Eternal Bonding Ceremony

So, today my character on Tonberry was in an Eternal Bonding Ceremony, wedding to a handsome Lord Haurchefant (Raykit’s character) and I’m posting a few pics here.





The paths we walk, the oaths we swear,
The triumphs we share and the burdens we bear,
All will be cherished and kept in our hearts,
Stay faithful and loyal ‘till death do us part.

To love and to care, in sickness and in health,
Through thick and thin, through poverty and wealth.
To have and to hold, from this day forward,
For better, for worse, we shall go onward.

To serve, to protect, to aid in times of need,
I shall be by your side, through your every deed.
My love will not falter, my heart will not break,
Having you by my side, is the choice that I make.

With trust and honour, with love and with life,
We share all together, as husband and wife.



I’ve also build a temporary room depicting a church for photo sessions in the FC house.

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The full album of photos from today contains over 100 screenshots, and I don’t want to spam them all here. So I uploaded the folder separately to DropBox. > HERE <

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