Fish gets away at Sapsa

Today I returned again to Sapsa Spawning Grounds to try to catch the last unrecorded fish in my entry. From Kida’s info here it should be Nautilus and should be caught by the Mooch ability. I eventually caught a Nautilus by mooching a Fullmoon Sardine. Well, actually I caught two. I got a HQ Nautilus after recording first one in my fish guide.


However, there is SOMETHING else in that water. It must be something….even though my fishing entry at the spot was already completed. I’ve been hooking it, and failing, since yesterday when I tried to fish Red Coral for a random GSM who contacted me about it.


When I got a bite from that elusive fish, my fishing rod would make a distinguished creak, the sound that makes me think the rod was going to snap and break into two! And every time, every time, I pushed the “Hook” button, I would always get “The fish gets away…” message. It really bugs me to not know what fish it was. Anyway, yesterday I was 46 and I thought maybe I got lucky and hooked a Nautilus which was beyond my skill, so it kept getting away (yesterday I haven’t been able to get any HQ Fullmoon Sardine at all during my 2-hour session). After that, I leveled up to 48 and came back home to regear. I made myself a Gilded Rosewood Fishing Rod, a HQ one, and waited for my rematch.


Today I came here to Sapsa again and made a stop at Reaver Hide. I eventually landed a Dinichthys ★★using double mooch from Merlthor Goby => Wahoo. It was freaking HUGE! 141.3 ilms, WTF? I wonder why and how my Miqo’te hasn’t broken her arm from reeling in such monsters yet. I also double mooched and lost the 3rd fish, but I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t notice if it made the same creak like when I lost the mysterious fish at Sapsa. It could have been a Rock Lobster, as my entry on that hasn’t yet been filled. Or it could be a very large Dinichthys so I lost it simply by its weight?


Well, after getting to level 49 at Reaver Hide, I walked over to Sapsa to try again. I did get a bite from that fish, with the same creak that cannot be mistaken. And guess what, it eluded me yet again!!! It irks me that I could never land the fish when my rod screams like that. I am very very very curious as to what fish it could be.

Logically, there shouldn’t be any other type of fish in that spot…. So maybe the THING at Sapsa was just an exceptionally huge Sea Devil or some weird HQ of whatever fish that’s on the list. L But that creak noise from my rod is really intriguing. Someday I will return again, fully geared, and figure out what it is!


I returned a few days later and recorded the fishing when fish escaped. Though the rod’s noise was faint, if you listen to it closely, you will understand what I meant about the creak being different.

Fish Gets Away (Sapsa) #1

Fish Gets Away (Sapsa) #2



Something About Fishing

Some people asked for tips to level up fisher faster in FFXIV. Today I’ve been grinding EXP on my fisher, so I feel it is a good time to write about leveling up in fishing. But first thing first, let’s see how different fishing is, compared to the other two Disciples of the Land.



– We are not limited by the gathering node. We can just cast the line into any body of water (well, most of the time, as there are some bodies of water where there is no fish).

– We don’t have to run around finding exact specific spots which will pop in fixed possible places and then exhausts after 4 or 5 gathering attempts. We can just stand there at the same spot and keep fishing without moving until the fish gets agitated. (I have only experienced it once in ARR, it happened in Limsa Lominsa near the Fisherman’s guild.)

– In general, EXP per fish is higher than EXP per successful logging or mining attempt. And when you obtain HQ fish, you get +300% EXP as a bonus, while Botanist and Miner only get +200% for HQ item!

– Once you cast your line, you can hardly miss the fish (except if you don’t hit “Hook” button fast enough, or if you hit it too fast – before anything bites). Mining nodes and logging nodes have success rate on each item, and you can get “You obtain nothing” even when your success rate is 98%.

– Mooching is FUN!!!!!



– We have to carry baits or lures around, which consume inventory space.

– We have to choose and use proper bait/lure for the level of the fish and the location.

– Unlike choosing item from the mining/logging node, you cannot exactly specify what fish you want to gather. It is pretty much random, although you can control the scope of the fish to bit by selecting your bait and location.

– Fishing locations are not revealed to you on the mini map (radar), and you won’t see it in your Fishing Log unless you have already fished (and landed a catch) in the location at least once. So, for the first time in a region, you have to make some effort to locate the fishing spots.

– Unlike gathering log for logging and mining, you cannot see the fish you have never caught before. Your Fish Guide will only reveal the fish entry once you manage to catch the species for the first time.

– From both the two disadvantages above, it means you cannot foresee where to catch a specific type of fish until you have already caught it.

That’s all I can think of for now.


Next, leveling up tips for fisher:

I’ll write from my experience, and as I was already level 43, my insight might not be as useful for the low level people, but I believe that the general ideas I provide here can be applied to any range of level.

  1. Try to complete every guild test quest as soon as you can access it, you get free gear and free fishing rods from these quests.
  2. Update your outfit for stats at least every 10 levels.
  3. Boost Perception if you can, as Perception will influence the rate to catch larger fish. Larger fish, if large enough to be a HQ (High-Quality) one will yield huge amount of EXP (+300% to be specific).
  4. For lower level fishers, you can buy and eat Jack O’ Lantern if you like. It is cheap and is sold at food vendor NPC in any of the three city-states. Food effect will also grant +3% EXP bonus. It is not much, but it adds up in the long run!
  5.  Buy (or make) and equip new bait (or lure) whenever you can. Higher level bait will be able to catch higher level fish, which means more EXP.
  6. Try to explore and open new fishing location when you can. Also, landing a new type of fish for the first time will give +100% EXP bonus for new entry being recorded.

That’s about it for the tips I could recall for now.

For more specific tips, I can only say that at level 15, once you can equip Midge Basket for freshwater fishing, you may want to check out Raincatcher Gully (Docks) in Eastern La Noscea (closest Aetheryte for teleport is Wineport). Although that location is level 40, the lowest fish available in that spot is level 20 (Copperfish) and it will be the only fish you can catch from there with that bait. At level below 20, I could land Copperfish for 1,000 EXP each. And if I got lucky and landed a HQ one, I get like 4,000 EXP.


Another specific spot great for EXP is at Forgotten Spring (level 35) in Southern Thanalan. You can also catch the Copperfish here using Midge Basket. This spot is great for EXP even at my level, which was 43.

At level 43, I used Honey Worm (level 35) which can be bought right here at the Merchant & Mender NPC shop. I was reeling in a ton of EXP. While NQ Ropefish (level 32) gave about 2,200 EXP (with rested bonus effect from Sanctuary/Inn Room, which is +50% EXP), a Clown Loach (level 36) gave about 3,300 EXP NQ, and 10,000 EXP when HQ! It was 10309 (+353%) experience points, to be exact. Moreover, if you’re lucky enough to catch a Golden Loach, that will net you around 4,100 EXP (I had +53% effect) for normal quality, and about 12,000 EXP for HQ.


I leveled up from 43 to 44 in a short span of time in this convenient location.

Well, I better stop bragging and continue my fishing. Happy hunting, everyone! ^^


My lv 43 Fishing Gear

Today I stopped being lazy and started to regear my gathering classes. I saw that Rosewood Fishing Rod (lv. 43) was dirt cheap, so I ditched my Horn Fishing Rod (old one, level 37, been using since 1.0, LOL!) and grabbed it. Then I bought Mythril Mesail (lv. 42) and Boarskin Jerkin (lv. 43). Now this is what my Fisher (and Miner and Botanist) look like.

Alec_Fishing_Gear43Quite fashionable, eh? LOL!

Today I’m trying to record fish and fishing locations in my fish guide and fishing log. Going around in Central Thanalan, I needed up to level 25 bait (Bass Ball)! Also, it was the first time I ever used a fly lure in 2.0. Crow Fly is level 20 and was for Dark Bass. Unlike baits, the character does a slow reeling motion while waiting for a bite on the fly lure. I find it amusing. But what’s most amusing is that whenever I hook an Aegis Shrimp (using Bass Ball) my fishing rod makes a creaking noise that sounds as if it is going to snap! It always made me shudder, envisioning my fishing rod breaking into two, like back in FFXI if I tried to land a fish larger than my rod could handle.

I’m not sure if I’ll be diligent enough to carry this on until higher levels, but now I’m recording what fish bite on which bait. I hope I can come back to look at the info and make use of it later whenever I need to catch a specific fish.



Fishing is Fun

So I am back to fishing again. I regret going back to fishing in FFXIV. Why? Because I can’t stop fishing after I started fishing. I even forgot my dinner because I was too happy fishing. Damn. ><;;


I really love the new fishing system. It is less tedious and much more interesting. It yields quite low EXP, but if you manage to land a HQ fish, the amount of experience points you earn will make your jaws drop. I got, for example, 4000 EXP from landing a HQ Copperfish at Raincatcher Gully (as a fisher level 15). As for my high level fisher on Ragnarok, using the skill (ability) Mooch is a hell lot of fun. At Aleport (location is named Skull Valley, though), I landed a Wahoo (43.3 ilms) from using HQ Merlthor Goby as a bait, netting me 5253 EXP at level 43.

Fishing in LimsaReeling animation

Also, I like the reeling animation now, especially when the fish is very big! It is entertaining to watch. (Yeah, I am simple and easily entertained, LOL.) And look, when we land a HQ fish, the character looks very happy. Alec laughs gleefully with open mouth when she gets HQ fish, as opposed to wide smile for NQ.

HQ fish landed


I am looking forward to roaming the continent for more fishing locations and new fish. ^_^