Breaking Dawn FATE in East Shroud

Today I camped a FATE in the East Shroud for several hours.

When it finally popped, I told the other person I bumped into during Breaching North Tidegate earlier (we were both there for the same book, Skyfall II) so that he or she could rush to East Shroud. Suddenly like 4 other persons were onto the FATE boss. XD What an ambush!! I thought there won’t be problem because, what? It was just 5 people (plus a Titan-Egi and a few chocobos).

However, the monster was weaker than anyone expected, so it went below 50% in like a blink. I rushed in and asked in /say for them to wait. Of course they waited!!!! That was a bunch of lovely people. I was afraid that someone would die from standing around letting the FATE boss beat on them without fighting back, so I made sure I Stoneskin and Regen everyone and kill any aggro for them.


As you can see in the chatlog, everyone was nice. The only reason why I (and the other person who was originally there) had to repeat “Please wait” was because there was a DRG who arrived late and started attacking fiercely because he or she didn’t know that we were waiting. That DRG stopped immediately after we asked, so I was afraid they won’t get enough credit for the FATE and invited them to join my party too. Then I spammed Medica II and everyone killed it. (I noticed later that the DRG said “reset” for the sake of the person who hadn’t arrived. We didn’t reset and I didn’t see that message, but I really appreciate the effort.)

My screenshot only has names of 3 people who were originally there, the DRG who arrives late, and the person whom I notified about the pop, but I have a feeling there was one more person there in the first place. If anyone ever runs into these nice people who were kind enough and waited, please, please, please be extra nice to them. 

You may notice that I didn’t get credit for the kill, I had no idea why. I did attack. I hit it with Stone and then several Repose, and also spammed Medica II.

I noticed that after I tried to leave Sylphlands and had to go back to camping it again. I was in no way mad that I missed the kill for my Book. I was strangely happy. To know and to see that they were kind and tried to wait for someone to join FATE was really wonderful. And that was enough. Not getting the kill credit cannot ruin that.

That FATE popped again 2 hours and 10 minutes after the first one died, I camped it while browsing the Internet and reading some comic books at my desk, so it wasn’t too bad.

I’m just so happy to have witnessed such act of consideration and kindness from fellow players on Ragnarok. My deepest thanks to those people.

Fleece Farming

Today I logged in in Coerthas after some FATE hunting last night. I saw Svara’s series was up, so I went there. This is the only set of FATEs in Coerthas that I enjoy making effort to go to, because it is 3 FATEs in a row, and thus I could hardly be too late to get good EXP. I usually end up getting gold medals, which yield about 15k, 15k, and 30k EXP consecutively.

Anyway, after that, I saw an empty Fleece farming spot, so I claimed it in hope to get some Fleece for my new Woolen Robe set, and to kill time while waiting for next Svara FATE. Then a MNK (or a PGL, not sure) came with battle chocobo and shared half of the farm with me. I don’t mind because I can’t kill all the sheep before first dead sheep respawns anyway. We both claimed and killed the Karakuls one by one.

Then I had to go for lunch. I returned and saw the same person still there, so I resumed my farming. After a while, the person left. So I kept killing. It’s a shame I can’t remember their name because I didn’t pay attention enough to memorize it and went AFK for lunch for a long time and forgot to take screenshot when I got back, and they left abruptly later. :(

Then another matter came up and I had to switch away from FFXIV to do stuff on my PC. Sometimes I peaked and saw a BRD (or ARC, I didn’t check) by the name of Akira Beaty (nice person!) killing all the sheep, and I went back to doing my other stuff.

Then, when I finally got back to the game and started killing ONE sheep, that person Akira Beaty ran away, saying something like “Aleczan you were here first and now you’re back so I’ll leave. Don’t want to be an asshole that wants to steal.” Probably referring to another person, BLM, who was also present at the camp and pulling all the sheep together before using AoE spell to kill them off.

That was very kind. Though it is unnecessary to feel obligated to leave the farm when AFK farmer who was there before gets back, I felt very grateful. I don’t own the farm simply by being there first, but it is very considerate and nice of them to yield the way like that. It makes me happy to find such players in the game. As I hate competition, and I feel that MMORPG should be more like helping each other instead of being hostile and competitive.

Anyway, I continued to try to win the claim war against the BLM, named Kaol’tan something (they turned out to be quite nice and friendly). Sometimes I win 2 or 3 Karakuls from one round of pops (probably 8 sheep there in total). The intense, unfriendly competition went on and on. I got kind of annoyed and just stopped caring about the claim and just kept attacking the sheep even when I lost the claim war anyway, because I get EXP when I outdamage them. And I think sometimes I even got the Fleece, too.

Then at one point, the BLM started talking in /say first, saying “So close” which probably referring to me almost winning the claim on that one Karakul. I didn’t know what they wanted so I said “Yeah so close and I’m almost level up too.” Because my EXP bar was almost full, it made me happy. The person was shocked to know that I was doing it for EXP and said it is bad EXP farm and suggested that FATEs are far better for EXP.

I explained to them that I can’t keep up with the chocobo riding to get to FATEs and that I got bad EXP from FATEs when I get there late (and I meant to say 1000 EXP but I mistyped it into 100 EXP, LOL!) They said joining FATE party will rock the EXP. I said thanks, I’ll do that later. Well, I usually don’t join FATE party because I want to level up my Chocobo too. So I always have my battle chocobo in my party when in Coerthas.

I also told the BLM that I kill Sheep for EXP to kill time while waiting for Svara, and also hoping for lucky drop of Fleece to make my new set of robe, as the current one (also woolen) is due for Materia conversion already. Then, at one point they just sat there on the ledge and stopped killing the sheep, probably trying to let me have an easy time claiming the sheep and killing for some fleece. So I went around attacking them in a killing spree. At my full speed and attention, I could hardly kill 5 Karakuls before first one pop, as I killed them one by one, with the help of Ifrit-Egi and my chocobo. And after a while, I almost ran out of MP because I’ve been using Fester to consume my Aetherflow effects instead of refilling my MP with Energy Drain. XD

Then it was 10 mins until maintenance, so I regretfully had to leave the scene, in order to get Sanctuary effect while logged out.

Anyway, by talking to a farm competitor and having friendlier ambiance in the claim war, it feels much less stressful to compete, and I don’t get mad when I lose the claim to my opponent when they seem friendly. Also, at first impression you may feel or judge that someone is a complete bastard and so greedy, but if they talk to you and you exchange opinions a little, you might feel like they’re not too bad a person. I can’t say the BLM is a great person because I only talked to them for less than an house, but at least they were not just a totally greedy, selfish jerk who doesn’t share with others. They were willing to share. However, if I never talked to the BLM, I would probably now be ranting about them here, saying they were awfully greedy for hogging all the Karakuls, blah blah blah. LOL.

It’s wonderful how a little bit of human interaction makes gaming much more enjoyable.