Goodbye Heavensward – En Taro Adun

Waiting for Stormblood now, I dug up some of my recent screenshots.

It’s hard to steal a group shot of our FC. :( Especially when /gpose kept making Dew turn away from the camera. This is weird. It sometimes happened with specific emotes, but I don’t know what caused it.

Kuji siting on the fire with his shield on fire. LOL

Before Kuji arrived, Dew, Corn and I went to Dun Scaith and had quite an ordeal with the party/alliance. People died a lot. They died way too much, including my healer buddy. ><;; Sad panda. It was extremely exhausting!

After whining about Kuji’s being late, I showed him my new hair from Gold Saucer event.

I actually changed to new hair since a few days ago, after I finished the event. And Corn happened to change to the new hair too. He saw mine when we got into Baelsar’s Wall for Bray’s Main Q and he laughed.

Good pic in front of the boss room, but Corn’s Garuda photobombed my face. T_T

Goodbye Bahamut!!!

Goodbyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Bahamuttttttttttttt!!!!!

OMG I’m freaking out!!! We finally downed Bahamut, CoB T13 (Final Coil of Bahamut, Turn 4).

Today we gathered again and tackled T13 once more. Corn needed a minute, so I took that opportunity to take some group pics. XD Sorry, Kuji, first pic has you with very evil face HAHAHA.


Must love /gpose new feature that allows party to stop looking at the camera. :D


During the fight, I was derping really badly, even managed to die TWICE, and only remembered to take 3 pics.



Today we surprisingly took only 1 attempt to win.

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It’s really nice to beat Coil of Bahamut with close friends. :D (We always go in as small group, partly because I fear drama. I heard about drama and endless drama involving endgame raid and I’m scared. The fight is very intense, and everyone could be on the verge of flipping shit. So I guess we kind of never wanted to struggle with recruiting more raid members ><;; You know, even with this tight-knitted, laid-back and light-hearted team, we yelled at each other or got pouty on occasions during Coil runs. We prevailed while managing to preserve good relationship only because we’re very close, whereas I don’t have the same confidence for loyalty and forgiveness from other people as I have with these guys. We’re also casual players and other average raid players won’t like us or our messy/random schedule, hahaha!)

Beat T11

Today we tried T11 again, with 5 people, as usual. After countless wipes during the 48 minutes of pain and agony (LOL) and screaming into Dew’s ear through Skype voice call (making her panic a lot, sorry, Dew!) we finally fell the Mechanical Hydra beast.

Deadaga XD Wiping so many times it got a little bit frustrating and discouraging. But we did see the potential, and kept practicing. Corn was our strategy man, and both PZ and Dew contributed by recalling, through dying over and over, some gimmicks that were originally forgotten and telling us what to do.


Below were the pics from our successful attempt. It was frustrating to solo heal because everyone were like dying left and right and in the midst of the chaos, I could hardly maintain my composure and cool head. I feel bad for Dew because I was yelling into the voice call when I panicked or got mad XD but Dew said it’s ok, we’re even, because she yelled at me when PZ and Kuji were killing her add too fast, too. Haha. She was like, please type for me, “go help Corn.” And I was like “NO NO NO NO Why is PZ dying” and “WTF my heal can’t reach!” and couldn’t type for her. XD And she was like “DON’T ATTACK MY ADD OHMIGOD” “NO!” in the voice call because she couldn’t type very well while fighting. Poor thing lol.


Finally won. Again, I couldn’t stop cackling. XD I laughed so hard I even woke up Q-chan, my Sugar Glider.

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Wheeeeeeeeeeee~ I’m so happy today.

Corn even got a Dreadwyrm robe for his SMN. It’s so purdy!!!
