Easy Ways to Blacklist RMT

Alright, with the outrageous amount of RMT /shout spams and /tell spams, I believe we all have this problem of the endless list of people to blacklist. It is so annoying that it gets on my nerves, and probably many other players’ nerves too. One of the reasons why it is highly annoying is that some of them had developed a strategy to make it harder for us to add them to blacklist. Yep, by shouting at high speed, making your chatlog run at the speed of Shinkansen Train.

Not only that their names are usually absurdly long, sometimes the names are made of total gibberish. More often than not, whenever I try to manually type in the name like “Adgfrtafsh Hjkjyta” to add in the blacklist, I will get it wrong at first attempt. The fast-scrolling chatlog now adds to the challenge. So I THOUGHT I was smart, as I have learned to drag my mouse cursor over their names and copy, then paste it in the blacklist box.

However, that doesn’t always work, especially against the high-speed spamming. The always moving text lines makes it almost impossible to copy the name.

I had complaint about this in-game several times, and today someone by the name of Qauj sent me a tell with a tip. Instead of trying to highlight the name, just right click on it and select “Send Tell” which will put their name directly in the typing box, which does not move or run away from me! Oh great! Thank you very much!

Then, later on, while I was cooking in Limsa Lominsa, someone else angry ranted about the RMT shout spams, and someone by the name of Wilan replied saying “right click > send Tell > change /tell with /blacklist add > add “quotation marks” around the name > profit”

Now, that is even smarter! I do not have to manually open the blacklist menu, but can directly use text command, like back in FFXI, to blacklist these ever so annoying spammers. But as a very lazy person, I tried to make this even easier, just for blacklisting RMT that send messages in /tell, by using the command /blacklist add “<r>”  Because the syntax <r> will point to the latest sender of /tell that we receive. I have also put it in a User Macro and placed the button on my Hotbar.


Hitting this button will bring up a prompt asking if you really wish to blacklist the person, so do not fear that you might accidentally blacklist your friend if they happens to send a tell right after the RMT and right before you use this text command.


RMT Tell : Follow-up

Remember my post about getting an RMT tell? Haha. Now, this announcement is making me happy. 

Having confirmed in-game advertisements for RMT* sites, we have taken the following actions to address this issue.
* RMT (Real Money Trade) is the selling of account or game data for currency in the real world.

Period: Aug. 24, 2013 to Sep. 5, 2013
-Accounts receiving disciplinary action for RMT advertisement: 518 Accounts -Action Details: Permanent ban from FINAL FANTASY XIV

In addition to chat filters, we will continue to address RMT activity through cooperation with our GM teams and STF (Special Task Force). If you are solicited by an RMT company in-game, please do not respond.

And yes they also confirmed that among those, there are also accounts of legit players who got hacked. This just makes me hate RMT even more. They are ruining the fun of us players not just by barging into our game, but also stealing people’s accounts. Just disgusting.
But oops at “please do not respond” LOL. I sometimes cursed back at them just to manage my anger. Have to stop doing that hahaha.

RMT Tell

It is the first day of official launch (not including early access) and I received a /tell from RMT (gil seller) already!?!? Just WTF!? I’m pretty pissed off at this. Just GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! //furious Go the fuck away from MY game, you bastard! RMT should burn in the seven hells.


Anyway, I mentioned it to a friend and he said “lol counter offer them.” So I replied like in the screenshot, reported the character to help desk, and could laugh at the matter a bit and got less mad. Now I’ll just ignore the bastard and enjoy my questing!!! It doesn’t worth it to hurt my own mental health fuming at such shit I can’t control.