fire & Ice shots were still coming at us ruthlessly.)

[2:19]Chibidew Kinoko loses the effect of Hallowed Ground.
[2:19]Nael deus Darnus uses Lunar Dynamo.
[2:19]   You take 4529 damage.
[2:19]   Nael deus Darnus absorbs 4529 HP.
[2:19]   Corn Muffin takes 4662 damage.
[2:19]   Nael deus Darnus absorbs 4662 HP.
[2:19]Corn Muffin recovers from the effect of Thunderstruck

And OMG holy shit, Corn was so in the zone and was trying to zerg Nael down while I was busy Sprinting (I can’t even remember why I sprinted) and healing people. I mostly paste just what people did, but the the DMG, but below I MUST paste Corn’s damage. XD

[2:20]Corn Muffin uses Tri-disaster.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus suffers the effect of Bio.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus suffers the effect of Bio II.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus suffers the effect of Miasma.
[2:20]Corn Muffin uses Virus.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus suffers the effect of Virus.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus suffers the effect of Fever.
[2:20]Chibidew Kinoko uses Fast Blade.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 803 damage.
[2:20]Chibidew Kinoko hits Nael deus Darnus for 439 damage.
[2:20]Kujimaro Hanabi uses Vorpal Thrust.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 1687 (+50%) damage.
[2:20]Kujimaro Hanabi hits Nael deus Darnus for 887 damage.
[2:20]Corn Muffin uses Fester.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 2779 damage.
[2:20]   Corn Muffin gains the effect of Aethertrail Attunement.
[2:20]Corn Muffin uses Swiftcast.
[2:20]   Corn Muffin gains the effect of Swiftcast.
[2:20]Kujimaro Hanabi uses Dragonfire Dive.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 2056 damage.
[2:20]You cancel Raise.
[2:20]Corn Muffin loses the effect of Swiftcast.
[2:20]Chibidew Kinoko uses Savage Blade.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 1025 (+50%) damage.
[2:20]Critical! Chibidew Kinoko hits Nael deus Darnus for 699 damage.
[2:20]You use Sprint.
[2:20]   You gain the effect of Sprint.
[2:20]Corn Muffin casts Summon.
[2:20]Kujimaro Hanabi uses Full Thrust.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 3018 (+72%) damage.
[2:20]Chibidew Kinoko uses Bulwark.
[2:20]   Chibidew Kinoko gains the effect of Bulwark.
[2:20]Corn Muffin loses the effect of Aetherflow.
[2:20]Corn Muffin uses Energy Drain.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 1466 damage.
[2:20]   Corn Muffin absorbs 733 HP.
[2:20]   Corn Muffin recovers 884 MP.
[2:20]   Corn Muffin gains the effect of Aethertrail Attunement.
[2:20]You lose the effect of Divine Seal.
[2:20]You begin casting Medica II.
[2:20]Kujimaro Hanabi uses Jump.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 1581 damage.
[2:20]Kujimaro Hanabi hits Nael deus Darnus for 870 damage.
[2:20]Corn Muffin uses Painflare.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 1906 damage.
[2:20]   Corn Muffin gains the effect of Aethertrail Attunement.
[2:20]Critical! Chibidew Kinoko hits Nael deus Darnus for 673 damage.
[2:20]Corn Muffin loses the effect of Aethertrail Attunement.
[2:20]Corn Muffin uses Dreadwyrm Trance.
[2:20]   Corn Muffin gains the effect of Dreadwyrm Trance.
[2:20]Corn Muffin begins casting Ruin III.
[2:20]Kujimaro Hanabi uses Impulse Drive.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 1508 damage.
[2:20]Chibidew Kinoko uses Rage of Halone.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 1450 (+61%) damage.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus suffers the effect of Strength Down.
[2:20]Chibidew Kinoko uses Foresight.
[2:20]   Chibidew Kinoko gains the effect of Foresight.
[2:20]Chibidew Kinoko hits Nael deus Darnus for 431 damage.

(Meanwhile, Fire & Ice shots kept hitting us, making me nervous and scared.)

[2:20]You cast Medica II.
[2:20]   You recover 2337 HP.
[2:20]   You gain the effect of Medica II.
[2:20]   Garuda-Egi recovers 2389 HP.
[2:20]   Garuda-Egi gains the effect of Medica II.
[2:20]   Corn Muffin recovers 2358 HP.
[2:20]   Corn Muffin gains the effect of Medica II.
[2:20]   Kujimaro Hanabi recovers 2394 HP.
[2:20]   Kujimaro Hanabi gains the effect of Medica II.
[2:20]Chibidew Kinoko uses Fast Blade.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 786 damage.
[2:20]   Chibidew Kinoko recovers 2385 HP.
[2:20]   Chibidew Kinoko gains the effect of Medica II.

[2:20]Corn Muffin casts Ruin III.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 2105 damage.
[2:20]Corn Muffin begins casting Ruin III.
[2:20]You use Cleric Stance.
[2:20]   You gain the effect of Cleric Stance.
[2:20]Chibidew Kinoko hits Nael deus Darnus for 422 damage.
[2:20]You use Assize.
[2:20]   You recover 564 HP.
[2:20]   You recover 1395 MP.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 3934 damage.
[2:20]   Garuda-Egi recovers 584 HP.
[2:20]   Corn Muffin recovers 596 HP.
[2:20]   Chibidew Kinoko recovers 581 HP.
[2:20]   Critical! Kujimaro Hanabi recovers 873 HP.
[2:20]Chibidew Kinoko uses Savage Blade.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 1076 (+50%) damage.
[2:20]Kujimaro Hanabi loses the effect of Heavy Thrust.
[2:20]Corn Muffin casts Ruin III.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 2041 damage.
[2:20]Kujimaro Hanabi hits Nael deus Darnus for 764 damage.
[2:20]Chibidew Kinoko hits Nael deus Darnus for 414 damage.

[2:20]Corn Muffin uses Deathflare.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 3987 damage.
[2:20]   Corn Muffin loses the effect of Dreadwyrm Trance.
[2:20]Kujimaro Hanabi uses Disembowel.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 1566 (+54%) damage.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus suffers the effect of Disembowel.
[2:20]You use Fluid Aura.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 2007 damage.
[2:20]Corn Muffin casts Ruin II.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 721 damage.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus fully resists Blind.

[2:20]One or more party members completed this duty for the first time. A bonus has been awarded to all members.
[2:20]You obtain 100 Allagan tomestones of poetics.

[2:20]Chibidew Kinoko uses Rage of Halone.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 1363 (+61%) damage.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus suffers the effect of Strength Down.
[2:20]Corn Muffin defeats Nael deus Darnus.

During the last breath, Corn did a whopping amount of 15,005 DMG (DoT and Garuda not included). Kuji Pumped out 13,050 (not includeing DoT).

The battle was so intense and I couldn’t stop cackling when we won!


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And we were rewarded with some epic and super epic cutscenes.

Then, onto the first turn of Final Coil, T10.

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We got eaten badly from the adds, so we had to exit and have Corn change back to PLD.


After a few wipes, we managed to win, with me dead on the floor, screaming internally “KILL IT! Just 1% left!!!!! We can’t fail!!!”

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And woop! We won.

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Then, onto T11. Which we haven’t beaten yet.

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This thing is very difficult, and the best we could do was 44%. Then, it was almost 4 a.m. and PZ had to sleep because he has work on Monday.

Senpai (Corn) Parody

This morning I made a “Sanpai” parody of Corn and post it on tumblr because this blog had server problem. ; ;

Now that the server is back, and my blog is up and running again, I’m putting those screenshots here as well. :D

CornSenpai_01b CornSenpai_03 CornSenpai_04 CornSenpai_05 CornSenpai_06 CornSenpai_07 CornSenpai_08c CornSenpai_09b CornSenpai_10b

The blacklist bit is based on a conversation in the FC weeks ago, which went like this (not exact wording):

Kuji: Oh hey, I heard they’re bringing back the mentor system. Will you mentor the new people?
Corn: No. My secrets belong to me only.
Me: LOL. But didn’t you have a stalker who kept calling you senpai, senpai? And you did tutor him!
Kuji: Ohh poor thing. His senpai didn’t notice him.
Corn: I did notice him. He’s now on my blacklist.
Kuji: o_o oh that’s so cold.
Me: Well, he was quite a….troublesome kohai.
Corn: He was a jerk.
Kuji: LOL fair enough.

Diadem: Buried Coffer

Today, after PZ left when we finished a Diadem (Hard) run together, Corn, Kuji and  I went in again, for another round of Tomestone of Esoterics.

While searching for a Buried Coffer and Black Crystals for the objectives, I spotted a Buried Coffer near a huge Sanuwa. Before I could ask someone to come in to bait the thing for me, a party nearby approached and aggroed it.

I looked at them and thought maybe they wanted the Buried Coffer, but they all went to fight the monster. So I thought to myself oh maybe only I could see the box, just like Levequest treasure boxes. So I started interacting with the Buried Coffer. Suddenly, one of that party’s members rushed to the box. So I was like oh shit shit shit, I’m being a jerk. Luckily, the dig could be interrupted by running around, so I ran off and left before stealing their box. Of course, when they finished it, Buried Coffer disappeared from my view.

So, in case some people didn’t know about this already, I just want to note here that the Buried Coffers in Diadem are shared between everyone, not appearing for individuals, so you will have to compete against other parties for the coffer. I would have been so embarrassed if I did successfully steal their treasure while they were sweating and bleeding trying to kill a monster that guarded it. And if I were in that party, I would have felt so shitty and mad at anyone who steals it from under my nose when apparently we deserve the treasure.

Diadem Hard

Yesterday our FC Airship finally unlocked and charted the route to Diadem (Hard) so the 4 of us (Bray was missing because real life stuff) went to Diadem (Hard) for the first time.


We usually go to Diadem (Easy) or (Normal) 3 times a week for extra eso (Tomestone of Esoterics) which will allow us to skip more days of Expert Roulette. With Corn’s formula, combined with one Void Ark run, we only need 3 days of Expert+Lv60 Roulettes per week if we go to Diadem for extra 20, 30, or 40 eso on those days too.


This ultimate lazy route allows us to free up more time to go do other stuff such as Daily Hunts and Beast Tribe Quests, for example.


Our Diadem Run would require only about 15-20 minutes because we go for 3 easiest (or most viable) objectives which usually are “Touching Black/White Crystal(s)”, “Gather 16 items” and Catch 8 fish.” Sometimes if we have “find coffer chests” in the choice and people are able to find them quick, we don’t even have to log or mine 16 items.

We start off with letting Corn lure enemies away and sac pulling (or just jumping to other island to lose aggro, because he’s a hax master of baiting). Then, after someone, or I if we’re duo, become airborne, we come back to lure enemies away for Corn to let him attune to the winds too.

Then, we scatter to find White or Black crystals, and coffers if there is an objective. Then, we have someone lure enemies away from gathering nodes to let the DoL persons do it safely.

Then, TADA! Objectives fulfilled, and we get the eso rewards. It usually gives 30 but there was a time when we got only 20 and we can’t figure out what’s the variation. From Diadem (Hard) last night, we got 40 eso, though.

Well, that’s about it for now, I shall talk more about Diadem later if there is any interesting finding.

ffxiv_12072015_033311_newBefore I say goodbye for today, here’s a screenshot of blood moon in Diadem. :)

Diadem Easy

On 14 November 2015, 4 days after patch 3.1 was released, our FC rode the airship for our first Exploratory Mission, heading to Diadem (Easy). We had 4 people, Corn, Bray, Kuji and I.


As we entered, there was a first time cutscene. :D Pretty neat.



And while I was cursing, in my mind, about the weather being foggy, thus ruining my screenshot moment, I heard a FC message beep.
ffxiv_11142015_100108_newWhen the cutscene ended, I saw that the message was Kuji’s.

Kuji: I could almost hear Alec furiously slamming her screenshot button.
Me: Whaaaaaa….how did you know? Were you spying in my room?
Corn: We only know you too well.
Bray: LOL

Okay….I can’t argue because it was true XD LOL.