Fishing Log – Coerthas

Fishing Log – Coerthas Region


Coerthas Central Highlands (9 locations)


1. Coerthas River – Lv. 35 (Freshwater)
Striped Goby (Lv. 4)
Maiden Carp (Lv. 10)
Rainbow Trout (Lv. 15)
Seema (Lv. 35)
Giant Bass (Lv. 37)
Crimson Trout (Lv. 40)
Kissing Trout (Lv. 50)


2. Witchdrop – Lv. 50 (Skyfishing)
Cloud Jellyfish (Lv. 45)
Skyfish (Lv. 47)
Cloud Cutter (Lv. 48)
Blind Manta (Lv. 48)
Rift Sailor (Lv. 49)
Saucerfish (Lv. 50)
Rhamphorhynchus ★★ (Lv. 50)


3. The Nail – Lv. 40 (Freshwater)
Striped Goby (Lv. 4)
Abalathian Smelt (Lv. 35)
Giant Bass (Lv. 37)
Crimson Trout (Lv. 40)
Bronze Lake Trout (Lv. 41)
Northern Pike (Lv. 45)
Kissing Trout (Lv. 50)
Emperor Fish ★ (Lv. 50)


4. The Weeping Saint – Lv. 45 (Freshwater) Required: Gulleye III (Trait Lv. 50)
Lamp Marimo (Lv. 31)
Abalathian Smelt (Lv. 35)
Giant Bass (Lv. 37)
Crimson Trout (Lv. 40)
Common Sculpin (Lv. 44)
Northern Pike (Lv. 45)
Angry Pike (Lv. 50)


5. Dragonhead Latrines – Lv. 40 (Freshwater)
Striped Goby (Lv. 4)
Rainbow Trout (Lv. 15)
Abalathian Smelt (Lv. 35)
Seema (Lv. 35)
Crimson Trout (Lv. 40)
Kissing Trout (Lv. 50)


6. Daniffen Pass – Lv. 35 (Freshwater)
Striped Goby (Lv. 4)
Blindfish (Lv. 31)
Lamp Marimo (Lv. 31)
Abalathian Smelt (Lv. 35)
Golden Loach (Lv. 39)
Cave Cherax (Lv. 50)


7. Exploratory Ice Hole – Lv. 40 (Freshwater)
Lamp Marimo (Lv. 31)
Abalathian Smelt (Lv. 35)
Northern Pike (Lv. 45)
Kissing Trout (Lv. 50)


8. Snowcloak – Lv. 45 (Freshwater)
Rainbow Trout (Lv. 15)
Seema (Lv. 35)
Crimson Trout (Lv. 40)
Wandering Sculpin (Lv. 50)


9. Sea of Clouds – Lv. 45 (Skyfishing)
Cloud Jellyfish (Lv. 45)
Skyfish (Lv. 47)
Cloud Cutter (Lv. 48)
Blind Manta (Lv. 48)
Rift Sailor (Lv. 49)

Me Fishing Coerthas and La Noscea



Recently I’ve been busy trying to pick up the loose ends in my fishing log. 3 days ago I already finished discovering fishing locations in Coerthas, and also completed recording all the fish available in Coerthas area. However, I still need some time to put together my screenshots to make fishing log map for my blog entry. XD Been procrastinating because I’m lazy busy reading some novel books while fishing at random places.

After I ran through Coerthas to fish whatever I could, I was still missing 3 fish in Coerthas. Had to make an effort and a specific trip back to the zone with carefully selected baits in order to catch the last 3 fish. First one was Rhamphorhynchus from Skyfishing at Witchdrop (Witchdrop my ass! The location is actually in Natalan! GRRRR!)


Then there was a Wandering Sculpin at Snowcloak.


The hardest fish to catch for me that day, however, was Emperor Fish. Not only that it was hard to get a HQ Abalathian Smelt to use Mooch ability, it was a little difficult to attract Abalathian Smelt at The Nail, because there are so many other types of fish that would bite on the same bait. I discovered, however, that Honey Worm had the best rate of Abalathian Smelt bites. When I used Mythril Spoon Lure, I mostly caught Bronze Lake Trout, with a decent number of bites from Giant Bass.


By the way, if you are aiming solely for Abalathian Smelt, either for Levequest or for Mooching a Kissing Trout, going to Exploratpry Ice Hole and using either Honey Worm or Spinner (lure) will land you a devil load of Abalathian Smelts, with a mix of Lamp Marimo which is also for a LQ (35) at Observatorium. However, if you step up and use Mythril Spoon Lure, you can occasionally land Northern Pike, also for LQ at Whitebrim.

Then, today I got around to finishing fish list in La Noscea area.

Landing Goosefish wasn’t easy at first, because I was lazy and didn’t go back to town to fetch some Lugworm. It is a sure way to hook only the Merlthor Goby, since it was the only fish that would bite level 1 bait in Skull Valley.


Then I went to The Brewer’s Beacon for Gigant Octopus. This one needed double Mooch. Using Pill Bug will attract Harbor Herring (and sometimes White Coral) for the first Mooch. Then, Ogre Barracuda is the second Mooch’s bait. I managed to catch a HQ Ogre Barracuda after 2 NQ ones.


Last one is not Mooched fish and not a starred fish, but it was a bitch to catch because we need rainy weather. I stood here at The Long Climb for an hour before I got sleepy and crawled in bed. When I woke up it wasn’t raining, so I went to get some food. Still no rain. Then I went AFK to type and print something for dad, when I came back to the screen after saving my file, voila! There it rained!


So, with that last catch, my La Noscea’s fishing log is now complete. I’ll upload the map a bit later.

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

*This entry talks about Monk’s Job Quests line in general, and then talks a little bit about the fight in final quest. It could be a mild spoiler. Screenshot and text contain a part of NPC dialogue from MNK quets lv 50, Five Easy Pieces.*

After a long time of slowpoking and dawdling around, today I got off my lazy bum and finally ran these legs to finish all Monk’s Job Quests. I must say, I never liked Professor Erik, at all, until the last cutscene. He is so full of himself and he looks down on those whom he deems unintelligent. He often talks down to me and disregards other people’s opinion, as you could expect from a typical extremist brainy-type NPC.

I don’t know if it’s just me and my imagination, or is his speech is even more offensive than in 1.0! Sometimes I really had an urge to drive my Monk’s punch against his scholarly face.

However, in the last cutscene of the whole quest line, he spoke one statement, that I consider a gem of wisdom.


Erik: With great power comes great responsibility. To seize the former and deny the latter is to beget despair.


So much true in it.

Anyway, having learned my tough lesson from praying at a destination in a WHM Job Quest, I didn’t forget to bring all of my Monk’s Artifact armor along when I started this quest and the one at level 45. So I safely finished AF quest for Monk without getting any duplicate piece to torment me and my inventory!

By the way, “Five Easy Pieces” my arse! ><;; It was tough, although not as tough as in 1.0 where you would require a help from some friends as a party. I had to run around a lot to let my Second Wind cool down while I picked them off one at a time. Couldn’t straight tank against them until only main boss was left. And boy, you have to be quick and dodge clear from the crisis zone, not looking back to punch him or stopping too close to the zone, or his WS still hits you anyway! And it hurts!



Fishing Log – Thanalan

To celebrate the completion of my Thanalan region’s fishing log, I am uploading the map for fishing locations in Thanalan along with the screenshot of fish list of each location. However, as the game is down for maintenance at the moment, I won’t be able to see the name of each fish in my log, so text name of the fish species will have to be added later. I could check online for info and type out the names of the fish, but I am a lazy person ><;; So, yeah I’ll do it later when I log on the game.

Fishing Log – Thanalan Region


Western Thanalan (8 locations)


1. The Silver Bazaar – Lv. 25 (Saltwater)
Lominsan Anchovy (Lv. 3)
Pebble Crab (Lv. 12)
Tiger Cod (Lv. 15)
Rothlyt Oyster (Lv. 17)
Hammerhead Shark (Lv.29)
Indigo Herring (Lv. 31)
Rock Lobster (Lv. 50)


2. Vesper Bay – Lv. 15 (Saltwater)
Lominsan Anchovy (Lv. 3)
Harbor Herring (Lv. 7)
Pebble Crab (Lv. 12)
Tiger Cod (Lv. 15)
Rothlyt Oyster (Lv. 17)
Blue Octopus (Lv. 21)


3. Crescent Cove – Lv. 20 (Saltwater)
Lominsan Anchovy (Lv. 3)
Razor Clam (Lv. 20)
Blowfish (Lv. 22)
Saber Sardine (Lv. 24)
Monkfish (Lv. 26)
Spotted Puffer (Lv. 38)
Rock Lobster (Lv. 50)


4. Nophica’s Well – Lv. 5 (Freshwater)
Bone Crayfish (Lv. 5)
Dusk Goby (Lv. 6)
Gudgeon (Lv. 8)
Brass Loach (Lv. 9)
Maiden Carp (Lv. 10)
Copperfish (Lv. 20)
Eunuch Crayfish (Lv. 22)


5. The Footfalls – Lv. 10 (Frestwater)
Crayfish (Lv. 2)
Mudskipper (Lv. 13)
Faerie Bass (Lv. 17)
Mudcrab (Lv. 21)
Acorn Snail (Lv. 17)
Copperfish (Lv. 20)
Eunuch Crayfish (Lv. 22)


6. Cape Westwind – Lv. 45 (Saltwater)
Merlthor Goby (Lv. 3)
Haraldr Haddock (Lv. 34)
Whitelip Oyster (Lv. 35)
Silver Shark (Lv. 41)
Wahoo (Lv.43)
Blacklip Oyster (Lv. 44)
Plaice (Lv. 48)
Sea Devil (Lv. 49)
Titanic Sawfish ★★ (Lv. 50) [Double Mooch from Merlthor Goby => Wahoo]


7. Parata’s Peace – Lv. 50 (Freshwater) Required: Gulleye III (Trait Lv. 50)
Grip Killifish (Lv. 32)
Silverfish (Lv. 36)
Ignus Snail (Lv. 41)
Sludgeskipper (Lv. 44)
Boltfish (Lv. 48)
Ilsabardian Bass (Lv. 48)
Vampire Lampern (Lv. 50)

Thanalan_Western_08Moondrip8. Moondrip – Lv. 45 (Freshwater)
Blindfish (Lv. 31)
Grip Killifish (Lv. 32)
Silverfish (Lv. 36)
Assassin Betta (Lv. 47)
Garpike (Lv. 48)



Central Thanalan (4 locations)


1. Upper Soot Creek – Lv. 5 (Freshwater)
Bone Crayfish (Lv. 5)
Dusk Goby (Lv. 6)
Brass Loach (Lv. 9)
Maiden Carp (Lv. 10)
Dark Bass (Lv. 25)


2. Lower Soot Creek – Lv. 10 (Freshwater)
Bone Crayfish (Lv. 5)
Dusk Goby (Lv. 6)
Brass Loach (Lv. 9)
Maiden Carp (Lv. 10)
Dark Bass (Lv. 25)
Aegis Shrimp (Lv. 26)


3. The Unholy Heir – Lv. 15 (Freshwater)
Bone Crayfish (Lv. 5)
Maiden Carp (Lv. 10)
Mudskipper (Lv. 13)
Mudcrab (Lv. 21)
Acorn Snail (Lv. 17)
Dark Bass (Lv. 25)
Aegis Shrimp (Lv. 26)


4. The Clutch – Lv. 10 (Freshwater)
Bone Crayfish (Lv. 5)
Dusk Goby (Lv. 6)
Brass Loach (Lv. 9)
Maiden Carp (Lv. 10)
Dark Bass (Lv. 25)



Eastern Thanalan (4 locations)


1. North Drybone – Lv. 15 (Freshwater)
Dusk Goby (Lv. 6)
Mudskipper (Lv. 13)
Faerie Bass (Lv. 17)
Acorn Snail (Lv. 17)
Mudcrab (Lv. 21)
Bone Cleaner (Lv. 33)


2. South Drybone – Lv. 15 (Freshwater)
Dusk Goby (Lv. 6)
Mudskipper (Lv. 13)
Faerie Bass (Lv. 17)
Acorn Snail (Lv. 17)
Mudcrab (Lv. 21)
Bone Cleaner (Lv. 33)


3. Yugr’am River – Lv. 30 (Freshwater)
Warmwater Trout (Lv. 23)
Black Eel (Lv. 25)
Dark Bass (Lv. 25)
Yugr’am Salmon (Lv. 28)
Mitten Crab (Lv. 34)
Trader Eel (Lv. 39)


4. The Burning Wall – Lv. 40 (Freshwater)
Yugr’am Salmon (Lv. 28)
Bonytongue (Lv. 34)
Discus (Lv. 40)
Ignus Snail (Lv. 41)
Loyal Pleco (Lv. 42)
Knifefish (Lv. 43)
Southern Pike (Lv. 45)
Gigantpole (Minion) (Lv. 50)
Sundisc ★ (Lv. 50)




Southern Thanalan (5 locations)


1. Burnt Lizard Creek – Lv. 25 (Freshwater)
Copperfish (Lv. 20)
Warmwater Trout (Lv. 23)
Dark Bass (Lv. 25)
Lamprey (Lv. 29)
Plaguefish (Lv. 29)


2. Zahar’ak – Lv. 35 (Freshwater)
Moat Carp (Lv. 19)
Mudcrab (Lv. 21)
Plaguefish (Lv. 29)
Clown Loach (Lv. 36)
Discus (Lv. 40)
Ignus Snail (Lv. 41)
Paglth’an Discus (Lv. 49)


3. Forgotten Springs – Lv. 35 (Freshwater)
Copperfish (Lv. 20)
Warmwater Trout (Lv. 23)
Lamprey (Lv. 29)
Plaguefish (Lv. 29)
Ropefish (Lv. 32)
Clown Loach (Lv. 36)
Golden Loach (Lv. 39)


4. Sagolii Desert – Lv. 35 (Dunefishing)
Sandfish (Lv. 35)
Sand Bream (Lv. 36)
Dustfish (Lv. 38)
Storm Rider (Lv. 39)
Antlion Slug (Lv. 40)
Dune Manta (Lv. 41)
Sagolii Monkfish (Lv. 50)


5. Sagolii Dunes – Lv. 35 (Dunefishing) Required: Gulleye II (Trait Lv. 35)
Sand Bream (Lv. 36)
Desert Catfish (Lv. 37)
Dustfish (Lv. 38)
Storm Rider (Lv. 39)
Antlion Slug (Lv. 40)
Dune Manta (Lv. 41)
Caravan Eel ★ (Lv. 50)



Northern Thanalan (2 locations)


1. Ceruleum Field – Lv. 45 (Freshwater)
Grip Killifish (Lv. 32)
Silverfish (Lv. 36)
Ignus Snail (Lv. 41)
Sludgeskipper (Lv. 44)
Boltfish (Lv. 48)
Ilsabardian Bass (Lv. 48)
Goldfish (Lv. 50)
Wootz Knifefish ★ (Lv. 50)


2. Bluefog – Lv. 40 (Freshwater)
Bone Crayfish (Lv. 5)
Bonytongue (Lv. 34)
Silverfish (Lv. 36)
Giant Bass (Lv. 37)
Golden Loach (Lv. 39)
Ignus Snail (Lv. 41)
Knifefish (Lv. 43)
Common Sculpin (Lv. 44)
Garpike (Lv. 48)
Alligator Garfish ★ (Lv. 50)



The Fish Sense Something Amiss

“The fish sense something amiss. Perhaps it is time to try another location.”

Never had I been madly angry at this message like today before. I don’t mind moving to other spot, sometimes just 3 steps away, to resume my fishing. But….this….this thing happened to me when I was supposed to Mooch.

Fish sense something amiss

I’ve been out there in Northern Thanalan for over an hour, trying to complete my fishing log and fish guide. This Alligator Garfish is the last fish I need to complete everything in Thanalan region for me. And it needs Mooching from Common Sculpin. Previous round, I was fishing with Glowworm, then I thought I might be able to land more Common Sculpin if I change to a lure, so I went back to town and crafted some Streamers.

This round, I’ve been getting 9 NQ (normal-quality) Common Sculpin as well as plenty other fish, and had been made to move to fish elsewhere by the anti-bot system a few times, as I got up from my chair to do other stuff at times. This time, though, I was sitting right here at my PC, and was just typing something in the chat, when I saw something bites, I immediately hit ESC to cancel chat input, and hit Hook. There, I finally got a HQ Common Sculpin, so I tried to Mooch. To my surprise, and dismay, I was forced to put away my rod. T.T


//throws self onto the bed and sobs violently

Main Scenario Quest Rant – WHY!

*WARNING: Spoilers of feelings for lv 46 main scenario quest. Though I am not saying what happened, I’m talking about how I feel, and that might spark a hunch for some people.*


I just finished level 46 main scenario quest from Castrum Centri and I am extremely upset by the turn of event. I was screaming No no no no NO NO NONONONONO! WHY!!?! This cannot be! Why, SE, WHYYYYY!?

First, I was mad that we left the thing behind when we escaped, and then shortly after, the cutscene showed something that broke my heart. That’s Thal’s balls! Balls!!! Nophica’s teat, and Byregot’s beard! RAWR!!! /cry /fume /disappointed

And as Aganbold of camp Revenant’s Toll would curse, “Ooowww, swivin’ sons of─! Seven hells for seven brothers, that hurts like a troll marryin’ my daughter!” This is pretty close to what I’m feeling right now.

But I don’t give up my hope yet. I suspect a foul play. It seems too deliberate that we would discover this at such time and in that split second. As pathetic as it sounds, I am clinging onto this thin hope that it is not what the story wants us to believe. T.T Nu nu nu nu nu! At least I, for one, don’t want to believe it.

Fishing for Red Corals at South Umbral Isles

These recent two days I tried fishing at the newest spot I just gained access (through main scenario quests, the quest where you can unlock Umbral Isles has requirement of level 42). It was the south water in the Isles of Umbra.

I tested with 4 kinds of tackles (bait/lure), 1 game-day each, just to see how fast we pull in and how different the yields are. However, the numbers are not 100% accurate, because in 3 of the 4 sessions, I was kicked from the server and took some time to return to resume fishing. I was unaware that I was getting kicked so I didn’t take note of the time, and so had no idea how much time to compensate or extend in the sessions. So I just stopped fishing once 1 game-day ended in each session. T.T

These should suffice to provide rough estimation of how many pulls you can get from each kind of baits, though. The format will show Bait Name, Item name: NQ/HQ, and number of Total pulls.


Sinking Minnow (level 34)
Red Corals: 74/16
Fullmoon Sardines: 27/6
Total: 123

Herring Ball (level 35)
Red Corals: 84/26
Fullmoon Sardines: 23/7
Total: 140
*Session interrupted by getting kicked from server*

Glowworm (level 45)
Red Corals: 27/4
Fullmoon Sardines: 7/4
Blacklip Oyster: 9/1
Plaice: 17/8
Sea Devil: 35/6
Mummer Wrasse: 23/4
Total: 145
*Session was also interrupted by getting kicked from server*

Heavy Iron Jig (level 37)
Red Corals: 62/14
Fullmoon Sardines: 32/11
Total: 119
*Session interrupted by getting kicked from server and having “you’re still logged in”*


I also got the message about fish sensing something amiss and had to relocate myself a few times during these tests. And sometimes my gear broke so I had to stop and repair. I am unhappy with all the unexpected interruptions. Next time, when I have more time to spare, I will retry again and keep the numbers only when the session goes smoothly without interruption.

Anyway, from my sloppy experiments, Herring Ball (processed bait) seem like the best bait here for quantity of Red Corals and Fullmoon Sardines. Sinking Minnow is more convenient, however, in term of carrying baits around. Glowworm is horrible in pops control, but if you want to gain EXP to  level up, this is a great bait for this spot.

Personal note, Heavy Iron Jig is the most annoying in term of animation’s sound effect, especially when I fish by ears.

My Weekly Progress: November

*possibly spoilers of level 37 – 39 main quests and sidequests in Coerthas* 

Ah, so I didn’t wake up early enough to sneak on and play a bit before server closed. Time to tidy my screenshots, then. And now I realized I could use some of them to update about my game progress.

Last week I’ve been busy trying to get my Arcanist to 44 (and now still 42) in order to try to max out for level cap in Garuda fight that will come up soon. The Stone Vigil quest requires level 41 and I was guessing it is capped at 44. Garuda is after Stone Vigil, so I should at least be 44 to be max level allowed.

Apart from joining FATEs, I did all the sidequests available for my level, in order to catch up to the level required for main scenario quests. These main and side quests brought me through a lot of painful acknowledgement of various situations and events in Coerthas. It is so far the second worst part of the main scenario quests’ story. (Of course, if you have gotten this far, you KNOW what’s the worst part.) Before, I got upset by the story before Coerthas and took a few days break to level up ALC, ARM, BSM, and WVR to 50 and to do the class quests (or pick up the class quests) for them, but that’s another long story so I’ll put it aside for now LOL.


Anyway, the people in Coerthas are, in short, in a pinch. And I met young lord Francel who is righteous and just, yet was faced with a brutal accusation and trial that puts the name of his House to further shame.

Then, I met this NPC, a patient in an infirmary, who said thank to me for my concern, but his injury was caused by slipping and falling, not from a battle. I first laughed at how funny it was and thought SE has great humour even in trivial things like this, but then it turned out to be a key event in the story!


One of the sidequests here has an NPC who creeps the hell out of me. This prisoner is a total nuts! Talk to him and you will hear nothing but extreme madness.


In the cell opposite to the mad prisoner, I saw this Roegadyn exercising. Then after taking another sidequest, this new NPC popped in the same cell. His was a tale that made me feel deeply sorry for him. But of course, justice prevails. Also, his quick wit was what saved her in the first place, the Chirurgeon upstairs told me so with her deduction.


Sometimes the quest made me dig for corpses.


Or pick up a piece of dragon’s bone as a token (and proof) of dragon slaying for a knight (or sentry, I’m not sure).


Again, digging for a corpse. I tried to cheat my way in this quest by using WHM50 to walk the errand instead, but the Croc still tried to eat me anyway. Duh! This digging quest at the ice wall (Snowcloak) was difficult just because it’s hard to climb if you don’t know the way. Well, I didn’t know the way but I am good at climbing. See that other person down there? He was probably there before I arrived, because while I was killing a Croc down at the bottom, he was one ledge above me. And when I got to the quest spot, he was still down there, trying to jump up via an impossible spot.

I walked around and repeated my climb just to show him where to climb, and he took a long while to pick up my message and finally started following my track. He never talked, and what I said in /say, he never replied. So, meh! I felt that I should have just hurried out and leave him to his fruitless attempts. Too late to regret though, because by the time I left, he already found his way to the last jump to the spot.


Before leaving the Snowcloak, I stopped and fished at this icy hole. Got a Lamp Marimo to fill in a spot in my fishing log, yay. ^^


Fleece Farming, Again

Suppose there are 8 Karakuls at a farm, and you get there when it had no one else. You start killing them one by one. Suppose you can kill as many as 4 Karakuls before they start to repop. You may find any of these situations when someone else arrives:

– They kill the other 4 Karakuls in each round of respawn cycle without even trying to snatch your half of the mobs.

– They leave after killing a few Karakuls, for whatever reason.

– They obviously intentionally leave because they don’t want to seem like asshole.

– They try to compete by trying to claim Karakuls as fast as they can, as  many as they can, even the one that pops right on your character.

– They try to compete by claiming as many Karakuls as they can, plus trying exceptionally hard to not letting you get ANY of the Karakuls.

I have experienced all of these, either when I farmed Karakuls as WHM50 and as ACN/SMN 38 to 41. People are indeed interesting. ^_^

Fleece Farming

Today I logged in in Coerthas after some FATE hunting last night. I saw Svara’s series was up, so I went there. This is the only set of FATEs in Coerthas that I enjoy making effort to go to, because it is 3 FATEs in a row, and thus I could hardly be too late to get good EXP. I usually end up getting gold medals, which yield about 15k, 15k, and 30k EXP consecutively.

Anyway, after that, I saw an empty Fleece farming spot, so I claimed it in hope to get some Fleece for my new Woolen Robe set, and to kill time while waiting for next Svara FATE. Then a MNK (or a PGL, not sure) came with battle chocobo and shared half of the farm with me. I don’t mind because I can’t kill all the sheep before first dead sheep respawns anyway. We both claimed and killed the Karakuls one by one.

Then I had to go for lunch. I returned and saw the same person still there, so I resumed my farming. After a while, the person left. So I kept killing. It’s a shame I can’t remember their name because I didn’t pay attention enough to memorize it and went AFK for lunch for a long time and forgot to take screenshot when I got back, and they left abruptly later. :(

Then another matter came up and I had to switch away from FFXIV to do stuff on my PC. Sometimes I peaked and saw a BRD (or ARC, I didn’t check) by the name of Akira Beaty (nice person!) killing all the sheep, and I went back to doing my other stuff.

Then, when I finally got back to the game and started killing ONE sheep, that person Akira Beaty ran away, saying something like “Aleczan you were here first and now you’re back so I’ll leave. Don’t want to be an asshole that wants to steal.” Probably referring to another person, BLM, who was also present at the camp and pulling all the sheep together before using AoE spell to kill them off.

That was very kind. Though it is unnecessary to feel obligated to leave the farm when AFK farmer who was there before gets back, I felt very grateful. I don’t own the farm simply by being there first, but it is very considerate and nice of them to yield the way like that. It makes me happy to find such players in the game. As I hate competition, and I feel that MMORPG should be more like helping each other instead of being hostile and competitive.

Anyway, I continued to try to win the claim war against the BLM, named Kaol’tan something (they turned out to be quite nice and friendly). Sometimes I win 2 or 3 Karakuls from one round of pops (probably 8 sheep there in total). The intense, unfriendly competition went on and on. I got kind of annoyed and just stopped caring about the claim and just kept attacking the sheep even when I lost the claim war anyway, because I get EXP when I outdamage them. And I think sometimes I even got the Fleece, too.

Then at one point, the BLM started talking in /say first, saying “So close” which probably referring to me almost winning the claim on that one Karakul. I didn’t know what they wanted so I said “Yeah so close and I’m almost level up too.” Because my EXP bar was almost full, it made me happy. The person was shocked to know that I was doing it for EXP and said it is bad EXP farm and suggested that FATEs are far better for EXP.

I explained to them that I can’t keep up with the chocobo riding to get to FATEs and that I got bad EXP from FATEs when I get there late (and I meant to say 1000 EXP but I mistyped it into 100 EXP, LOL!) They said joining FATE party will rock the EXP. I said thanks, I’ll do that later. Well, I usually don’t join FATE party because I want to level up my Chocobo too. So I always have my battle chocobo in my party when in Coerthas.

I also told the BLM that I kill Sheep for EXP to kill time while waiting for Svara, and also hoping for lucky drop of Fleece to make my new set of robe, as the current one (also woolen) is due for Materia conversion already. Then, at one point they just sat there on the ledge and stopped killing the sheep, probably trying to let me have an easy time claiming the sheep and killing for some fleece. So I went around attacking them in a killing spree. At my full speed and attention, I could hardly kill 5 Karakuls before first one pop, as I killed them one by one, with the help of Ifrit-Egi and my chocobo. And after a while, I almost ran out of MP because I’ve been using Fester to consume my Aetherflow effects instead of refilling my MP with Energy Drain. XD

Then it was 10 mins until maintenance, so I regretfully had to leave the scene, in order to get Sanctuary effect while logged out.

Anyway, by talking to a farm competitor and having friendlier ambiance in the claim war, it feels much less stressful to compete, and I don’t get mad when I lose the claim to my opponent when they seem friendly. Also, at first impression you may feel or judge that someone is a complete bastard and so greedy, but if they talk to you and you exchange opinions a little, you might feel like they’re not too bad a person. I can’t say the BLM is a great person because I only talked to them for less than an house, but at least they were not just a totally greedy, selfish jerk who doesn’t share with others. They were willing to share. However, if I never talked to the BLM, I would probably now be ranting about them here, saying they were awfully greedy for hogging all the Karakuls, blah blah blah. LOL.

It’s wonderful how a little bit of human interaction makes gaming much more enjoyable.