Mary Cocoa drew Aleczan and Haurchefant

I received a chibi pic of my character (nicknamed “Purple Cat” by the girls in Catketeers FC on Tonberry) from Mary Cocoa yesterday. It’s so funny and is extremely adorable. XD


I feel it is an amazingly accurate fanart which depicts me when I meet Lord Haurchefant in the game. One of the reasons being that I’m such a HUGE fan of him and always spend an hour taking screenshots when he appears outside of a cutscene. During my second playthrough of Main Story, using my secondary character which I created on Tonberry, I took every opportunity I could and took a lot of pics with him.

Mary’s art is what I would also imagine Haurchefant to react when I’m all over him like that. XD LOL Mary is lovely and funny. Thank you so much for the pic. ♥

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Eorzean Art Exchange: Valentione 2016

Recently I’ve been bad and haven’t kept up with this MAIN blog, but was very active on tumblr. Oops!

There was an Art Exchange campaign, on tumblr, for FFXIV’s Valention’s Day 2016, held by Eorzean Art Exchange. I participated and sent my piece. Yesterday the art done for me by a randomized exchange partner was posted and it is splendid!!!!!!!!!!

I put a thumbnail for preview in this entry, but please check out the original post >> here <<

And my art submission for my randomized recipient is below:


This was for @giltedxpaladin and original post can be found >> here <<

It was truly a wonderful experience. I’ve made a >> LONG rambling post << about this and my feelings in participating, mentioning most, if not all, of my supportive friends including my Shy Anon. If anyone is interested in reading, please feel free to click the link above.

All those artwork sent by participating artists are fantastic. Right now not all entries are published, and more will keep coming through out the week. If anyone would like to check them out and/or give support to the artists, please visit the Eorzean Art Exchange blog. However, when there is a new campaign, the older art might not show on the main page and you might need to browse their February 2016 archive instead.


Tenpe and Rin

Made a pic of G’Tenpe Tia and Rin’a Fortemps, which are my friend and his waifu (on Ragnarok).



I downloaded a Foliage brush set (by Chromatic Skies) from deviant art, and used an in-app Cherry Petals brush. Then I made Sakura blossoms brush especially for this pic. I also used a lot of downloaded brushes, like a Cloud brush, from official Clip Studio Paint website.


A zoomed-in and cropped pic without Tenpe’s glasses, just to show off the wrinkles detail. :P

It’s been a helluva week for me working on this piece of art. It was incredibly entertaining and challenging. One minute I’m enjoying brushing the colors like mad, the next minute I’m cursing Tenpe’s wrinkles and his shoulder pieces LOL. I took the liberty in making up the details of left shoulder piece on my own because in-game screenshots and Tenpe’s stance angle in this pic didn’t quite help. And the sword was a tough nut. They came out better than I had imagined, though.

Thank you two for being the inspiration and motivation. I’ve had some break-through in coloring techniques while working on this picture. Most of all, I had a load of fun doing it.

———– EDIT ————–

orz   //grovel

After dinner, I realized that even with the saturation adjustment, my sakura blossoms still look very much like blotches of neon colors. So I made a new brush and redid the sakura trees to correct that.

Here’s the newest revision, and hopefully the last!




Happy New Year to my Shy Anon



Just a doodle.


Since I am terribaddddd at holding my liquor, and I have no idea how you are with alcoholic drink, I imagine we could toast with mugs of hot chocolate drink. :D

Also, Happy New Year to everyone :D I hope you have a great year, healthy and happy all the way!



Shy Anon saw this doodle and was so happy and sent me this pic along with wonderful new year wishes. I AM SO HAPPY OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


Gentle and happy colors. So much joy in this pic! I love the expression, the pose, and the color combination in this pic.

Thank you Shy Anon. You’re a very sweet and kind person. I will shamelessly put my paws on this fantastic art and hold on to it forever. I won’t say “you didn’t have to do this” because I am extremely happy that you sent it. It’s adorable. <333333333

Aleczan’s Portrait: Anon Fanart

OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!! I have an important thing to brag about today!!!

There’s a shy person who’s reading my blog and has recently contacted me on tumblr as an anonymous, and then sent me this gorgeous, wonderful, fabulous fanart of my character, Aleczan.

yxYFhtA - Imgur

And -HERE- is a link to the tumblr post where I was screaming thanks to the anon. I can’t express how much I love this fanart. My heart is so swelled right now.

Again, I’m really happy and honored to have received this pic. Thank you, Shy Anon, it means so much, both the pic and your kind words of support.

Now, it’s breakfast time so I have to regretfully end my entry here for today. Let me go kicking gleefully and dancing and singing praises to this beautiful artwork on my way to the kitchen. <33333333333333 Really, really love it.

Alec Miqo’te Chibi Drawing

Bahhh I uploaded my pic to tumblr just now but forgot to post it here on my main blog. Bad me.

Recently, I’ve been practicing chibi drawing. Today I finished a chibi of my own Miqo’te, taking 4 hours for sketching and outlining, then another 4 hours to colour.

And of course, I finished everything and post the pic, and realized that I forgot the tail. Bahhhh! Always….always!
