Emotes Spam

Not long ago, a patch added a check box “Display log message” in emotes menu, so that we can uncheck it and make our emotes no longer show up as a text in chat log. I really love it, because it’s extremely handy when I want to spam an emote (or many) for the sake of taking screenshots with specific characteristic. I used to have to manually add the word (or syntax?) “motion” after my emote command, to get the same effect, which sometimes became quite a hassle. So this checkbox functions really made it convenient.

I would encourage people to use this when they want to spam emote or emotes. I also taught my friends (old players who didn’t realize there is this function and new player who just started) about it and explained to them how annoying it could get when we spam chatlog with emotes.

Today I was sitting and crafting in Mor Dhona, when someone spammed huzzah for like 20 times in 5 seconds or so. Well, if my friends didn’t know there was the function, maybe some other players didn’t realize it too. And it seemed they were just trying to get screenshots with a friend (who joined in the emotes spamming spree soon) without intention to clog up people’s chat log just because they wanted to be an asshole. So I said in /say:

Would be extremely nice if people who spam emote are kind enough to use /emote motion, or uncheck the “Display log message” in emotes menu when they want to spam. ; ;

Excuse my typo there, lol.

Anyway, I waited for a bit and they still kept going (and it only got worse in term of lines per second), so I figured they didn’t notice my say and blacklisted them for my own sake. No use to bitch and start a fight when everyone is entitled to play their game however they like (as long as it doesn’t break ToS, hahaha).

After a synthesis or two, however, the first person who started spamming emote noticed me and came over (which means they actually saw my comment and yet chose to act disruptive, intentionally) to stand right behind me, too close in my personal space than I would have liked. So I canceled my crafting and ran up the stairs to sit down and craft again. Guess what, the person followed and tried to do some emote, which I didn’t pay much attention to because my mind was set on getting the hell out of that place.

After I ran upstairs, the person followed.I got up (canceling my synthesis mid-craft, again) and returned home. Of course, I suspect that the person was having a kick out of it that he or she could annoy me that much and drove me from the scene.

But, seriously, for some people to not try to be nice and make use of a useful function of the game…..and to go out of their way to try to be mean and upset other players. It’s sad how being politely assertive doesn’t work well in online games. Are we not civil? Can’t trivial problems be talked out peacefully and then happily solved?


Kind of like Gold Rush.  You see a train of people flock over to overwhelm a FATE. They come and go, stomping everything in their path. I know it’s the nature of the low-time and peak-time of the server’s crowds and I know it’s hardly anyone’s fault. It still pissed me off, however. I was enjoying my quiet corner against this Spiteful Spitfire. I’ve been camping him all day while working. I would ALT+Tab back to FFXIV to fight him when I hear FATE music. I want my Atma, but I hate chasing FATEs on chocoback, so this is a lazy method that works for me.


Then, when more and more people start to log in to the server, this train of people came, leaving me with silver medal for FATE instead of the gold. Mind you, though, that this was not the part which pissed me off.

They never returned, ever! They came to rip through the monster, and left, gone. Leaving me to solo the now-10-times-stronger Spiteful Spitfire. Blargh!!!

Again, I know it’s no one’s fault and that it is an inevitable phenomenon natural to online gaming. I just had to get it out of my chest.

Back to FATE camping and working. Peace!


Weaver’s Needle

Today I was looking through some screenshot folders and found this pic, dated September 2013. I dropped my jaws when I noticed that there is a needle in Corn’s left hand. O_o


I know that the Weaver’s main hand tool is a needle, and that when they craft, they use needle on the fabric on the frame. But I guess I’ve never looked closely enough to see that the game actually shows a needle in the graphic. Also, probably because Corn’s character was so close to the camera as I was paparazzi’ing behind him that the screenshot is more zoomed in than usual.

It’s amusing and pleasing that SQEX pays attention to small things that we might never notice.

Level 9, chat tutorial quest.

If you’re stuck on the level 9 quest (chat tutorial) in any of the starting cities, here’s a check list of what to watch for.

1. Make sure you type everything EXACTLY the same as the quest instructs you to. For example, if you type well met instead of Well met! or if you type you misunderstand instead of You misunderstand., the NPC Botulf will never recognize your sentence.

2. Make sure that you are not in the middle of conversation with the NPC. You have to click or confirm the NPC’s dialogue and end the conversation. If the speech bubble from NPC is still present, they won’t recognize your sentence.

3. Some people said we have to target the NPC while we do the quest. So, stay close to the NPC and keep your cursor selection on the NPC if you have problem making them hear you.

The quests are “Lend Me Your Ears Already” from Memenaru in Ul’dah, “He’s Got a Ticket to Ride” from Spinning Blade in Gridania, and “Meet, Greet, and Deceit” from Niniya in Limsa Lominsa.

I’m writing this because today I was helping someone and was about to pull out some of my hair because what she typed seems perfectly correct and yet the NPC wouldn’t respond. I searched Google and FFXIV official forum and couldn’t find anything. Then, I figured out that she said the quest sentence while the NPC was still talking to her. =_=;;

My Luminary Rod~ Finally!

Finally, with my snail-speed of fishing, I completed the achievement “A Fisher’s Life for Me: Eorzea” and received my Rod of the Luminary. Although it gives same Gathering and Perception as the rod rewarded from level 50 quest, I can really like Reduced Durability Loss +10.


I got the last sub category of fishing achievement, “Good Things Come to Those Who Bait: Black Shroud V” while fishing for my daily Timeworn map at Lake Tahtotl.


In all my fishing career (since the implementation of Achievements) I’ve fished 11309 times. I guess I spent too much time fishing in the places where there are no fishing Achievement, such as Coerthas and Mor Dhona, so I didn’t make it within the range of ~6,000 fish (1,920 per city) like it should be if you go straight from achievement to achievement for the rod.


Then, a visit to Jonathas, and the rod was mine!


Comparing the graphic between Halcyon Rod and Rod of the Luminary.


My new rod in action. I kind of wish it would be more shiny, though, hahaha.



But it does shine bright enough in the rain.


It also shines nicely if the angle is right.


Anyway, next goal for me will be to fish some Silver Sovereigns for the new rod that came with a patch not long ago ><;; Forager’s Fishing Rod does have yummy stats and I am so very drooling over it!

WTF? Botting in Duty Finder?

เวลาเล่น Duty Finder เราย่อมต้องปรับสไตล์การเล่นให้เข้ากับปาร์ตี้ และให้เหมาะสมกับความสามารถในการเล่นของสมาชิกอื่น ๆ ในปาร์ตี้ และเหมาะสมกับระดับอุปกรณ์สวมใส่ของทุกคนด้วย แต่เวลาเจอบอท…. ต่อให้คุณมีทักษะในการปรับตัวได้เยี่ยมยอดแค่ไหน หรือเล่นเก่งเพียงใด ก็ไม่รอดอยู่ดี! เดี๊ยนคิดว่าเดี๊ยนเจอบอทในฮาลาตาลีเจ้าค่ะ มันเล่นได้ห่วยแตกแหกพิกัดมาก สุดยอดกากของความกากกกกกกกกกกกกกกก โอ๊ยไอ้หน้าส้นตีน อารมณ์เสียมากถึงมากที่สุด คือแบบ ไม่ไหวละ…. คิดแล้วแค้นมากว่าทำไมกูต้องมาเจออะไรแบบนี้ด้วย ซวยชัด ๆ เล่นด้วยแล้วปวดกะโหลก กว่าจะผ่านมาได้ก็แทบจะกระอักออกมาเป็นลิ่มเลือด ยิ่งคิดยิ่งอยากจะจับไอ้เจ้าของบอทมากระทืบ ๆ ๆ ๆ ให้แบนแล้วปั้นเป็นก้อนกลม ยัดเข้าไปในปืนใหญ่เรือ แล้วยิงลงไปในน้ำให้กลายเป็นอาหารซาฮากิน โอ๊ยโมโหโคตร ๆ ๆ ๆ ๆ ๆ เอนทรี่นี้จะยาวมากเพราะบ่น บ่น บ่นและบ่น (เป็นภาษาอังกฤษเพราะขี้เกียจแปลเป็นไทยอีกรอบ)

I’ve reported this player, stating that their behaviors were extremely suspicious. I hope the Special Task Force would look into it and solve this problem. But this is going to be a LONG rant.

I ran into a party in Normal Halataly (via Roulette) where the tank was very likely a bot. In short, that tank never said anything and never replied to any question and advice. That tank received many equipment from treasure boxes while we were there, but never equip any of them! Normally, people would change into the new gear in order to better the defense and performance in party, right? This tank also seemed to have certain patterns in their movements. The bot must have been programmed to walk in a predesigned route, so it would walk around to search of a target in an empty hall even when all the enemies were killed.

This probably-botting-tank also disregarded standard kill order. For example, they would keep on hitting other enemy when a bomb joins the fray, letting it explode on himself and on me. We died from bomb at least twice during that run, because the bomb attacked me after I healed the tank. They never used Shield Bash to interrupt the self-destruction of the bomb, even after the thaumaturge told them to. And they never run to pick the enemies off me, the thaumaturge, or the archer. At start, they would use Flash once, or twice, without making sure all the enemies were properly gathered or not. Therefore, they never generated enough enmity to keep the mobs away from me, the healer.

It was exhausting and mentally unhealthy to have been put in the same party as a bot. They do not have proper reaction to circumstances, and they have lousy play style. Other members need enormous amount of effort, skills and patience to get through the dungeon, or just to stay alive, LOL. I didn’t realize until nearing the end of the dungeon that the tank MIGHT BE a bot. At first I just thought he was ignorant tank who can’t play his role correctly. I didn’t suspect it until, after I asked the tank to change into their new gear again and again, the thaumaturge commented that “a bot does not equip stuff.” That’s upsetting, because no amount of adjustment or player skills can make a party with a bot run smoothly. I felt like I used up all my daily gaming energy just in that one dungeon.

Probably a bot.

Probably a bot.

Moreover, I would have died about 10 more times if it wasn’t because the thaumaturge tried their best to keep me alive with both Stoneskin and Cure (and sometimes the thaumaturge died in my place because of the cure spam and Blizzard something spam (to bind the mobs). The archer, too, would always come to my rescue whenever a monster started beating me up (while the botting tank ignored).  I feel so grateful to them and at the same time feel sorry for them to have to put up with this shit. If we knew or suspected faster that the tank was a bot, I would have asked them to just abandon duty, or vote kick and seek new tank.

If botting is not eliminated, I feel that Duty Finder will lose its charm. It is dreadful to think that you might end up in a party with botters who are not only cheating, but also have mediocre performance.  Usually, I dislike Duty Finder, because I dread playing with strangers, especially strangers who don’t play nice as a team, but with the Roulette reward, I got greedy and want to hog some money. So I’ve been doing a few Duty Roulettes per day or two days.

When I’m on Monk, I get away easily because my role is to survive while dealing as much damage to the enemies as I can. There might be some minor adjustments I need to make as a monk in a party with all total strangers, such as grabbing stray adds if the tank does not grab them, switching target to the enemy that wander off to beat up on a mage, arranging kill order as I see fit, and improvising strategies when shit happens.

However, when I play White Mage, it is a completely different story. My play style will depend mainly on the tank and the members of the party. Take The Wanderer’s Palace for example. It was a popular place for speed runs to farm Tomestones. Many people would want to just whoosh through it in 15 – 20 minutes and just be done with it, receiving easy reward. However, doing speed run, anywhere, requires several factors to be just right. You need good gear, you need experience or some knowledge about the place and the enemies, you need player skills, you need quick reaction, and you need to evaluate your party’s capability well and execute plan according to it.

In WP, sometimes the tank only pulls from 2 or 3 rooms before stopping to kill them off. Some, however, may want to pull EVERYTHING until they reach the boss room’s door. I would have to be on my toes about healing if the tank pulls big horde of mobs. If I cannot keep the tank full or above 80%, I will refrain from spamming Holy. However, if I feel that a stun or two will ease my healing duty, I will try to cast Holy once or twice. If the tank is very good and does not need much of my healing, I just go all out and spam Holy like there’s no tomorrow. :D Also, the faster DPS members can kill, the bigger the tank can safely pull. I can also sit back and just focus on healing if they make enough damage on their own.

However, if, for example, in the Pudding boss room (sorry, I forget the name) if DPS is not enough to kill the pudding adds, I would have to make sure I cast Holy whenever the adds pop, otherwise they will start debuffing people, and a Heavy debuff can be fatal if unlucky (being the “single target” while having heavy and being unable to remove all debuffs fast enough is a pain in the ass! Hahaha.)

The tank, too, should observe their party and carefully plan what they can pull and how many enemies the party can tackle at a time. To bite off more than you (or your party) can chew is to court disaster. Then, your rushing might be the cause for the delay. Dying from being too hurried is counterproductive. Then, why die? Better play safe. You can push, but not too much. Playing in a party is not like soloing. You cannot just rely on your own skills and gear. The party runs with all members together, each with their own role and contribution. If the teamwork is good, the dungeon tends to be smoother.

Oh, but you can’t adapt to a bot’s play style….because a bot’s actions are not practical in real situation, and you can’t discuss with the bot to adjust strategies. They are all brawns but no brains. Fuck bots. Go to hell, bots. I hate you, I hate you! You made my day of relaxing became hell.

Come to think of it, the other lousy tank I met in Tam-Tara might have been a bot as well, judging from how they played. Ughhhhh.

This is making me so mad. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

Tank who doesn’t Flash

I don’t play tank so I’m not sure if this is wrong, but I thought tank (GLA or PLD) is supposed to use Flash at start for initiative mob control or use it frequently while tanking multiple enemies at the same time. Today I went to Tam-Tara from Duty Roulette, and was in a party where THM was constantly reminding GLA to use Flash. I thought he or she was just being fussy, but after a while I noticed that the GLA never used Flash at all.

Of course the extra monsters (which we wasn’t targeting) would run everywhere. THM made heavy use of Sleep spell so that saved us a wreck. I would have failed at keeping people alive if THM didn’t use Sleep! I tried saying in /say (in case the tank person didn’t see /party chat) Flash will help a lot when there are more than 1 enemies. Please use it.  (“Flash” and “Please use it.” was from auto-translation, just in case.) However, the GLA never used it at all.

Then, the THM said that the tank was using wrong spell, because the GLA used something that recovers MP instead of creating enmity. Since I have no knowledge in that, I didn’t say anything. ><;;  Maybe the tank set wrong skill button or just didn’t understand how those skills work. Still, it is a headache to see that some people don’t play their role in the party properly and don’t pay attention to advice.

Roulette Tam-Tara party

Roulette Tam-Tara party

At the boss room, at one point I was tanking 4 adds at the same time while GLA and PGL were busy trying to kill the Imps. THM? Of course THM was busy tanking the mindflayer boss on the other side of the room. LOL. PGL seems to have quick reaction when things start to beat up any of the mages and was the first one to come to me to kick those skeletons asses on all 3 rounds of adds summoning while THM ran around the room trying to stay alive, hahaha.

Was fun, though. I never knew that those adds were this weak. They were beating on me for a long time before rescue arrived, and I dodged most of the attacks and didn’t get too much damage.  I should have tried to kill them off instead of spamming cure.

Meld Request

I don’t get Meld Request often. Usually it’s because I don’t hang out in the cities, else it’s just that I’m doing something else and wasn’t fast enough to reply to the meld request shouts. Today, while walking to get the new dance emote quest in Limsa, I saw a shout for leatherworker lv 50, so I sent a tell.

This total stranger wanted to overmeld a pair of pair of “saurian crakows of casting” with heavens’ eye materia IV, heavens’ eye materia IV and savage aim materia II. (I didn’t know he wanted me to meld 3!)

5-meld attempt

So on my first meld, it was 29%, I didn’t like that red text saying this meld attempt has great failure rate blah blah blah, so I screamed “It’s 29%!” and he said “Do it.”

Cringing my face, I hit the meld button and of course, it broke.

I broke 2 of the heavens’ eye materia IV before a success kicked in. I said, nervously, if that one failed, I would  be crying. He said don’t, it’s ok. (I thought to myself, it’s ok to you but it’s not ok to me because I am stingy and I hate wasting money, even if it’s not my money! LOL)

I was relieved to have successfully attached that materia, but nope, that wasn’t the end. He sent more meld request with more heavens’ eye materia IV, now with 16% success rate. I held my breath and did it again, and again, and again. In the end, I broke 9 11 heavens’ eye materia IV before my 2nd meld became successful. (I checked my log again and it was 11, not 9! So the total IV I broke today was 13, GULP!)

I was like phewwwwwwwwww there, finally, but then he sent yet another request. This time with savage aim materia II which was at 13% success rate. I broke 9 of it before it was finally attached safely.

I don’t think I have smashed that many valuable materias in one day before.

After it was done, he even asked me what I’d like from him. Egads! No, gentleman. If you saw my face while I broke your materia left and right, you would know that I didn’t want any reward but just wanted to dig a hole and crawl into it for breaking so many materias in public. /sob

It’s so embarrassing!

Well, I once broke so many IV materias in one day, but those were my materias, my money, and most of them were old materias I’ve kept from 1.0, so it didn’t feel like I was spending gil on them. Today it was someone else’s money I was wasting. Plus, I haven’t melded (and broken) materias in ages and I just returned to the game after a long pause due to real life being busy. So, today’s experience was somewhat strange to me.

Hopefully, next time I meld something for someone, I won’t break this many materias. /cross fingers

I’m Back!

I’m back! Or I should rather say “My website is back!” Due to some problems with hosting service, my website had been down for….um ….over a week. And I’ve become addicted to my new shiny, 3DS, so I haven’t written anything on tumblr, LOL.

Also, my PC now has graphic card problem. My PC will randomly shut down with black screen, having a loud scary fan noise, when there is some strain in graphic display. That is, for example, when I process a lot of huge images in Photoshop or when I play FFXIV. Lately, it’s been so bad that I couldn’t even log in to the game. As soon as the “loading” screen was disappearing, and right before I even see the inn room or my own character, my PC screen would go black and shut down with loud fan noise. On Friday, this thing went on repeatedly for 5 teims until I gave up trying to log in. I’ll have to go out and buy a new display adapter soon. :(

Yesterday, however, I tried my luck and could load FFXIV without problem. So I sneaked around to do parts of the Valentione’s quests. ^^ I still need a Bitter Chocolate to trade with the NPC for the last piece of event equipment, though.



At the moment, I don’t dare to go into any dungeon or raid, because my graphic card seems to be unable to endure the heavy load of graphic. I don’t want it to permanently die on me while I still haven’t got a chance to buy a new one.

SCH Faerie Eos Stops Responding

OK, though I only feel like playing my Monk full time nowadays, I’ve been doing lowbies roulette such as Guildhest 10+ and Roulette 16+ on my SCH for practice everyday or at least every other day to prevent my rusting. One problem I had run into is that my Eos would completely stop responding after I use Fey Illumination.

At first I didn’t know what caused it, and I thought I was crazy. But then it happened again. I thought I screwed up due to recast timer, but nope. I checked, and all the cooldown timers were ready. Then I thought I had lag. Then I thought I did something wrong. I checked if my Faerie went back to sic mode, but no. And all the Faerie commands were usable (or seem usable) and it does not return the”not on manual” error thing. After several occasions, I found out that my faerie always does this to me whenever I used Fey Illumination. At first I resummoned her to fix it. But later on, as I ran into this issue again and again, I found out that Heel command can repair this and make her go back to normal.

Today in Cutter’s Cry, while tank was getting stomped half to death, I ordered Eos to use Fey Illumination to ease the curing stress. But then the tank went to almost dead, because Eos wasn’t responding to my Embrace command at all. I had to use Heel (even when she was already on Heel, LOL) to make her listen to me again.

Is this normal? Does it happen to everyone? I searched Google with “Eos not responding after Fey Illumination” but it returns no relevant result.