/doze on Oriental Deck

Recently rearranged FC house garden with a help from Dew (she designed the whole thing after I crafted stuff) and a help from Riot (making Oriental bridge).

Then, today Riot told me he found out from his friend that we can use /doze emote on the Oriental Deck. So I and Dew played with a few screenshots hahahaha!

ffxiv_06182016_082314_new ffxiv_06182016_102940_new ffxiv_06182016_103219_new ffxiv_06182016_103327_new ffxiv_06182016_103517_new ffxiv_06182016_103614_new ffxiv_06182016_103659_newFFXIV_Dew01

I also found a way to make my /sit become floor sit on the bench instead of normal seat pose. :D



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2 Responses to /doze on Oriental Deck

  1. MaxPeter! says:

    Hi it’s Jibberish remember me

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