Shouts Immaturity

I’m not angry ranting, but just sharing a part of shout conversation where people amazed me with their ability to be randomly offensive and amused me with how some people talk back to a rude person. But I put this entry in “My Rants” anyway.

In FFXIV, as with anything else on the internet, being somewhat anonymous makes some people feel confident enough to act like an ass. Everyday we can see people talking crap or cursing at each other. Some people just get angry easily, so they curse at others or at things without feeling the need to restrain. Some people are just downright rude and select to be a douchebag without provocation.

Today while mining, I saw a chance to spread the knowledge about the use of <pos> and the map marker it will generate. However, there is this person who doesn’t appreciate the tip and tried to pick a fight with me for no reason. It was offensive and very immature. I was mad at first and secretly wish they would never get a Raise. But they did. Strangely, I didn’t get angry or disappointed that the asshat got a Raise. Probably because some other shouters who made funny comments while arguing with that rude person.

The chat went:

Aphrodite A.: can i get a rev in 15 33 plz
Aleczan K.: If you type <pos > (without space) in your Raise request, it lets people click on the coords and see your location on their map. Will make Raise find you easier. :)
Aphrodite A.: cool story bro
Soul E.: I didn’t know you could clic on the coordinates. Nice tip! Although with the PS3 controller… :-/
Aleczan K.: Someone told me how to do that on PS3, let me look it up.
Aleczan K.: OK he said “On ps3 you can hold L1 and click R3 for mouse. then L2 is left click, R2 is right click.”
Soul E.: Wow, that’s great! Thanks a lot! ^^
Aleczan K.: NP, I’d like people to usa <pos > more to save raiser some headache XD
Soul E.: Well, noq thanks to you probably all people connected in this area know how to do it! :D
Soul E.: *now
Aleczan K.: Someone else taught me (and everyone who read shouts) this thing last week and asked us to help spread the knowledge :)
Soul E.: I, for one, will put that knowledge to good use :D
Soul E.: Thanks agian!
Aleczan K.: My pleasure! Gotta love that cute little green flag.
Aphrodite A.: will pay 500 gil 2 anyone who revs me in 15 33
Aleczan K.: If you use <pos > to make it look like South Shroud (16,19)  I’ll change job from botanist and go for the rescue ^^
Aphrodite A.: Aleczan  go suck my fat cock and shut the fawk up
Aleczan K.: Well, if you don’t want to make people find you easier, then you’re welcome to just lie there and rot ^^
Cameron V.: Ah, the maturity of shouts :/
Aphrodite A.: il play the game how i want 2 dipshit
Aleczan K.: Suit yourself, gentleman. And don’t whine if no one go raise your dead sorry arse ;)
Oblitus A.: dafuq?
Aphrodite A.: 20000 gil says i will be raised ‘
Aphrodite A.: i can just go 2 bed and wake up bet id be raised by then
Cameron V.: It wears off after 1 minute :)
Crosine A.: make it 2 mil and ill come raise you :D
Oblitus A.: The heck is going on?
Aleczan K.: I was trying to be helpful and gave out a tip to make people spot a shouter easier on the map, but someone doesn’t appreciate it. That’s all.
Crosine A.: oh nm ob just idiots that dont want help being immature
Aphrodite A.: u not the boss no 1 gona listen 2 yur sorry ass
Cameron V.: And nobody is going to raise yours :)
Aphrodite A.: eat shit and die bitch i just got raised
Cameron V.: That’s not what I’m into ;(
Oblitus A.: Its the internet first off…lol
Crosine A.: Dear lord aphro he was trying to help you, shut up and lay there
Valliant P.: helping each other is what makes us win the war
Salantis M.: hodor
Crosine A.: unless your aphro in that case we kill our own XD

Not only that these funny people arguing against the rude person made me laugh and quit being mad, but then, someone shouted:
“anybody wanna join fate group? i just kicked aphrodite from it.”

And I was just laughing in front of my keyboard. Seems the person’s rudeness was too much and the leader couldn’t stand it, or maybe the person was also being an annoyance in the party, or the leader felt the need to deliver a punishment for such misbehavior. Hahaha.