Yet another bad day at Duty Roulette

I’ve been cursed by the Duty Finder god! I must have been cursed, otherwise I wouldn’t have been put into as many weird parties (or worse, failed parties) in Duty Finder as this.

First attempt at Low Level Roulette today as a ROG landed me in Brayflox’s Longstop and the tank wasn’t performing well. Enmity was all over, and we wiped quickly in first boss room. The tank was so squishy. The WHM left after everyone returned to homepoint. I sneaked a peek at the PLD’s gear and found that he was still wearing level 25 set. Well, that doesn’t quite cut it, so I said sorry and said that this dungeon needs more updated equipment.

I had been slacking on ROG’s quest, not to mention NIN’s, so I decided to dedicate my day catching up from level 15 quest to level 30 quests. The moved on to unlock NIN. I got from level 34 to 35 right when I finished lv 30 NIN quest, so I went on to get Chi and finished the lv 35 quest.

I tried to queue for my Low Roulette again and after 25 mins waiting, I landed in Qarn.

=_=;; talk about bad luck.

The party seemed fine until the WHM suddenly died in first boss room (Doom monster). But we managed to live through it and won without wiping. The tank seemed to struggle with enmity here and there on trash mobs along the way, but nothing serious.

Then, at the Golem boss room, somehow the tank lost aggro and it chased me and then the BLM, and bounced between us two like nuts. The tank didn’t try to actually win back the enmity, but instead was jumping repeatedly in the middle of the room spamming Shield Lob.

I wanted to ask but I couldn’t type while going full attack on the golem while trying to survive.

Then, the Golem stuck to the BLM ans beat him to death. Before the BLM died, the tank started:

[17:46](PLD) u dont want me to tank right?
[17:46](BLM) well you were attackin thw wrong part
[17:46]The golem soulstone is shattered!
[17:47](PLD) so u keep doing dmg while u know that?
[17:47](BLM) thanks
(BLM was raised so he thanked the WHM)
[17:47](BLM) one rotation + Provokewould have been more than enough
[17:48](PLD) thats just what i did
[17:48]The golem soulstone is shattered!
[17:48](BLM) but it was on the wrong part. and you use provoke when Rage of Haloneis the next attack or you will lose agro again
[17:49](BLM) if you did that then i have no idea why you lost it. i already used Quelling Strikes

I wanted to scream shits but I was too busy trying to survive because the PLD kept losing aggro and the Golem kept turning to beat me up every once in a while (not counting the random attacks that could not be prevented by tank’s keeping enmity). To my relief, we managed to win without wiping, though. I had so much to say but I wasn’t in the mood and it would hinder the progress even more, so I only said this after we won against the Golem boss:

[17:52](Aleczan Knighthill) Sorry, can’t type while fighting.

What I actually wanted so much to say to the tank was HOW THE FUCK CAN I KNOW THAT MY TANK IS STUPID AND ATTCKING THE WRONG PART? I was targeting the enemy and had no way to easily see what  freaking part of the golem the tank was attacking. (As a healer, I would see because I would have been targeting the tank and thus see his current target.)

It wasn’t DPS’s fault that the tank attacks wrong target, you dumbnuts! Plus, why whimper about DPS not letting you tank when you actually made almost no effort to win back the enmity!?! That was such a bullshit squabble. UGH!

Not to mention that he was careless enough to pull the second group of mobs from the Scale room in front of last boss on accident. Which resulted in a wipe. I’m glad I survived the ordeal and got my Challenge Log done for Duty Finder category. No more bullshit to go through until next week.


Flag coordinates marker

Useful map function of FFXIV: <flag>

I’ve already talked about <pos> which will mark the map at your current position, but now I’m going to talk about how to mark a flag on the map without having to be physically there.

However, I only know how to do it by using keyboard and mouse, because I use keyboard and mouse. If I find out how to do it with a controller, I will add the information later.

– Additional information –

A friend, Kuji, looked it up for me and said:

PS controller it’s R1 on map to set a flag marker

So, R1 for PlayStation controller, it is.


Austia Silverwing of Midgardsormr says:

On ps3 you can hold L1 and click R3 for mouse. then L2 is left click, R2 is right click. also L1+select gets rid of hud, L1+start is screenshot.

– End of additional information –

First, you have to open the map where you want to mark a flag on. Then, you use your mouse to point at the spot, and hold CTRL button on your keyboard while using right-click with your mouse.


When you mark your own map with a flag in this method, the chat input will automatically type <flag> for you, so that you can hit enter to add text before or after it, or just send the <flag> to your chat channel right away.


When sent into the chat, the <flag> will show coordinates as the pic above. Anyone who sees this message will be able to click on it in the chatlog to mark their own map with this flag.

This flag will stay there until you mark other flag, click other coordinates, or log out.



We can only have 1 flag at a time, so if you click on any other coordinates, the new one will replace previous one.

Although there can only be one <flag> marker for anyone, but you can mention 2 coordinates at the same time if you use a <pos> and a <flag>, like in the example below:


The chat log will come up like the next screenshot below:


If your friend click on the coordinates that you sent, in this situation they can see (and mark) 2 different spot, but only one at a time, because every coordinates flag will overwrite each other.

FFXIV_Map_Marker_006I guess that’s all to know about <flag>.

Related entries:
Coordinates in FFXIV
Handy coordinates marker

SE is a bully

They are such a big bully, abusive jerks, murderous bastards. XD  The plot of 2.55 was so deep, so well-written, and so cruel.

Today I kind of malfunctioned after finishing the main scenario quests of 2.55 and didn’t do anything productive in the game. I actually hopped in bed and went to sleep to sooth my feelings all afternoon lol.

And I drew these:

Patch2-55_01 Patch2-55_02Feeling so emo now lol. SE, good job.

I still have faith, though. I feel that things aren’t exactly how it seemed, and I will keep believing in my comrades. I am going to pray to the Twelve that things will look up in 3.0.

A douchebag WAR in CT

A douchebag  WAR in CT

//full rant mode: on

I haven’t been this mad in ages.

Today we, as a party of 3, went to Duty Finder for Labyrinth of the Ancients and met an Athena, a WAR tank whose HP was over 12k but was so bad. He or she happened to be in Team B with us and pulled early in almost every room without waiting for the whole alliance. Oh, don’t mind the alliance, I and the other WHM weren’t even done buffing our party. I decided I hated this WAR since the 2nd room because s/he just darted into the fight before we could even start casting Stoneskin II.

Then, someone else pulled early in Atomos room but that’s another story.

Then, at Behemoth, this damn tank assumed the main tank duty, yet stood there to eat meteor. One Behemoth’s whack later and s/he died. I raised and then realized that the WHM died too. So I raised WHM. The WAR died from what the hell ever and started yelling “healer, stop being afk.” So I snapped and said “you died from comet, don’t blame healers.” ( <– supposed to be Meteor, not comet, but I was too angry to think straight)

This person argued and said:
“no sory”
“comette 9999 degats”
“i have 13000 hp so comet dont kill me” <– This was said into the alliance chat, so it ignited a lot of angry comments from other teams.

Anyway, that lousy reply pissed me off greatly. Just WTF!? You can’t go ignoring the battle’s mechanics only because you have so much HP and it can’t kill you in one blow. Play with some brain, and be a team player, please. Me and my friends were screaming in LS chat that we wanted to leave already. It was so horribly unhealthy to be in there with this kind of person.

At last boss room, this WAR deliberately ran to out platform but stood outside of the barrier to eat the Ancient Flare. Of course he or she didn’t die but that was yet another douchebaggery. I was so mad. I would have spammed Holy on that WAR to kill him/her over and over if I could. It’s just UGHHHHHHH!!!!!! Can’t tolerate this kind of player.

Anyway, I looked the person up and found out it’s from Lich, not Rangarok. So at least I won’t run into that WAR again on my own server.

Ishgard at night

I’ve been browsing my screenshot folders recently and found this one, which I would call “my masterpiece of the year 2014” without hesitation. It was taken on 8 December 2014 when I made a stop at the Mark of the Lover on the top of a cliff in Coerthas Central Highlands.



Below: me in front of the backdrop. I can’t remember why I was there. Probably was because I saw nice sky and decided to go there for a pic. You know, Coerthas hardly ever has a break from the snow storm. Rare photo occasion anyone would snatch if they have chance!



Update: 2 more Ishgard screenshots from later (5 MAR 2015), now with “glare” setting on low (I usually keep it off, so the first pic had glare: off).


It snowed on me while I was messing around with my glare setting.


Hunts these days

Again, a rant from me.

I kind of miss the old days when The Hunt thingie was more civil. When people would be patient and wait for others who are still rushing to the spot, when people would ask “All here?” or “Ready to pull?” or say “Pulling in 60 seconds,” when people would shout and communicate to organize the scout, or the spawn trigger.

Back in those days, when I was catching Glimmerscale in Western Thanalan to try to trigger Zona Seeker, people who had high enough stats to catch the fish would band together and make team effort, while those who couldn’t fish it would offer to scout. When someone caught the fish, they shout with <link>. Then, if someone spotted the NM, they shouted the <pos> and some people might thank the fisher. Then they waited for the fisher to change job and get all skills/spells recast ready, and we all hunted together.

These days? Nope, no team effort. And no fisher appreciation. Today I caught a Glimmerscale that had actually spawned a Zona Seeker, but I had to shout 3 times just to get an invite to a hunt party. It seems that hunters nowadays tend to just stand at the possible spawn spots and communicate only to their own group when the NM pops in one of those spots. No team effort to try to trigger the spawn anymore. I looked around and I seemed to be the only one who even tried to fish up the trigger fish, even though the spawn window had been open for several hours and the weather was in right condition. What is up with that? Have the knowledge of spawn trigger/condition died with the older generations?

Also, after Zona died, I headed to Fallgourd Float to wait for 5 PM. Again, no other fisher. No shout asking about who to fish and who to scout. I fished for a while until I caught a Judgeray, I shouted with <link> to report it. Within seconds, people started shouting “inv.” This is the trend I’ve been seeing lately. Most people shouted “inv” without actually mentioning the pos. To find out where the NM has spawned, you have to either get a party and head to your party or follow the crowd, if you’re lucky enough to see the train.

Hunting crowd got less civil, and more selfish nowadays it is so sad to see. If I weren’t the one who fished up those fish which I knew would trigger the S rank sometimes, if I didn’t know the windows were open, the chance of me getting a piece of the S rank NM would have been so slim. I got there in time to get full credits only because I was there trying to trigger them. Other NMs? I tried and failed multiple times. Sometimes even when I was already in the map, I couldn’t get there fast enough for full credits. Sometimes I couldn’t even dismount my chocobo before it died right in front of me. Ridiculous.

I assume that the Hunt isn’t this bad when it is not prime time, though. I was lucky enough to join a few kills where people waited so a long time for the gather. It just made me pretty miffed that no one tried to help catch the trigger fish anymore. It was supposed to be server-wide team effort, but look at this…. *sigh*

Grrrr…that’s it for my fisher rant. I guess DoW and DoM won’t care much about this issue. ><;; But you know…..without a fisher to fish the trigger fish, you can camp the freaking NM all day and it will never pop. Unless it is force spawn after timing out??? IDK.

Trying to catch Olgoi

Have been unsuccessful in catching the fish for my Supra fishing rod.


In 2 days (I don’t fish 24 hours, I slept too!) I got about 10 rounds of Heat Waves. Most rounds were about 20 – 25 minutes long, except one that was 40 minutes! I got a hell lot of Dune Matas, and a bunch of Caravan Eels. Got 9 “the fish gets away” messages in total.

G: 369, P: 315 = Fish gets away x 4.
G: 387, P: 307 = Fish gets away x 1.
G: 382, P: 307 = Fish gets away x 2.
G: 363, P: 299 = Fish gets away x 1.
G: 359, P: 305 = No hook yet. LOL.
G: 353, P: 289 = Fish gets away x 1.

I’ve been trying various foods to tweak my Gathering and Perception. I’ve tried fishing with both FC buffs on, and no buff. I’ve tried sitting while fishing. This is driving me nuts. At this point I’m ready to try any voodoo to help me land some Ogloi Olgoi already. XD

It’s going to be a long and tough road…. But I’ll keep trying.



An hour later, I got one more chance with Heat Waves. So I used G: 359, P: 305 setting. Heat Waves lasted 25 minutes. Results as follows:
Mooch x 5
Caravan Eel x 2
Dune Manta x 2
Fish gets away x 1

Then I got mad and stood up and changed my belt out, trying G: 355, P: 300 setting for the first time.

And yes, I landed my first and only Ogloi Olgoi on 27 Jan, 9:09 PM.

ffxiv_01272015_210959sThen, the weather ended. I will try to catch more when Heat Waves show up again.


27 Jan, 11:05 PM, I caught my 2nd Olgoi.


Then 28 Jan, 12:43 AM, I caught my 3rd Olgoi.


Spriggan Cap

Today I and Corn and Chibidew hunted some treasure. We opened about 15 Peiste maps and got no Moonstone, which was irritating. However, we got like 3 Unhidden maps and one of them yielded a Spriggan Cap. :D  Corn won the loot and tried it on once, then checked the price and gave it to me to sell for FC fund. I should sell it for 500,000 – 600,000 gil because that’s the market price now. But after trying it on, I like it too much to part with it. So I’m going to keep it and throw 600k gil into the FC box instead. :P

Spriggan Cap. Mine mine mine!!!

Spriggan Cap. Mine mine mine!!!