Why can’t people deal with their own adds properly?

OK, yet another angry rant from me.

What the hell is wrong with people? Can’t you just be responsible and kill your own adds? Why would you be so damn obsessed with getting credits from contribution in FATE and ignore adds, letting them spam AoE on people nearby or eat any healer that got tricked into healing you???!?


Today I’ve seen all kinds of these FATE jerks.

One guy dove head on into a single boss FATE fight (no FATE minions), but before reaching the boss, they happened to attract a nearby aggressive enemy that roams there. The person did freaking NOTHING to acknowledge the add and just kept on pounding the boss. They didn’t even use anything to buff or support self, as the enemy kept being unclaimed the whole time. Nope I wasn’t on WHM, so it was easier for me to turn a blind eye on that and let the person get eaten.

The other person was in such a hurry to compete against me in claim war on multiple enemies FATE, and totally ignored an aggressive non-FATE monster that kept ramming their ass. They killed the first FATE monster and ran to a new one, with the unclaimed add tagging along. So I let them have all the FATE enemies they wanted, as well as the add. They died 10 seconds and homepointed.

In the Stagnant Water FATE near Camp Brentbranch, a person fought the Water boss while circling around it. He picked up 2 Yarzons in the process and completely ignored the Yarzons. This person seemed especially like an asshole, because he seemed to purposely run to me and let those Yarzons beat on him. Was either baiting me into killing them for him (when he kept on pounding the FATE boss) or trying to dump them on me. It worked, because my chocobo happened to use some kind of AoE skill and pulled one of the two Yarzons off him. =_= I was unhappy about it and kept wishing that he would get eaten by the other Yarzon he still had. After the FATE finished, that person escaped alive, with one Yarzon biting on his ass while he ran away. Disappointing.

Other person in Drybone fought in the middle of where Amalj’aa army spawned, so when I looked back at him again after turning away to kill 3 stray Amalj’aa one by one, he was half dead. Before I even started to decide whether to help or not, another Amalj’aa archer spawned and immediate aggroed me, so I ran to it and killed it first. That person, along with all his 4 Amalj’aa, ran to me and stood on top of me. I saw that he had claimed some of the horde, so I picked out the unclaimed one. Then I killed the other dying one, leaving 2 on him. Seeing that he was far away from spawn spot, I left him there and went into the middle to try to help the Brass Blade NPC.

Guess what? That person, instead of running away from the FATE to try to lose aggro, followed me and brought the two Amalj’aa along. He picked up 2 more Amalj’aa in the process, and kept circling around, picking up more and more….. I said in say “Running around will only get you more enemies……” and turned back to mind my own business with the rest of the Amalj’aa. He eventually got the hint (or just became smarter on his own) and ran away from FATE, losing all the enemies.

Not the end of the stupidity, yet, mind you. This person immediately resumed fighting by running back and diving head on into the Amalj’aa army, when he only had like 5% HP. =_=  The FATE ended soon so we finished without death, but that’s when I started to wonder if these new adventurers even use half of their brain when playing. They just don’t use any battle strategy at all. It’s as if they just want to smack and whack. No plan, no brain, no tactic, no adapting to the circumstances.

When I attract an enemy, be it a FATE monster or non-FATE one, I always deal with it first. I don’t run around like a dumbfuck, which would be gathering even more adds. I don’t try to park my adds on other people to try to bait them into killing my adds for me. If I happen to have multiple adds, I try not to bring in on top of or near the FATE boss that people are fighting, as AoE could disturb the battle flow. I deal with my adds properly and immediately. So I’m extremely disgusted and annoyed by those who are irresponsible to their own adds. As a WHM, I had been baited into helping such people too many times already. Most of the time I ended up having to run for dear life because, for example, those asshole dumped 4 enemies on me.

So, today, playing on my DRG, I set up a new brain function: to not mind other people’s business when they don’t mind it properly first. If the adds are unclaimed and received no attention from the person, I don’t help them kill. It sounds mean, in my opinion, but why should I be responsible for other people’s life when they don’t even seem to care about it? I’m not obligated to watch out for other people’s safety, unless they ask for my help.

Oh, on a different note, there’s another person who, in Alux FATE, managed to get to Alux, pulled before I could finish clearing other Imps for safe pull, and kept letting an Imp attack him while he spammed arrows on Alux. I tried hard and finally won the enmity war on the FATE boss and pulled it closer to the wall for safety, away from non-FATE adds. The person let the other Imp beat on him until he had about half HP, and started killing that add. So I joined in and killed it for him before resuming my Alux fight. Meanwhile, Alux had been having Ice Spikes up all the time, chipping away on my HP and the archer’s HP. At first I didn’t notice, because my chocobo casts regen and cure on me to refill my HP. But then I saw that archer was dying. I was slow and thought that it was because he got another Imp on him. I turned my camera around looking for the Imp, to no avail. As soon as the archer died, I figured out that he killed himself from Alux’s Ice Spikes…….

Alux had a chunk of HP left, so I said in say that I could raise in a few minutes. He said nothing but lied there. So, after killing Alux, I immediately changed to WHM. I couldn’t raise right away due to spell/skill cooldown when job is changed outside of a Sanctuary. When Alux was dying, though, another new adventurer ran in, bringing a stray Imp. The new person seemed to be dying, yet I couldn’t cast regen or cure, so I ran to the imp and whacked it with my staff and let my chocobo handle it. I couldn’t even finish typing “Sorry, spell cooldown a few more secs” when that dead person HP without any word.

That strangely pissed me off. Probably because I hate when people don’t communicate and don’t show common manner. Dude, you wasted many minutes of my time trying to raise you, yet you said nothing and just HP. At least you could have said, “No thanks.” “I don’t need raise”  “NP, I go HP” or something.

Anyway, today, apart from being annoyed when people tried to park their unclaimed mobs on me, I had quite a pleasant and safe day farming FATE. It just ticks me off when people don’t deal with adds properly and, some of them, run around like an idiot only to aggro even more adds.



Dear SE, about RMT friend request spams

Sent a suggestion through in-game Help Desk today:

Nowadays RMT friend request spams are getting extremely aggressive. I’ve just gotten 3 requests in 5 minutes or so. Right now how the Friend Request notification react to our click makes it cumbersome to decline friend request.

Please change the interface to make “no” mean NO. For example, change the options from “Yes” and “No” to “Accept” “Decide Later” “Decline.”

Right now, when we click on the notification of friend requests, it automatically assume that we want to accept friend request and only ask “Accept friend request from XXXXXXXX?” and only let us answer “Yes” to accept, or “No” to temporarily dismiss the window.

Please change this menu to reflect Teleport offer menu, where we can immediately decline it and get rid of the notification. Or, as I’ve already stated in my other suggestion long ago, please make it so new characters cannot send Friend Request unless a tutorial quest has been completed first, and please limit the number of friend requests that a character can send out per minute or per 10 minutes, so that people or bots cannot spam friend requests to a thousand of receivers at a time.

– End of suggestion letter –


Scenery Screenshots

Some scenery screenshots from my FFXIV folder. I posted this on tumblr yesterday and this set of pics was shockingly popular and received over 70 notes in just one day. O_o

Some of these were taken before I got my new PC, so the pictures may vary in size and resolution.

Sunrise at Tranquil


The moon outside Tempest Gate


Sunrise at Costa


The light house at Hammerlea


The moon at Forgotten Springs


Morning sun at Sagolii Desert


The Byregot’s Strike


The Oasis of Forgotten Springs


Costa Del Sol sneak a peek


Ul’dah view from Hammerlea


Monk’s Battle Effects

The other day, my desktop computer decided to mess with me and suddenly played FFXIV on slow motion. (Can watch here if you’re curious how it looked like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWSvfbKAIm0 ) So I saw it as an opportunity to play around with Weaponskills and take some screenshots which would be tough to take in normal circumstances.

The light effects are stunningly beautiful (a bit too bright, though, sometimes I can’t see anything lol, just blinding blotches of light).

I try to name them the best I could, but it’s from memory and doing the attacks again can’t really reproduce what happened in these screenshots (as my PC is now acting normal, no more slow motion) so forgive me if the Weaponskill names are wrong in any of these pics.

Dragon Kick






Howling Fist

I didn’t get any good pic for Howling Fist on that day so here’s a new one to show the light effect.


One Ilm Punch


I really love One Ilm Punch. It’s handsome. :)



Snap Punch

ffxiv_Monk_SnapPunch ffxiv_Monk_SnapPunch2

Steel Peak


Touch of Deathffxiv_Monk_TouchofDeath1 ffxiv_Monk_TouchofDeath2

True Strike


Twin Snake


First pic was taken from bad angle and distance, but this pic has the black snake-like shadow trace from my fist so I want to show it.

ffxiv_Monk_TwinSnakes1 ffxiv_Monk_TwinSnakes2

Twin Snakes impact!

Arm of the Destroyer


Bootshineffxiv_Monk_Bootshine ffxiv_Monk_Bootshine2

:D 21 pics, that’s it for today.

Knight Captain’s Chair in different brown dyes

Today I made a mistake of dying my chair Rose Pink. So I had to remove the dye using Terebinth. However, I thought it might be better to try to match the chair’s brown to my table (I’m using Glade Dining Table which unfortunately cannot be painted) so I tried many browns. I took some screenshots for self reference in picking the best brown, so I’m uploading them in case someone will find them useful.

Rose Pink


No dye (terebinth)


Bark BrownKnight_Captain_Chair_03


Chestnut BrownKnight_Captain_Chair_07


Orchard BrownKnight_Captain_Chair_06

Russet BrownKnight_Captain_Chair_05

Chocolate Brown

Mole BrownKnight_Captain_Chair_08

FFXIV Gardening needs an improvement

27 APR 2015. I am writing this to SE. Hope they listen and consider it. XD


Dear FFXIV development team,

I’d like to propose an idea about gardening system for housing in FFXIV. Please hear me out. Since my suggestion is very long, I’ll provide a list of paragraph’s content for it, so you can navigate more easily.

(1) The current gardening function
(2) An idea of how gardening can improve
(3) Rough ideas of how we can earn the ability or function
(4) User interface example

(1) The current gardening function

Right now we need to target and “talk” to each of the plant in order to fertilize or to tend. The menu will disappear and force us to target the next plant to execute next action. This is redundant, especially when I have 24 plants in my garden. Having to target a single plant 24 times in a row to apply the fertilizer about 10 times a day sure gets old and exhausting. We only have 1 kind of fertilizer, why do we need to select the fertilizer manually every time we’re applying a bag of fertilizer to the plant? Tending the plant is less troublesome, yet is still unnecessarily redundant, although I don’t mind it as much because we only need to water each plant about once or twice a day (depending on how often we fertilize it).

(2) An idea of how gardening can improve

Many of the games that have gardening in them have the “upgraded” ability or tools for gardening. Harvest Moon titles and Animal Crossing titles, for example. They allow the player to either unlock new ability or forge new tools to make gardening easier and more time-effective. In Harvest Moon games, we could hold the button longer to charge the upgraded (or tinkered) watering can, then release the button to water 9 beds of plants in one swing. In Animal Crossing games, we could equip a different watering can to make the watering action cover larger area of the land.

If FFXIV gardening would have a function to execute the same action to all 8 beds in a single gardening patch at once, life will be much easier for us adventurers. Likewise, if we get the ability to apply fertilizers to multiple beds (by selection, probably a check list, or continual sequence of menu windows) without having to do all the extra clicks, it will make gardening much more time-effective.

(3) Rough ideas of how we can earn the ability or function

The improved gardening ability doesn’t have to exist for everyone. You can make us go through a hard or long quest to unlock it. Make us earn it, through sheer dedication and effort. Make it so it is difficult to unlock, I don’t mind, it will worth every ounce of my effort.

You may want to make it so the house needs to install a specific piece of outdoor furnishing, or make it so we need to craft a whole new kind of garden patch, in order to make “mass action” possible.

This furnishing/upgraded garden patch should be hard to craft, make it 4 star recipe if you must. Make it so we need to visit every crafting guild to gather information or the blue print for the new, improved garden patch. You can even involve the engineers like Cid or Biggs & Wedge. Make them give us a quest to earn a design from them, then, only after obtaining this design blueprint, we can start crafting.

You can make it so there is a once a week repeatable quest to obtain an important material (or the key part) to use in the synthesis. And/or you can make it involve the Ehcatl Nine, so that the person needs to have max reputation with the tribe in order to do the quest to obtain this key part. The finished product can be like the current Deluxe Gardening Patch, but make the thing in the middle clickable, and that will be where we execute the “mass action” to all 8 beds in the specific patch.

As for an individual adventurer’s ability to use this “tool” or this new garden patch, you may want us to start the quest at, for example, the Botanist guild. Then the NPC can tell us to complete a series of goals in order to unlock it and earn the ability to interact with this gardening tool. Those who haven’t done the quest will have to do gardening the old way and tend/fertilize plants one at a time. Make us earn the function, don’t grant it for free. This will make it more challenging and more fun.


(4) User interface example

As for the menu window, you may want to explore many possibilities. What I have in mind is that the “tool” for mass gardening in the specific patch, when clicked, will show a window with a chart of its own 8 beds, no need to tell us what plants are in which beds, and let us click (check the check box, or highlight the bed’s number) before confirming to execute the wanted action (fertilize or tend) to all selected beds.

Or you can make it so that clicking on the “tool” of the specific patch will give us a series or menu prompt, probably asking us whether we want to tend or to fertilize. After selecting the action, it will ask a series of question, we can hit the button yes or no to specify if we want to take action on 1st bed, then 2nd bed, then 3rd bed, and through the 8th bed. This will make it that we don’t have to be kicked out of the interaction menu after every single action on single plant.
Please consider the possibilities and make the life of us gardening adventurers better. Thank you. :)


End of my suggestion letter.


4 MAY 2015.

Dear FFXIV development team,

On 27th of April 2015, I wrote and sent a suggestion regarding an idea of letting us gardeners execute an action on multiple beds of plants in the same Gardening Patch at once. I’d like to add something else to it.

This mass action function can probably help consolidate the items listed in FC Activity history. For example, instead of listing “Player tended a plant in the xx Bed, xxx patch.” for 8 times, it can list “Player tended to all plants in xxx patch.” or “Player used the Sprinkle on the xxx patch.” This will greatly reduce the flooding of activity log.

Watering (tending) the plant can be an action on all beds in the patch by default, and there is no need of check boxes for individual beds, while applying fertilizers to multiple beds should be based on manual selection.

Planting and harvesting, however, should remain individual.

Please consider mass-action function and this improvement of FC Activity log for gardening. Thank you.



People neglecting the basics in Guildhest

/rant on

It seems common nowadays that people neglect the basic strategies or even party role/responsibility in very easy duty finder like level 10 Guildhest.

I was in Guildhest: Basic Training: Enemy Parties as a Ninja, and it is shocking to me that this Conjurer did not cast protect, even after I asked for Protect (with auto-translating function), and proceeded to run into the groups of enemies, pulling both groups, and had to run around for dear life because that shit caught my tank off-guard.

After the 6 enemies died, we were waiting for the dark circle to spawn, but this healer ran to the Guildhest NPC, probably thinking that it already ended. After the enemies popped, this person ran back to cure us, which was a big relief to me.

OK, granted, level 10 guildhest might be so easy and one might not see the reason to put too much effort in it. However, the purpose of Guildhest is to let us practice as a party. What’s the use of it, then, if we ignore party role and just do whatever shit we want to? At least take responsibility and do the role properly. :(

Makes me mad when people don’t do their job right in the party.

/rant off

My Nirvana Zeta

Finally! Today I’ve finally finished what I started so long ago, probably 1 year ago? LOL.


I’m so excited to get this weapon. It’s been a long trek. Spent so much effort and will power. So much blood spilled and tears shed, ahahaha!


Behold, the two goofy guys who made this possible.

And me….



My preciousssssssssssss!


And this quest line always has hilarious dialogues and cutscenes. XD



Crotheon Rahool was wrongly accused

Related link: http://supernova-xiv.enjin.com/forum/m/31258443/viewthread/21316196-screenshots/page/1

Today I was harvesting Clusters in Mor Dhona and there was this random shout telling people to blacklist a person for being a ninja looter. (Meaning they roll lot for loots they aren’t meant to roll? Or probably rolling need when other people use greed?)


The accused person defended himself (for ease of writing, I’m going to assume Crotheon is a “he”) and said he had the chatlog to prove it, so I volunteered to help (as his own shout won’t be able to clear his name because those who blacklisted him won’t see anything from him).

Note, though, that he seemed to have mixed up Wistrol Wistrol with Skyline Infinity and thought Wistrol was the one who asked that question in the raid.

So here I am, uploading the screenshots of the chatlog.

FFXIV_Crotheon_Rahool_Chatlog_2015-04-22lFrom the chatlog, Crotheon didn’t do anything wrong about looting. So, the accusation of him being a ninja looter was based on misunderstanding or false information. In my opinion, he doesn’t deserve to be blacklisted.

——————— UPDATE ——————-

Last night when I wrote this entry, it was very late at night and I was sleepy. Today I reviewed the chatlog again and wanted to add something.

I’ve marked number 1 to 6 from the above chatlog to make it easier to follow along:


I am assuming that the loot that Wistrol was thinking about was the Caster’s Bracelet, because from the screenshot, it seems to be the only loot that could have been troublesome.

First, look at loot table, which is the loot declaration of all the raid members in party. Note that at (1) and (2) the table shows that there are 2 members who declared Caster’s Bracelet: Crotheon himself and Skyline.

At (3) Skyline asked, as direct question addressing Crotheon, whether they are going to need or greed.

(4) Crotheon answered “Let’s need it”

(5) Skyline said “kk”

(6) Crotheon rolled need and got the drop. Please note that Skyline DID NOT roll need. It must have been either greed or pass, because when someone “need” your greed roll won’t show up.

From (1) and (2), we know that Crotheon had all the rights to  loot the Caster’s Bracelet. Why Skyline didn’t “need” is, however, a mystery. But in this circumstance, it is not Crotheon’s fault, as he played by the rules, or agreement. It is also by no mean a “ninja looting.”

I assume that the Mor Dhona shout from Wistrol occurred right after this raid run. Yet, I heard nothing from or about Skyline. I’m going to assume, again, that Wistrol’s accusation was caused by some confusion or misunderstanding while being a bystander, because Wistrol didn’t even declare the Caster’s Bracelet, according to  the loot table.

Now if we look more closely, the line between (4) and (5) was Crotheon saying “carbon need.”  — A random person who saw my shout (linking to the screenshots uploaded by Lucius) in Mor Dhona sent me tells to discuss about it. He or she speculated that there might have been confusion about what to roll need, as the party was talking about 2 items at the same time.

Upon reading the chatlog thoroughly, I agree that someone might have midunderstood Crotheon’s answer about “need” and thus started saying he ninja looted something.

If you are the person who are spreading the words about Crotheon being a ninja looter, or if you have a friend who is doing so, I ask that you kindly (tell the friend to) stop, reconsider, revoke the accusation, and reconcile if possible. It is unfair to throw such accusation and discredit a person in such large scale (like shouting in Mor Dhona) without carefully reviewing what actually happened. No one likes to be accused of a crime they didn’t commit. Please be fair.