Fishing for Red Corals at South Umbral Isles

These recent two days I tried fishing at the newest spot I just gained access (through main scenario quests, the quest where you can unlock Umbral Isles has requirement of level 42). It was the south water in the Isles of Umbra.

I tested with 4 kinds of tackles (bait/lure), 1 game-day each, just to see how fast we pull in and how different the yields are. However, the numbers are not 100% accurate, because in 3 of the 4 sessions, I was kicked from the server and took some time to return to resume fishing. I was unaware that I was getting kicked so I didn’t take note of the time, and so had no idea how much time to compensate or extend in the sessions. So I just stopped fishing once 1 game-day ended in each session. T.T

These should suffice to provide rough estimation of how many pulls you can get from each kind of baits, though. The format will show Bait Name, Item name: NQ/HQ, and number of Total pulls.


Sinking Minnow (level 34)
Red Corals: 74/16
Fullmoon Sardines: 27/6
Total: 123

Herring Ball (level 35)
Red Corals: 84/26
Fullmoon Sardines: 23/7
Total: 140
*Session interrupted by getting kicked from server*

Glowworm (level 45)
Red Corals: 27/4
Fullmoon Sardines: 7/4
Blacklip Oyster: 9/1
Plaice: 17/8
Sea Devil: 35/6
Mummer Wrasse: 23/4
Total: 145
*Session was also interrupted by getting kicked from server*

Heavy Iron Jig (level 37)
Red Corals: 62/14
Fullmoon Sardines: 32/11
Total: 119
*Session interrupted by getting kicked from server and having “you’re still logged in”*


I also got the message about fish sensing something amiss and had to relocate myself a few times during these tests. And sometimes my gear broke so I had to stop and repair. I am unhappy with all the unexpected interruptions. Next time, when I have more time to spare, I will retry again and keep the numbers only when the session goes smoothly without interruption.

Anyway, from my sloppy experiments, Herring Ball (processed bait) seem like the best bait here for quantity of Red Corals and Fullmoon Sardines. Sinking Minnow is more convenient, however, in term of carrying baits around. Glowworm is horrible in pops control, but if you want to gain EXP to  level up, this is a great bait for this spot.

Personal note, Heavy Iron Jig is the most annoying in term of animation’s sound effect, especially when I fish by ears.