Generous person in FATE

OMGGGG This person, Aina ???????? (censoring because the person is a stranger and I did not ask for permission to reveal name), is so nice. I’m not saying that people who don’t notice such things and don’t realize they could be generous in FATE are bad or unkind, but this person, in my eyes, is very kind and is also a discerning individual. This kind of person will often look out for others and extend generosity to strangers. Sometimes they would even spend time and effort and go out of their way to help others.

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Today I took 3 Amalj’aa beast tribe quests to start collecting beast tokens for 3rd stage of Anima weapon. Unfortunately, one of them involves killing a FATE boss to obtain a key item. It just wouldn’t pop. So I went to Sylphlands for other quests and after finishing Sylph’s quests, I went back to Southern Thanalan to check on the FATE. And yes, it popped and it had 12 minutes left. I rushed there at my top speed. It was so far away, all the way inside Zahar’ak.

When I got there, someone else was there with their chocobo, and the boss HP dropped from full to 50% VERY quickly. I panicked and hopped off my chocobo, hit level sync button, and then did everything to try to get the FATE participation credits. Swiftcast + Divine Seal + Medica II, and Eye for Eye on my chocobo, for example. And I used all my instant spells like Aero and Fluid Aura, thinking I still might not make it. (I can’t remember if you needed Gold for FATE key item to drop or not.)

Amid my flurry, I saw that the person doing emotes at me. So I looked closely, the person was standing with weapon sheathed and not attacking. O_o! He or she must have noticed me and my desperation, and decided to let me get more share of the participation credits.

My battle did not even last longer than 30 seconds, but I ended up getting the item drop!!!

I was so glad and very grateful. This trivial kindness is really what encourages me to continue playing the game without shutting myself in FC house crafting all day (or roaming the waters, fishing without interacting to human, lol.)

Most people would just either not even notice me and my need of FATE credits, and some might do, but still don’t care enough to share, as I’ve experienced many times before. It’s not a good feeling. I get pouty and a little mad. Not mad enough to insult the person or the shout channel, but mad, yeah.

As a result, whenever I notice late comers to the FATE and I’m sure my reward is secured, I stop competing and change my chocobo to healer mode, so that more people could benefit from the FATE instead of me hoarding the excessive participation credits. Because, you know, some FATEs could take 7 hours to respawn.  

Breaking Dawn FATE in East Shroud

Today I camped a FATE in the East Shroud for several hours.

When it finally popped, I told the other person I bumped into during Breaching North Tidegate earlier (we were both there for the same book, Skyfall II) so that he or she could rush to East Shroud. Suddenly like 4 other persons were onto the FATE boss. XD What an ambush!! I thought there won’t be problem because, what? It was just 5 people (plus a Titan-Egi and a few chocobos).

However, the monster was weaker than anyone expected, so it went below 50% in like a blink. I rushed in and asked in /say for them to wait. Of course they waited!!!! That was a bunch of lovely people. I was afraid that someone would die from standing around letting the FATE boss beat on them without fighting back, so I made sure I Stoneskin and Regen everyone and kill any aggro for them.


As you can see in the chatlog, everyone was nice. The only reason why I (and the other person who was originally there) had to repeat “Please wait” was because there was a DRG who arrived late and started attacking fiercely because he or she didn’t know that we were waiting. That DRG stopped immediately after we asked, so I was afraid they won’t get enough credit for the FATE and invited them to join my party too. Then I spammed Medica II and everyone killed it. (I noticed later that the DRG said “reset” for the sake of the person who hadn’t arrived. We didn’t reset and I didn’t see that message, but I really appreciate the effort.)

My screenshot only has names of 3 people who were originally there, the DRG who arrives late, and the person whom I notified about the pop, but I have a feeling there was one more person there in the first place. If anyone ever runs into these nice people who were kind enough and waited, please, please, please be extra nice to them. 

You may notice that I didn’t get credit for the kill, I had no idea why. I did attack. I hit it with Stone and then several Repose, and also spammed Medica II.

I noticed that after I tried to leave Sylphlands and had to go back to camping it again. I was in no way mad that I missed the kill for my Book. I was strangely happy. To know and to see that they were kind and tried to wait for someone to join FATE was really wonderful. And that was enough. Not getting the kill credit cannot ruin that.

That FATE popped again 2 hours and 10 minutes after the first one died, I camped it while browsing the Internet and reading some comic books at my desk, so it wasn’t too bad.

I’m just so happy to have witnessed such act of consideration and kindness from fellow players on Ragnarok. My deepest thanks to those people.


Kind of like Gold Rush.  You see a train of people flock over to overwhelm a FATE. They come and go, stomping everything in their path. I know it’s the nature of the low-time and peak-time of the server’s crowds and I know it’s hardly anyone’s fault. It still pissed me off, however. I was enjoying my quiet corner against this Spiteful Spitfire. I’ve been camping him all day while working. I would ALT+Tab back to FFXIV to fight him when I hear FATE music. I want my Atma, but I hate chasing FATEs on chocoback, so this is a lazy method that works for me.


Then, when more and more people start to log in to the server, this train of people came, leaving me with silver medal for FATE instead of the gold. Mind you, though, that this was not the part which pissed me off.

They never returned, ever! They came to rip through the monster, and left, gone. Leaving me to solo the now-10-times-stronger Spiteful Spitfire. Blargh!!!

Again, I know it’s no one’s fault and that it is an inevitable phenomenon natural to online gaming. I just had to get it out of my chest.

Back to FATE camping and working. Peace!