Monk’s Battle Effects

The other day, my desktop computer decided to mess with me and suddenly played FFXIV on slow motion. (Can watch here if you’re curious how it looked like ) So I saw it as an opportunity to play around with Weaponskills and take some screenshots which would be tough to take in normal circumstances.

The light effects are stunningly beautiful (a bit too bright, though, sometimes I can’t see anything lol, just blinding blotches of light).

I try to name them the best I could, but it’s from memory and doing the attacks again can’t really reproduce what happened in these screenshots (as my PC is now acting normal, no more slow motion) so forgive me if the Weaponskill names are wrong in any of these pics.

Dragon Kick






Howling Fist

I didn’t get any good pic for Howling Fist on that day so here’s a new one to show the light effect.


One Ilm Punch


I really love One Ilm Punch. It’s handsome. :)



Snap Punch

ffxiv_Monk_SnapPunch ffxiv_Monk_SnapPunch2

Steel Peak


Touch of Deathffxiv_Monk_TouchofDeath1 ffxiv_Monk_TouchofDeath2

True Strike


Twin Snake


First pic was taken from bad angle and distance, but this pic has the black snake-like shadow trace from my fist so I want to show it.

ffxiv_Monk_TwinSnakes1 ffxiv_Monk_TwinSnakes2

Twin Snakes impact!

Arm of the Destroyer


Bootshineffxiv_Monk_Bootshine ffxiv_Monk_Bootshine2

:D 21 pics, that’s it for today.

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

*This entry talks about Monk’s Job Quests line in general, and then talks a little bit about the fight in final quest. It could be a mild spoiler. Screenshot and text contain a part of NPC dialogue from MNK quets lv 50, Five Easy Pieces.*

After a long time of slowpoking and dawdling around, today I got off my lazy bum and finally ran these legs to finish all Monk’s Job Quests. I must say, I never liked Professor Erik, at all, until the last cutscene. He is so full of himself and he looks down on those whom he deems unintelligent. He often talks down to me and disregards other people’s opinion, as you could expect from a typical extremist brainy-type NPC.

I don’t know if it’s just me and my imagination, or is his speech is even more offensive than in 1.0! Sometimes I really had an urge to drive my Monk’s punch against his scholarly face.

However, in the last cutscene of the whole quest line, he spoke one statement, that I consider a gem of wisdom.


Erik: With great power comes great responsibility. To seize the former and deny the latter is to beget despair.


So much true in it.

Anyway, having learned my tough lesson from praying at a destination in a WHM Job Quest, I didn’t forget to bring all of my Monk’s Artifact armor along when I started this quest and the one at level 45. So I safely finished AF quest for Monk without getting any duplicate piece to torment me and my inventory!

By the way, “Five Easy Pieces” my arse! ><;; It was tough, although not as tough as in 1.0 where you would require a help from some friends as a party. I had to run around a lot to let my Second Wind cool down while I picked them off one at a time. Couldn’t straight tank against them until only main boss was left. And boy, you have to be quick and dodge clear from the crisis zone, not looking back to punch him or stopping too close to the zone, or his WS still hits you anyway! And it hurts!