Tiny Tatsunoko

Well, I wasn’t going to write about this, because everyone knows how to catch it already. But today I happened to have caught a Tiny Tatsunoko minion while using Normal Gig Head. Therefore, I decided I should write about it so people may find this piece of information useful.

*Flash News* While writing this entry, I have also confirmed that Small Gig Head can catch a Tiny Tatsunoko, too! :D I’ve been catching Horned Turbans at Swimming Shadows trying to confirm this. And yes, my theory turned out to be true!

What you need:

  • Unlock Spearfishing (FSH 61) through a quest.
  • Be on or have finished main scenario quest “Under the Sea” (lv 62) to access the quest NPC.
  • Be a fisher of at least level 66 and complete the level 66 class quest for a skill called “Truth of Oceans”.

What to do (short version):

  • Go to The Ruby Sea (X:38 , Y:6), near top right of the map.
  • Spearfish at Lv. 70 Teeming Waters (Kobayashi Maru).
  • Use Small Gig Head and try to catch Bashful Batfish.
  • Catch a lot of Bashful Batfish until the system mentions “Swimming Shadows” 4 times.
  • Activate your “Truth of Oceans” if you haven’t activated it yet.
  • Follow the detection and find Lv. 70 Swimming Shadows.
  • Change to either Normal Gig Head or Large Gig Head.
  • Spear.
  • Pray to Llymlaen for your luck to find a Tiny Tatsunoko.

By the way, I don’t think weather condition affects the catch. I’ve caught it in both Clear Skies and in Cloudy weathers.

Long explanation of how this thing works:

Usually it takes 2 – 4 catches of Bashful Batfish to make a message occur. The quantity and quality are irrelevant. What matters is how many times you’ve caught Bashful Batfish in your spearfish attempts. Er, I have just discovered that it is actually the quantity of Bashful Batfish, because I happened to find a +2 yields node and I got 4 messages in a row and managed to spawn the Shadows within one node. But since Sea Lamp is in the way, sometimes it is hard to get a Bashful Batfish to trigger the spawn. (I don’t mind them that much, though, because Sea Lamps are used in fishing Levequests, so they sell quite well, especially HQ.

  • When I catch a Sea Lamp in first try, I spend 200 GP on Veteran Trade to make it so I’ll only catch a Bashful Batfish until that node ends.
  • I especially like to use Veteran Trade while engaging a node that grants +2 attempts (or +2 yields, due to the discovery in the pic above).
  • The messages that notify you about Swimming Shadows are as follows:
    • With the bashful batfish caught, you sense further movement in the shadows.
    • With the bashful batfish caught, the swimming shadows intensify.
    • With the bashful batfish caught, the swimming shadows begin to take shape!
    • The shadow of an elusive sea creature lurks somewhere nearby!

I should take about 12, or 15 at most, catches of Bashful Batfish to trigger the spawn of a Lv.70 Swimming Shadows at Kobayashi Maru.

  • Optional things to do when you find a node of Swimming Shadows:
    • Eat a Gatherer’s food, like a Nomad Meat Pie (sold by NPC at Reunion, Azim Steppe) because the fish WILL escape A LOT. You want to decrease the escape chance as much as possible.
    • Before engaging the node, wait for your GP to regenerate to full.
    • Shoo the fish you don’t want, using Veteran Trade. Only once.
    • Use Calm Waters to increase available attempts. I usually use this twice.
    • When bubbles appear, wait for 1 or 2 ticks of GP generation before spearing, in order to allow enough time for GP to refresh, hoping for the 2nd Calm Waters.
  • The Swimming Shadow reacts like BTN and MIN Unspoiled Node. You can only engage it once. If you disengage before it is depleted, it will still disappear.

Funny thing about all of the Swimming Shadows is that the node will always be “Undiscovered fishing hole” and, unfortunately and irritably, they have no Fishing Log of their own.

Fish list at Lv.70 Swimming Shadows:

Small Gig Head
– Bashful Batfish (use Veteran Trade to shoo this!!!)
– Horned Turban (CUL ingredient)
– Tiny Tatsunoko

Normal Gig Head
– Spiny Lobster (crafting ingredient for cooking)
– Swordtip (crafting ingredient for cooking)
– Tiny Tatsunoko

Large Gig Head
– Thousandfang (Collectable fish for Yellow Gatherer’s Scrips at level 70, also great for level 280+ CUL Desynthesis skill up.)
– Mitsuriku Shark (Red Gatherer’s Scrips, if I remember correctly *but it doesn’t always appear on Rowena’s House of Splendor wanted list, you need some luck to get it on the list.*)
– Tiny Tatsunoko

So, you see, there are 3 types of things you can catch at this Lv 70 Swimming Shadows with each type of Gig Head. That’s why it’s difficult to reliably land a Tiny Tatsunoko. Because even if you shoo one type of unwanted fish away, the other one will still be in your way. XD But at least Veteran Trade can get rid of one of them.

Anyway, that’s it for now. Happy hunting!

P.S. Here’s my personal record of which gig head can spear which fish, it’s incomplete but it might become useful to some people. https://goo.gl/n9xbTq


Hunts these days

Again, a rant from me.

I kind of miss the old days when The Hunt thingie was more civil. When people would be patient and wait for others who are still rushing to the spot, when people would ask “All here?” or “Ready to pull?” or say “Pulling in 60 seconds,” when people would shout and communicate to organize the scout, or the spawn trigger.

Back in those days, when I was catching Glimmerscale in Western Thanalan to try to trigger Zona Seeker, people who had high enough stats to catch the fish would band together and make team effort, while those who couldn’t fish it would offer to scout. When someone caught the fish, they shout with <link>. Then, if someone spotted the NM, they shouted the <pos> and some people might thank the fisher. Then they waited for the fisher to change job and get all skills/spells recast ready, and we all hunted together.

These days? Nope, no team effort. And no fisher appreciation. Today I caught a Glimmerscale that had actually spawned a Zona Seeker, but I had to shout 3 times just to get an invite to a hunt party. It seems that hunters nowadays tend to just stand at the possible spawn spots and communicate only to their own group when the NM pops in one of those spots. No team effort to try to trigger the spawn anymore. I looked around and I seemed to be the only one who even tried to fish up the trigger fish, even though the spawn window had been open for several hours and the weather was in right condition. What is up with that? Have the knowledge of spawn trigger/condition died with the older generations?

Also, after Zona died, I headed to Fallgourd Float to wait for 5 PM. Again, no other fisher. No shout asking about who to fish and who to scout. I fished for a while until I caught a Judgeray, I shouted with <link> to report it. Within seconds, people started shouting “inv.” This is the trend I’ve been seeing lately. Most people shouted “inv” without actually mentioning the pos. To find out where the NM has spawned, you have to either get a party and head to your party or follow the crowd, if you’re lucky enough to see the train.

Hunting crowd got less civil, and more selfish nowadays it is so sad to see. If I weren’t the one who fished up those fish which I knew would trigger the S rank sometimes, if I didn’t know the windows were open, the chance of me getting a piece of the S rank NM would have been so slim. I got there in time to get full credits only because I was there trying to trigger them. Other NMs? I tried and failed multiple times. Sometimes even when I was already in the map, I couldn’t get there fast enough for full credits. Sometimes I couldn’t even dismount my chocobo before it died right in front of me. Ridiculous.

I assume that the Hunt isn’t this bad when it is not prime time, though. I was lucky enough to join a few kills where people waited so a long time for the gather. It just made me pretty miffed that no one tried to help catch the trigger fish anymore. It was supposed to be server-wide team effort, but look at this…. *sigh*

Grrrr…that’s it for my fisher rant. I guess DoW and DoM won’t care much about this issue. ><;; But you know…..without a fisher to fish the trigger fish, you can camp the freaking NM all day and it will never pop. Unless it is force spawn after timing out??? IDK.

Don’t fight on top of a gatherer

What the title says, be considerate to gatherers, please.

Seriously, there were too many instances where people brought enemies to fight on top of me while I was fishing, mining, or logging.

One time in Mor Dhona, someone aggroed a Gigas and brought it onto a group of Botanists who were trying to get some Clusters. Of course the AoE not only canceled the Stealth effect, but also kicked them (and me!) out of gathering menu. These Unspoiled gathering spots cannot be resumed after action gathering gets canceled, because they disappear once disengaged.

I don’t know if there had been any fix to gathering getting canceled, because my Botanist and Miner haven’t been eating other people’s enemy’s AoE since. But just a few days ago, I rushed to help with a Raise shout from a Botanist at Proud Creek in North Shroud, the person said someone brought a Dullahan to the tree (highly like accidentally) and its AoE killed him/her.

Yesterday I was mad, but luckily I escaped alive and didn’t have to be even more mad. I was trying to fish this elusive Titanic Sawfish which needs clear or fair weather, daytime 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. approx., and also double mooch. I was on stealth. Then, there came a BLM who seemed to struggle to find a safe spot to fight and not get swarmed, and thus coindicentally brought a Vanguard near me. I was fishing and staring at the Vanguard, so when it readied its AoE attack, with hazard zone (or crisis zone, I can’t remember what it’s called) missing me by a hairsplit, I said in /say “eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” and the person moved it away from me immediately.

That wasn’t what got me mad.

After that, the weather wasn’t suitable, so I just parked myself there with Stealth on while I did other stuffs, checking back periodically to see the game-time and weather. Then there came another person. I was reading work e-mail and writing a very long reply so I didn’t pay attention to the game. I heard fighting and assumed that it had nothing to do with me. I continued typing my e-mail until the battle sound somehow caught my attention.

I checked FFXIV window and found that I was being attacked by an enemy. I ran around in frantic, trying to shake him off me, aggroing some more enemies in the process. I think I ran around the area 3 times until I managed to shake all the enemies off, and returned to Stealth mode.


It was ugly, because one cannot change job while under attack, so I had no way to fend for myself as a fisher. I thought I canceled my own Stealth while I moved and forgot to put it back on, but I checked battle log and found out that THIS person’s Vanguard did some damage to me, canceling my Stealth effect. Then, unaware if this, I kept standing there until another enemy found me.

Alright, there was a hell lot of space along the edge of the cliff to bring your enemy to without getting swarmed, yet the person had to drag it on top of me (yeah I saw the person standing right next to me when I found out I was under attack). Come on! Well, that wasn’t really what made me mad, as it could be honest mistake. But the person never said anything. No oops, no sorry, and no trying to help AT ALL while I was struggling to lose aggro. I must say I was pretty miffed.

When I bring my enemy’s AoE onto someone else, I always said sorry. Even in the heat of a battle, yes. I don’t expect people to always look out for other players, although that’s a nice thing to do, but at least when someone causes inconvenient or damage to others, they should apologize or try to help ease the damage. Not, like, leaving them to their own fate (an ugly fate induced by you, by the way.)

Moreover, even with Stealth on, I wasn’t totally invisible. You only need to look a bit harder to see the gatherer when they’re on Stealth. You have to be blind or completely ignorant to not see them. It is more than inconsiderate to bring enemy (or enemies) to fight on top of a gatherer. Seriously, they can’t fend for themselves at all. (I really miss the pebble stun that we had in 1.0! What was it? Stone Throw?)

By the way, now I moved to another spot where I don’t need Stealth. No enemy would wander my way, unless someone brings it. I can fish without Stealth, so now even people who’s less observant won’t overlook me and won’t accidentally bring an enemy on top of me again.


Fishing Hammerhead Sharks at Silver Bazaar



Today I was trying to catch my quest fish at Cape Westwind for Wawalago but the weather wasn’t suitable, so I went to Silver Bazaar for some sharks instead, as I have accumulated quite a stock of Silver Sharks from trying to fish the THING. If I could get some Hammerhead, I could spend all the sharks make some oils instead of having to sell them.



– My setup – 
Location: Silver Bazaar, Western Thanalan
Bait/lure: Heavy Steel Jig
Gathering: 291
Perception: 235
No food and no buff
Duration: 1 hour

41 NQ + 8 HQ Hammerhead Sharks
13 Indigo Herrings
10 Rothlyt Oysters
8 Pebble Crabs
5 Tiger Cods
13 Lominsan Anchovy

Shark count : other fish count = 49 : 49
Whoa, LOL, 1:1. Not bad!


Fishing Log – The Black Shroud

I haven’t typed out the fish list yet, and the screenshots of the fish list are all done, but I’ll need a bit to upload all of them. However, I have to force myself to make this entry, otherwise I will keep procrastinating. I’m arranging and adding details to this entry slowly, but for now is will show just the map screenshots. Sorry for the incomplete information, but I must publish this to push myself to do it, LOL. ><;; The longer I leave it, the more lazy I get!

Fishing Log – The Black Shroud Region


New Gridania (2 locations)


1. Jadeite Flood – Lv.5 (Freshwater)
Crayfish (Lv. 2)
Pipira (Lv. 7)
Gudgeon (Lv. 8)
Maiden Carp (Lv. 10)
Moat Carp (Lv. 19)
Raincaller (Lv. 43) [Rainy weather only]


2. Lower Black Tea Brook – Lv.5 (Freshwater)
Crayfish (Lv. 2)
Pipira (Lv. 7)
Gudgeon (Lv. 8)
Maiden Carp (Lv. 10)
Moat Carp (Lv. 19)


Old Gridania (2 locations)


1. Whispering Gorge – Lv. 5 (Freshwater)
Crayfish (Lv. 2)
Pipira (Lv. 7)
Gudgeon (Lv. 8)
Maiden Carp (Lv. 10)
Moat Carp (Lv. 19)
Raincaller (Lv. 43) [Rainy weather only]


2. Upper Black Tea Brook – Lv. 5 (Freshwater)
Crayfish (Lv. 2)
Pipira (Lv. 7)
Gudgeon (Lv. 8)
Maiden Carp (Lv. 10)
Moat Carp (Lv. 19)


Central Shroud (5 locations)


1. The Vein – Lv. 5 (Freshwater)
Crayfish (Lv. 2)
Striped Goby (Lv.4)
Pipira (Lv. 7)
Gudgeon (Lv. 8)
Brass Loach (Lv. 9)
Maiden Carp (Lv. 10)
Eunuch Crayfish (Lv. 22)


2. The Mirror – Lv. 15 (Freshwater)
Bone Crayfish (Lv. 5)
Pipira (Lv. 7)
Gudgeon (Lv. 8)
Brass Loach (Lv. 9)
Maiden Carp (Lv. 10)
Moat Carp (Lv. 19)
Tri-colored Carp (Lv. 21)


3. Everschade – Lv. 30 (Freshwater)
Black Eel (Lv. 25)
Ala Mhigan Fighting Fish (Lv. 16)
Monke Onke (Lv. 33)
Mitten Crab (Lv. 34)
Spotted Pleco (Lv. 30)
Bonytongue (Lv. 34)


4. Hopeseed Pond – Lv. 30 (Freshwater)
Mudcrab (Lv. 21)
Black Eel (Lv. 25)
Black Ghost (Lv. 28) [Mooch from Ala Mhigan Fighting Fish]
Ala Mhigan Fighting Fish (Lv. 16)
Mudskipper (Lv. 13)
Clown Loach (Lv. 36)
Seema (Lv. 35)


5. Haukke Manor – Lv. 35 (Freshwater)
Mudskipper (Lv. 13)
Ala Mhigan Fighting Fish (Lv. 16)
Mudcrab (Lv. 21)
Monke Onke (Lv. 33)
Silverfish (Lv. 36)


East Shroud (5 locations)


1. Sweetbloom Pier – Lv. 15 (Freshwater)


2. Springgripple Brook – Lv. 15 (Freshwater)


3. Sanctum of the Twelve  Lv. 20 (Freshwater)


4. Verdant Drop – Lv. 25 (Freshwater)


5. Sylphlands – Lv. 45 (Freshwater)

For Sylphlands fishing location, at first I didn’t see that there was a small pond at where the location mark would appear, so I went all the way north to Hanging Barbs and fished at x24,y10, hahaha.



Lavender Bed location was added on patch 2.1, I will check it out later.

Fishing Log – La Noscea

Whoa, Fishing Log maps of La Noscea is really a big hassle. It has so many areas and has so many fish LOL! Made Thanalan seem easy. Anyway, yeah, as you all might notice, I tend to post a big blog entry when I wake up to a maintenance, here goes the promised fishing map for La Noscea.

Fishing Log – La Noscea Region


Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks – Lv. 1 (Saltwater)


Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks – Lv. 1 (Saltwater)

(Lower Decks and Upper Decks have same set of fish)
Merlthor Goby (Lv. 3)
Lominsan Anchovy (Lv. 3)
Malm Kelp (Lv. 4)
Finger Shrimp (Lv. 4)
Ocean Cloud (Lv. 6)
Harbor Herring (Lv. 7)
Coral Butterfly (Lv. 9)
Blue Octopus (Lv. 21) [Mooch from Merlthor Goby or Ocean Cloud]


Middle La Noscea (6 locations)


1. Zephyr Drift – Lv. 1 (Saltwater)
Merlthor Goby (Lv. 3)
Lominsan Anchovy (Lv. 3)
Finger Shrimp (Lv. 4)
Ocean Cloud (Lv. 6)
Sea Cucumber (Lv. 7)
Harbor Herring (Lv. 7)
Coral Butterfly (Lv. 9)
Angelfish (Lv. 19)
Blue Octopus (Lv. 21) [Mooch from Merlthor Goby or Ocean Cloud]


2. Summerford – Lv. 5 (Saltwater)
Merlthor Goby (Lv. 3)
Finger Shrimp (Lv. 4)
White Coral (Lv. 5)
Ocean Cloud (Lv. 6)
Harbor Herring (Lv. 7)
Vongola Clam (Lv. 8)
Blue Octopus (Lv. 21) [Mooch from Merlthor Goby or Ocean Cloud]
Ogre Barracuda (Lv. 25) [Mooch from Merlthor Goby]
Silver Shark (Lv. 41) [Mooch from Merlthor Goby]


3. Rogue River – Lv. 1 (Freshwater)
Crayfish (Lv. 2)
Chub (Lv. 3)
Dwarf Catfish (Lv. 4)
Princess Trout (Lv. 5)
La Noscean Perch (Lv. 18)


4. West Agelyss River – Lv. 1 (Freshwater)
Crayfish (Lv. 2)
Chub (Lv. 3)
Dwarf Catfish (Lv. 4)
Princess Trout (Lv. 5)
Gudgeon (Lv. 8)
La Noscean Perch (Lv. 18)


5. Nym River – Lv. 5 (Freshwater)
Chub (Lv. 3)
Dwarf Catfish (Lv. 4)
Princess Trout (Lv. 5)
Dusk Goby (Lv. 6)
Gudgeon (Lv. 8)
Maiden Carp (Lv. 10)
La Noscean Perch (Lv. 18)


6. Woad Whisper Canyon – Lv. 15 (Freshwater) Required: Gulleye (Trait Lv. 15)
Dwarf Catfish (Lv. 4)
Dusk Goby (Lv. 6)
River Crab (Lv. 15)
La Noscean Perch (Lv. 18)
Copperfish (Lv. 20)
Eunuch Crayfish (Lv. 22)
Glass Perch (Lv. 24)



Lower La Noscea (9 locations)


1. The Mourning Widow – Lv. 1 (Freshwater)
Crayfish (Lv. 2)
Chub (Lv. 3)
Dwarf Catfish (Lv. 4)
Princess Trout (Lv. 5)
Dusk Goby (Lv. 6)
Gudgeon (Lv. 8)
Maiden Carp (Lv. 10)


2. Moraby Bay – Lv. 5 (Saltwater)
Merlthor Goby (Lv. 3)
Malm Kelp (Lv. 4)
Ocean Cloud (Lv. 6)
Sea Cucumber (Lv. 7)
Vongola Clam (Lv. 8)
Moraby Flounder (Lv. 10)
Pebble Crab (Lv. 12)
Blue Octopus (Lv. 21) [Mooch from Merlthor Goby or Ocean Cloud]


3. Cedarwood – Lv. 10 (Saltwater)
Merlthor Goby (Lv. 3)
Ocean Cloud (Lv. 6)
Harbor Herring (Lv. 7)
Moraby Flounder (Lv. 10)
Pebble Crab (Lv. 12)
Tiger Cod (Lv. 15)
Blue Octopus (Lv. 21) [Mooch from Merlthor Goby or Ocean Cloud]
Leafy Seadragon (Lv. 33)


4. Moraby Drydocks – Lv. 15 (Saltwater)
Ocean Cloud (Lv. 6)
Harbor Herring (Lv. 7)
Moraby Flounder (Lv. 10)
Pebble Crab (Lv. 12)
Tiger Cod (Lv. 15)
Rothlyt Oyster (Lv. 17)
Navigator’s Dagger (Lv. 18)
Blue Octopus (Lv. 21) [Mooch from Merlthor Goby or Ocean Cloud]


5. Oschon’s Touch – Lv. 10 (Saltwater)
Sea Cucumber (Lv. 7)
Vongola Clam (Lv. 8)
Moraby Flounder (Lv. 10)
Pebble Crab (Lv. 12)
Tiger Cod (Lv. 15)
Rothlyt Oyster (Lv. 17)
Mahi-Mahi ★ (Lv. 50) [Appears around 10 AM – 5 PM Eorzea Time]


6. The Salt Strand – Lv. 20 (Saltwater) Required: Gulleye II (Trait Lv. 35)
Sea Cucumber (Lv. 7)
Pebble Crab (Lv. 12)
Helmet Crab (Lv. 16)
Razor Clam (Lv. 20)
Blowfish (Lv. 22)
Sea Bo (Lv. 26)
Black Sole (Lv. 28)
Tiny Tortoise (Lv. 50) [Minion]


7. Candlekeep Quay – Lv. 10 (Saltwater)
Lominsan Anchovy (Lv. 3)
Vongola Clam (Lv. 8)
Moraby Flounder (Lv. 10)
Pebble Crab (Lv. 12)
Tiger Cod (Lv. 15)
Rothlyt Oyster (Lv. 17)
Shall Shell ★ (Lv. 50)


8. Empty Heart – Lv. 15 (Freshwater)
Dusk Goby (Lv. 6)
Faerie Bass (Lv. 17)
Acorn Snail (Lv. 17)
Moat Carp (Lv. 19)
Copperfish (Lv. 20)
Eunuch Crayfish (Lv. 22)
Grip Killifish (Lv. 32)


9. Blind Iron Mines – Lv. 20 (Freshwater)
Bone Crayfish (Lv. 5)
Acorn Snail (Lv. 17)
Blindfish (Lv. 31)
Lamp Marimo (Lv. 31)



Eastern La Noscea (8 locations)


1. South Bloodshore – Lv. 25 (Saltwater)
Merlthor Goby (Lv. 3)
Coral Butterfly (Lv. 9)
Blue Octopus (Lv. 21) [Mooch from Merlthor Goby]
Blue Coral (Lv. 25)
Sea Bo (Lv. 26)
Bianaq Bream (Lv. 27)
Fullmoon Sardine (Lv. 34) [Appears around 5 PM – 6 AM Eorzea Time]
Silver Shark (Lv. 41) [Mooch from Merlthor Goby or Fullmoon Sardine]


2. Costa Del Sol – Lv. 30 (Saltwater)
Angelfish (Lv. 19)
Blowfish (Lv. 22)
Bianaq Bream (Lv. 27)
Indigo Herring (Lv. 31)
Ash Tuna (Lv. 32)
Fullmoon Sardine (Lv. 34) [Appears around 5 PM – 6 AM Eorzea Time]
Lavender Remora (Lv. 36)
Silver Shark (Lv. 41) [Mooch from Fullmoon Sardine]
Little Thalaos ★ (Lv. 50) [Rainy weather]


3. North Bloodshore – Lv. 35 (Saltwater)
Harbor Herring (Lv. 7)
Ogre Barracuda (Lv. 25) [Mooch from Harbor Herring]
Black Sole (Lv. 28)
Sea Pickle (Lv. 30)
Ash Tuna (Lv. 32)
Whitelip Oyster (Lv. 35)
Balloonfish (Lv. 37)
Red Coral (Lv. 40)
Mazlaya Marlin (Lv. 50) [Double Mooch from Ogre Barracuda]


4. Hidden Falls – Lv. 35 (Freshwater) Required: Gulleye II (Trait Lv. 35)
Crimson Crayfish (Lv. 8)
Dark Sleeper (Lv. 18)
Mitten Crab (Lv. 34)
Spotted Pufferfish (Lv. 38)
Discus (Lv. 40)
Kobold Puffer (Lv. 45)


5. East Agelyss River – Lv. 40 (Freshwater)
Copperfish (Lv. 20)
Lamprey (Lv. 29) [Can Mooch from Copperfish]
Monke Onke (Lv. 33) [Mooch from Copperfish]
Mitten Crab (Lv. 34)
Discus (Lv. 40)
Loyal Pleco (Lv. 42)
Archerfish (Lv. 45)
Agelyss Carp (Lv. 46)


6. Raincatcher Gully – Lv. 40 (Freshwater)
Copperfish (Lv. 20)
Lamprey (Lv. 29) [Can Mooch from Copperfish]
Mitten Crab (Lv. 34)
Giant Bass (Lv. 37)
Discus (Lv. 40)
Loyal Pleco (Lv. 42)
Archerfish (Lv. 45)
Agelyss Carp (Lv. 46)


7. The Juggernaut – Lv. 40 (Freshwater)
Copperfish (Lv. 20)
Mudcrab (Lv. 21)
Lamprey (Lv. 29) [Can Mooch from Copperfish]
Grip Killifish (Lv. 32)
Silverfish (Lv. 36)
Sludgeskipper (Lv. 44)
Vampire Lamprey (Lv. 50) [Mooch from Silverfish]


8. Red Mantis Falls – Lv. 45 (Freshwater)
Mitten Crab (Lv. 34)
Silverfish (Lv. 36)
Clown Loach (Lv. 36)
Discus (Lv. 40)
Knifefish (Lv. 43)
Agelyss Carp (Lv. 46)
Goldfish (Lv. 50) [Mooch from Silverfish]
Jungle Catfish ★ (Lv. 50) [Double Mooch from Goldfish]



Western La Noscea (9 locations)


1. Swiftperch – Lv. 10 (Saltwater)
Lominsan Anchyvy (Lv. 3)
White Coral (Lv. 5)
Harbor Herring (Lv. 7)
Moraby Flounder (Lv. 10)
Pebble Crab (Lv. 12)
Tiger Cod (Lv. 15)
Rothlyt Oyster (Lv. 17)
Blue Octopus (Lv. 21) [Mooch from Harbor Herring]
Halibut ★ (Lv. 50)


2. Skull Valley – Lv. 15 (Saltwater)
Merlthor Goby (Lv. 3)
Tiger Cod (Lv. 15)
Rothlyt Oyster (Lv. 17)
Razor Clam (Lv. 20)
Blue Octopus (Lv. 21) [Mooch from Merlthor Goby]
Wahoo (Lv. 43) [Mooch from Merlthor Goby]
Goosegish (Lv. 50) [Double Mooch from Wahoo]

LaNoscea_Western_03Halfstone3. Halfstone – Lv. 35 (Saltwater)
Saber Sardine (Lv. 24)
Blue Coral (Lv. 25)
Hammerhead Shark (Lv. 29)
Sea Pickle (Lv. 30)
Whitelip Oyster (Lv. 35)
Lavender Remora (Lv. 36)
Balloonfish (Lv. 37)


4. North Umbral Isles – Lv. 40 (Saltwater)
Merlthor Goby (Lv. 3)
Ocean Cloud (Lv.6)
Fullmoon Sardine (Lv. 34) [Appears around 5 PM – 6 AM Eorzea Time]
Lavender Remora (Lv. 36)
Red Coral (Lv. 40)
Silver Shark (Lv. 41) [Mooch from Merlthor Goby or Fullmoon Sardine]
Wahoo (Lv. 43) [Mooch from Merlthor Goby]
Pike Eel (Lv. 46)
Sunfish (Lv. 50) [Mooch from Ocean Cloud]


5. South Umbral Isles – Lv. 50 (Saltwater)
Fullmoon Sardine (Lv. 34) [Appears around 5 PM – 6 AM Eorzea Time]
Red Coral (Lv. 40)
Blacklip Oyster (Lv. 44)
Nautilus (Lv. 45) [Mooch from Fullmoon Sardine]
Mummer Wrasse (Lv. 47)
Plaice (Lv. 48)
Sea Devil (Lv. 49)
Coelacanth ★ (Lv. 50) [Mooch from Fullmoon Sardine]


6. The Brewer’s Beacon – Lv. 15 (Saltwater) Required: Gulleye (Trait Lv. 15)
White Coral (Lv. 5)
Habor Herring (Lv. 7)
Helmet Crab (Lv. 16)
Rothlyt Oyster (Lv. 17)
Navigator’s Dagger (Lv. 18)
Ogre Barracuda (Lv. 25) [Mooch from Harber Herring]
Gigant Octopus ★★ (Lv. 50) [Double Mooch from Ogre Barracuda]


7. The Ship Graveyard – Lv. 45 (Saltwater)
Merlthor Goby (Lv. 3)
Red Coral (Lv. 40)
Wahoo (Lv. 43) [Can Mooch from Merlthor Goby]
Blacklip Oyster (Lv. 44)
Pike Eel (Lv. 46)
Mummer Wrasse (Lv. 47)
Plaice (Lv. 48)
Giant Squid ★ (Lv. 50)
Megalodon ★★ (Lv. 50)


8. Sapsa Spawning Grounds – Lv. 45 (Saltwater)
Fullmoon Sardine (Lv. 34) [Appears around 5 PM – 6 AM Eorzea Time]
Whitelip Oyster (Lv. 35)
Red Coral (Lv. 40)
Blacklip Oyster (Lv. 44)
Nautilus (Lv. 45) [Mooch from Fullmoon Sardine]
Sea Devil (Lv. 49)


9. Reaver Hide – Lv. 50 (Saltwater)
Lominsan Anchovy (Lv. 3)
Merlthor Goby (Lv. 3)
Red Coral (Lv. 40)
Wahoo (Lv. 43) [Can Mooch from Merlthor Goby]
Blacklip Oyster (Lv. 44)
Rock Lobster (Lv. 50)
Dinichthys ★★ (Lv. 50)



Upper La Noscea (4 locations)


1. Oakwood – Lv. 20 (Freshwater)
River Crab (Lv. 15)
Faerie Bass (Lv. 17)
Jade Eel (Lv. 22)
Pond Mussel (Lv. 23)
Warmwater Trout (Lv. 23)
Four-eyed Fish (Lv. 24)
Dark Bass (Lv. 25)
Common Sculpin (Lv. 44)
Coeurlfish ★★ (Lv. 50) [Mooch from Common Sculpin]


2. Fool Falls – Lv. 20 (Freshwater)
River Crab (Lv. 15)
Copperfish (Lv. 20)
Bluebell Salmon (Lv. 20)
Jade Eel (Lv. 22)
Warmwater Trout (Lv. 23)
Four-eyed Fish (Lv. 24)
Dark Bass (Lv. 25)
Fall Jumper (Lv. 43)


3. North Bronze Lake – Lv. 35 (Freshwater)
Jade Eel (Lv. 22)
Pond Mussel (Lv. 23)
Four-eyed Fish (Lv. 24)
Bonytongue (Lv. 34)
Mitten Crab (Lv. 34)
Silverfish (Lv. 36)
Giant Bass (Lv. 37)
Bronze Lake Trout (Lv. 41)
Giant Catfish ★ (Lv. 50) [Mooch from Silverfish]


4. Bronze Lake Shallows – Lv. 30 (Freshwater)
River Crab (Lv. 15)
Faerie Bass (Lv. 17)
Jade Eel (Lv. 22)
Pond Mussel (Lv. 23)



Outer La Noscea (1 location)

1. The Long Climb – Lv. 40 (Freshwater) Required: Gulleye III (Trait Lv. 50)
Giant Bass (Lv. 37)
Ignus Snail (Lv. 41)
Thunderbolt Sculpin (Lv. 42) [Rainy weather]
Warmwater Trout (Lv. 23)
Bronze Lake Trout (Lv. 41)
Giant Donko ★ (Lv. 50)


Fishing Log – Coerthas

Fishing Log – Coerthas Region


Coerthas Central Highlands (9 locations)


1. Coerthas River – Lv. 35 (Freshwater)
Striped Goby (Lv. 4)
Maiden Carp (Lv. 10)
Rainbow Trout (Lv. 15)
Seema (Lv. 35)
Giant Bass (Lv. 37)
Crimson Trout (Lv. 40)
Kissing Trout (Lv. 50)


2. Witchdrop – Lv. 50 (Skyfishing)
Cloud Jellyfish (Lv. 45)
Skyfish (Lv. 47)
Cloud Cutter (Lv. 48)
Blind Manta (Lv. 48)
Rift Sailor (Lv. 49)
Saucerfish (Lv. 50)
Rhamphorhynchus ★★ (Lv. 50)


3. The Nail – Lv. 40 (Freshwater)
Striped Goby (Lv. 4)
Abalathian Smelt (Lv. 35)
Giant Bass (Lv. 37)
Crimson Trout (Lv. 40)
Bronze Lake Trout (Lv. 41)
Northern Pike (Lv. 45)
Kissing Trout (Lv. 50)
Emperor Fish ★ (Lv. 50)


4. The Weeping Saint – Lv. 45 (Freshwater) Required: Gulleye III (Trait Lv. 50)
Lamp Marimo (Lv. 31)
Abalathian Smelt (Lv. 35)
Giant Bass (Lv. 37)
Crimson Trout (Lv. 40)
Common Sculpin (Lv. 44)
Northern Pike (Lv. 45)
Angry Pike (Lv. 50)


5. Dragonhead Latrines – Lv. 40 (Freshwater)
Striped Goby (Lv. 4)
Rainbow Trout (Lv. 15)
Abalathian Smelt (Lv. 35)
Seema (Lv. 35)
Crimson Trout (Lv. 40)
Kissing Trout (Lv. 50)


6. Daniffen Pass – Lv. 35 (Freshwater)
Striped Goby (Lv. 4)
Blindfish (Lv. 31)
Lamp Marimo (Lv. 31)
Abalathian Smelt (Lv. 35)
Golden Loach (Lv. 39)
Cave Cherax (Lv. 50)


7. Exploratory Ice Hole – Lv. 40 (Freshwater)
Lamp Marimo (Lv. 31)
Abalathian Smelt (Lv. 35)
Northern Pike (Lv. 45)
Kissing Trout (Lv. 50)


8. Snowcloak – Lv. 45 (Freshwater)
Rainbow Trout (Lv. 15)
Seema (Lv. 35)
Crimson Trout (Lv. 40)
Wandering Sculpin (Lv. 50)


9. Sea of Clouds – Lv. 45 (Skyfishing)
Cloud Jellyfish (Lv. 45)
Skyfish (Lv. 47)
Cloud Cutter (Lv. 48)
Blind Manta (Lv. 48)
Rift Sailor (Lv. 49)

Me Fishing Coerthas and La Noscea



Recently I’ve been busy trying to pick up the loose ends in my fishing log. 3 days ago I already finished discovering fishing locations in Coerthas, and also completed recording all the fish available in Coerthas area. However, I still need some time to put together my screenshots to make fishing log map for my blog entry. XD Been procrastinating because I’m lazy busy reading some novel books while fishing at random places.

After I ran through Coerthas to fish whatever I could, I was still missing 3 fish in Coerthas. Had to make an effort and a specific trip back to the zone with carefully selected baits in order to catch the last 3 fish. First one was Rhamphorhynchus from Skyfishing at Witchdrop (Witchdrop my ass! The location is actually in Natalan! GRRRR!)


Then there was a Wandering Sculpin at Snowcloak.


The hardest fish to catch for me that day, however, was Emperor Fish. Not only that it was hard to get a HQ Abalathian Smelt to use Mooch ability, it was a little difficult to attract Abalathian Smelt at The Nail, because there are so many other types of fish that would bite on the same bait. I discovered, however, that Honey Worm had the best rate of Abalathian Smelt bites. When I used Mythril Spoon Lure, I mostly caught Bronze Lake Trout, with a decent number of bites from Giant Bass.


By the way, if you are aiming solely for Abalathian Smelt, either for Levequest or for Mooching a Kissing Trout, going to Exploratpry Ice Hole and using either Honey Worm or Spinner (lure) will land you a devil load of Abalathian Smelts, with a mix of Lamp Marimo which is also for a LQ (35) at Observatorium. However, if you step up and use Mythril Spoon Lure, you can occasionally land Northern Pike, also for LQ at Whitebrim.

Then, today I got around to finishing fish list in La Noscea area.

Landing Goosefish wasn’t easy at first, because I was lazy and didn’t go back to town to fetch some Lugworm. It is a sure way to hook only the Merlthor Goby, since it was the only fish that would bite level 1 bait in Skull Valley.


Then I went to The Brewer’s Beacon for Gigant Octopus. This one needed double Mooch. Using Pill Bug will attract Harbor Herring (and sometimes White Coral) for the first Mooch. Then, Ogre Barracuda is the second Mooch’s bait. I managed to catch a HQ Ogre Barracuda after 2 NQ ones.


Last one is not Mooched fish and not a starred fish, but it was a bitch to catch because we need rainy weather. I stood here at The Long Climb for an hour before I got sleepy and crawled in bed. When I woke up it wasn’t raining, so I went to get some food. Still no rain. Then I went AFK to type and print something for dad, when I came back to the screen after saving my file, voila! There it rained!


So, with that last catch, my La Noscea’s fishing log is now complete. I’ll upload the map a bit later.

Fishing Log – Thanalan

To celebrate the completion of my Thanalan region’s fishing log, I am uploading the map for fishing locations in Thanalan along with the screenshot of fish list of each location. However, as the game is down for maintenance at the moment, I won’t be able to see the name of each fish in my log, so text name of the fish species will have to be added later. I could check online for info and type out the names of the fish, but I am a lazy person ><;; So, yeah I’ll do it later when I log on the game.

Fishing Log – Thanalan Region


Western Thanalan (8 locations)


1. The Silver Bazaar – Lv. 25 (Saltwater)
Lominsan Anchovy (Lv. 3)
Pebble Crab (Lv. 12)
Tiger Cod (Lv. 15)
Rothlyt Oyster (Lv. 17)
Hammerhead Shark (Lv.29)
Indigo Herring (Lv. 31)
Rock Lobster (Lv. 50)


2. Vesper Bay – Lv. 15 (Saltwater)
Lominsan Anchovy (Lv. 3)
Harbor Herring (Lv. 7)
Pebble Crab (Lv. 12)
Tiger Cod (Lv. 15)
Rothlyt Oyster (Lv. 17)
Blue Octopus (Lv. 21)


3. Crescent Cove – Lv. 20 (Saltwater)
Lominsan Anchovy (Lv. 3)
Razor Clam (Lv. 20)
Blowfish (Lv. 22)
Saber Sardine (Lv. 24)
Monkfish (Lv. 26)
Spotted Puffer (Lv. 38)
Rock Lobster (Lv. 50)


4. Nophica’s Well – Lv. 5 (Freshwater)
Bone Crayfish (Lv. 5)
Dusk Goby (Lv. 6)
Gudgeon (Lv. 8)
Brass Loach (Lv. 9)
Maiden Carp (Lv. 10)
Copperfish (Lv. 20)
Eunuch Crayfish (Lv. 22)


5. The Footfalls – Lv. 10 (Frestwater)
Crayfish (Lv. 2)
Mudskipper (Lv. 13)
Faerie Bass (Lv. 17)
Mudcrab (Lv. 21)
Acorn Snail (Lv. 17)
Copperfish (Lv. 20)
Eunuch Crayfish (Lv. 22)


6. Cape Westwind – Lv. 45 (Saltwater)
Merlthor Goby (Lv. 3)
Haraldr Haddock (Lv. 34)
Whitelip Oyster (Lv. 35)
Silver Shark (Lv. 41)
Wahoo (Lv.43)
Blacklip Oyster (Lv. 44)
Plaice (Lv. 48)
Sea Devil (Lv. 49)
Titanic Sawfish ★★ (Lv. 50) [Double Mooch from Merlthor Goby => Wahoo]


7. Parata’s Peace – Lv. 50 (Freshwater) Required: Gulleye III (Trait Lv. 50)
Grip Killifish (Lv. 32)
Silverfish (Lv. 36)
Ignus Snail (Lv. 41)
Sludgeskipper (Lv. 44)
Boltfish (Lv. 48)
Ilsabardian Bass (Lv. 48)
Vampire Lampern (Lv. 50)

Thanalan_Western_08Moondrip8. Moondrip – Lv. 45 (Freshwater)
Blindfish (Lv. 31)
Grip Killifish (Lv. 32)
Silverfish (Lv. 36)
Assassin Betta (Lv. 47)
Garpike (Lv. 48)



Central Thanalan (4 locations)


1. Upper Soot Creek – Lv. 5 (Freshwater)
Bone Crayfish (Lv. 5)
Dusk Goby (Lv. 6)
Brass Loach (Lv. 9)
Maiden Carp (Lv. 10)
Dark Bass (Lv. 25)


2. Lower Soot Creek – Lv. 10 (Freshwater)
Bone Crayfish (Lv. 5)
Dusk Goby (Lv. 6)
Brass Loach (Lv. 9)
Maiden Carp (Lv. 10)
Dark Bass (Lv. 25)
Aegis Shrimp (Lv. 26)


3. The Unholy Heir – Lv. 15 (Freshwater)
Bone Crayfish (Lv. 5)
Maiden Carp (Lv. 10)
Mudskipper (Lv. 13)
Mudcrab (Lv. 21)
Acorn Snail (Lv. 17)
Dark Bass (Lv. 25)
Aegis Shrimp (Lv. 26)


4. The Clutch – Lv. 10 (Freshwater)
Bone Crayfish (Lv. 5)
Dusk Goby (Lv. 6)
Brass Loach (Lv. 9)
Maiden Carp (Lv. 10)
Dark Bass (Lv. 25)



Eastern Thanalan (4 locations)


1. North Drybone – Lv. 15 (Freshwater)
Dusk Goby (Lv. 6)
Mudskipper (Lv. 13)
Faerie Bass (Lv. 17)
Acorn Snail (Lv. 17)
Mudcrab (Lv. 21)
Bone Cleaner (Lv. 33)


2. South Drybone – Lv. 15 (Freshwater)
Dusk Goby (Lv. 6)
Mudskipper (Lv. 13)
Faerie Bass (Lv. 17)
Acorn Snail (Lv. 17)
Mudcrab (Lv. 21)
Bone Cleaner (Lv. 33)


3. Yugr’am River – Lv. 30 (Freshwater)
Warmwater Trout (Lv. 23)
Black Eel (Lv. 25)
Dark Bass (Lv. 25)
Yugr’am Salmon (Lv. 28)
Mitten Crab (Lv. 34)
Trader Eel (Lv. 39)


4. The Burning Wall – Lv. 40 (Freshwater)
Yugr’am Salmon (Lv. 28)
Bonytongue (Lv. 34)
Discus (Lv. 40)
Ignus Snail (Lv. 41)
Loyal Pleco (Lv. 42)
Knifefish (Lv. 43)
Southern Pike (Lv. 45)
Gigantpole (Minion) (Lv. 50)
Sundisc ★ (Lv. 50)




Southern Thanalan (5 locations)


1. Burnt Lizard Creek – Lv. 25 (Freshwater)
Copperfish (Lv. 20)
Warmwater Trout (Lv. 23)
Dark Bass (Lv. 25)
Lamprey (Lv. 29)
Plaguefish (Lv. 29)


2. Zahar’ak – Lv. 35 (Freshwater)
Moat Carp (Lv. 19)
Mudcrab (Lv. 21)
Plaguefish (Lv. 29)
Clown Loach (Lv. 36)
Discus (Lv. 40)
Ignus Snail (Lv. 41)
Paglth’an Discus (Lv. 49)


3. Forgotten Springs – Lv. 35 (Freshwater)
Copperfish (Lv. 20)
Warmwater Trout (Lv. 23)
Lamprey (Lv. 29)
Plaguefish (Lv. 29)
Ropefish (Lv. 32)
Clown Loach (Lv. 36)
Golden Loach (Lv. 39)


4. Sagolii Desert – Lv. 35 (Dunefishing)
Sandfish (Lv. 35)
Sand Bream (Lv. 36)
Dustfish (Lv. 38)
Storm Rider (Lv. 39)
Antlion Slug (Lv. 40)
Dune Manta (Lv. 41)
Sagolii Monkfish (Lv. 50)


5. Sagolii Dunes – Lv. 35 (Dunefishing) Required: Gulleye II (Trait Lv. 35)
Sand Bream (Lv. 36)
Desert Catfish (Lv. 37)
Dustfish (Lv. 38)
Storm Rider (Lv. 39)
Antlion Slug (Lv. 40)
Dune Manta (Lv. 41)
Caravan Eel ★ (Lv. 50)



Northern Thanalan (2 locations)


1. Ceruleum Field – Lv. 45 (Freshwater)
Grip Killifish (Lv. 32)
Silverfish (Lv. 36)
Ignus Snail (Lv. 41)
Sludgeskipper (Lv. 44)
Boltfish (Lv. 48)
Ilsabardian Bass (Lv. 48)
Goldfish (Lv. 50)
Wootz Knifefish ★ (Lv. 50)


2. Bluefog – Lv. 40 (Freshwater)
Bone Crayfish (Lv. 5)
Bonytongue (Lv. 34)
Silverfish (Lv. 36)
Giant Bass (Lv. 37)
Golden Loach (Lv. 39)
Ignus Snail (Lv. 41)
Knifefish (Lv. 43)
Common Sculpin (Lv. 44)
Garpike (Lv. 48)
Alligator Garfish ★ (Lv. 50)



The Fish Sense Something Amiss

“The fish sense something amiss. Perhaps it is time to try another location.”

Never had I been madly angry at this message like today before. I don’t mind moving to other spot, sometimes just 3 steps away, to resume my fishing. But….this….this thing happened to me when I was supposed to Mooch.

Fish sense something amiss

I’ve been out there in Northern Thanalan for over an hour, trying to complete my fishing log and fish guide. This Alligator Garfish is the last fish I need to complete everything in Thanalan region for me. And it needs Mooching from Common Sculpin. Previous round, I was fishing with Glowworm, then I thought I might be able to land more Common Sculpin if I change to a lure, so I went back to town and crafted some Streamers.

This round, I’ve been getting 9 NQ (normal-quality) Common Sculpin as well as plenty other fish, and had been made to move to fish elsewhere by the anti-bot system a few times, as I got up from my chair to do other stuff at times. This time, though, I was sitting right here at my PC, and was just typing something in the chat, when I saw something bites, I immediately hit ESC to cancel chat input, and hit Hook. There, I finally got a HQ Common Sculpin, so I tried to Mooch. To my surprise, and dismay, I was forced to put away my rod. T.T


//throws self onto the bed and sobs violently