During the past weekend, my FC had a rare occurrence where 5 members were on at the same time and had the same plan: Ponies farm for Kirin and slowly progressing through our CoB content.
On Saturday we went for a round against the Primals and got a pony from Shiva, we decided to tackle T5, Twintania, again. This was like our 5th or 6th session in T5, as it was hard to gather enough people to try to practice against the Death Knights and Twister. We kept going at it for about 5 times this session, and finally fell Twintania and earned our long-awaited cutscenes.
On the last attempt where we won, I died from a Death Knight while Twintania was at 18%, but the rest ofthe party was able to finish it due to Corn’s epic timing in using Hallowed Ground and spamming Clemency on himself. I couldn’t believe my eyes lol. I was in shock, in awe, and in a daze I only got 1 bad screenshot of that scene ; ; So sad!
Then, we continued to the Second Coil of Bahamut and started T6.
T6 was quite straightforward and we won against Rafflesia without a wipe (I didn’t even know how we won. I can’t remember, I was in zombie mode in that fight because it became Sunday’s 3 a.m. and I had donated my blood on Saturday morning. I got very sleepy during the run.) It was quite a healing-intensive fight, and although I had watched the video guide (by MrHappy, of course) I couldn’t remember shit and was just running around, into the thorns, following the tank and keeping everyone alive, oh and also spamming Assize.
Then, we continued to T7 and kind of just winged it. We learned by practice after a quick read-up on mechanics. However, it was very late at night and had to disband after several wipes.
On Sunday, we went back to T7 again to try to defeat the Lamia. After practicing while adapting the normal strategy to our unorthodox party for a while, we finally won.
Then, T8 was so bad due to my sudden lag spikes. (resmon showed my FFXIV ping to be 2900 – 3400) that it was impossible to play. So I hopped the line and stole dad’s wifi signal instead. It then became playable. But I was a spoiled healer. I got very upset at the number of the mechanics to learn and memorize, so I decided to ask my party if I could just stand there lime dumb and heal bomb people, not dealing with the towers. I just couldn’t remember shit, especially since I was unwilling to spend 10-20 minutes watching any guide, so PZ gave brief to everyone, and me, while I was having lags issue and trying like hell to get to the boss room after we used wrong pads and jumped all over the place in random directions. I couldn’t concentrate on reading his brief, though. I was too busy trying to stay alive through ping 3400 while fumbling around to find my party and yelling at PZ for telling me to stop running. Worse yet, all the chatlog was wiped when I relogged to change internet connection, so I couldn’t scroll up to read anything.
I left all the tower management burden on my teammates. You guys got my extreme gratitude. I really couldn’t split my attention to anything else and was so overwhelmed it was frustrating. By getting to just stand there like dumb and doing nothing but my healing duty really was a big help.
Then, although it was like 4 a.m., we went to T9, partly for the cutscene. We are still learning the mechanics here but it was hard to watch video and adapt, as the phases went so fast because of the high DPS from the party being unsynced. (Actually, phases went abnormally fast in every of the Turns we passed, but somehow this one was so brutal when phases were sped up.)
Although we haven’t won yet, it was a good training run. It took a lot to learn and memorize, because this boss has a shit load of crazy mechanics. For now, I know how and where to drop the comets and when to share damage or when to split up. We will eventually get this. :D