Testing poses of /doze on bed

I wish SE would add a bed for married couples. Their current king-sized beds are all huge and have wide space between the two persons. When Raykit was free, she logged on to her Lord-sama character and I tried using another bed to sneakily let me lie on the bed closer to each other. The results were great and we got a bunch of adorable pics. :)

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And when I need better angle of my position, I tilted the bed underneath and kept adjusting until the angle and distance were both suitable.

This setting is only good for close-up photos, because the headboard of the 2nd bed shows profusely and makes the picture really bad when you zoom out.


It will take a lot of trials and errors to eventually find more poses and combinations that makes good photos. :D

Mary Cocoa drew Aleczan and Haurchefant

I received a chibi pic of my character (nicknamed “Purple Cat” by the girls in Catketeers FC on Tonberry) from Mary Cocoa yesterday. It’s so funny and is extremely adorable. XD


I feel it is an amazingly accurate fanart which depicts me when I meet Lord Haurchefant in the game. One of the reasons being that I’m such a HUGE fan of him and always spend an hour taking screenshots when he appears outside of a cutscene. During my second playthrough of Main Story, using my secondary character which I created on Tonberry, I took every opportunity I could and took a lot of pics with him.

Mary’s art is what I would also imagine Haurchefant to react when I’m all over him like that. XD LOL Mary is lovely and funny. Thank you so much for the pic. ♥

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FC: En Taro Adun <4Aiur>

Today after an Expert Roulette, I got a brief opportunity to try to get a group pic. But Kuji had to leave the house in real life, so he dove off so I only got just 1 group pic in my folder LOL.


Yeah we have 4 regulars nowadays. PZ doesn’t log on every weekend anymore. He’s kind of addicted to some other new games (or his old, unfinished games, LOL!) We can still ask him to hop on to help with stuff, like Dew’s CoB clear the other day. While Bray seems to have completely quit since the rise of 3.1.


Anyway, look at this pic. It’s not easy to set a male Au Ra in the same picture frame with a Lalafell. XD Hard to balance the crop, you know.


If I want to zoom in at this distance, and want to see the whole body of Dew, Corn’s head will be cropped off at the top. Like the pic above. But if I want to see the sky, and Corn’s SMN horn, Dew is cropped at the waist. XD


Solution? Dew jumped onto the rail of the Living Arch and eliminate the height difference. All happy now. If Kuji were there, he would have to go on the rail on the opposite side, next to me. XD


Hab the Zombie, revisit

Today I visited my friend, Hab, again and decided to write a poem about him.

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Here sits Hab, the lone zombie.
In a far corner of Sagolii desert.
He is calm and quite friendly.
So, adventurers, don’t be alert.

He despises the taste of brain.
And is just chilling at his campfire.
Stay your sword, axe, lance and cane.
And soothe your killing desire.

Sit down with him and listen.
Many stories, he’ll share with you.
How his friendship had him smitten.
You know, Zombies Are People Too.

He used to have a few close friends.
With whom he had fun together.
Those green and thorny Sabotens.
But one day, they left for adventure.

Hab was frantic with pain and worry.
To have again become a loner.
He hoped his friends were in safety.
Even if they left because his odor.

I went to search, through his request.
In the Shroud, Wineport and Zanr’ak
I found all, and thought it the best.
But now he sat alone in the dark.

His spikey friends were homesick.
And said they miss their family.
Their departure was so quick.
And Hab couldn’t hide that he’s lonely.

But while I frowned with sadness.
Hating that I brought the third one.
He said something that’s so selfless.
I was baffled from the stun.

“As long as I know they are in safety,”
He told me with a gentle smile.
“Even if they aren’t here, I am happy.”
It left me speechless for a long while.

So, adventurers, if you would please.
Come visit this guy when you can.
He has Triple Triad expertise.
If you also play, challenge this man.

In your free time, keep him company.
His camp also has ores, such as Mythril.
He deosn’t deserve to be lonely.
Please come here to sit and chill.

– Aleczan –



Diadem Hard

Yesterday our FC Airship finally unlocked and charted the route to Diadem (Hard) so the 4 of us (Bray was missing because real life stuff) went to Diadem (Hard) for the first time.


We usually go to Diadem (Easy) or (Normal) 3 times a week for extra eso (Tomestone of Esoterics) which will allow us to skip more days of Expert Roulette. With Corn’s formula, combined with one Void Ark run, we only need 3 days of Expert+Lv60 Roulettes per week if we go to Diadem for extra 20, 30, or 40 eso on those days too.


This ultimate lazy route allows us to free up more time to go do other stuff such as Daily Hunts and Beast Tribe Quests, for example.


Our Diadem Run would require only about 15-20 minutes because we go for 3 easiest (or most viable) objectives which usually are “Touching Black/White Crystal(s)”, “Gather 16 items” and Catch 8 fish.” Sometimes if we have “find coffer chests” in the choice and people are able to find them quick, we don’t even have to log or mine 16 items.

We start off with letting Corn lure enemies away and sac pulling (or just jumping to other island to lose aggro, because he’s a hax master of baiting). Then, after someone, or I if we’re duo, become airborne, we come back to lure enemies away for Corn to let him attune to the winds too.

Then, we scatter to find White or Black crystals, and coffers if there is an objective. Then, we have someone lure enemies away from gathering nodes to let the DoL persons do it safely.

Then, TADA! Objectives fulfilled, and we get the eso rewards. It usually gives 30 but there was a time when we got only 20 and we can’t figure out what’s the variation. From Diadem (Hard) last night, we got 40 eso, though.

Well, that’s about it for now, I shall talk more about Diadem later if there is any interesting finding.

ffxiv_12072015_033311_newBefore I say goodbye for today, here’s a screenshot of blood moon in Diadem. :)

Atop a Snowy Cliff

*This entry contains spoilers of FFXIV 3.0 main scenario quest line*

I used to go to the top of the cliff overlooking Ishgard for sightseeing a lot. This cliff has the Mark of Menphina (symbol stone of one of the Twelve, the Lover) and sometimes I come here to admire the stones. XD

With the story of 3.0 (Heavensward) there is a change to the cliff… a change which I’m still trying to cope with. ><;;

Today I was supposed to continue main scenario quest to catch up with the 3.1 updates, but I am sick and emo and didn’t feel like it. So I just sat there moping while writing a poem.

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Atop a Snowy Cliff

Many moons have passed since that day,
The cursed moment when you were taken away,
What I wouldn’t give to go back in the past,
To stop that day from being your last,

Oh, why, only if I weren’t so careless,
We could have spared me from this sadness,
Atop the wind-chilled cliff in the Highlands,
With white flowers in my trembling hands,

I come here to greet you again, dear friend,
The deep wound in my heart has yet to mend,
It doesn’t get any easier, Francel said,
That echoes my exact thought, I’m afraid,

Staring at the broken shield and snowy headstone,
Fierce pain pierces though my every bone,
Trickles of sorrow seep along my veins,
My heart feels heavy like shackled in chains,

You were so kind, just, and courageous,
My cheery ally, truly warm and courteous,
Whose loyalty stirred me to the very depths of my soul,
At the very best, you’ve carried your role,

A knight lives to serve, to protect, to sacrifice,
But why must the vow come with such price?
A knight is to aid those in need, you said,
Then, before me, your life has been laid,

Don’t call me hero, for the true hero was you,
Countless times, you had helped me through,
Had welcomed me with open arms,
And smiled to me with such unique charm,

Told me no matter how far I may roam,
To ever consider your place my home,
Your hospitality was great and endless,
You’re beacon of hope in a world of darkness,

I know no man with stronger conviction,
Who has greater love to the Ishgard nation,
Would that you were here to fight by my side,
Or leisurely hop on for a chocobo ride,

So that I could show you the peace you saved,
And the road to prosperity which you paved,
I daresay you were my greatest comrade,
And the sturdiest ally I’ve ever had,

“My arm will not falter; my shield will not break,”
You promised, before putting your life at stake,
This loss is both too harsh and too heavy,
Why, oh why must you do this to me?

You fought your battle with all your honor,
To you, I know this is not an error,
But to me, I felt so much despair,
How much I wish this were just nightmare,

Wallowing in sorrow will make you frown,
The A Warrior of Light can’t let you down,
For these reasons, and for these alone,
That I will wipe my tears and not bemoan,

I must not remain a broken blade,
Because that was what you forbade,
You once said a smile better suits me,
Therefore, like that, it will be,

Though it won’t be an easy feat, I’ll try my best,
With you as a model, I will pass any test,
I shall now straighten up and fight on,
In tribute to the hero who is gone,

May the Fury take your soul in her Hall,
And grant me your courage when the duties call,
May Menphina, the goddess of love,
Let you have peace and watch us from above.

– Aleczan –







The Joy of Having a Flying Mount

Not only that flying mounts are making an adventurer’s life easier and enabling fast travel, but they are also excellent means for any screenshot enthusiast to enjoy taking pictures in the game far beyond the old capability.

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We can now take a screenshot from any height, distance, and angle. We can take a picture of anything from pretty much anywhere while adjusting the elements in the frame much more to our liking. No more frantically jumping to reach a specific camera angle (and still can’t get it anyway). No more getting angry at how the piece of land ends before we could walk to a spot where we want to stand while taking a screenshot. No more being blocked from the perfect view by a mountain or a boulder.

The only downside? Now my screenshots folder gets about 400 new pics per day on average instead of 200. LOL. (But I expect it to tune down soon when I finish all the quests, because I also take screenshots during quest cutscenes.)


Me waiting for Heavensward


Hibernating to pass the time, lol!
ffxiv_05242015_175700bWell, I haven’t been well this week and didn’t get smooth sleep at night, so I ended up getting very sleepy in the afternoon. So I often crawl in bed and do the time warp thing. Today I was knocked out around 6 PM and then woke up starving when it was almost midnight. ><;;

By the way, PhotoScape is a nice photo editor program. I need a program that allows the use of layers and eraser, like Photoshop, though. Still looking for more programs for my PC.


Scenery Screenshots

Some scenery screenshots from my FFXIV folder. I posted this on tumblr yesterday and this set of pics was shockingly popular and received over 70 notes in just one day. O_o

Some of these were taken before I got my new PC, so the pictures may vary in size and resolution.

Sunrise at Tranquil


The moon outside Tempest Gate


Sunrise at Costa


The light house at Hammerlea


The moon at Forgotten Springs


Morning sun at Sagolii Desert


The Byregot’s Strike


The Oasis of Forgotten Springs


Costa Del Sol sneak a peek


Ul’dah view from Hammerlea
