Revenge of the Chefsbane

WARNING: This entry contains graphic spoilers of Cooking quest (Culinarian Guild Test) level 50.
คำเตือน: หัวข้อนี้มีรูปภาพที่เปิดเผยเนื้อเรื่องของเควสต์กิลด์ทำอาหารเลเวล 50

Alright, I have just gleefully finished my Culinarian Guild Test level 50 today and obtained my newest Cooking Tool, Chantico. I really like how the event turned out and couldn’t stop laughing with satisfaction.

Yep, I am having a HUGE kick out of this quest. I wasn’t only clapping my hands, but also clapping my feet when I saw the outcome of this quest. LOL. Hell, yeah I am not a person to keep quiet when there’s something fishy. So, serve you right, mister! OMG, look at her face! Hahahahaa! That’s what you get for messing with me.

Anyway, since what I enjoyed was better be described visually, I will not talk about it further, but rather show you 10 screenshots from the cutscene in this quest. THAT FACE. That face of hers is just priceless. I now don’t mind that I had to go up and down the continents, the beaches, the rivers, and the mountains in order to gather the ingredients for these exquisite dishes. It really is worth it.

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Copyright (C) 2010 – 2013 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.


– The End (of CUL50 quest) –

Shouts Immaturity

I’m not angry ranting, but just sharing a part of shout conversation where people amazed me with their ability to be randomly offensive and amused me with how some people talk back to a rude person. But I put this entry in “My Rants” anyway.

In FFXIV, as with anything else on the internet, being somewhat anonymous makes some people feel confident enough to act like an ass. Everyday we can see people talking crap or cursing at each other. Some people just get angry easily, so they curse at others or at things without feeling the need to restrain. Some people are just downright rude and select to be a douchebag without provocation.

Today while mining, I saw a chance to spread the knowledge about the use of <pos> and the map marker it will generate. However, there is this person who doesn’t appreciate the tip and tried to pick a fight with me for no reason. It was offensive and very immature. I was mad at first and secretly wish they would never get a Raise. But they did. Strangely, I didn’t get angry or disappointed that the asshat got a Raise. Probably because some other shouters who made funny comments while arguing with that rude person.

The chat went:

Aphrodite A.: can i get a rev in 15 33 plz
Aleczan K.: If you type <pos > (without space) in your Raise request, it lets people click on the coords and see your location on their map. Will make Raise find you easier. :)
Aphrodite A.: cool story bro
Soul E.: I didn’t know you could clic on the coordinates. Nice tip! Although with the PS3 controller… :-/
Aleczan K.: Someone told me how to do that on PS3, let me look it up.
Aleczan K.: OK he said “On ps3 you can hold L1 and click R3 for mouse. then L2 is left click, R2 is right click.”
Soul E.: Wow, that’s great! Thanks a lot! ^^
Aleczan K.: NP, I’d like people to usa <pos > more to save raiser some headache XD
Soul E.: Well, noq thanks to you probably all people connected in this area know how to do it! :D
Soul E.: *now
Aleczan K.: Someone else taught me (and everyone who read shouts) this thing last week and asked us to help spread the knowledge :)
Soul E.: I, for one, will put that knowledge to good use :D
Soul E.: Thanks agian!
Aleczan K.: My pleasure! Gotta love that cute little green flag.
Aphrodite A.: will pay 500 gil 2 anyone who revs me in 15 33
Aleczan K.: If you use <pos > to make it look like South Shroud (16,19)  I’ll change job from botanist and go for the rescue ^^
Aphrodite A.: Aleczan  go suck my fat cock and shut the fawk up
Aleczan K.: Well, if you don’t want to make people find you easier, then you’re welcome to just lie there and rot ^^
Cameron V.: Ah, the maturity of shouts :/
Aphrodite A.: il play the game how i want 2 dipshit
Aleczan K.: Suit yourself, gentleman. And don’t whine if no one go raise your dead sorry arse ;)
Oblitus A.: dafuq?
Aphrodite A.: 20000 gil says i will be raised ‘
Aphrodite A.: i can just go 2 bed and wake up bet id be raised by then
Cameron V.: It wears off after 1 minute :)
Crosine A.: make it 2 mil and ill come raise you :D
Oblitus A.: The heck is going on?
Aleczan K.: I was trying to be helpful and gave out a tip to make people spot a shouter easier on the map, but someone doesn’t appreciate it. That’s all.
Crosine A.: oh nm ob just idiots that dont want help being immature
Aphrodite A.: u not the boss no 1 gona listen 2 yur sorry ass
Cameron V.: And nobody is going to raise yours :)
Aphrodite A.: eat shit and die bitch i just got raised
Cameron V.: That’s not what I’m into ;(
Oblitus A.: Its the internet first off…lol
Crosine A.: Dear lord aphro he was trying to help you, shut up and lay there
Valliant P.: helping each other is what makes us win the war
Salantis M.: hodor
Crosine A.: unless your aphro in that case we kill our own XD

Not only that these funny people arguing against the rude person made me laugh and quit being mad, but then, someone shouted:
“anybody wanna join fate group? i just kicked aphrodite from it.”

And I was just laughing in front of my keyboard. Seems the person’s rudeness was too much and the leader couldn’t stand it, or maybe the person was also being an annoyance in the party, or the leader felt the need to deliver a punishment for such misbehavior. Hahaha.

RMT Tell : Follow-up

Remember my post about getting an RMT tell? Haha. Now, this announcement is making me happy. 

Having confirmed in-game advertisements for RMT* sites, we have taken the following actions to address this issue.
* RMT (Real Money Trade) is the selling of account or game data for currency in the real world.

Period: Aug. 24, 2013 to Sep. 5, 2013
-Accounts receiving disciplinary action for RMT advertisement: 518 Accounts -Action Details: Permanent ban from FINAL FANTASY XIV

In addition to chat filters, we will continue to address RMT activity through cooperation with our GM teams and STF (Special Task Force). If you are solicited by an RMT company in-game, please do not respond.

And yes they also confirmed that among those, there are also accounts of legit players who got hacked. This just makes me hate RMT even more. They are ruining the fun of us players not just by barging into our game, but also stealing people’s accounts. Just disgusting.
But oops at “please do not respond” LOL. I sometimes cursed back at them just to manage my anger. Have to stop doing that hahaha.

Scenery Screenshots #1

A dump of random screenshots from my folder. I especially love nighttime sky in FFXIV: ARR. They really did a great job with the stars and milky way or whatever we see out there. Really mesmerizing.


Western Thanalan, outside Ul’dah’s Gate of the Sultana, looking northwest.



At the Eighty Sins of Sasamo, looking back at Ul’dah.


La Noscea. Somewhere around Cedarwood? I am not sure.


Silver Bazaar Docks.


Limsa Lominsa Upper Deck, the Bismarck’s balcony.



Somewhere in Eastern Thanalan, I guess.


On a hill at Costa Del Sol, looking into the sea.


Coerthas, of course.


Coerthas, still.

ffxiv_view010Camp Tranquil’s harvesting spot, Lower Paths.


FFXIV Dye Reference #2

Additional information: for the locations of the NPC shops that sell these dye pots, please scroll down to the bottom of this entry.

*UPDATED 13 Sep 2013*
I originally forgot Ash Grey Dye, and had probably mixed it up with Goobbue Grey, so I have made a new set of Grey Dyes screenshots and replace the old one. Also, I just noticed that some of the screenshots didn’t have the link to its large image, so now I corrected that as well.


After making a post about crafted dyes, my friend asked for store-bought dyes that we buy from NPC at merchant stalls in the markets. So here goes, all the dyes in screenshots.

This set of equipment includes:
Head – Bronze Sallet
Body – Woolen Shirt
Hands – Goatskin Armguards
Legs – Hempen Kecks

By the way, you can click on the pictures to load the large image.

Ash Grey Dye
Goobbue Grey Dye
Slate Grey Dye
Charcoal Grey Dye


Rose Pink Dye
Rolanberry Red Dye
Rust Red Dye
Blood Red Dye
Salmon Pink Dye


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FFXIV Dye Reference

*For screenshots of the 6 new crafted dyes from patch 2.1, please see my new entry.*
*For store-bought dyes from merchant NPCs, please see next entry.

Some screenshots as color reference for FFXIV: ARR dye system. I did all 13 colors on both sets of my gear. These screenshots will show how each of the new (craft only) dyes look on different type of materials (cotton, velveteen, leather, metal, etc.)

The set on the left consists of:
Head – Mythril Magnifiers
Body – Velveteen Gown
Hands – Cotton Halfgloves
Legs –  Cotton Breeches

The set on the right consists of:
Head – Steel Goggles
Body – Velveteen Doublet Vest
Hands – Woolen Work Gloves
Legs – Boarskin Culottes

By the way, I’m sorry that the second set toward the end had its pics taken around sunset, so the colors might seem a bit weird due to the lighting. ><;;

Snow White Dye


Soot Black Dye



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Color Pigments And Dyes

*UPDATED* 13 Sep 2013
This entry was almost ALL wrong due to my stupidity. At one point while dragging the pics around arranging the order, I put the map screenshot 1 slot wrong, so everything down the line was also 1 spot wrong, making most of the info mismatched. Now I have corrected it all. My sincere apology to every of my readers who had gotten the wrong information and was probably confused and unable to find the items. Terribly sorry. ><;;


Okie dokie, instead of spamming my mouse trying to log in, waiting for a miracle to be placed on queue, I would rather do something informative and compile some info I’ve gotten from playing around with the new dyes. I really like that they added more of the new colors for armor/clothes dye system. These “new” dyes cannot be bought from vendor NPC or shop stalls like Dyemonger in Limsa or Independent Merchant in Ul’dah, but have to be crafted using level 30 recipe of any of the crafting class. The ingredient to make a pot of dye is one color pigment and 2 crystals. The element of the crystals required depends on your crafting class.


I’ve been going around to use my Disciples of the Land: Botanist and Miner, to gather all of the available pigments. There are 7 colors of pigment, and they can be crafted into 13 colors of dye in total.

The pigments and gather spots are as follows:


Blue Pigment: Grouped with Water Crystal.
Method: Logging (Botanist, main hand)
Location: Eastern La Noscea – Bloodshore




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Handy coordinates marker

Useful map function of FFXIV: <pos>

Yesterday while gathering on my Botanist in the South Shroud East Shroud, I overheard this conversation where a player told people to please use <pos> when they ask for Raise. It will generate a map marker where people can click on the text in the chatlog to open a map, showing this cute little green flag to let them easily spot that coordinates without having to manually look for it by hovering the mouse over every inch of their map!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (That’s what I’ve been doing all week…..yeah and it is a big hassle which I am very unpleased of.)



As an ambulance, I really appreciate this tips. It would save me a ton of headache whenever I feel like going for the rescue for these random dead bodies. I thanked the person (and some other players who helped explain why I couldn’t see the green flag and how to look for it – I was too far away so it wasn’t in the frame, and by zooming out I will spot it easily without having to scroll my map) and they said they want me to spread the words, as not many people know this (I never knew before, either!!!)

So yeah, I want all the dead people asking for raise to use this function to make help come easier and save us some headache in finding them, so here I am, spreading it. Please make use of this nice function.

Oh, by the way, I do not know how players on PS3 would execute this map marker when they see a coords, because I told my friend and he said no mouse, can’t click. (OUCH!) So, if anyone knows how to, please also spread that tips. Thanks!

And remember, if you’re asking for a help, it would be nicer if you shout your location clearly and make it easier for the helper to find you. It is a hassle, if not frustration, to have to manually find the coordinates when people don’t use <pos> format to specify location.


Austia Silverwing of Midgardsormr says:

On ps3 you can hold L1 and click R3 for mouse. then L2 is left click, R2 is right click. also L1+select gets rid of hud, L1+start is screenshot.

Thank you very much for sharing the info!!


Blind Invite, I Hate It.






I was genuinely enraged today by this bloke. In short, I saw him shouting that not enough people are joining FATE party for the sake of more EXP bonus. Some people counter-argued, me included, saying that not everyone are readily available for partying up with random people for various reasons. I stopped arguing because he’s such a waste of time.

Then, while I was harvesting on my Botanist, a FATE popped in my Lush Vegetation Patch area, and this guy sent an invite. =_=;; WTF. I confronted him like in the chatlog screenshot. Then I got royally pissed off. Did he mean that by selecting a target (namely me), he could click on the target and execute the Invite To Party command from the menu without even looking at the target!? What’s more, it is so rude to just spam invite without even looking at the class/job of the person. He invited blindly, yet had the nerves to complain (in shout) about people not joining his party. Just WTF!? If you want people to join your party, show some decency and make some effort, PLEASE. And he said it is not blind invite. Ha!!! *smirks* OK, I will believe him that the invite wasn’t blind, but it’s probably him who is blind.

– added later –

And yes, I took it personally because it is rude like hell to do what you did. I don’t mean just the invite, but all your actions combined together, that is rude. First, you got mad and shout ranted about people not joining your FATE party. Then, you showed that you just invite whatever that’s in your way. Heck, if there were a Tortoise standing there near your FATE, I bet you would invite it too. I don’t mind partying up with strangers if you share same goal. However, I hate that you can’t spare just 5 secs to look and check if the invitee shares the same goal as you or not. Now, that is incompetent, and also impolite in my opinion. You want people to join your party for your EXP benefits, easy profits eh, yet you do not pay attention to whether they are willing (or available, or eligible, even). How selfish! Self-centered, I would include, for you apparently were blaming people for not wanting to join your party when you yourself do not perform well as a party leader or event organizer. I can’t help but wonder that maybe the real reason why people don’t join your party is that you have been inviting Miner and Botanist (or maybe crafter, haha.)

What’s the most ill-mannered action today was, however, the way you responded to me about your mistake. Instead of admitting that you’ve made a mistake by not checking my class before inviting, you acted like I was at fault for standing there. Excuse me, I was there first, your FATE popped later. And no, I would never send you any message had you not intruded my peace by sending your lousy invite. Also, you insisted that joining FATE is a good thing. NO, your stupid excuse is invalid because I am a Botanist and cannot contribute to nor benefit from FATE. If you want to argue that your inviting people from Disciples of the Land to FATE is not wrong, then stop bitching about people not joining your party. Or simply check before sending your goddamned invite, so that less people will decline it!

RAWR RAWR! OK I am done. All steam is out. And I really hope that the game will return to its normal community (having less morons) soon. This past week had been brutal. The launch always does this. /sigh

– end of additional paragraphs –

I wrote about this in my Lodestone Blog, too, should anyone interest.