Senpai (Corn) Parody

This morning I made a “Sanpai” parody of Corn and post it on tumblr because this blog had server problem. ; ;

Now that the server is back, and my blog is up and running again, I’m putting those screenshots here as well. :D

CornSenpai_01b CornSenpai_03 CornSenpai_04 CornSenpai_05 CornSenpai_06 CornSenpai_07 CornSenpai_08c CornSenpai_09b CornSenpai_10b

The blacklist bit is based on a conversation in the FC weeks ago, which went like this (not exact wording):

Kuji: Oh hey, I heard they’re bringing back the mentor system. Will you mentor the new people?
Corn: No. My secrets belong to me only.
Me: LOL. But didn’t you have a stalker who kept calling you senpai, senpai? And you did tutor him!
Kuji: Ohh poor thing. His senpai didn’t notice him.
Corn: I did notice him. He’s now on my blacklist.
Kuji: o_o oh that’s so cold.
Me: Well, he was quite a….troublesome kohai.
Corn: He was a jerk.
Kuji: LOL fair enough.

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