Diadem: Buried Coffer

Today, after PZ left when we finished a Diadem (Hard) run together, Corn, Kuji and  I went in again, for another round of Tomestone of Esoterics.

While searching for a Buried Coffer and Black Crystals for the objectives, I spotted a Buried Coffer near a huge Sanuwa. Before I could ask someone to come in to bait the thing for me, a party nearby approached and aggroed it.

I looked at them and thought maybe they wanted the Buried Coffer, but they all went to fight the monster. So I thought to myself oh maybe only I could see the box, just like Levequest treasure boxes. So I started interacting with the Buried Coffer. Suddenly, one of that party’s members rushed to the box. So I was like oh shit shit shit, I’m being a jerk. Luckily, the dig could be interrupted by running around, so I ran off and left before stealing their box. Of course, when they finished it, Buried Coffer disappeared from my view.

So, in case some people didn’t know about this already, I just want to note here that the Buried Coffers in Diadem are shared between everyone, not appearing for individuals, so you will have to compete against other parties for the coffer. I would have been so embarrassed if I did successfully steal their treasure while they were sweating and bleeding trying to kill a monster that guarded it. And if I were in that party, I would have felt so shitty and mad at anyone who steals it from under my nose when apparently we deserve the treasure.

Diadem Hard

Yesterday our FC Airship finally unlocked and charted the route to Diadem (Hard) so the 4 of us (Bray was missing because real life stuff) went to Diadem (Hard) for the first time.


We usually go to Diadem (Easy) or (Normal) 3 times a week for extra eso (Tomestone of Esoterics) which will allow us to skip more days of Expert Roulette. With Corn’s formula, combined with one Void Ark run, we only need 3 days of Expert+Lv60 Roulettes per week if we go to Diadem for extra 20, 30, or 40 eso on those days too.


This ultimate lazy route allows us to free up more time to go do other stuff such as Daily Hunts and Beast Tribe Quests, for example.


Our Diadem Run would require only about 15-20 minutes because we go for 3 easiest (or most viable) objectives which usually are “Touching Black/White Crystal(s)”, “Gather 16 items” and Catch 8 fish.” Sometimes if we have “find coffer chests” in the choice and people are able to find them quick, we don’t even have to log or mine 16 items.

We start off with letting Corn lure enemies away and sac pulling (or just jumping to other island to lose aggro, because he’s a hax master of baiting). Then, after someone, or I if we’re duo, become airborne, we come back to lure enemies away for Corn to let him attune to the winds too.

Then, we scatter to find White or Black crystals, and coffers if there is an objective. Then, we have someone lure enemies away from gathering nodes to let the DoL persons do it safely.

Then, TADA! Objectives fulfilled, and we get the eso rewards. It usually gives 30 but there was a time when we got only 20 and we can’t figure out what’s the variation. From Diadem (Hard) last night, we got 40 eso, though.

Well, that’s about it for now, I shall talk more about Diadem later if there is any interesting finding.

ffxiv_12072015_033311_newBefore I say goodbye for today, here’s a screenshot of blood moon in Diadem. :)