Teamwork is important!

Yet another rant post. :'(

I got bold (or more like desperate for Tomes of Esoterics) and joined an Expert Roulette alone. And of course, unfortunate event befell. I got into a party where the tank neglected minor details and made the run very rough for me.

Once again it emphasizes to me that gear and stats aren’t helping much if the wearer doesn’t  work hard enough to bring out its best potential.


As you see, this tank has at least a body piece of iLV 240, while other gear are at least 200, 210, or 230, as I didn’t look at every piece and I can’t tell from just the picture. Maximum HP was over 24k. When I see tank with above-average HP, of course I feel a little bit at ease.

But you know what? I could hardly switch to Cleric Stance to help nuke during this run.

I know I’m finicky and I’m a spoiled healer, but I don’t just randomly complain or get ticked at other people’s play style or player skill. But this one just….made me grunt so many times. I don’t know precisely what went wrong that made the tank less efficient than average. All I could notice were minor details where this tank failed or neglected to exercise.

A few examples:

– Not rounding up the mobs properly, sometimes letting one or two stray mobs hit tank from behind (this makes your shield blocks and weapon parries become useless, because you can’t block or parry attacks coming from behind you)

– In Hullbreaker Hard, not bringing the enemy (or enemies) away from the ground buffs (ATK up and Haste, if I remember correctly) making the enemies hit very fast and hard as a truck. I switched to cast Aero III just for 3 seconds and the tank was dying, making me use Benediction near the start of the dungeon.

– Not bringing melee enemies towards ranged attack enemy, so the mobs aren’t grouped properly and sometimes an enemy would try to kill me, because tank’s Flash couldn’t reach it and I kept gaining enmity from Cure and Medica II and Regen.

– Not watching the healer, letting an enemy beat on the healer without protecting (Provoke or Cover) the healer. I don’t expect a tank to move from battle spot to grab a mob off me, because that WILL ruin the battle flow and mobs placement, which can cause trouble or hassle to the DPS and the tank. I usually run to the tank when something attacks me and I know that the tank is too busy. But this one just made no attempt to provoke or cover at all. Made me frown so much.

Tanking isn’t just wielding the sword and the shield (or the axe) into the battle and being the meat shield. It requires A LOT. You need player skills, teamwork, adjustment to the party, quick reaction to the circumstances, and sound judgment of the situation. You have to support and protect your party. You have to cooperate with your team members and work with them, execute decent strategy. You don’t need to be precise and be perfect in every move and every action. You just have to read the whole situation and adapt or improvise when things go wrong.

Enemies not following you to the spot you want because they are ranged attackers? Move yourself and melee enemies to the ranged enemies, or go out of their range (or hide from their sight) to force them to move to where you want. An enemy is hitting a DPS or a healer and you can’t take back enmity and already spent your Provoke? Cover that person (if you are PLD) or change target to that enemy and do enmity combo on it. Or if you are a PLD, you can Clemency that party member to keep them from dying.

Too many enemies at once and the healer seems to struggle in topping you off? Use stun on one or a few of them, or pop your defensive buff(s), or you can also spend your offensive buff and rush one enemy so that it dies fast, relieving the damage load. You can also put a mark on an enemy or request your party to defeat that one first. Usually people aim to kill the weakest one first, or the one that hits the hardest, or the one with very bad AoE move, or the one that can cause bad debuff on tank or the party. It depends on party setting and the situation.

DPS choosing wrong enemy or different enemy from you, causing a trouble in mob control or enmity control? Put a number(s) on the enemies so they know which one to focus first. DPS using AoE attack and stealing enemies from you because you didn’t focus or combo on them? Use Flash a lot. You can also try to switch target to gain enmity on the 2nd or 3rd enemies, if you have already secured enmity on the 1st one.

There are myriad of things to do as a tank, and it’s overwhelming. I am not a very good tank and I’m just a learner. I don’t main on any tank job. All of the comments above were what I observed through DPSing and healing. But I can say tank is a tough job to learn, especially if tanking isn’t in your blood. I know I can’t play a good tank in high-end content. I think I am fine as a PLD in level 34 dungeon, but that’s it. If you throw me in a level 50 or 60 dungeon, I will probably kill my whole party and fail the run. I only know the basics, and I say these from a healer’s perspective.

HP and stats aren’t the only thing you need to be a good tank. I’ve seen so many lousy tanks who are terrible despite uber gear. I’ve seen lowbies tanks who still struggled to learn the job, and yet had wonderful performance. I’ve seen averagely geared tanks in high-end content who tanked like a pro and were surprisingly easy to heal for me. I’ve seen overgeared tanks who were overly confident and overestimated themselves who splatted under my care, or took bigger bite than they could chew.

I’ve even met tanks who thought their through-the-roof iLV could save them from everything and anything. So they don’t dodge shit and just ate AoE and/or debuff, thinking the healer can always carry the additional weight of responsibility. That puts extra, unnecessary workload on the healer. I despite that kind of tank. I would forgive if it’s inevitable or the tank has a reason to fail in dodging (like, lag, or if they lost focus for just a second, or you were dealing with other enemy and didn’t see the AoE, or your Stun happened to fail you), but if you CAN dodge it, yet selected to stand in the AoE, then you’re a burden. If there’s a strategy or a tactic what can be executed to mitigate the damage, like dodging, interacting with the mechanics, or tank swapping, then please do it. Don’t just go “Oh the healers can heal through, so I’ll be lazy and don’t deal with mechanics.” No, please just no. Because that, in my eyes, makes you a lousy tank who doesn’t do the job role correctly.

Also, sometimes very high-geared tanks thought they were gods or were invincible, and pull big or play through the dungeon as they please without taking the strength of the whole party into consideration. You can’t cycle your buffs forever, and the healer cannot keep curing forever, if the DPS is too weak or lack the jobs/skills/tools to quickly kill a large horde of enemies, then it is perhaps a bad idea to pull big.

The other day I met a WAR tank who kept pulling 2-3 groups of mobs in Tam-Tara (level 16 dungeon) when the 2 DPS persons were LNG and DRG, without any AoE attack due to level cap. The only person who could AoE was the tank…. And what? After a pull, the tank ran out of TP, yet continued on to pull 2 or 3 next groups. The tank could only use Overpower like once or twice before running out of TP again. Then what? Tank just stood there with the axe drawn, relying on auto-attack and the slow regeneration of TP. I was like *roll eyes and face palm*. It’s just so useless. The mobs enmity was everywhere because the tank ran out of TP and couldn’t attack. And the kills were so damn slow because I and the LNC could only stab one enemy at a time.

That, also, was not a good way to play tank. Of course we won and the healer didn’t have trouble keeping us alive. But while having no TP, the tank lost the efficiency and couldn’t inflict as much damage on the enemies. So I feel it was so useless thing to do (pulling big groups without having TP). The tank wasn’t exactly a dead weight  to the party, but did not maximize the job skills and abilities as he should. To me it felt like, by neglecting the basic strategy/mechanic, the tank was leeching on my hard labour.

Tanking is difficult. There are so many things you have to consider. You have to adjust your strategy to suit the situation and party setting. It’s not that a very very strong tank can do everything by himself. You still need a teamwork. So, support your team. You’re not playing solo, do not use brute force. Don’t ignore mechanics.

Void Ark is the new hell hole.

I’ve had it up to here with people pulling bosses early in raids. It seems it is no longer possible to have a smooth run, with people doing their roles properly without ignoring strategies and mechanics. What’s with a NIN always darting ahead, pulling bosses without asking for confirmation and without ANYONE using a Ready Check. (On other runs, sometimes someone uses a Ready Check, but some other freak in the alliance would ignore the Ready Check and would pull anyway. UGH!)

Early pull not only disrupts the flow of the battle, but also makes it much more difficult for people to get in position and execute their job role properly. Enmity flies everywhere because the puller wasn’t a tank, and it made it hard to reposition the boss after it’s been chasing people everywhere. Not to mention that it locked people outside of the room!!!! And for some runs, missing 1 or 2 persons could make the party (or whole alliance) struggle already. Countless times had I been in a wipe that was caused by impatient puller locking people out and failing DPS check phase. And it is not nice (or rather upsetting) to witness some idiots trying to save 30 seconds by early pulling bosses and ending up wasting 3-5 minutes because of a wipe and walking back to reattempt it. =_=;;

This kind of person and behavior really makes raid run become a suffer instead of a fun. It is toxic environment. I wish for smoother runs and more friendly alliance, not something with such a big mess of brute force people ignoring party role and strategies like this. (And yes I did report the person, in case you’re wondering if I’m just ranting here uselessly.)

With such a run, where people are uncooperative, I feel like it consumes 3 times as much of my life energy and my will power than normal. It’s a nightmare. It makes me hate DF. It makes me hate strangers. Sometimes I really don’t wonder why I avoid Roulette and Duty Finder completely….

To keep my sanity, I must develop a new skill. Like, “I Give Zero Fuck” skill, and just heal my team without thinking. Just stop feeling anything and do it like a programmed robot. There are too many freaks out there who would play the game however they like while ignoring team work and strategies. It is unhealthy to get worked up every time I run into one, because it is highly likely that I WILL run into them every day or every other day.

It’s so tiring, and not fun AT ALL.

Sometimes I’m so mad I wish some lightning strike would zap near the person’s house and knock out his or her internet, so that the raid (or I) will be rid of a nuisance. GAH GAH GAH. So much hatred today. Why can’t these freaks weed themselves out? It’s always us who play by the rules who eventually get annoyed or tired enough to quit or flee from the mess. Why is being disruptive and uncooperative becoming the norm? Why are people putting up with such misbehavior? Why can’t those freaks be nice and stop causing trouble to others?

Ugh I’m rambling off. Better go tend to my garden and stop dwelling on it. Let’s focus on doing stuff that keeps me happy instead of getting upset at useless and unimportant people. :'(


24-person Raids are a big headache

Rant warning. This shit isn’t going to make its way to my tumblr because there is enough negativity on tumblr. This personal blog of mine has less audience and is quite a secluded place, so I will let my steam off in here.

I’m not a big fan of CT, ST and WoD. One of the reasons is that the possibility to run into a jerk (or jerks) intensifies, about roughly 3 times as much as a 8-person dungeon.

We have had to put up, or deal with, people who don’t cooperate. Tanks who do not like to be a team player. Tanks who do not do their job properly and let enemies eat a healer. Tanks who intentionally try to compete enmity and steal the boss from other tank instead of being cooperative. Tanks who kept darting ahead to secure enmity on a boss regardless of other people’s readiness. Tanks who insist on tanking even when they can’t handle the boss and keep dying. People who do not dodge AoE or who do not try to learn the mechanics even in real practice. People who pull bosses early when the alliance isn’t ready. People who pull boss and shut out a few or many members outside of the boss room (the most epic shut-out I’ve witnessed was like 8 people from 3 parties, where we, or course, wiped due to failing a DPS check phase). The list goes on and on.

And with people being overgeared nowadays, the new headache adds to the list: people deliberately ignoring mechanics and just focusing on brute force.

4 out of 5 times, in CT (The Labyrinth of the Ancients), people do not deal with skeleton adds in first boss room anymore. Worse yet, they (on Chaos Data center) prefer to tank the dragon on one edge of the room, as opposed to the center. This had been my woe since forever. I used to sneak into Masamune and they tanked in the center, allowing melee jobs to chase the skeletons and help killing them without having to run through like 10 yalms of deadly water, which could kill my monk in 5 seconds.

Just yesterday, in our CT run, Dew tried to tank it in the center. And it went well until the first wave of skeletons popped. People immediately killed them where they popped, which was center. I screamed into the voice call, and Dew ran the shit away, dragging the dying dragon with her to one edge of the room.  Then, someone killed 2 skeletons too close together, and yes they ran so fast, through deadly water, to the dragon and exploded.

The skeleton exploding fiesta continued in 2nd round of adds. And in 3rd round of adds, all the ahrimans chased me for forever without any sub tank picking them up and I had to use Benediction on myself to survive.

The headache continued in King Behemoth room. At least 2 person out of the whole alliance died to Meteor each round. This, I can forgive, because super fast DPS on Behemoth could mess up the phase and make him pop meteor much faster than people’s expectation.

Meanwhile, in both Behemoth room and last boss room, I saw Dew trying to tank, and the WAR from other party competed with her to get aggro. So I told her to slack off and let him tank.

Then, we continued to ST, where things weren’t as brutal to my mental health. People still died to stuff like Curtain Calls, as usual, but otherwise there’s not much to complain about.

The World of Darkness, however, was when I snapped. My irritation was too much pent up and grew out of control. You see, in Angra room (Eye boss), people stood there and waited. Dew  hesitated for a bit, and after seeing that the other tanks didn’t go in, she went in to tank. However, a WAR competed aggro and took it ( immediately resulting in a beam hitting a healer to death because of bad positioning). I told Dew to let him tank. In the middle of the battle, Dew was bound with level 150 spell or something, and people didn’t leave the circle properly, so she died at the same time with our other healer, and someone else in our party. I Swiftcast raised Dew (should have raised the healer, but at that very moment I failed to notice that our healer was among the casualties). Dew hit the wrong button and went homepoint, and ran back to the door.

Towards the end of the fight, this WAR tank moved to the door and tanked it on the edge of the room, messing up the position of Double Vision (red and white flood on the floor). So it was very hard to run to get to one of the colours, resulting in many people dying to 2 or 3 stacks. This was where I got really mad, but still refrained. I only told Dew that she should tank the next boss because this WAR tank is a pain in the ass.

At the Hydra boss, of course Dew went in. And while she was waiting for it to finish a cone AoE (before moving it into a proper tanking position) I saw with my own eyes that the WAR tank ran around the back of the boss and then darted ahead, doing something that pulled aggro, making me and many other people get hit by the boss’ swipe or breath attack (or whatever it was, which didn’t have AoE indicator). Dew took back the aggro, and the WAR did that shit again, and yes I got hit by something, due to the bad positioning of the WAR while trying to compete enmity.

I started typing “Don’t point the boss to other people, <t>” but then I saw that Dew completely gave up and stood on the side of the boss, so I deleted it. The fight went on and we won without much trouble.

Then, in Cerberus room, we stood there idly for so damn long. Dew didn’t want to tank because she knew that the WAR would steal hate again, instead of engaging right on to declare that they wanted to main tank. While Dew was asking me on voice chat whether we should go into the belly (we were team B), out BLM stepped ahead and started casting spell, and canceled it. The BLM repeated this many times. And I said to Dew, just go in quickly and secure hate. She did, and of course the WAR from team A competed and stole Cerberus.

I’ve lost it right there and typed in the alliance, “If you want to tank, just engage and tank instead of letting our PLD go in first and then compete to pull hate like a jerk.” To which no one said anything, except Corn in FC chat. He wanted no drama and told me to calm the hell down.

After we won, someone said something like “kek BLM pulled first. No tears.” and the WAR said “BLM pulled first.” All the time in my head I screamed “EXCUSES” because I didn’t see that the BLM spell went off.

In Atomos rooms where we had to split into 3 groups, our party only had 4 people in our little room. Before I could start typing to ask where the other 4 went, some asshole pulled. Again I was like “No….my party!” (had to cut my typing short because I had to start fighting and healing people). Again Corn was like, “chill, dude” and fought like it’s nothing, while in my head I kept having this echo of “OH SHIT WE WILL WIPE” all the time. The fight was quite tough because we didn’t have enough killpower to keep the giant off me or remove it fast enough. I ended up dying before the 3 of them killed off the last Atomos that popped.

Then, in last boss room, I got so pissed and told Dew to just /sit and don’t go in, no matter what happens. I /sit with her ans just stared at the damn BLM, from team B (our own party =_=) did that casting/canceling over and over again. Then, the spell went off, either accidentally or deliberately, and I saw with my own eyes that the BLM did pull first, at least in last boss room. He or she took 2 hits and died, and immediately homepoint so I wasted my Swiftcast for nothing.

Now the same person said “kek B BLM pulled first.” to which I replied “Yes gonna report him later.” and the BLM said “sorry misclicked ^^” (referring to Hompointing, I guess).

Corn got upset (or just annoyed) and said in FC chat “Can we just tank and heal and DPS and get it done and leave?” So I swallowed all my anger and just did my job, saving GM call on the BLM for after exiting.

Dew and I later discussed about the WAR tank using our BLM as an excuse to compete enmity. It’s just irrational and pointless to keep competing hate when the one who had hate was a PLD. Even if BLM pulling was truly why WAR decided to step in to grab aggro, there was no reason, at all, to keep competing when it is obvious that Dew, a PLD, had secured aggro. So we call it bullshit that the WAR and other person blamed it entirely on the disruptive BLM for enmity competition.

This isn’t the first time I’ve been through such a painful turbulence of epic failure of teamwork in 24-person raids. It’s making me hate CT, ST and WoD very much. People just won’t play nice and that drives a troublesome content even more insane and painful. Really, these raids are the main reason why I would hate FFXIV players and avoid interactions. It ruins the fun and makes the game stressful as opposed to enjoyable. I know it’s MMO, and freaks like that who like to bully or ruin the day of other people are in every corner of a data center. It can’t be helped. But I can’t stop wishing for a smooth run and friendlier environment. It is unfair that people who want to enjoy their game peacefully can’t do that because dozens of douchebags are out there ambushing everyone in every opportunity they see. /sigh  /double sigh

Got called a ninja at Hunt (Rank A) today

Happy story was that today I managed to get a few pics of Vogaal Ja without anyone messing up my Vogaal Ja screenshots :D

Sad story is that I shouted as well as announced in all my 3 hunt/social LS and almost no one showed up. So we had 4 people, then someone who wasn’t in my party (he’s on DF) got impatient and changed to PLD and pulled. I thought it was useless to keep shouting and waiting for nobody to come, so I joined in. The 3rd person (was also queuing in DF) suddenly disappeared, and the only person who joined my party ran away before going offline. (He or she came back shortly after and joined the fight, so it’s all good.)

Angry story started when I shouted 2 more times (first time before that PLD pulled, and then 3 mins after that, according to my chatlog time stamp) and suddenly a huge crowd of people appeared out of nowhere. I managed to get 2 more party members. One of the non-party crowds was a lousy person who took time to type “nice ninja of volgal ja” in shout, which pissed me off badly. Because what? Where the fuck were you when we needed more bodies? I’ve been shouting to no avail and you, who came late to the scene, had the nerves to call me out on this?

So it’s automatically my fault when you weren’t in the damn zone when I shouted and not in my 3 linkshells? I get branded for ninja pull when I was the one who found it and announced it? (Mind you, no one else ever shouted the pos all this while.)

I argued with the person, saying I was shouting for 10 mins and no one came (it’s actually 9 mins since my first paparazzi screenshot of Vogaal Ja, 7 mins since my first shout), so it’s not ninja pulling, but he said “yeah sure that’s why when i shout everyone come ?” which is blatantly stupid I couldn’t even start to type a rebuttal. (He or she was gone as soon as the fight was over, so I didn’t have enough time to argue back anyway.) You didn’t announce the pos, at all, and I have a screenshot to prove it. It was all me who shouted the pos. And just because a crowd suddenly showed up when you shouted  “nice ninja of volgal ja” doesn’t mean that they came because of your shout.

And, more importantly, without me and my shouts, you might not even have a chance to see this spawn of Vogaal Ja. Stop blaming the shouter just because you weren’t there to see the shout. I’m unhappy to have run into such kind of person, always blaming others for their own misfortune.

RAWRRRRRRRRRR!!!! I’m so mad. What a jerk!

Why can’t people deal with their own adds properly?

OK, yet another angry rant from me.

What the hell is wrong with people? Can’t you just be responsible and kill your own adds? Why would you be so damn obsessed with getting credits from contribution in FATE and ignore adds, letting them spam AoE on people nearby or eat any healer that got tricked into healing you???!?


Today I’ve seen all kinds of these FATE jerks.

One guy dove head on into a single boss FATE fight (no FATE minions), but before reaching the boss, they happened to attract a nearby aggressive enemy that roams there. The person did freaking NOTHING to acknowledge the add and just kept on pounding the boss. They didn’t even use anything to buff or support self, as the enemy kept being unclaimed the whole time. Nope I wasn’t on WHM, so it was easier for me to turn a blind eye on that and let the person get eaten.

The other person was in such a hurry to compete against me in claim war on multiple enemies FATE, and totally ignored an aggressive non-FATE monster that kept ramming their ass. They killed the first FATE monster and ran to a new one, with the unclaimed add tagging along. So I let them have all the FATE enemies they wanted, as well as the add. They died 10 seconds and homepointed.

In the Stagnant Water FATE near Camp Brentbranch, a person fought the Water boss while circling around it. He picked up 2 Yarzons in the process and completely ignored the Yarzons. This person seemed especially like an asshole, because he seemed to purposely run to me and let those Yarzons beat on him. Was either baiting me into killing them for him (when he kept on pounding the FATE boss) or trying to dump them on me. It worked, because my chocobo happened to use some kind of AoE skill and pulled one of the two Yarzons off him. =_= I was unhappy about it and kept wishing that he would get eaten by the other Yarzon he still had. After the FATE finished, that person escaped alive, with one Yarzon biting on his ass while he ran away. Disappointing.

Other person in Drybone fought in the middle of where Amalj’aa army spawned, so when I looked back at him again after turning away to kill 3 stray Amalj’aa one by one, he was half dead. Before I even started to decide whether to help or not, another Amalj’aa archer spawned and immediate aggroed me, so I ran to it and killed it first. That person, along with all his 4 Amalj’aa, ran to me and stood on top of me. I saw that he had claimed some of the horde, so I picked out the unclaimed one. Then I killed the other dying one, leaving 2 on him. Seeing that he was far away from spawn spot, I left him there and went into the middle to try to help the Brass Blade NPC.

Guess what? That person, instead of running away from the FATE to try to lose aggro, followed me and brought the two Amalj’aa along. He picked up 2 more Amalj’aa in the process, and kept circling around, picking up more and more….. I said in say “Running around will only get you more enemies……” and turned back to mind my own business with the rest of the Amalj’aa. He eventually got the hint (or just became smarter on his own) and ran away from FATE, losing all the enemies.

Not the end of the stupidity, yet, mind you. This person immediately resumed fighting by running back and diving head on into the Amalj’aa army, when he only had like 5% HP. =_=  The FATE ended soon so we finished without death, but that’s when I started to wonder if these new adventurers even use half of their brain when playing. They just don’t use any battle strategy at all. It’s as if they just want to smack and whack. No plan, no brain, no tactic, no adapting to the circumstances.

When I attract an enemy, be it a FATE monster or non-FATE one, I always deal with it first. I don’t run around like a dumbfuck, which would be gathering even more adds. I don’t try to park my adds on other people to try to bait them into killing my adds for me. If I happen to have multiple adds, I try not to bring in on top of or near the FATE boss that people are fighting, as AoE could disturb the battle flow. I deal with my adds properly and immediately. So I’m extremely disgusted and annoyed by those who are irresponsible to their own adds. As a WHM, I had been baited into helping such people too many times already. Most of the time I ended up having to run for dear life because, for example, those asshole dumped 4 enemies on me.

So, today, playing on my DRG, I set up a new brain function: to not mind other people’s business when they don’t mind it properly first. If the adds are unclaimed and received no attention from the person, I don’t help them kill. It sounds mean, in my opinion, but why should I be responsible for other people’s life when they don’t even seem to care about it? I’m not obligated to watch out for other people’s safety, unless they ask for my help.

Oh, on a different note, there’s another person who, in Alux FATE, managed to get to Alux, pulled before I could finish clearing other Imps for safe pull, and kept letting an Imp attack him while he spammed arrows on Alux. I tried hard and finally won the enmity war on the FATE boss and pulled it closer to the wall for safety, away from non-FATE adds. The person let the other Imp beat on him until he had about half HP, and started killing that add. So I joined in and killed it for him before resuming my Alux fight. Meanwhile, Alux had been having Ice Spikes up all the time, chipping away on my HP and the archer’s HP. At first I didn’t notice, because my chocobo casts regen and cure on me to refill my HP. But then I saw that archer was dying. I was slow and thought that it was because he got another Imp on him. I turned my camera around looking for the Imp, to no avail. As soon as the archer died, I figured out that he killed himself from Alux’s Ice Spikes…….

Alux had a chunk of HP left, so I said in say that I could raise in a few minutes. He said nothing but lied there. So, after killing Alux, I immediately changed to WHM. I couldn’t raise right away due to spell/skill cooldown when job is changed outside of a Sanctuary. When Alux was dying, though, another new adventurer ran in, bringing a stray Imp. The new person seemed to be dying, yet I couldn’t cast regen or cure, so I ran to the imp and whacked it with my staff and let my chocobo handle it. I couldn’t even finish typing “Sorry, spell cooldown a few more secs” when that dead person HP without any word.

That strangely pissed me off. Probably because I hate when people don’t communicate and don’t show common manner. Dude, you wasted many minutes of my time trying to raise you, yet you said nothing and just HP. At least you could have said, “No thanks.” “I don’t need raise”  “NP, I go HP” or something.

Anyway, today, apart from being annoyed when people tried to park their unclaimed mobs on me, I had quite a pleasant and safe day farming FATE. It just ticks me off when people don’t deal with adds properly and, some of them, run around like an idiot only to aggro even more adds.



Shouts Immaturity

I’m not angry ranting, but just sharing a part of shout conversation where people amazed me with their ability to be randomly offensive and amused me with how some people talk back to a rude person. But I put this entry in “My Rants” anyway.

In FFXIV, as with anything else on the internet, being somewhat anonymous makes some people feel confident enough to act like an ass. Everyday we can see people talking crap or cursing at each other. Some people just get angry easily, so they curse at others or at things without feeling the need to restrain. Some people are just downright rude and select to be a douchebag without provocation.

Today while mining, I saw a chance to spread the knowledge about the use of <pos> and the map marker it will generate. However, there is this person who doesn’t appreciate the tip and tried to pick a fight with me for no reason. It was offensive and very immature. I was mad at first and secretly wish they would never get a Raise. But they did. Strangely, I didn’t get angry or disappointed that the asshat got a Raise. Probably because some other shouters who made funny comments while arguing with that rude person.

The chat went:

Aphrodite A.: can i get a rev in 15 33 plz
Aleczan K.: If you type <pos > (without space) in your Raise request, it lets people click on the coords and see your location on their map. Will make Raise find you easier. :)
Aphrodite A.: cool story bro
Soul E.: I didn’t know you could clic on the coordinates. Nice tip! Although with the PS3 controller… :-/
Aleczan K.: Someone told me how to do that on PS3, let me look it up.
Aleczan K.: OK he said “On ps3 you can hold L1 and click R3 for mouse. then L2 is left click, R2 is right click.”
Soul E.: Wow, that’s great! Thanks a lot! ^^
Aleczan K.: NP, I’d like people to usa <pos > more to save raiser some headache XD
Soul E.: Well, noq thanks to you probably all people connected in this area know how to do it! :D
Soul E.: *now
Aleczan K.: Someone else taught me (and everyone who read shouts) this thing last week and asked us to help spread the knowledge :)
Soul E.: I, for one, will put that knowledge to good use :D
Soul E.: Thanks agian!
Aleczan K.: My pleasure! Gotta love that cute little green flag.
Aphrodite A.: will pay 500 gil 2 anyone who revs me in 15 33
Aleczan K.: If you use <pos > to make it look like South Shroud (16,19)  I’ll change job from botanist and go for the rescue ^^
Aphrodite A.: Aleczan  go suck my fat cock and shut the fawk up
Aleczan K.: Well, if you don’t want to make people find you easier, then you’re welcome to just lie there and rot ^^
Cameron V.: Ah, the maturity of shouts :/
Aphrodite A.: il play the game how i want 2 dipshit
Aleczan K.: Suit yourself, gentleman. And don’t whine if no one go raise your dead sorry arse ;)
Oblitus A.: dafuq?
Aphrodite A.: 20000 gil says i will be raised ‘
Aphrodite A.: i can just go 2 bed and wake up bet id be raised by then
Cameron V.: It wears off after 1 minute :)
Crosine A.: make it 2 mil and ill come raise you :D
Oblitus A.: The heck is going on?
Aleczan K.: I was trying to be helpful and gave out a tip to make people spot a shouter easier on the map, but someone doesn’t appreciate it. That’s all.
Crosine A.: oh nm ob just idiots that dont want help being immature
Aphrodite A.: u not the boss no 1 gona listen 2 yur sorry ass
Cameron V.: And nobody is going to raise yours :)
Aphrodite A.: eat shit and die bitch i just got raised
Cameron V.: That’s not what I’m into ;(
Oblitus A.: Its the internet first off…lol
Crosine A.: Dear lord aphro he was trying to help you, shut up and lay there
Valliant P.: helping each other is what makes us win the war
Salantis M.: hodor
Crosine A.: unless your aphro in that case we kill our own XD

Not only that these funny people arguing against the rude person made me laugh and quit being mad, but then, someone shouted:
“anybody wanna join fate group? i just kicked aphrodite from it.”

And I was just laughing in front of my keyboard. Seems the person’s rudeness was too much and the leader couldn’t stand it, or maybe the person was also being an annoyance in the party, or the leader felt the need to deliver a punishment for such misbehavior. Hahaha.

Blind Invite, I Hate It.






I was genuinely enraged today by this bloke. In short, I saw him shouting that not enough people are joining FATE party for the sake of more EXP bonus. Some people counter-argued, me included, saying that not everyone are readily available for partying up with random people for various reasons. I stopped arguing because he’s such a waste of time.

Then, while I was harvesting on my Botanist, a FATE popped in my Lush Vegetation Patch area, and this guy sent an invite. =_=;; WTF. I confronted him like in the chatlog screenshot. Then I got royally pissed off. Did he mean that by selecting a target (namely me), he could click on the target and execute the Invite To Party command from the menu without even looking at the target!? What’s more, it is so rude to just spam invite without even looking at the class/job of the person. He invited blindly, yet had the nerves to complain (in shout) about people not joining his party. Just WTF!? If you want people to join your party, show some decency and make some effort, PLEASE. And he said it is not blind invite. Ha!!! *smirks* OK, I will believe him that the invite wasn’t blind, but it’s probably him who is blind.

– added later –

And yes, I took it personally because it is rude like hell to do what you did. I don’t mean just the invite, but all your actions combined together, that is rude. First, you got mad and shout ranted about people not joining your FATE party. Then, you showed that you just invite whatever that’s in your way. Heck, if there were a Tortoise standing there near your FATE, I bet you would invite it too. I don’t mind partying up with strangers if you share same goal. However, I hate that you can’t spare just 5 secs to look and check if the invitee shares the same goal as you or not. Now, that is incompetent, and also impolite in my opinion. You want people to join your party for your EXP benefits, easy profits eh, yet you do not pay attention to whether they are willing (or available, or eligible, even). How selfish! Self-centered, I would include, for you apparently were blaming people for not wanting to join your party when you yourself do not perform well as a party leader or event organizer. I can’t help but wonder that maybe the real reason why people don’t join your party is that you have been inviting Miner and Botanist (or maybe crafter, haha.)

What’s the most ill-mannered action today was, however, the way you responded to me about your mistake. Instead of admitting that you’ve made a mistake by not checking my class before inviting, you acted like I was at fault for standing there. Excuse me, I was there first, your FATE popped later. And no, I would never send you any message had you not intruded my peace by sending your lousy invite. Also, you insisted that joining FATE is a good thing. NO, your stupid excuse is invalid because I am a Botanist and cannot contribute to nor benefit from FATE. If you want to argue that your inviting people from Disciples of the Land to FATE is not wrong, then stop bitching about people not joining your party. Or simply check before sending your goddamned invite, so that less people will decline it!

RAWR RAWR! OK I am done. All steam is out. And I really hope that the game will return to its normal community (having less morons) soon. This past week had been brutal. The launch always does this. /sigh

– end of additional paragraphs –

I wrote about this in my Lodestone Blog, too, should anyone interest.