Please improve Market Board’s Advance search functions.

Dear SE and the devs,

Please add more functions to Market board advanced search.

As the search only returns 100 hits for such items as Shards, Crystals, Clusters and many more, when we buyer, or browser, select to view the seller list on specific item. I have, recently, realized that we cannot navigate to next page of sellers. And this is highly inconvenient.

Why would one want to see the sellers who are selling at higher price? Because sometimes people sell things in bulk. Fire Clusters, for example, are listed as a pack of 1,000, or 999, or 500 at best. Sometimes we only need 100 clusters, but the search cap of 100 hits prevent further browsing, making it impossible to see the sellers who list items in smaller bulk, which happen to be at higher price.

Moreover, this problem happens when same person (or different person) sell in large quantity spamming. For example, one retainer is selling 999 clusters at the same price of 100 in 15 slots. I also suspect that the same player also uses a different retainer to list even more clusters at the same price, in same bulk size. This results in same person or same retainer occupying over 50% of the search result that came up.

To visualize the example, here are a few screenshots:



As you can see, the current Advanced Search cannot help solve this problem.

So, I would like to suggest 2 new functions for Advanced Search menu.

  • Sort by quantity sold (descending/ascending) and Sort by price (descending/ascending)
  • Sort Filter (hide redundant results (and show only 1 of them))

Redundant results are those that are sold by the same retainer at the same price and are also at the same bulk size. This will allow buyers to be able to see more variety of choices to choose from in the search result.

It will also benefit sellers who sell items in smaller bulk, though at higher price. They now can also have some exposure to buyers, instead of getting the search results (100 hits) hogged by one or a few persons.

Please give these functions some careful consideration.

Thank you dearly,


2nd letter of suggestion sent on 30 June 2018.

Dear SE,

I do love your “Display only HQ items” function in the Market board system. However, it would be splendid to have even more search filter options. Such as “Hide redundant results” (meaning same retainer, same price, same bulk size) and “Sort by quantity” (both ascendind and descending, please) and the reverse of the current sort, “Show most expensive on top” or something.

Let me elaborate how and why we needd those functions.

Case in point, the search result can only show 100 cheapest sellers, regardless of quantity or bulk size. I am having problems with someone selling 99 Twincoon. This person is selling with many retainers. Some of the retainers are selling 20 slots of Twincoon. I do not want to buy 99 Twincoon for 546 gil each. Because that would be a gil sink, having to pay 54,054 gil up front for the surplus quantity that I will not use.

I would rather buy 20 Twincoons, even at higher price, let’s say for example, 800 gil each, and pay only 16,000 gil instead of wasting with the surplus. But guess what? Currently, that option is impossible. Because someone (or many) is occupying and almost monopolizing the market on Twincoon. All the 100 search results are big bulk listing which I am unwilling to buy.

Please improve our quality of life by either expandding the search results (to maybe 200 results, please) or add more useful search options to the filter function.

Thank you very much.


Dear SE, 3102 error is horrible

Sending this to in-game support:


Dear SE,

Can you please do something about error 3102?

Getting disconnected from the server is already upsetting enough, either it is caused by my own internet hiccupping or by server’s congestion. Being unable to log back in immediately makes it even more unbearable. Why is my “ghost” staying on the server for so long after I am kicked by the server? Sometimes the error 3102 can spam continuously for over 10 minutes. And on a unique instance, I’ve encountered an incident where my 3102 fest continued itself for 30 minutes, which doesn’t make sense.

More recently, though, I once got kicked from the server during a boss fight in Neverreap. Of course, by the time I managed to get through the log in screen, badly bruised by endless assaults from the 3102 devil, the whole party, including me, had already fallen to our foe. Although we won in the next attempt, it left my heart extremely heavy due to the fact that I was made the burden of the party only because my ghost refused to leave and let me return.

Today, again, I was onto a Heavensward unspoiled mining spot, but as soon as I landed on my feet and executed Stealth to stay safe from the cruel beaks of the overgrown cockatrices in Hinterlands, the server kicked me out. I was rejected countless times by the server because 3102 devil hates me. Maybe I’ve cussed at it for too many times it had built up a stunning amount of grudge, who knows. By the time I got back into the game, the unspoiled node disappeared right before my eyes.

This is truly aggravating and I could not hold my rage in and had to resort to filing a complaint against this offender.

Please punish the 3102 error for interfering with my gameplay. And although players are not allowed to dictate how the GM carry out a punishment, I would like to suggest you permanently ban 3102, for the sake of all the players, as I heard that this is a repeating crime against so many victims.

Thank you dearly,
An angry loyal player.


A Fisher’s Woe

Dear SE,

I strongly feel that fishers are being bullied badly by your current RNG system.

First off, I must let you know that fishing in FFXIV has always been my pleasure and I found it relaxing, that is until RNG seems to be remarkably working against fisher more than any other DoL classes. I’ve been stuck on Lucis quest for over 6 months because the spawn window for the token (Gigant Clam) is only 3 hours long, and they tend to escape A LOT. When I say A LOT, I mean on some nights I could hook 5 Clams and ALL of them would escape. That is 5 times in a row, at the rate of 100%. And even if I was lucky enough to reel it in, there is no guarantee that it would be the HQ clam.

Recently, I have upgraded my gear and I am now at 500 gathering, with food. So I went back to reattempt my Lucis quest again. The minimum gathering needed for this clam is 375. And guess what, I hooked 3 clams and lost all due to RNG deciding that my 500 gathering is not good enough to get any of the 3 clams. I would understand that the fish can randomly escape when gathering rating is around the minimum requirement. I would understand if I were at 425 gathering, 50 above minimum, and lost the clam 2 out of 3 times. I DO NOT understand, and nor am I happy, to see that I am sitting at 500 gathering, 125 points over minimum requirement, and yet still lost 3 out of 3 clams.

For other DoL, not only that they can manually select the slot to limit their target item for gathering, they also have consistency effect of Gathering rating towards the success rate. If I am a miner or a botanist, and I am 125 gathering above requirement, I’m likely having 100% success rate. Damn, at 645 gathering, which is only 45 points above requirement for Legendary Node (folklore gathering) , my miner is already getting 80% success rate on the item. I then can use skills to boost success rate by 5%, 10%, or 25%.

What does fisher get for success rate? A completely wild random RNG, and no success rate skill.

Please make success rate for fisher more reliable and more rational. It is beyond comprehension when we keep losing a fish when we put so much effore in gearing up to increase stats. If fisher’s gathering rating is going to be so ineffective in dictating our success in hooking a fish, we’re far inferior than other DoL. Not to mention that we don’t even have the Offhand tool to boost stats anymore…. This is so sad.

With love,
A frustrated fisher.