Why would people go to EX Roulette as a Conjurer?


Yes, I’m speaking of a level 60 dungeon, Expert roulette, patch 3.4 content, requiring iLV 210, which happened to be The Great Gubal Library (Hard) in this case.

[9:11][FC]<Aleczan Knighthill> Morning +_=
[9:14][FC]<Bray> hi
[9:18][FC]<Bray> i dislike random ex
[9:18][FC]<Bray> i have a lvl 60 conjurer
[9:18][FC]<Aleczan Knighthill> lol
[9:18][FC]<Aleczan Knighthill> WHAT
[9:18][FC]<Bray> [Player’s Name]
[9:18][FC]<Bray> lvl 60 conjurer
[9:18][FC]<Bray> rn
[9:18][FC]<Bray> i promise u
[9:18][FC]<Bray> tank left
[9:18][FC]<Bray> last boss
[9:19][FC]<Bray> its always drama on random ex lol
[9:19][FC]<Aleczan Knighthill> I had a GLA tank in probably The Aery once and it was HORRIBLE

[9:19][FC]<Bray> gubal library hard
[9:19][FC]<Bray> 3 man, smn gonna tank w/ tita
[9:19][FC]<Bray> titan
[9:20][FC]<Aleczan Knighthill> Oh doing what COrn pulled.
[9:20][FC]<Aleczan Knighthill> GL man
[9:20][FC]<Bray> tank just joined
[9:20][FC]<Bray> thank goodness
[9:20][FC]<Aleczan Knighthill> Ohhh cool.
[9:20][FC]<Bray> this pt is ridic
[9:22][FC]<Bray> both dps died
[9:22][FC]<Bray> lol
[9:22][FC]<Aleczan Knighthill> wow
[9:24][FC]<Aleczan Knighthill> Why did tank leave lol? He kept dying? Or was there an argument?
[9:24][FC]<Bray> the healer and other dps voted to boot him
[9:24][FC]<Bray> now the tank that just joined, left
[9:25][FC]<Aleczan Knighthill> Boot him… what happened lol I think ppl that needs to be kicked is the CNJ

[9:27][FC]<Bray> i booted him, ty
[9:27][FC]<Bray> healer in, tank now already lolol
[9:27][FC]<Bray> AND A BONUS!

[9:38][FC]<Bray> tank dc mid fight
[9:39][FC]<Aleczan Knighthill> wow
[9:39][FC]<Aleczan Knighthill> Hope they return fast
[9:39][FC]<Bray> im afraid they abandon
[9:39][FC]<Bray> i wasted all this time

[9:57][FC]<Bray> we boot healer now
[9:57][FC]<Aleczan Knighthill> Seeking?
[9:57][FC]<Bray> 22 min left
[9:57][FC]<Bray> yes
[9:57][FC]<Aleczan Knighthill> Doesn’t let me join lol
[9:58][FC]<Bray> i am being trolled tonight!
[9:58][FC]<Aleczan Knighthill> EVen manual selection doesn’t pop the duty lol
[9:58][FC]<Aleczan Knighthill> weird
[9:59][FC]<Aleczan Knighthill> got it

So I managed to join his party and we passed swiftly. (When I joined, the duty finder told me they had spent 68 mins in there already lol.) From what I gathered, they had a tank, 1st tank got kicked (IDK why), 2nd tank (who was FC friend of the SMN) joined at last boss but DC mid-fight, then they got 3rd tank that stayed. For the healers, 1st one was the CNJ, then someone else joined and got kicked (what?!) (Bray said 2nd healer was as bad O_o!?), then I was their 3rd healer.

That was an exceptionally crazy party. Though I’ve been in hellish roulette before, none of them took nearly as long or got nearly as many replacements.

But what’s mind-boggling to me is….the fact that some people do play to end-game without utilizing Job system. Seriously, no Job means they don’t have access to the myriad of skills and spell from level 30-60. There are so much useful skills from Job. As a WHM, when playing endgame content, I found it hard to preserve my MP if I don’t maximize the use of my MP skills. Regen, Asylum, Assize, Tetragrammaton, and especially Benediction are great help not only with MP management, but also for healing output. Divine Seal is a must and it goes great with Medica II. Along with a Divine Sealed Regen, and perhaps a Stoneskin once in a while, could sustain the tank for a long time, allowing me free time to do something else, like nuking or cleansing people’s debuffs, or standing around to wait for my MP refresh.


I can’t understand why someone would go to endgame dungeon (or dungeon requiring max level) without having a Job. Alright you may have 5 more free slots for cross-class skills/spells. But with Job, you have 10 more skills/spells that can help the party survive better. The stats also drops when you don’t equip Soul Crystal. I tested using Masakaki Kai, weapon of ilv 180, and compared the stats:

(Format is [Stats: WHM => CNJ])
HP: 16301 => 15945
MP: 14385 => 13649
Healing magic Potency: 1271 => 1249

Because WHM has slightly better DEX, VIT, INT, MND and PIE.

And I’ve healed a GLA in a dungeon above level 50 before. I can’t remember exactly where, but it could have been The Aery. It was horrendous!! It was so tough keeping him or her alive. The GLA was so squishy. And if I remember correctly, couldn’t manage enmity very well. It was a painful run. Just ugh…. Why do I have to suffer in a DF party because someone doesn’t maximize the class/job system?

I mean, I’ve seen a GLA in level 32 dungeon and a CNJ in level 47 dungeon before. It was surprising and upsetting, and the party’s performance was kind of crippled, but I would assume that it wasn’t as brutal as in a level 60 dungeon where my friend was in.


SMN griefing in Void Ark


*Warning, very long rant post.*

I’ve been in Void Ark only with my FC friends (4-5 people together, and other strangers in DF would fill the party) so far and yesterday’s run was the worst Void Ark I’ve ever been in.  (Although a friend had always been complaining about Void Ark because he usually queues solo and go with a whole party (and alliance) of strangers, and then the raid would keep failing and people start voting abandon, so he could never finish his weekly Void Ark run.)

In yesterday’s party (we were team B), there was a Summoner who was the embarrassment of the team. Not only that he or she appeared impatient and rude, but their actions hindered the raid and contradicted each other.

In short, this SMN person would dart in and pull the bosses before a tank did, catching the whole alliance by surprise and resulting in deaths. Yet, in last boss room, this person got mad at others for failing strategies.

Wait, what? You were the one who didn’t allow time for other teams to explain stuff to their newcomers. You were the reason why new people received no brief. I can’t believe this SMN!!! Just what on earth is wrong with them?

Well, naturally, when people see that all 3 parties are at the entrance of boss room, someone would immediately engage. So, that might not be helpful to the first timers. But no one said anything, so we didn’t realize that they weren’t ready. The early pulling continued and I didn’t notice anything out of order until we reached Cuchulain boss (poison spitting sea devil or octopus monster).

In Cuchulainn room someone said something like “please don’t pull before we brief our new people” but someone else pulled (not our disruptive SMN, though) and then apologized for not seeing the chat. Our first attempt failed. Team A and team C half wiped and were so crippled. I tried to raise the healers multiple times but it was beyond my power. We wiped, with our team (B) being the last fighters standing.

Upon retry, I saw it clear as crystal, the SMN in our team went ahead and pulled. So a tank had to assume the position. I think it was my static tank who did. Other team complaint about sudden pull, again, but no one said anything. We won this time.

Next room, the last boss, was a big mess. People were standing at the entrance, probably separately explaining strategies to their party members. Someone pulled. I did not notice who did it. The fight went well until one of the splits……… Where someone complaint about people not moving the snakes away properly. The SMN started cursing (“u 2 mofos” and then when someone asked which one, replied “tanks ofc” and then “idk if some people are blind or not, can’t you see the snake buffs” and “plus tanks already have aggro there”). (I must admit that I couldn’t make head or tail out of what the SMN said, like, who was in correct position and who were in the wrong position? Where do we move the snake? Which tank had aggro there? And where did “there” refer to?

Someone in team C tried to explain more, saying “just go to the outer sides of the arena – doesnt matter which snake, but just dont stand in the middle like idiots with one snake Ö.ö”  (Just FYI, our tank was standing at the edge, well far away from the middle or the Naga.)

Then people put markers on the floor to make sure each team split at a good distance. But before everyone became ready, that SMN pulled with Garuda-Egi. (If you check the screenshot, there was a Ready Check, with 3 people saying they weren’t ready….) I was so mad! Just what the hell do they think they’re doing!? It was a total douchebaggery to do such thing.

I hit my Swiftcast button, preparing to raise, refraining from lashing out because it wasn’t a good time to waste my breath lecturing someone, but that corpse disappeared. The SMN went to homepoint and sat out the whole fight without apologizing or saying anything at all.

Now, that’s really unacceptable. Leeching our hard work for their weekly win…. Especially after pulling early, catching everyone by surprise and ruining the strategy and the timing. It’s beyond rude and is a horrible thing to do, because raid needs team work, so if someone is not cooperative and also disrupts the flow of the battle, it can spell a disaster. It wastes other people’s time and effort. It ruins the fun. It hinders the gameplay. It’s something worth submitting a GM report.

My Failed Pharos Attempt

My 5th Attempt at Pharos Sirius. (Failed)

This might be considered a rant, but it’s not a rant against people or player, but about my own failure.

Today my lv. 50 Duty Roulette decided to be mean to me and sent me to Pharos Sirius again. Let’s see, 1st time to 4th time, I was in there as a WHM. Today I got confident in using my Scholar, as I did well in Praetorium as a secondary healer, and I wanted to practice more SCH, so I hit lv. 50 Roulette with SCH. And yeah, it threw me inside Pharos Sirius again. How brutal!!! T.T


Brief review of my previous Pharos runs,
1st – Didn’t get past first boss (the pirate) but I learned about the stacking debuff and the explosion. Kept dying, pretty much because we couldn’t dodge well while dealing with adds until tank and bard bailed.

2nd –  Got in as a replacement when party was at Siren. Wiped once, then router died. Got so mad ; ; Sorry, strangers. Terribly sorry.

3rd – All members are quite new to Pharos. Great party. They were willing to communicate and to keep trying. Here, I finally learned that not only boss AoE attacks that give debuff, but the dog’s attack also does it! Wiped once, then won. Got to Zu, but kept dying until bard had to leave the house. Got a replacement bard who knew the fight and educated us to kill only the hatching eggs. Still wiped. New bard bailed. Disbanded.

4th – Got in as a replacement during first boss. Party didn’t communicate but they seemed to know the fight. However, the adds (dogs) swarmed around me and ate me. Was going to retry but bard bailed. BLM commented that the bard wasn’t helping to kill the adds and just left like it was our fault. LOL. Tank said sorry, last try, then we got a new bard, but we still died. So everyone disbanded.

Today we got in and the tank named Snow Winter was being honest and said it’s his first time in Pharos. Someone immediately left, so we had tank, me, and Zambari Amari (BLM) when Fureya Jhamei (BRD) joined as a replacement. I am naming them here in hope that they will see this entry and hear my apology. T.T

This team got to Zu, and nobody knew the true trick of the fight. That is, to kill the hatching eggs but NOT ALL of them. So, I’ve been shooting the damn eggs when they were threatening to hatch, and the Zu got enraged and used stun AoE that’s brutal on me (and anyone near me) then used wing attack AoE to kill the back-row people. I am so sorry I made you guys die multiple times.

Zambari had enough deaths, so this BLM left and we got Misha Lune, a very patient BLM who stuck with us until the very end. I can’t remember when, but the bard also left, and we got a Summoner named Cyber Impact as a replacement. I was killing the eggs in this round, too. So Misha spoke up and said to leave eggs to him/her, otherwise the Zu kill us. Misha kindly explained that killing the eggs will stack buff on the boss. So, eventually, we won and it realized it was ME who’s been making us fail repeatedly at Zu!!!!

So, sorry again, Fureya and Zambari. It was all my fault.

Then, we got to 3rd boss, which was pretty quick and easy. Misha announce the strategy which cracked me up XD “(Misha Lune) ok here burn the boss fast before healer dies” and then explained that I will have to kite all the adds while party kill boss. But in reality, I couldn’t attract the adds, so Snow got them all, but they killed the boss very fast and without any problem.

Then, the damned lady of the ocean, Siren, was our roadblock. We kept trying until SMN had enough of it (sorry, Cyber T.T I kept screwing it up by getting caught by the crawling zombies). Then in the last 10 minutes of the timer, we got a bard named Swift Claw as a replacement. I learned JUST NOW that to dodge the AoE charm, we hide under Siren. I’ve been running away and hugging the room’s wall to avoid it (my dodge failed once and succeeded twice) because Misha screamed that the tank must also hide UNDER Siren, or face the charm spell.

However, when she picked one random target to charm, if it was me or the tank, I always failed to heal up. Damn me. I got so mad at my lousy skill at playing SCH. I even had the help in curing from my faerie, Eos. Yet I still failed to top up my own HP or tank’s HP when charm landed. So, of course, we wiped twice and that’s it, out of time.

I want to say sorry to all these people, Snow Winter, Misha Lune, Swift Claw, Cyber Impact, Zambari Amari, and Fureya Jhamei. And special thanks for Snow and Misha for the patience to stick it out to the end. Also thanks to Swift Claw for being energetic and positive even when we were running out of time. Again, thanks Misha for teaching me a lot of things to watch out for on each boss fight. As for me, I still am not confident enough in my SCH to say I will beat Pharos the next try. L Lots more to practice. I always have my faerie on auto mode. People said it’s better to manually control the faerie for MP conservation. Yep, I always have MP issue. SO I think that’s where I need to practice. ><;;



Duty Finder: DPS Not Cooperating

Again, this is my lengthy rant about some lousy player in random Duty Finder party.

I was unable to write this right after the incident, because I had real life time pressure and had to leave the house shortly after. I was also too furious to organize my thoughts. But now, as I am no longer angry about it, I want to write it down in my journal so that people may know, or that person might even stumble upon this entry and see how ridiculous I think they were.

This is a Dragoon person, and I will have no shame in naming them here, as I secretly wish they would find this entry, or that someone who knows them will see it and tell them about it. The name is Lordin Edenfall.

We were in The Wanderer’s Palace to farm some Tomestones, and among the 4 random parties we got, this one was the one where I was most furious about, as the person wasn’t performing horribly out of the lack of knowledge or experience, but purely out of their own rebellion and probably the need to show off and seem superior. They also refused to work as a team and when the tank said something, they had the nerves to reply with an answer that obviously show that they had no intention to cooperate with the party.

First, I noticed Corn (the tank) started using number sign on the mobs, this was because the DRG just attacked whatever they wanted and didn’t assist the tank and other DPS in killing the mobs one by one. However, they continued to disobey the number signs and kept attacking what the hell ever they want, drawing enmity from the monster that tank wasn’t focusing on, and getting their ass kicked. This resulted in my trying so damn hard to keep up with all the cures.

At first I didn’t notice what was going on, I thought he was just one of those lazy DPS who would just stand there and eat AoE attacks instead of dodging them. WRONG. They intentionally take one monster away from the tank and fought solo. I might have drawn enmity from DRG’s mob and got whacked a few times, but I don’t really remember. But I did notice that the DRG’s Stoneskin would disappear very fast after I applied it, and I had to throw Regen and Cure on them very often.

At the skeletons room with a switch, I finally noticed what was going on. I saw the DRG fighting a Skeleton away from the group, taking a lot of damage from it. Then Corn commented on it in Linkshell. Then, while fighting other group of mobs, the DRG did it again. They intentionally attacked the other enemy.

Then, at the last room before Tonberry King, shit kind of hit the fan, and the DRG got chased by Tonberry Stalker because they didn’t group up with us. They ran away, and they returned to join the fight, still attacking the non-focused enemy. Then Corn finally spoke up, trying to be polite and not cursing the hell out of the person, I imagine. He probably didn’t say anything before because the number signs are obvious and most people would have cooperated by following the numbered order, but this person just wouldn’t be a good team member.

(Corn Muffin) patience please
[1]<Corn Muffin> that is not what i wanted to say lol
(Corn Muffin) Defeat this one first!
(Aleczan Knighthill) focus target
(Lordin Edenfall) what?
[1]<Corn Muffin> get me out of this hell hole
(Lordin Edenfall) nah
(Lordin Edenfall) if i focus i lose a ton of dps
(Lordin Edenfall) i wanna rush this dungeon, not babysit it
(Corn Muffin) its ok alec
(Aleczan Knighthill) But you are MP sink because I have to heal you a lot :)

(Lordin Edenfall) omg
(Lordin Edenfall) gl
(Aleczan Knighthill) O_o
[1]<Aleczan Knighthill> He shuts himself out lol?
(Lordin Edenfall) i believe in u guys

What happened here was that the person got locked out of the arena. It was either an accident because they were too busy trying to talk back, or was intentional out of spite. I have no idea which was the cause. So we fought with 3 people, and died because I couldn’t keep up with the cure while spamming Holy.

[1]<Corn Muffin> come to mid and holy
[1]<Corn Muffin> cure
[1]<Corn Muffin> just ignore them
[1]<Corn Muffin> and lets finsih
(Lordin Edenfall) nice try tho
[1]<Corn Muffin> just let em go please
[1]<Corn Muffin> or im gonna explode
[1]<Aleczan Knighthill>  ; ; pat pat
[1]<Corn Muffin> you know what else loses a ton of dps. running your mouth isntead of entering the arena lolol
[1]<Corn Muffin> oh well
[1]<Aleczan Knighthill> lol

Then, we retied with 4 people, and once the boss died, that person spoke again.

(Lordin Edenfall) he died too fast…

I really wanted to say “He died fast because no dumbnut got locked out this try.” But I didn’t want to interact with the person any longer, so I just exited without saying anything.

Furious was I, though. I actually wanted to say more stuff than my “you are MP sink” but there was no time for a lecture in there. I also didn’t have the patience and effort to type too much when angry. But here, I will rant about it.

Quoting, again:

(Lordin Edenfall) if i focus i lose a ton of dps

What kind of lousy excuse is that? I haven’t played level 50 DRG since the big skill revamp in 1.0, so I might wrongly be unaware of any DRG ability that makes you deal more damage when you are being attacked, but the damage output should be about the same even when you attack the same enemy as the tank.

(Lordin Edenfall) i wanna rush this dungeon, not babysit it

This is even more stupid. If you follow proper strategy, like focusing on one target, the enemies die faster, one by one. This does not only make one enemy die faster, but also decreases the burden on the healer, as they don’t need to split their attention to save your ass. You don’t have as high defense as a PLD, so when you get hit, it means more HP for me to cure, and thus I have to spend more MP than I should. This “attacking what the hell ever I want while ignoring the number signs” is not rushing the dungeon, but rather hindering the party.

In the other random party earlier, there was someone among the 2 DPS members who secretly marked the mobs with number. The order was accurate, and everyone focused their attack on them in order. So the mobs died very fast and I had easier time curing, having no extra burden to keep alive, as no one strayed and got their ass kicked. We blew through the dungeon very quickly and without any oh-shit-moment.

However, that was not the case in this party. By the Dragoon’s soloing without having a tank and having their ass kicked by the enemy, I am the one who was babysitting them! It was I who had to cast spells and spend my MP to keep them alive. They were the hindrance. They were my burden.

I repeat: Lordin Edenfall, by not cooperating, you are the hindrance to the party. And that is not rushing us, or you, or anyone, through the dungeon, at all. Brainless brute force might achieve something in some situation, but not where strategy is important like in FFXIV dungeons.

(Additional text, edited to add on 24 OCT 2013)

If your targets were not attacking back, splitting force and defeating them in unorganized and unfocused order will achieve the same result as defeating them one by one. But that is not true in the situation, as all of the enemies were attacking back.

I’m going to write a simple, idiot-proof, explanation here.

If there are 3 enemies, and if you kill 1 enemy within 20 seconds, 3 enemies will take 1 minute to die.

If you focus on 1 enemy and kill it off, from 21st second to the 60th second, you will only have 2 enemies beating on you. Then, if you keep killing one of the two enemies, by the 41st second, you will only have 1 enemy to deal with. There is 3 parts of this battle. First part, lasting 20 seconds, you get bombarded with attacks from ALL 3 enemies. Second part of the fight, however, you will only have 2 enemies trying to kill you. Then last part, the last 20 seconds, will be the easiest, because you are fighting 1-on-1.

On the contrary, if you spread out your attack, after 20 seconds you will still have all 3 enemies whacking on you. On the last part of the fight, you will have 3 enemies, all with only 1/3 HP, still trying to kill you. Then, you kill them off at the same time after 1 minute time ends. But what about your own HP that was taken by the enemies? Of course, you lose much more HP with this strategy.

You might not realize it, because you weren’t the one who took the burden of keeping yourself alive. It was me and my MP. And since your defense is inferior to the real tank, when you tank an enemy on your own, it increases the work load for healer. I HATE YOU FOR THAT.

(End of the additional text)

If I had heard this “babysitting” smartass answer earlier in the run, I would have let them solo the mob as they wanted, and wouldn’t have cared to throw them any Stoneskin, Regen, or Cure. I should have let them die fighting the enemy with wrong order.

Some people are just horrible like this. I need a break from random Duty Finder party for a while, a long while.