Shitty mouth SMN

As you may have deducted from the title, today’s entry will be an angry rant full of swearing.

I went to sleep and woke up to an old message from Dew on Skype, wailing about a leveling roulette she did alone while I was asleep. She pasted a batch of chatlog, and I read it and could only say WTF. It’s so wrong in so many levels.

[6:57](Chibidew K.) Hello!><)/
[6:57]Xandu K.: Hello!
[7:00](Chibidew K.) got key><
[7:02](Chibidew K.) >< sorry
[7:15](Chibidew K.) please pull small group ; ;
[7:19](Chibidew K.) Xandu you have new belt from here?
[7:20](Chibidew K.) change plz >,
[7:20]Xandu K.: yes i think so?Please use the auto-translate function.
[7:20](Chibidew K.) nice^^
[7:25](Chibidew K.) Wait, please.
[7:25](Chibidew K.) my mp lost ><
[7:25](Chibidew K.) Thank you.^^
[7:35]Xandu K.: sorry guys playing with one handPlease use the auto-translate function.
[7:36](Azatro T.) Terrible healing bro.
[7:36](Sien V.) Lag spike
[7:36](Chibidew K.) drag dragon far poison please
[7:36](Chibidew K.) because dragon re-hp from his poison ><
[7:41](Chibidew K.) I not havbve mp
[7:41](Chibidew K.) :(
[7:41](Xandu K.) sorry got both hands back now
[7:41](Azatro T.) Would you like my ????ing pet to tank? Are you ????ing serious
[7:43](Chibidew K.) I’ serious because I not have mp for heal all :(
[7:43](Azatro T.) You suck then.
[7:43](Azatro T.) Manage your mp.
[7:43](Chibidew K.) you see tank siut plz
[7:46](Azatro T.) OMFG LEARN TO DODGE
[7:47](Xandu K.) quit complaing, i got a kid to deal with too
[7:48](Chibidew K.) everyone need to learn please clam down ; ;
[7:48](Azatro T.) Learn what? HE CANT DODGE
[7:49](Xandu K.) nope i like to take it all up front
[7:53](Chibidew K.) Thank
[7:53](Azatro T.) and the idiots finally did it
[7:53](Chibidew K.) TT_TT
[7:53](Xandu K.) ooooo mean comments

OK, first thing first, the tank. The tank claimed to have been taking care of his or her baby. I understand that real life shit can come up and mess with your gaming. But in my opinion, it would be much nicer if one has some decency to communicate to the party that there was an emergency matter that requires immediate attention, or tell the party BEFOREHAND that you cannot pay 100% attention to the battle in the dungeon. Dragging the party through your shitty play because you have something outside of the game to deal with is quite cruel. People are unprepared, and thus have no time or too short time to try to think of plan B.

At least for me, if I know that the tank is going to have less focus to the fight, I can prepare myself ahead of the time to heal faster and earlier, and also know I should preserve MP and some skills for OH SHIT situation that might spring up any moment soon. Not knowing what to expect can spell disaster to the whole party.

Also, that attitude “quit [complaining], i got a kid to deal with too” was also so wrong. NO. You better be apologetic that you’re causing trouble. Being like “so what?” like this and blaming others for not putting up with you is a no-no. If the kid’s matter needs so much attention, a decent person would tell the party “Wait, please.” and perhaps “Kid aggro, BRB 5 mins.” or something. Playing with half attention (or half of your available hands…) and wiping the party so many times is not fun. I know people play game to enjoy it and for fun. But you have to be considerate of other people’s “fun” too. Don’t be a shithead and be like “oh I play for fun, why so serious?” and make the party suffer from how shitty you are. No one likes their fun to be ruined.

Then, there is this SMN who was fast to throw insult.

It is EASY to blame healer when the party dies. But have you looked carefully and analyzed the situation?

Healers aren’t omnipotent gods who has endless pool of MP to heal through abnormally prolonged fight. Healing in Brayflox (normal) last boss is difficult enough for a veteran healer like me, even in a decent party. What do you expect of a healer in a party where people don’t dodge and fail to avoid boss regen (poison) mechanic?

Of course if you stand in the pool of poison, you lose HP, and boss keeps recovering its HP. “Healer sucks” and “manage your MP” weren’t the correct comment, nor do they point to the real problem that needs to be solved.

Manage MP?

White Mage has Regen at level 35. Regen is great and is more MP-efficient in comparison with Cure. It helps a lot and should always be used. BUT GUESS WHAT. Brayflox is capped at 34. So a capped WHM in Brayflox normal cannot use Regen. The system prevents it.

What about MP recovery skill? Oh yep, Shroud of Saints is great. But it is 38. GUESS WHAT? It is also capped and is inaccessible in Brayflox normal.

Of course if healer has to cure bomb the tank, MP will run dry. Doesn’t mean healer sucks or is bad at managing MP. This SMN made me want to stab someone eye’s out with the blunt end of my WHM wand. So much ignorance and absurdly mean comments made me furious!

(She’s been drinking Hi-Elixir, too, because that was all she had.)

It’s ridiculous how people are quick to blame someone without looking at the whole situation and analyze it to see where the flaw is and where the party can improve.

My friend isn’t fluent in English, yet she tried so hard to communicate and give advice to the tank to make the situation improve.

What did the SMN do? Just yelling at people. Why didn’t you at least try to be helpful by telling the tank what to do, instead of just screaming at the healer and the tank. (I know the tank is highly likely non-English speaker, but apparently they can understand a little, and with help of translator, there should be enough understanding in communication.) Blaming the healer, saying healer suck, and not contributing the information to the party, yet going angry when the party does not succeed well, is not just ridiculous, but stupid. Contribute to it. Say something useful. Tell tank or the party what to do to improve. Be constructive.

In my eyes, my friend did much better and tried harder than the SMN. She tried to tell the tank to move the dragon away from poison. She tried to tell tank to change belt to a better one. SMN only kicked and screamed and pointed finger and left “idiots” comment before leaving. Wow, that’s so useful (Sarcasm)!  //sigh

I used to get into Brayflox with a random tank who still wore level 25 gear! We didn’t even get past the first boss, because the tank kept dying so easily. What did the 2 DPS in my party do? Tried to tank the adds (failed, and died, over and over.) We wiped for 3 or 4 times before someone said I’m sorry, I can’t continue like this, and left. No one blamed me, the healer, because they had EYES and were also smart enough to see that tank gear was at fault. When a tank is undergeared, it is harder to keep them alive. Don’t scream at the healer. Look at the root of the problem. If you only know how to scream at people and throw insults, without even paying attention to the circumstances or analyzing what went wrong that caused the failure, then YOU are the idiot. Pshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Void Ark is the new hell hole.

I’ve had it up to here with people pulling bosses early in raids. It seems it is no longer possible to have a smooth run, with people doing their roles properly without ignoring strategies and mechanics. What’s with a NIN always darting ahead, pulling bosses without asking for confirmation and without ANYONE using a Ready Check. (On other runs, sometimes someone uses a Ready Check, but some other freak in the alliance would ignore the Ready Check and would pull anyway. UGH!)

Early pull not only disrupts the flow of the battle, but also makes it much more difficult for people to get in position and execute their job role properly. Enmity flies everywhere because the puller wasn’t a tank, and it made it hard to reposition the boss after it’s been chasing people everywhere. Not to mention that it locked people outside of the room!!!! And for some runs, missing 1 or 2 persons could make the party (or whole alliance) struggle already. Countless times had I been in a wipe that was caused by impatient puller locking people out and failing DPS check phase. And it is not nice (or rather upsetting) to witness some idiots trying to save 30 seconds by early pulling bosses and ending up wasting 3-5 minutes because of a wipe and walking back to reattempt it. =_=;;

This kind of person and behavior really makes raid run become a suffer instead of a fun. It is toxic environment. I wish for smoother runs and more friendly alliance, not something with such a big mess of brute force people ignoring party role and strategies like this. (And yes I did report the person, in case you’re wondering if I’m just ranting here uselessly.)

With such a run, where people are uncooperative, I feel like it consumes 3 times as much of my life energy and my will power than normal. It’s a nightmare. It makes me hate DF. It makes me hate strangers. Sometimes I really don’t wonder why I avoid Roulette and Duty Finder completely….

To keep my sanity, I must develop a new skill. Like, “I Give Zero Fuck” skill, and just heal my team without thinking. Just stop feeling anything and do it like a programmed robot. There are too many freaks out there who would play the game however they like while ignoring team work and strategies. It is unhealthy to get worked up every time I run into one, because it is highly likely that I WILL run into them every day or every other day.

It’s so tiring, and not fun AT ALL.

Sometimes I’m so mad I wish some lightning strike would zap near the person’s house and knock out his or her internet, so that the raid (or I) will be rid of a nuisance. GAH GAH GAH. So much hatred today. Why can’t these freaks weed themselves out? It’s always us who play by the rules who eventually get annoyed or tired enough to quit or flee from the mess. Why is being disruptive and uncooperative becoming the norm? Why are people putting up with such misbehavior? Why can’t those freaks be nice and stop causing trouble to others?

Ugh I’m rambling off. Better go tend to my garden and stop dwelling on it. Let’s focus on doing stuff that keeps me happy instead of getting upset at useless and unimportant people. :'(


24-person Raids are a big headache

Rant warning. This shit isn’t going to make its way to my tumblr because there is enough negativity on tumblr. This personal blog of mine has less audience and is quite a secluded place, so I will let my steam off in here.

I’m not a big fan of CT, ST and WoD. One of the reasons is that the possibility to run into a jerk (or jerks) intensifies, about roughly 3 times as much as a 8-person dungeon.

We have had to put up, or deal with, people who don’t cooperate. Tanks who do not like to be a team player. Tanks who do not do their job properly and let enemies eat a healer. Tanks who intentionally try to compete enmity and steal the boss from other tank instead of being cooperative. Tanks who kept darting ahead to secure enmity on a boss regardless of other people’s readiness. Tanks who insist on tanking even when they can’t handle the boss and keep dying. People who do not dodge AoE or who do not try to learn the mechanics even in real practice. People who pull bosses early when the alliance isn’t ready. People who pull boss and shut out a few or many members outside of the boss room (the most epic shut-out I’ve witnessed was like 8 people from 3 parties, where we, or course, wiped due to failing a DPS check phase). The list goes on and on.

And with people being overgeared nowadays, the new headache adds to the list: people deliberately ignoring mechanics and just focusing on brute force.

4 out of 5 times, in CT (The Labyrinth of the Ancients), people do not deal with skeleton adds in first boss room anymore. Worse yet, they (on Chaos Data center) prefer to tank the dragon on one edge of the room, as opposed to the center. This had been my woe since forever. I used to sneak into Masamune and they tanked in the center, allowing melee jobs to chase the skeletons and help killing them without having to run through like 10 yalms of deadly water, which could kill my monk in 5 seconds.

Just yesterday, in our CT run, Dew tried to tank it in the center. And it went well until the first wave of skeletons popped. People immediately killed them where they popped, which was center. I screamed into the voice call, and Dew ran the shit away, dragging the dying dragon with her to one edge of the room.  Then, someone killed 2 skeletons too close together, and yes they ran so fast, through deadly water, to the dragon and exploded.

The skeleton exploding fiesta continued in 2nd round of adds. And in 3rd round of adds, all the ahrimans chased me for forever without any sub tank picking them up and I had to use Benediction on myself to survive.

The headache continued in King Behemoth room. At least 2 person out of the whole alliance died to Meteor each round. This, I can forgive, because super fast DPS on Behemoth could mess up the phase and make him pop meteor much faster than people’s expectation.

Meanwhile, in both Behemoth room and last boss room, I saw Dew trying to tank, and the WAR from other party competed with her to get aggro. So I told her to slack off and let him tank.

Then, we continued to ST, where things weren’t as brutal to my mental health. People still died to stuff like Curtain Calls, as usual, but otherwise there’s not much to complain about.

The World of Darkness, however, was when I snapped. My irritation was too much pent up and grew out of control. You see, in Angra room (Eye boss), people stood there and waited. Dew  hesitated for a bit, and after seeing that the other tanks didn’t go in, she went in to tank. However, a WAR competed aggro and took it ( immediately resulting in a beam hitting a healer to death because of bad positioning). I told Dew to let him tank. In the middle of the battle, Dew was bound with level 150 spell or something, and people didn’t leave the circle properly, so she died at the same time with our other healer, and someone else in our party. I Swiftcast raised Dew (should have raised the healer, but at that very moment I failed to notice that our healer was among the casualties). Dew hit the wrong button and went homepoint, and ran back to the door.

Towards the end of the fight, this WAR tank moved to the door and tanked it on the edge of the room, messing up the position of Double Vision (red and white flood on the floor). So it was very hard to run to get to one of the colours, resulting in many people dying to 2 or 3 stacks. This was where I got really mad, but still refrained. I only told Dew that she should tank the next boss because this WAR tank is a pain in the ass.

At the Hydra boss, of course Dew went in. And while she was waiting for it to finish a cone AoE (before moving it into a proper tanking position) I saw with my own eyes that the WAR tank ran around the back of the boss and then darted ahead, doing something that pulled aggro, making me and many other people get hit by the boss’ swipe or breath attack (or whatever it was, which didn’t have AoE indicator). Dew took back the aggro, and the WAR did that shit again, and yes I got hit by something, due to the bad positioning of the WAR while trying to compete enmity.

I started typing “Don’t point the boss to other people, <t>” but then I saw that Dew completely gave up and stood on the side of the boss, so I deleted it. The fight went on and we won without much trouble.

Then, in Cerberus room, we stood there idly for so damn long. Dew didn’t want to tank because she knew that the WAR would steal hate again, instead of engaging right on to declare that they wanted to main tank. While Dew was asking me on voice chat whether we should go into the belly (we were team B), out BLM stepped ahead and started casting spell, and canceled it. The BLM repeated this many times. And I said to Dew, just go in quickly and secure hate. She did, and of course the WAR from team A competed and stole Cerberus.

I’ve lost it right there and typed in the alliance, “If you want to tank, just engage and tank instead of letting our PLD go in first and then compete to pull hate like a jerk.” To which no one said anything, except Corn in FC chat. He wanted no drama and told me to calm the hell down.

After we won, someone said something like “kek BLM pulled first. No tears.” and the WAR said “BLM pulled first.” All the time in my head I screamed “EXCUSES” because I didn’t see that the BLM spell went off.

In Atomos rooms where we had to split into 3 groups, our party only had 4 people in our little room. Before I could start typing to ask where the other 4 went, some asshole pulled. Again I was like “No….my party!” (had to cut my typing short because I had to start fighting and healing people). Again Corn was like, “chill, dude” and fought like it’s nothing, while in my head I kept having this echo of “OH SHIT WE WILL WIPE” all the time. The fight was quite tough because we didn’t have enough killpower to keep the giant off me or remove it fast enough. I ended up dying before the 3 of them killed off the last Atomos that popped.

Then, in last boss room, I got so pissed and told Dew to just /sit and don’t go in, no matter what happens. I /sit with her ans just stared at the damn BLM, from team B (our own party =_=) did that casting/canceling over and over again. Then, the spell went off, either accidentally or deliberately, and I saw with my own eyes that the BLM did pull first, at least in last boss room. He or she took 2 hits and died, and immediately homepoint so I wasted my Swiftcast for nothing.

Now the same person said “kek B BLM pulled first.” to which I replied “Yes gonna report him later.” and the BLM said “sorry misclicked ^^” (referring to Hompointing, I guess).

Corn got upset (or just annoyed) and said in FC chat “Can we just tank and heal and DPS and get it done and leave?” So I swallowed all my anger and just did my job, saving GM call on the BLM for after exiting.

Dew and I later discussed about the WAR tank using our BLM as an excuse to compete enmity. It’s just irrational and pointless to keep competing hate when the one who had hate was a PLD. Even if BLM pulling was truly why WAR decided to step in to grab aggro, there was no reason, at all, to keep competing when it is obvious that Dew, a PLD, had secured aggro. So we call it bullshit that the WAR and other person blamed it entirely on the disruptive BLM for enmity competition.

This isn’t the first time I’ve been through such a painful turbulence of epic failure of teamwork in 24-person raids. It’s making me hate CT, ST and WoD very much. People just won’t play nice and that drives a troublesome content even more insane and painful. Really, these raids are the main reason why I would hate FFXIV players and avoid interactions. It ruins the fun and makes the game stressful as opposed to enjoyable. I know it’s MMO, and freaks like that who like to bully or ruin the day of other people are in every corner of a data center. It can’t be helped. But I can’t stop wishing for a smooth run and friendlier environment. It is unfair that people who want to enjoy their game peacefully can’t do that because dozens of douchebags are out there ambushing everyone in every opportunity they see. /sigh  /double sigh

SMN griefing in Void Ark


*Warning, very long rant post.*

I’ve been in Void Ark only with my FC friends (4-5 people together, and other strangers in DF would fill the party) so far and yesterday’s run was the worst Void Ark I’ve ever been in.  (Although a friend had always been complaining about Void Ark because he usually queues solo and go with a whole party (and alliance) of strangers, and then the raid would keep failing and people start voting abandon, so he could never finish his weekly Void Ark run.)

In yesterday’s party (we were team B), there was a Summoner who was the embarrassment of the team. Not only that he or she appeared impatient and rude, but their actions hindered the raid and contradicted each other.

In short, this SMN person would dart in and pull the bosses before a tank did, catching the whole alliance by surprise and resulting in deaths. Yet, in last boss room, this person got mad at others for failing strategies.

Wait, what? You were the one who didn’t allow time for other teams to explain stuff to their newcomers. You were the reason why new people received no brief. I can’t believe this SMN!!! Just what on earth is wrong with them?

Well, naturally, when people see that all 3 parties are at the entrance of boss room, someone would immediately engage. So, that might not be helpful to the first timers. But no one said anything, so we didn’t realize that they weren’t ready. The early pulling continued and I didn’t notice anything out of order until we reached Cuchulain boss (poison spitting sea devil or octopus monster).

In Cuchulainn room someone said something like “please don’t pull before we brief our new people” but someone else pulled (not our disruptive SMN, though) and then apologized for not seeing the chat. Our first attempt failed. Team A and team C half wiped and were so crippled. I tried to raise the healers multiple times but it was beyond my power. We wiped, with our team (B) being the last fighters standing.

Upon retry, I saw it clear as crystal, the SMN in our team went ahead and pulled. So a tank had to assume the position. I think it was my static tank who did. Other team complaint about sudden pull, again, but no one said anything. We won this time.

Next room, the last boss, was a big mess. People were standing at the entrance, probably separately explaining strategies to their party members. Someone pulled. I did not notice who did it. The fight went well until one of the splits……… Where someone complaint about people not moving the snakes away properly. The SMN started cursing (“u 2 mofos” and then when someone asked which one, replied “tanks ofc” and then “idk if some people are blind or not, can’t you see the snake buffs” and “plus tanks already have aggro there”). (I must admit that I couldn’t make head or tail out of what the SMN said, like, who was in correct position and who were in the wrong position? Where do we move the snake? Which tank had aggro there? And where did “there” refer to?

Someone in team C tried to explain more, saying “just go to the outer sides of the arena – doesnt matter which snake, but just dont stand in the middle like idiots with one snake Ö.ö”  (Just FYI, our tank was standing at the edge, well far away from the middle or the Naga.)

Then people put markers on the floor to make sure each team split at a good distance. But before everyone became ready, that SMN pulled with Garuda-Egi. (If you check the screenshot, there was a Ready Check, with 3 people saying they weren’t ready….) I was so mad! Just what the hell do they think they’re doing!? It was a total douchebaggery to do such thing.

I hit my Swiftcast button, preparing to raise, refraining from lashing out because it wasn’t a good time to waste my breath lecturing someone, but that corpse disappeared. The SMN went to homepoint and sat out the whole fight without apologizing or saying anything at all.

Now, that’s really unacceptable. Leeching our hard work for their weekly win…. Especially after pulling early, catching everyone by surprise and ruining the strategy and the timing. It’s beyond rude and is a horrible thing to do, because raid needs team work, so if someone is not cooperative and also disrupts the flow of the battle, it can spell a disaster. It wastes other people’s time and effort. It ruins the fun. It hinders the gameplay. It’s something worth submitting a GM report.

Got called a ninja at Hunt (Rank A) today

Happy story was that today I managed to get a few pics of Vogaal Ja without anyone messing up my Vogaal Ja screenshots :D

Sad story is that I shouted as well as announced in all my 3 hunt/social LS and almost no one showed up. So we had 4 people, then someone who wasn’t in my party (he’s on DF) got impatient and changed to PLD and pulled. I thought it was useless to keep shouting and waiting for nobody to come, so I joined in. The 3rd person (was also queuing in DF) suddenly disappeared, and the only person who joined my party ran away before going offline. (He or she came back shortly after and joined the fight, so it’s all good.)

Angry story started when I shouted 2 more times (first time before that PLD pulled, and then 3 mins after that, according to my chatlog time stamp) and suddenly a huge crowd of people appeared out of nowhere. I managed to get 2 more party members. One of the non-party crowds was a lousy person who took time to type “nice ninja of volgal ja” in shout, which pissed me off badly. Because what? Where the fuck were you when we needed more bodies? I’ve been shouting to no avail and you, who came late to the scene, had the nerves to call me out on this?

So it’s automatically my fault when you weren’t in the damn zone when I shouted and not in my 3 linkshells? I get branded for ninja pull when I was the one who found it and announced it? (Mind you, no one else ever shouted the pos all this while.)

I argued with the person, saying I was shouting for 10 mins and no one came (it’s actually 9 mins since my first paparazzi screenshot of Vogaal Ja, 7 mins since my first shout), so it’s not ninja pulling, but he said “yeah sure that’s why when i shout everyone come ?” which is blatantly stupid I couldn’t even start to type a rebuttal. (He or she was gone as soon as the fight was over, so I didn’t have enough time to argue back anyway.) You didn’t announce the pos, at all, and I have a screenshot to prove it. It was all me who shouted the pos. And just because a crowd suddenly showed up when you shouted  “nice ninja of volgal ja” doesn’t mean that they came because of your shout.

And, more importantly, without me and my shouts, you might not even have a chance to see this spawn of Vogaal Ja. Stop blaming the shouter just because you weren’t there to see the shout. I’m unhappy to have run into such kind of person, always blaming others for their own misfortune.

RAWRRRRRRRRRR!!!! I’m so mad. What a jerk!

Why can’t people deal with their own adds properly?

OK, yet another angry rant from me.

What the hell is wrong with people? Can’t you just be responsible and kill your own adds? Why would you be so damn obsessed with getting credits from contribution in FATE and ignore adds, letting them spam AoE on people nearby or eat any healer that got tricked into healing you???!?


Today I’ve seen all kinds of these FATE jerks.

One guy dove head on into a single boss FATE fight (no FATE minions), but before reaching the boss, they happened to attract a nearby aggressive enemy that roams there. The person did freaking NOTHING to acknowledge the add and just kept on pounding the boss. They didn’t even use anything to buff or support self, as the enemy kept being unclaimed the whole time. Nope I wasn’t on WHM, so it was easier for me to turn a blind eye on that and let the person get eaten.

The other person was in such a hurry to compete against me in claim war on multiple enemies FATE, and totally ignored an aggressive non-FATE monster that kept ramming their ass. They killed the first FATE monster and ran to a new one, with the unclaimed add tagging along. So I let them have all the FATE enemies they wanted, as well as the add. They died 10 seconds and homepointed.

In the Stagnant Water FATE near Camp Brentbranch, a person fought the Water boss while circling around it. He picked up 2 Yarzons in the process and completely ignored the Yarzons. This person seemed especially like an asshole, because he seemed to purposely run to me and let those Yarzons beat on him. Was either baiting me into killing them for him (when he kept on pounding the FATE boss) or trying to dump them on me. It worked, because my chocobo happened to use some kind of AoE skill and pulled one of the two Yarzons off him. =_= I was unhappy about it and kept wishing that he would get eaten by the other Yarzon he still had. After the FATE finished, that person escaped alive, with one Yarzon biting on his ass while he ran away. Disappointing.

Other person in Drybone fought in the middle of where Amalj’aa army spawned, so when I looked back at him again after turning away to kill 3 stray Amalj’aa one by one, he was half dead. Before I even started to decide whether to help or not, another Amalj’aa archer spawned and immediate aggroed me, so I ran to it and killed it first. That person, along with all his 4 Amalj’aa, ran to me and stood on top of me. I saw that he had claimed some of the horde, so I picked out the unclaimed one. Then I killed the other dying one, leaving 2 on him. Seeing that he was far away from spawn spot, I left him there and went into the middle to try to help the Brass Blade NPC.

Guess what? That person, instead of running away from the FATE to try to lose aggro, followed me and brought the two Amalj’aa along. He picked up 2 more Amalj’aa in the process, and kept circling around, picking up more and more….. I said in say “Running around will only get you more enemies……” and turned back to mind my own business with the rest of the Amalj’aa. He eventually got the hint (or just became smarter on his own) and ran away from FATE, losing all the enemies.

Not the end of the stupidity, yet, mind you. This person immediately resumed fighting by running back and diving head on into the Amalj’aa army, when he only had like 5% HP. =_=  The FATE ended soon so we finished without death, but that’s when I started to wonder if these new adventurers even use half of their brain when playing. They just don’t use any battle strategy at all. It’s as if they just want to smack and whack. No plan, no brain, no tactic, no adapting to the circumstances.

When I attract an enemy, be it a FATE monster or non-FATE one, I always deal with it first. I don’t run around like a dumbfuck, which would be gathering even more adds. I don’t try to park my adds on other people to try to bait them into killing my adds for me. If I happen to have multiple adds, I try not to bring in on top of or near the FATE boss that people are fighting, as AoE could disturb the battle flow. I deal with my adds properly and immediately. So I’m extremely disgusted and annoyed by those who are irresponsible to their own adds. As a WHM, I had been baited into helping such people too many times already. Most of the time I ended up having to run for dear life because, for example, those asshole dumped 4 enemies on me.

So, today, playing on my DRG, I set up a new brain function: to not mind other people’s business when they don’t mind it properly first. If the adds are unclaimed and received no attention from the person, I don’t help them kill. It sounds mean, in my opinion, but why should I be responsible for other people’s life when they don’t even seem to care about it? I’m not obligated to watch out for other people’s safety, unless they ask for my help.

Oh, on a different note, there’s another person who, in Alux FATE, managed to get to Alux, pulled before I could finish clearing other Imps for safe pull, and kept letting an Imp attack him while he spammed arrows on Alux. I tried hard and finally won the enmity war on the FATE boss and pulled it closer to the wall for safety, away from non-FATE adds. The person let the other Imp beat on him until he had about half HP, and started killing that add. So I joined in and killed it for him before resuming my Alux fight. Meanwhile, Alux had been having Ice Spikes up all the time, chipping away on my HP and the archer’s HP. At first I didn’t notice, because my chocobo casts regen and cure on me to refill my HP. But then I saw that archer was dying. I was slow and thought that it was because he got another Imp on him. I turned my camera around looking for the Imp, to no avail. As soon as the archer died, I figured out that he killed himself from Alux’s Ice Spikes…….

Alux had a chunk of HP left, so I said in say that I could raise in a few minutes. He said nothing but lied there. So, after killing Alux, I immediately changed to WHM. I couldn’t raise right away due to spell/skill cooldown when job is changed outside of a Sanctuary. When Alux was dying, though, another new adventurer ran in, bringing a stray Imp. The new person seemed to be dying, yet I couldn’t cast regen or cure, so I ran to the imp and whacked it with my staff and let my chocobo handle it. I couldn’t even finish typing “Sorry, spell cooldown a few more secs” when that dead person HP without any word.

That strangely pissed me off. Probably because I hate when people don’t communicate and don’t show common manner. Dude, you wasted many minutes of my time trying to raise you, yet you said nothing and just HP. At least you could have said, “No thanks.” “I don’t need raise”  “NP, I go HP” or something.

Anyway, today, apart from being annoyed when people tried to park their unclaimed mobs on me, I had quite a pleasant and safe day farming FATE. It just ticks me off when people don’t deal with adds properly and, some of them, run around like an idiot only to aggro even more adds.



Yet another bad day at Duty Roulette

I’ve been cursed by the Duty Finder god! I must have been cursed, otherwise I wouldn’t have been put into as many weird parties (or worse, failed parties) in Duty Finder as this.

First attempt at Low Level Roulette today as a ROG landed me in Brayflox’s Longstop and the tank wasn’t performing well. Enmity was all over, and we wiped quickly in first boss room. The tank was so squishy. The WHM left after everyone returned to homepoint. I sneaked a peek at the PLD’s gear and found that he was still wearing level 25 set. Well, that doesn’t quite cut it, so I said sorry and said that this dungeon needs more updated equipment.

I had been slacking on ROG’s quest, not to mention NIN’s, so I decided to dedicate my day catching up from level 15 quest to level 30 quests. The moved on to unlock NIN. I got from level 34 to 35 right when I finished lv 30 NIN quest, so I went on to get Chi and finished the lv 35 quest.

I tried to queue for my Low Roulette again and after 25 mins waiting, I landed in Qarn.

=_=;; talk about bad luck.

The party seemed fine until the WHM suddenly died in first boss room (Doom monster). But we managed to live through it and won without wiping. The tank seemed to struggle with enmity here and there on trash mobs along the way, but nothing serious.

Then, at the Golem boss room, somehow the tank lost aggro and it chased me and then the BLM, and bounced between us two like nuts. The tank didn’t try to actually win back the enmity, but instead was jumping repeatedly in the middle of the room spamming Shield Lob.

I wanted to ask but I couldn’t type while going full attack on the golem while trying to survive.

Then, the Golem stuck to the BLM ans beat him to death. Before the BLM died, the tank started:

[17:46](PLD) u dont want me to tank right?
[17:46](BLM) well you were attackin thw wrong part
[17:46]The golem soulstone is shattered!
[17:47](PLD) so u keep doing dmg while u know that?
[17:47](BLM) thanks
(BLM was raised so he thanked the WHM)
[17:47](BLM) one rotation + Provokewould have been more than enough
[17:48](PLD) thats just what i did
[17:48]The golem soulstone is shattered!
[17:48](BLM) but it was on the wrong part. and you use provoke when Rage of Haloneis the next attack or you will lose agro again
[17:49](BLM) if you did that then i have no idea why you lost it. i already used Quelling Strikes

I wanted to scream shits but I was too busy trying to survive because the PLD kept losing aggro and the Golem kept turning to beat me up every once in a while (not counting the random attacks that could not be prevented by tank’s keeping enmity). To my relief, we managed to win without wiping, though. I had so much to say but I wasn’t in the mood and it would hinder the progress even more, so I only said this after we won against the Golem boss:

[17:52](Aleczan Knighthill) Sorry, can’t type while fighting.

What I actually wanted so much to say to the tank was HOW THE FUCK CAN I KNOW THAT MY TANK IS STUPID AND ATTCKING THE WRONG PART? I was targeting the enemy and had no way to easily see what  freaking part of the golem the tank was attacking. (As a healer, I would see because I would have been targeting the tank and thus see his current target.)

It wasn’t DPS’s fault that the tank attacks wrong target, you dumbnuts! Plus, why whimper about DPS not letting you tank when you actually made almost no effort to win back the enmity!?! That was such a bullshit squabble. UGH!

Not to mention that he was careless enough to pull the second group of mobs from the Scale room in front of last boss on accident. Which resulted in a wipe. I’m glad I survived the ordeal and got my Challenge Log done for Duty Finder category. No more bullshit to go through until next week.


Tank who doesn’t Flash

I don’t play tank so I’m not sure if this is wrong, but I thought tank (GLA or PLD) is supposed to use Flash at start for initiative mob control or use it frequently while tanking multiple enemies at the same time. Today I went to Tam-Tara from Duty Roulette, and was in a party where THM was constantly reminding GLA to use Flash. I thought he or she was just being fussy, but after a while I noticed that the GLA never used Flash at all.

Of course the extra monsters (which we wasn’t targeting) would run everywhere. THM made heavy use of Sleep spell so that saved us a wreck. I would have failed at keeping people alive if THM didn’t use Sleep! I tried saying in /say (in case the tank person didn’t see /party chat) Flash will help a lot when there are more than 1 enemies. Please use it.  (“Flash” and “Please use it.” was from auto-translation, just in case.) However, the GLA never used it at all.

Then, the THM said that the tank was using wrong spell, because the GLA used something that recovers MP instead of creating enmity. Since I have no knowledge in that, I didn’t say anything. ><;;  Maybe the tank set wrong skill button or just didn’t understand how those skills work. Still, it is a headache to see that some people don’t play their role in the party properly and don’t pay attention to advice.

Roulette Tam-Tara party

Roulette Tam-Tara party

At the boss room, at one point I was tanking 4 adds at the same time while GLA and PGL were busy trying to kill the Imps. THM? Of course THM was busy tanking the mindflayer boss on the other side of the room. LOL. PGL seems to have quick reaction when things start to beat up any of the mages and was the first one to come to me to kick those skeletons asses on all 3 rounds of adds summoning while THM ran around the room trying to stay alive, hahaha.

Was fun, though. I never knew that those adds were this weak. They were beating on me for a long time before rescue arrived, and I dodged most of the attacks and didn’t get too much damage.  I should have tried to kill them off instead of spamming cure.

Duty Finder: DPS Not Cooperating

Again, this is my lengthy rant about some lousy player in random Duty Finder party.

I was unable to write this right after the incident, because I had real life time pressure and had to leave the house shortly after. I was also too furious to organize my thoughts. But now, as I am no longer angry about it, I want to write it down in my journal so that people may know, or that person might even stumble upon this entry and see how ridiculous I think they were.

This is a Dragoon person, and I will have no shame in naming them here, as I secretly wish they would find this entry, or that someone who knows them will see it and tell them about it. The name is Lordin Edenfall.

We were in The Wanderer’s Palace to farm some Tomestones, and among the 4 random parties we got, this one was the one where I was most furious about, as the person wasn’t performing horribly out of the lack of knowledge or experience, but purely out of their own rebellion and probably the need to show off and seem superior. They also refused to work as a team and when the tank said something, they had the nerves to reply with an answer that obviously show that they had no intention to cooperate with the party.

First, I noticed Corn (the tank) started using number sign on the mobs, this was because the DRG just attacked whatever they wanted and didn’t assist the tank and other DPS in killing the mobs one by one. However, they continued to disobey the number signs and kept attacking what the hell ever they want, drawing enmity from the monster that tank wasn’t focusing on, and getting their ass kicked. This resulted in my trying so damn hard to keep up with all the cures.

At first I didn’t notice what was going on, I thought he was just one of those lazy DPS who would just stand there and eat AoE attacks instead of dodging them. WRONG. They intentionally take one monster away from the tank and fought solo. I might have drawn enmity from DRG’s mob and got whacked a few times, but I don’t really remember. But I did notice that the DRG’s Stoneskin would disappear very fast after I applied it, and I had to throw Regen and Cure on them very often.

At the skeletons room with a switch, I finally noticed what was going on. I saw the DRG fighting a Skeleton away from the group, taking a lot of damage from it. Then Corn commented on it in Linkshell. Then, while fighting other group of mobs, the DRG did it again. They intentionally attacked the other enemy.

Then, at the last room before Tonberry King, shit kind of hit the fan, and the DRG got chased by Tonberry Stalker because they didn’t group up with us. They ran away, and they returned to join the fight, still attacking the non-focused enemy. Then Corn finally spoke up, trying to be polite and not cursing the hell out of the person, I imagine. He probably didn’t say anything before because the number signs are obvious and most people would have cooperated by following the numbered order, but this person just wouldn’t be a good team member.

(Corn Muffin) patience please
[1]<Corn Muffin> that is not what i wanted to say lol
(Corn Muffin) Defeat this one first!
(Aleczan Knighthill) focus target
(Lordin Edenfall) what?
[1]<Corn Muffin> get me out of this hell hole
(Lordin Edenfall) nah
(Lordin Edenfall) if i focus i lose a ton of dps
(Lordin Edenfall) i wanna rush this dungeon, not babysit it
(Corn Muffin) its ok alec
(Aleczan Knighthill) But you are MP sink because I have to heal you a lot :)

(Lordin Edenfall) omg
(Lordin Edenfall) gl
(Aleczan Knighthill) O_o
[1]<Aleczan Knighthill> He shuts himself out lol?
(Lordin Edenfall) i believe in u guys

What happened here was that the person got locked out of the arena. It was either an accident because they were too busy trying to talk back, or was intentional out of spite. I have no idea which was the cause. So we fought with 3 people, and died because I couldn’t keep up with the cure while spamming Holy.

[1]<Corn Muffin> come to mid and holy
[1]<Corn Muffin> cure
[1]<Corn Muffin> just ignore them
[1]<Corn Muffin> and lets finsih
(Lordin Edenfall) nice try tho
[1]<Corn Muffin> just let em go please
[1]<Corn Muffin> or im gonna explode
[1]<Aleczan Knighthill>  ; ; pat pat
[1]<Corn Muffin> you know what else loses a ton of dps. running your mouth isntead of entering the arena lolol
[1]<Corn Muffin> oh well
[1]<Aleczan Knighthill> lol

Then, we retied with 4 people, and once the boss died, that person spoke again.

(Lordin Edenfall) he died too fast…

I really wanted to say “He died fast because no dumbnut got locked out this try.” But I didn’t want to interact with the person any longer, so I just exited without saying anything.

Furious was I, though. I actually wanted to say more stuff than my “you are MP sink” but there was no time for a lecture in there. I also didn’t have the patience and effort to type too much when angry. But here, I will rant about it.

Quoting, again:

(Lordin Edenfall) if i focus i lose a ton of dps

What kind of lousy excuse is that? I haven’t played level 50 DRG since the big skill revamp in 1.0, so I might wrongly be unaware of any DRG ability that makes you deal more damage when you are being attacked, but the damage output should be about the same even when you attack the same enemy as the tank.

(Lordin Edenfall) i wanna rush this dungeon, not babysit it

This is even more stupid. If you follow proper strategy, like focusing on one target, the enemies die faster, one by one. This does not only make one enemy die faster, but also decreases the burden on the healer, as they don’t need to split their attention to save your ass. You don’t have as high defense as a PLD, so when you get hit, it means more HP for me to cure, and thus I have to spend more MP than I should. This “attacking what the hell ever I want while ignoring the number signs” is not rushing the dungeon, but rather hindering the party.

In the other random party earlier, there was someone among the 2 DPS members who secretly marked the mobs with number. The order was accurate, and everyone focused their attack on them in order. So the mobs died very fast and I had easier time curing, having no extra burden to keep alive, as no one strayed and got their ass kicked. We blew through the dungeon very quickly and without any oh-shit-moment.

However, that was not the case in this party. By the Dragoon’s soloing without having a tank and having their ass kicked by the enemy, I am the one who was babysitting them! It was I who had to cast spells and spend my MP to keep them alive. They were the hindrance. They were my burden.

I repeat: Lordin Edenfall, by not cooperating, you are the hindrance to the party. And that is not rushing us, or you, or anyone, through the dungeon, at all. Brainless brute force might achieve something in some situation, but not where strategy is important like in FFXIV dungeons.

(Additional text, edited to add on 24 OCT 2013)

If your targets were not attacking back, splitting force and defeating them in unorganized and unfocused order will achieve the same result as defeating them one by one. But that is not true in the situation, as all of the enemies were attacking back.

I’m going to write a simple, idiot-proof, explanation here.

If there are 3 enemies, and if you kill 1 enemy within 20 seconds, 3 enemies will take 1 minute to die.

If you focus on 1 enemy and kill it off, from 21st second to the 60th second, you will only have 2 enemies beating on you. Then, if you keep killing one of the two enemies, by the 41st second, you will only have 1 enemy to deal with. There is 3 parts of this battle. First part, lasting 20 seconds, you get bombarded with attacks from ALL 3 enemies. Second part of the fight, however, you will only have 2 enemies trying to kill you. Then last part, the last 20 seconds, will be the easiest, because you are fighting 1-on-1.

On the contrary, if you spread out your attack, after 20 seconds you will still have all 3 enemies whacking on you. On the last part of the fight, you will have 3 enemies, all with only 1/3 HP, still trying to kill you. Then, you kill them off at the same time after 1 minute time ends. But what about your own HP that was taken by the enemies? Of course, you lose much more HP with this strategy.

You might not realize it, because you weren’t the one who took the burden of keeping yourself alive. It was me and my MP. And since your defense is inferior to the real tank, when you tank an enemy on your own, it increases the work load for healer. I HATE YOU FOR THAT.

(End of the additional text)

If I had heard this “babysitting” smartass answer earlier in the run, I would have let them solo the mob as they wanted, and wouldn’t have cared to throw them any Stoneskin, Regen, or Cure. I should have let them die fighting the enemy with wrong order.

Some people are just horrible like this. I need a break from random Duty Finder party for a while, a long while.