Crafting HQ items

– This entry is not to tell the steps to making HQ items, I was just talking about my crafting day. However, I did mention a list of crafting skills which I used for making HQ items, but not in detail. –

Recently, I’ve made myself a full set of Miner’s gear for level 50, except the helmet, that is. It wasn’t that tough, but I was stressing the hell out of it, probably because it used a lot of difficult materials which I cannot make on my own, such as Twinthread and Darksteel Nugget. And I felt pressured and did not want to botch or NQ them, because it would feel like I wasted Corn’s materials and effort. I was anxious and was reluctant, then Corn suggested I should make HQ Hippogryph Leather to increase the HQ rate. So I made 3 of them and felt less worried.


And yup it went well. Got all 4 pieces of Miner’s outfit to HQ just fine. What boggles my mind was that I actually finished it at step 41 and 43, etc. I usually never go beyond step 29. So I was bulging my eyes earlier when Corn said he HQ Twinthread or something at step 42 or so. Then he shared me the general skill sequence, and I started using Hasty Touch more, so I saw how and why one would and could go over 30 steps in one sitting. But I didn’t quite grasp the real practice until now LOL.

ffxiv_10282013_110044sYou see, as a cook, I usually finish HQ craft within 25 steps, or below 20 steps if I get lucky Good or Excellent. But with them starred recipes, it is tougher and requires more steps. Aetheryte Ring, for example, usually takes 35 or so for me, but when I got really lucky, I could finish at step 29.


My skills for HQ stuff used to be mainly just Inner Quiet, Steady Hand II, Waste Not, Hasty Touch, Tricks of the Trade, Manipulation if I could reserve enough CP, and Rumination to try to get extra CP for one more Waste Not, in order to squeeze as much as I could out of the last few Durability.

Then, my life got easier with Byregot’s Blessing from Carpenter lv 50. It consumes 24 CP, Durability, as well as Inner Quiet’s effect, but it could give me 700 Quality easily. So that’s a big Quality boost.

Also, I made Corn quad-meld my GSM shirt. I was reckless and greedy, so I used grade III materia on first 2 forbidden melds, and we got very lucky that both were successful on first try. XD


I was about to chicken out, but Corn hit the button and attached the 4th materia successfully LOL. I was so relieved and jumping in joy because that was my last Craftsman’s Competence III materia in stock.


Then I used a lower grade materia for 5th slot. Took a few tried. I’m really entertained by the facial expression of the crafter when melding fails LOL.



The pic above was when I used Corn’s Mildwed’s Thighboots to try for Gambler’s Crown. I spent like 19 Materia (mostly just CP+1 ones) before I finally got the achievement.



Was a hell lot of fun. LOL!