Karakul Claim War

I never liked Fleece farming because it’s highly competitive. I used to farm it once or twice so that I have materials for some clothes (or some LQ items). It is overcamped most of the time, and you can’t expect hospitality from your competitor, even if you are level 37 and they are level 50.

Why would I farm the Karakul using my level 37 class? Well, yesterday I needed to get my Arcanist to level 38 in order to proceed through the main scenario quest. I was stuck on “Road to Redemption” where it requires level 38 in order to claim reward. So I went around the area, getting every sidequest I could. Most sidequests that pop there at the time were level 36, 37, and 38.

There was one sidequest at Coerthas that pitched me against greedy fleece farmer right outside of Camp Dragonhead. Quest name was “Sheep to the Slaughter” and it requires killing 6 Ornery Karakuls (thanks the Twelve that key items have like 100% drop rate, so they will always drop after each kill, otherwise I would be pulling my hair, or someone else’s hair, out from more frustration).

It was a fierce claim war. After killing 2 sheep easily without competition, I was suddenly always outclaimed by the SMN’s summon’s spell, because Garuda Egi has epic long range and speed, as I’ve observed. And while some people kill the sheep one by one, this person would claim one on the ground above, and claim both of the Karakuls on the lower ground as well. I was very upset because if I don’t get the claim and don’t outdamage them, I get no kill credit and earn no key item. So I had to work very very hard in order to accomplish both.


After a tough half hour or so (could be shorter, but my frustration might have made it seem much longer than reality) I got the quest done. And after leaving the camp, I remembered to come back again to take a screenshot so I won’t forget their name. =_= I know it’s creepy to do so, but I was so mad at them, because I said in /say that I needed the sheep for sidequest, and yet they still claimed every possible sheep they could without any sympathy. I personally feel it is rude of them to arrive later and barged into my farm, hogging all of the mobs when I NEEDED them for my quest. Some people are inconsiderate.

Then, after all the sidequests level 36 and 37, I was still a bit short of leveling up to 38. FATE in the area were nuts, I can’t even see the enemies in FATE, because it is always very crowded and has like 1000 people or so in each FATE. Well, 1000 was maybe exaggeration, but for example, a Croc FATE boss died in 50 seconds after spawning. I merely got there and unmounted my chocobo, and could only land 1 Bio. So EXP sucks in FATE for me in Coerthas.

Anyway, while camping outside of Damp Dragonhead to wait for FATE to pop, I saw another Karakul camp which was empty, so I started killing some more Karakuls, in hope for Fleece as a by-product. A knight in black armor came, I think it was Paladin. And they observed me. After seeing that I could only kill through 3 Karakuls in the area before the first one repops, the person started killing other Karakuls that I never claimed. So we shared the camp by half and half. It was a pleasant farming for a while.

Then, a Bard came and started outclaiming everyone. I put up a fight by speed-claiming with all I got. Virus, Bio, Aero, and Energy Drain. I think I won the claim about 2 out of 3 times (limiting to only 3 Karakuls I was originally killing). I don’t run to compete with the Bard, because that would just give me disadvantage. Then, the Bard started using ability that covers an area on the ground, and it claims the sheep for them even when they ran away to get the other sheep in a far corner.


Boy, I was so mad. So I just spam spells on the sheep even when I was outclaimed anyway. And on some of their Karakuls, I still got EXP. Guess it was because I outdamaged them somehow (thanks Carbuncle and chocobo!) Although I hate competition, I didn’t want to just yield my way to them because I felt that I was there first and thus I had the rights of way. Mind you, though, that I understand very well that a roaming monster is a free game. Being there first does not mean you own all the mobs. However, with monsters having such rapid respawn rate, one could easily afford to be kind and share with others without being overly selfish like that. It’s just frustrating that some people have no respect to fellow player at all.

For example, when I was on my White Mage farming Ornery Karakul, I would stop and let other people have some of them if I see that they were below level 40, as I am aware of the sheep quest. They would kill just a few, and then leave, and it never took long. I don’t even have to let them have all of the 6 (or 5?) sheep, I could let them have 2 in each respawn round, as they kill one by one and cannot kill off all sheep in one camp fast enough anyway. After they leave the camp, I can continue being greedy and claim 3 or 4 sheeps at a time again.

For this Bard, however, my plea of needing a few thousand EXP to get me to level 38 for quest requirement fell on deaf ears (or blind eyes). It was one of the reasons why I got persistent and kept competing with them instead of just leaving to kill other mobs. Anyway, the claim war continued for more than half an hour (by rough estimation, because I lost sense of time and the battle of Karakul claiming seemed like forever!) Then, the person suddenly disappeared. So I happily hunted more Karakuls until I leveled up, then left for more sidequests and main story quests.


Crafting HQ items

– This entry is not to tell the steps to making HQ items, I was just talking about my crafting day. However, I did mention a list of crafting skills which I used for making HQ items, but not in detail. –

Recently, I’ve made myself a full set of Miner’s gear for level 50, except the helmet, that is. It wasn’t that tough, but I was stressing the hell out of it, probably because it used a lot of difficult materials which I cannot make on my own, such as Twinthread and Darksteel Nugget. And I felt pressured and did not want to botch or NQ them, because it would feel like I wasted Corn’s materials and effort. I was anxious and was reluctant, then Corn suggested I should make HQ Hippogryph Leather to increase the HQ rate. So I made 3 of them and felt less worried.


And yup it went well. Got all 4 pieces of Miner’s outfit to HQ just fine. What boggles my mind was that I actually finished it at step 41 and 43, etc. I usually never go beyond step 29. So I was bulging my eyes earlier when Corn said he HQ Twinthread or something at step 42 or so. Then he shared me the general skill sequence, and I started using Hasty Touch more, so I saw how and why one would and could go over 30 steps in one sitting. But I didn’t quite grasp the real practice until now LOL.

ffxiv_10282013_110044sYou see, as a cook, I usually finish HQ craft within 25 steps, or below 20 steps if I get lucky Good or Excellent. But with them starred recipes, it is tougher and requires more steps. Aetheryte Ring, for example, usually takes 35 or so for me, but when I got really lucky, I could finish at step 29.


My skills for HQ stuff used to be mainly just Inner Quiet, Steady Hand II, Waste Not, Hasty Touch, Tricks of the Trade, Manipulation if I could reserve enough CP, and Rumination to try to get extra CP for one more Waste Not, in order to squeeze as much as I could out of the last few Durability.

Then, my life got easier with Byregot’s Blessing from Carpenter lv 50. It consumes 24 CP, Durability, as well as Inner Quiet’s effect, but it could give me 700 Quality easily. So that’s a big Quality boost.

Also, I made Corn quad-meld my GSM shirt. I was reckless and greedy, so I used grade III materia on first 2 forbidden melds, and we got very lucky that both were successful on first try. XD


I was about to chicken out, but Corn hit the button and attached the 4th materia successfully LOL. I was so relieved and jumping in joy because that was my last Craftsman’s Competence III materia in stock.


Then I used a lower grade materia for 5th slot. Took a few tried. I’m really entertained by the facial expression of the crafter when melding fails LOL.



The pic above was when I used Corn’s Mildwed’s Thighboots to try for Gambler’s Crown. I spent like 19 Materia (mostly just CP+1 ones) before I finally got the achievement.



Was a hell lot of fun. LOL!

GP Regenaration

Today I went to Gridania to level up my Carpenter as well as to take Guild Test Quests. I wanted to get the lv 50 saw from quest reward, so that I may be able to attempt Spruce Lumber recipe. Then, I went to Bentbranch to gather some Elm Logs and decided to time myself to see how long it takes to regen my GP to full, as I wanted to use Blessed Harvest II which consumes 500 GP in order to increase gathering yield.

ffxiv_10252013_125605sOnce I spend my GP activating the skill, I started timing. When I was fully active, and continued to keep chopping at the trees as fast as I could, it took me 2h 30m game-time to get my full GP back. However, when I just stood there idly, my GP would get back to full within 1h 45m game-time.

I guess this is because the natural regen tick rate is a bit faster than the fastest we could log/harvest the nodes, as while gathering at each node, the natural regen will be frozen and not moving at all. And each successful gathering attempt gives back only 5 GP.

So, while gathering, if you only want to gain and spend GP for specific result, standing (or walking, running, chocobo riding, doesn’t matter) and waiting for GP regen from natural regeneration rate will make it faster. However, if you are gathering for quantity, keep logging or digging will earn you more items in the same span of time, but your GP will regen a tad slower.



Mastering the Land

*Possibly spoilers* I tried to make this entry spoiler-free, but the screenshots and some short quotes might give away some clues of the quest’s story.

Summing up my activities in the past recent days again, but this time I’ll be less lazy and write more, instead of dumping a set of screenshots.

Alec_This_Week11 Alec_This_Week12Apart from getting the Halloween Costumes for Thanatos (on Masamune) and taking screenshots with Inari and some others, I have also been trying to catch up on main scenario quests, because I’ve been lazy and cannot join linkshell friends in many of the dungeon/boss runs that requires story progress.

Alec_This_Week13 Alec_This_Week14 Alec_This_Week15

After walking a hundred thousand malms on various errands for Buscarron while investigating the disappearance of the elder Sylph and then beating Toto-rak, I managed to plow through Fallgourd part of the story, where Noraxia advised for me to check for the suspicious masked person. Then, with immense help from 2 friends and a stranger from random Duty Finder, I passed the Haukker Manor.


The investigation got more complicated and after reporting to Minfilia and the Scions, I was sent out for more information regarding beastmen and Primals. Remembering what Zanel said about NPCs in the headquarter changing their spot and pose after each quest, I always check out the big room in the Waking Sands whenever I come here to talk to Minfilia.


What I found this time…. Biggs and Wegde are probably imitating General Raubahn and the Sultana, LOL.


But this!!!!! Noraxia…is…unbearable! The other 2 unnamed NPCs stared at me as if to ask “Are you a friend of this person?” NO!!! I have no association with this weirdo!!! By the way, some of you might recognize the red underwear. It is the red swimsuit from an event 2 years ago, I believe. This year you could also buy them from the Cascadier NPC during the Bombard event last month.


Then, as I was stuck in the main scenario quest due to level restriction, I went on my Arcanist to get some EXP as well as to do the class quest. I could actually change to other level 50 class to blow through the story, but I wanted to reap the extra EXP from main story quests reward, so I tried to stick to using ACN for the main quests.

Before getting distracted by other activities, I only managed to get to the Forgotten Springs, though. Now I have a bunch of errands from the Nunh and other Miqo’te guys to finish before they let me get the ingredients to deliver to Costa Del Sol.

I then changed to Disciples of the Land class and grinded my Miner level until 50. I finished my Botanist earlier, and did the guild tests all the way to 50 as well. I also picked up in my Fisher’s guild test from where I left off (I got to level 50 long ago but was lazy in questing when it tried to send me to Coerthas for some flying fish, bad me!)


“These trees will save lives.”


“The Mazlaya Marlin was a monster.”


“Accept that you were beaten.”

So I have now finished leveling up all 3 Disciples of the Land, and completed the guild test quests for all of them.

I must say SE is brilliant in writing some of the quests’ stories. They are, most of the time, entertaining and interesting. Some quests were also addictive and made me really want to find out more! I now have to finish Alchemist and Weaver quests, just for the sake of satisfaction of knowing what happens next.


However, despite all of the exciting things I’ve achieved, like getting to level 50 on Botanist and Miner (earning me the achievement “Mastering the Land“) and getting fully geared with level 50 HQ equipment on Fisher and Botanist (courtesy of Corn as the weaver and leatherworker), the most exciting thing I did was to go to The Wanderer’s Palace as a Monk!!! It is not that special, but for me it is very special. I usually go as White Mage even though my heart lies in the art of fists. So, to be able to join an end game activity as Monk is a big deal for me, and it felt totally satisfying.

I hope to go to WP on Monk more in the future. But I have to gear myself up first. We were quite slow in killing the mobs in there so I will have to improve my damage output in order to kill faster.

Duty Finder: DPS Not Cooperating

Again, this is my lengthy rant about some lousy player in random Duty Finder party.

I was unable to write this right after the incident, because I had real life time pressure and had to leave the house shortly after. I was also too furious to organize my thoughts. But now, as I am no longer angry about it, I want to write it down in my journal so that people may know, or that person might even stumble upon this entry and see how ridiculous I think they were.

This is a Dragoon person, and I will have no shame in naming them here, as I secretly wish they would find this entry, or that someone who knows them will see it and tell them about it. The name is Lordin Edenfall.

We were in The Wanderer’s Palace to farm some Tomestones, and among the 4 random parties we got, this one was the one where I was most furious about, as the person wasn’t performing horribly out of the lack of knowledge or experience, but purely out of their own rebellion and probably the need to show off and seem superior. They also refused to work as a team and when the tank said something, they had the nerves to reply with an answer that obviously show that they had no intention to cooperate with the party.

First, I noticed Corn (the tank) started using number sign on the mobs, this was because the DRG just attacked whatever they wanted and didn’t assist the tank and other DPS in killing the mobs one by one. However, they continued to disobey the number signs and kept attacking what the hell ever they want, drawing enmity from the monster that tank wasn’t focusing on, and getting their ass kicked. This resulted in my trying so damn hard to keep up with all the cures.

At first I didn’t notice what was going on, I thought he was just one of those lazy DPS who would just stand there and eat AoE attacks instead of dodging them. WRONG. They intentionally take one monster away from the tank and fought solo. I might have drawn enmity from DRG’s mob and got whacked a few times, but I don’t really remember. But I did notice that the DRG’s Stoneskin would disappear very fast after I applied it, and I had to throw Regen and Cure on them very often.

At the skeletons room with a switch, I finally noticed what was going on. I saw the DRG fighting a Skeleton away from the group, taking a lot of damage from it. Then Corn commented on it in Linkshell. Then, while fighting other group of mobs, the DRG did it again. They intentionally attacked the other enemy.

Then, at the last room before Tonberry King, shit kind of hit the fan, and the DRG got chased by Tonberry Stalker because they didn’t group up with us. They ran away, and they returned to join the fight, still attacking the non-focused enemy. Then Corn finally spoke up, trying to be polite and not cursing the hell out of the person, I imagine. He probably didn’t say anything before because the number signs are obvious and most people would have cooperated by following the numbered order, but this person just wouldn’t be a good team member.

(Corn Muffin) patience please
[1]<Corn Muffin> that is not what i wanted to say lol
(Corn Muffin) Defeat this one first!
(Aleczan Knighthill) focus target
(Lordin Edenfall) what?
[1]<Corn Muffin> get me out of this hell hole
(Lordin Edenfall) nah
(Lordin Edenfall) if i focus i lose a ton of dps
(Lordin Edenfall) i wanna rush this dungeon, not babysit it
(Corn Muffin) its ok alec
(Aleczan Knighthill) But you are MP sink because I have to heal you a lot :)

(Lordin Edenfall) omg
(Lordin Edenfall) gl
(Aleczan Knighthill) O_o
[1]<Aleczan Knighthill> He shuts himself out lol?
(Lordin Edenfall) i believe in u guys

What happened here was that the person got locked out of the arena. It was either an accident because they were too busy trying to talk back, or was intentional out of spite. I have no idea which was the cause. So we fought with 3 people, and died because I couldn’t keep up with the cure while spamming Holy.

[1]<Corn Muffin> come to mid and holy
[1]<Corn Muffin> cure
[1]<Corn Muffin> just ignore them
[1]<Corn Muffin> and lets finsih
(Lordin Edenfall) nice try tho
[1]<Corn Muffin> just let em go please
[1]<Corn Muffin> or im gonna explode
[1]<Aleczan Knighthill>  ; ; pat pat
[1]<Corn Muffin> you know what else loses a ton of dps. running your mouth isntead of entering the arena lolol
[1]<Corn Muffin> oh well
[1]<Aleczan Knighthill> lol

Then, we retied with 4 people, and once the boss died, that person spoke again.

(Lordin Edenfall) he died too fast…

I really wanted to say “He died fast because no dumbnut got locked out this try.” But I didn’t want to interact with the person any longer, so I just exited without saying anything.

Furious was I, though. I actually wanted to say more stuff than my “you are MP sink” but there was no time for a lecture in there. I also didn’t have the patience and effort to type too much when angry. But here, I will rant about it.

Quoting, again:

(Lordin Edenfall) if i focus i lose a ton of dps

What kind of lousy excuse is that? I haven’t played level 50 DRG since the big skill revamp in 1.0, so I might wrongly be unaware of any DRG ability that makes you deal more damage when you are being attacked, but the damage output should be about the same even when you attack the same enemy as the tank.

(Lordin Edenfall) i wanna rush this dungeon, not babysit it

This is even more stupid. If you follow proper strategy, like focusing on one target, the enemies die faster, one by one. This does not only make one enemy die faster, but also decreases the burden on the healer, as they don’t need to split their attention to save your ass. You don’t have as high defense as a PLD, so when you get hit, it means more HP for me to cure, and thus I have to spend more MP than I should. This “attacking what the hell ever I want while ignoring the number signs” is not rushing the dungeon, but rather hindering the party.

In the other random party earlier, there was someone among the 2 DPS members who secretly marked the mobs with number. The order was accurate, and everyone focused their attack on them in order. So the mobs died very fast and I had easier time curing, having no extra burden to keep alive, as no one strayed and got their ass kicked. We blew through the dungeon very quickly and without any oh-shit-moment.

However, that was not the case in this party. By the Dragoon’s soloing without having a tank and having their ass kicked by the enemy, I am the one who was babysitting them! It was I who had to cast spells and spend my MP to keep them alive. They were the hindrance. They were my burden.

I repeat: Lordin Edenfall, by not cooperating, you are the hindrance to the party. And that is not rushing us, or you, or anyone, through the dungeon, at all. Brainless brute force might achieve something in some situation, but not where strategy is important like in FFXIV dungeons.

(Additional text, edited to add on 24 OCT 2013)

If your targets were not attacking back, splitting force and defeating them in unorganized and unfocused order will achieve the same result as defeating them one by one. But that is not true in the situation, as all of the enemies were attacking back.

I’m going to write a simple, idiot-proof, explanation here.

If there are 3 enemies, and if you kill 1 enemy within 20 seconds, 3 enemies will take 1 minute to die.

If you focus on 1 enemy and kill it off, from 21st second to the 60th second, you will only have 2 enemies beating on you. Then, if you keep killing one of the two enemies, by the 41st second, you will only have 1 enemy to deal with. There is 3 parts of this battle. First part, lasting 20 seconds, you get bombarded with attacks from ALL 3 enemies. Second part of the fight, however, you will only have 2 enemies trying to kill you. Then last part, the last 20 seconds, will be the easiest, because you are fighting 1-on-1.

On the contrary, if you spread out your attack, after 20 seconds you will still have all 3 enemies whacking on you. On the last part of the fight, you will have 3 enemies, all with only 1/3 HP, still trying to kill you. Then, you kill them off at the same time after 1 minute time ends. But what about your own HP that was taken by the enemies? Of course, you lose much more HP with this strategy.

You might not realize it, because you weren’t the one who took the burden of keeping yourself alive. It was me and my MP. And since your defense is inferior to the real tank, when you tank an enemy on your own, it increases the work load for healer. I HATE YOU FOR THAT.

(End of the additional text)

If I had heard this “babysitting” smartass answer earlier in the run, I would have let them solo the mob as they wanted, and wouldn’t have cared to throw them any Stoneskin, Regen, or Cure. I should have let them die fighting the enemy with wrong order.

Some people are just horrible like this. I need a break from random Duty Finder party for a while, a long while.

I am back!

Ahhhhhhhh! I haven’t updated my blog in so long. I took a 10-day vacation earlier this month to go out of town, up north and then to the beach, and then spent time with my friends shopping and preparing stuff for a dolls fair (DollPaCa 2013 in Bangkok), then we exhibited a booth in the fair on Sunday, 13 October. It took a while for me to recover from those hardcore 10 days, LOL.

Anyway, as I am a very lazy person, for now I’ll just post assorted screenshots of the past week. So that my readers will know that I am still alive and playing FFXIV :P What I’ve been doing this week:


Sitting around waiting for Corn to sew me stuff, like Vanya Robe of Healing.


Planting my face in the ground dying against Behemoth. This is also Corn’s doing. :P


But the adventurers won, and I bought this silly mask just for the hell of it. XD


Then I spent hours cooking some Tomato Pies and Mulled Tea for myself.


And stopped by at the event’s display to take some pics at times.


Also, been spam farming tomestones in the Wanderer’s Palace. Without Corn as the tank whom I’m accustomed with for the battle, moves, strategies, and rhythm, I usually ended up dying in the wipe like this. I must say that random Duty party is usually rough and tough. There was even one duty where we died repeatedly at the Pudding and then at Tonberry King until the time ran out. It was brutal and stressful.


Then, to unwind, I hopped on Masamune to take Halloween pics with my friend, Uri. We bumbed into Dahlia at the Gold Court, so we all took some silly pics together hahaha.


The ghost costume is awesome.


This place in Limsa also looks like a nice spot for photos. I’ll remember to return here later for some pics.



Also, I’ve spent my last Water Cluster making a HQ Aetheryte Ring for Corn. It was a lucky 70-something-% HQ. I would have been quite upset if it failed, LOL.

Coordinates in FFXIV

I saw a set of search keyword which a visitor used when stumbling on my weblog:

how do i find coordinates in ff14?

So today I’ll talk about this.

I used to talk about <pos> in my blog entry, Handy Coordinates Marker but today I’ll elaborate more about the coordinates on your map.

In FFXIV, when you open your map (default shortcut is keyboard button M) it will show up like this. You can also click inside your minimap (radar or compass) in order to call up this large map.


Your current position/location is usually shown in the middle when you first open the map. It is marked with the tiny marker that looks like water drop. When you look closely, at the bottom of the map window, there is a set of numbers, in my example it says 11X Y10, which means you’re currently at coordinates X:11 Y:10 of that map.


If you, however, point your mouse cursor elsewhere in the map, you can see the coordinates of the place you are pointing at on the top right corner of the map screen. In my example, I was pointing at X:9 Y:8. So, if you know a place, and you want to get the coordinates number of the place, just open that specific map and put the mouse pointer at the spot you want, and then look at the coords in the top right corner. (Update: You can also use CTRL+right mouse click to choose a specific spot on any map to mark a flag on it, then a text command <flag> will show up in your chat input line, letting you enter it for a clickable link on chatlog.)


Then, back to the topic of <pos>, this is a very handy command/syntax. If you type in your chat, to any channel, like shown below, it will generate a clickable map coordinates for anyone who sees that chat line.


Like this.


Then, the reader can hover the mouse cursor on that automated position text. If you click on it, it will call up the map with a green flag marked in it.

Coords6 Coords7

So if I use <pos> to tell people where I am, when they click on the coords, they can easily find me, without having to hover their mouse everywhere until they eventually see the correct numbers.

Easy and handy. ^^


Cooking Animation

I really like the character’s animation when we craft HQ stuff. Like, they look so proud of themselves and stick the item up high towards the sky! (Have to quietly think “Don’t spill it, please!” LOL!)

Cooking: HQ

But better, yet, is the Hasty Touch animation. Oi! That is one angry chef, I say.

Cooking: Hasty Hand

It looks like I go “GRRRRR! HQ, or I’m gonna be so mad and get up from my kitchen then smash some bricks!”

Cooking: Hasty Hand 2

Also, I love how we see the crafter’s name in the item info window.

Honey Muffin

So, you can show it to your friends and be like “Hey, remember this name and if I die from food poisoning, go hunt down the bastard and stomp them to death for a revenge, please!”

Salt Cod PuffsBy the way, I really hate how the NPC shop values our items (or junks) so low. This is offensive!


Culinarian Apron’s Set

Warning: Screenshots spam.


Hehehehe! I didn’t want to brag, but now I want to brag. I recently got level 50 equipment for my Cooking class, thanks to our linkshell’s seamstress master tailor who was so diligent and patient enough to make me all these gear.


Before, I was always wearing this Vintage Seneschal Coatee (which had been sitting in my Retainer since 1.0) on my craft classes that are high enough. CUL, GSM, CRP, for example.


I like the design because it looks fashionable, though a little bit too exposing. :P

At first, he made me some Linen items to wear on my lower level classes. Then, not long after he hit level 50 on his Weaver, and I managed to harvest Crawler Cocoons, he started to make me level 50 gear. By that time, my Goldsmith was level 50, too. And that was the first body piece of class-specific equipment for crafter that I ever had! (Because on my Culinarian, I chose the hat instead of the apron, LOL).


It looks VERY fashionable. And seems more appropriate. :P

I dyed it Lotus Pink to match with my Regal Purple hat (from guild test quest).



The stats are also great! And it came in HQ. ^^


I got the trousers from him later on. I dyed the trousers Abyssal Blue. And here’s a closer look at the appearance. Except the Mythril Choker, my Goldsmith looks totally fabulous.


On the same day I got this Goldsmith’s Doublet, I also got a Culinarian’s Apron from him.


The stats are awesome and I willingly stopped wearing my Coatee, LOL.

I also got the trousers from him later, and dyed them Abbysal Blue as well.


Below: culinarian’s equipment (and a pair of GSM’s trousers) came in Moogle Mail.


Usually, I don’t fuss about stats, because I am a very lazy player. And my inventory crisis makes me tend to avoid having many pieces of equipment. I try to share my crafting gear among all my craft classes. Mythril Choker level 39, for example. I am too lazy to make a new one which is Electrum Choker level 49, because my lower level classes wouldn’t be able to wear it. But seeing and using these level 50 gear that can’t be shared with other classes, I feel it is nice to be fussy about gear for stats! As now I can HQ most of my synthesis attempts, thanks to the stats boost from gear.


By the way, he also made himself the Weaver’s set, and Alchemist’s set. ^^


I think Alchemist’s set is the champion so far. It looks extraordinary and most sophisticated among all of the class-specific crafter’s sets I’ve ever seen. You know, it has both the hints of professionalism and fashion. Like, from behind, you will look like a mad scientist or a perfectly hygienic doctor. And then from the front, you’re like a designer at work. You have all your tools there, ready to be whipped out whenever you like. Oh, right, this set makes one look like a walking laboratory. XD


This pic was when I was sending him Crawler’s Cocoons. He was sitting right behind me when I cooked, but then I got up and ran to the Delivery Moogle to send cocoons. Soon, I saw him arriving at the Moogle to pick up the delivery, saying “I was there all the time, sitting in the bush lol.” Oopsie haha. Well, I might have noticed him but as his outfit was now Regal Purple instead of Abyssal Blue, it didn’t strike me that it was him!! *lame excuse*

MasterTailor10Last screenshot today, this is a candid pic of him when he was lower level. XD



Tiny Tortoise (Minion)

Alright, during the past week, once I got to level 48, guess what was the first thing I did. Ha! I crafted some Yumizuno lures and went to the Salt Strand to catch a minion, Tiny Tortoise. Thanks to the information in Kida’s forum, a thread by someone named Truvy~, which lets me know what bait to use and where to go. I was looking forward to catching the Tiny Tortoise since level 46. But looking up the bait info made me kind of gave up and a little discouraged, because many of the posts I found all said that we need to be level 50 and use Northern Krill for this. However, this thread (comment #12) mentioned Yumizuno, which is a level 48 bait. So, yeah, that’s what I did when I got to 48!


When I run, the Tiny Tortoise spins and follows me instead of walking on its feet! Hahaha!


I haven’t gotten many minions yet, and Tiny Tortoise is my favorite so far. It is so cute. ^^


I kept fishing more after getting mine, because I wanted to send to some friends. I ended up sending to 4 friends and put 4 (or 3) more up for sale on my retainers in the market. One was sold at 2000 (before fee) and then 3000, and 5000. It is quite crazy, LOL.


This pic looks like she’s trying to bite my tail, hahaha!

And oh yeah, I have decided it is a she, and she is a finicky fella! Look at how rebellious she was when I said no Tortoise allowed on my bed!
