Sub-par tank with big attitude

Expert roulette today was full of drama, again. Frankly, that is why I tried to avoid DF solo and only go when I have at least one friend with me. Today, though, I was with Corn and Bray, and we went in as a party of three, then were matched with a stranger who was a DRK.


Right off the bat, without any heads up, he or she stood there for like a minute, seeming AFK. We went ahead and pulled a group of 3 enemies, having Corn’s Titan-Egi tank. The tank came back a bit later, when enemies were almost dead. Tank said sorry and helped us kill 2 out of 3 enemies, and ran off to grab next group before last one died.

Bray said “go big” so the tank kept going…..up the stairs where it was a dead end. We fought there and proceeded to next set of mobs. Tank pulled all the way to the monkeys’ room. I had difficult time keeping up with the cure. This tank was strangely squishy. I wasn’t sure if DRKs are squishy by nature, or if this person had bad gear, or if this person had bad skill rotation. I couldn’t Cleric Stance properly. I had healed DRKs before. I felt DRK is quite hard to heal and I’m more accustomed to healing a PLD. And in level 60 content (non-sync) I can also heal a WAR alright. But DRK is another story. However, this DRK seemed a little bit squishier that others. So, I selected to focus on healing instead.

Boss room was ok. I couldn’t DPS and tank didn’t 100% dodge the Folio AoE, but that’s fine. Everything was manageable.

This DRK kept quietly going AFK (or at least seemed AFK) every once in a while, without notification, too. So we crept forward slowly using Titan-Egi tank, which complicated things because when the tank arrived late at the scene, it was harder to secure enmity. I almost got mowed to death a few times due to my Medica II pulling hate from Titan-Egi.

Then, in Liquid Flame boss, I made a bad decision and spent Benediction on Bray when he was dying. Bye-bye my cool down. Ugh!

Next mob after flame boss was in a room where vision is blocked by a narrow door. Corn wandered too far into the room and was seen. (I did this twice, because I forgot and didn’t see the enemies visually.) So we started fighting.

The tank (back from being idle) ran in, said “Ffs” and grabbed all the 3 enemies, and headed further up the stairs. I used Sprint to follow. We reached the next room, where there are many statues. Inside the room, near the entrance there are 3 more enemies. Once tank reached the enemies, Corn placed Shadow Flare there. I spent my Divine Seal and used Medica II. But lo and behold, the tank didn’t stop there, he or she continued to the end of the room, missing Medica II and waking up first set of statues, which spawned 2 3 more enemies. That’s 8 (I was wrong, it was actually 9 enemies) in the fray.

I followed immediately and Swiftcast, reapplied my Medica II to help with tank’s HP. I also landed Tetragrammaton on the tank for 7888 HP and placed Asylum. Meanwhile, one or two loose enemies whacked on me because of my too-early Medica II. (I usually let tank secure enmity first, but this tank had me panicked because he or she ran off for more enemies when I wasn’t expecting it, and tank’s HP gushed like water.)

Tank used Convalescence but from that point on, I could only land 1 Cure. I tried to Cure II, as Benediction and Tetra were both on cooldown. We all dodged a bunch of cluttered AoE and either I was hit or my Cure II was interrupted by damage, and in a blink, tank died.

I was shredded into pieces right after. And then Corn, and then Bray.

Tank was like “Great” then said “Can pull cant heal.”

Um? I didn’t pull. And wait, you were the one who decided to take a bigger bite than you can chew, no? We wanted to stop at the front of the room. You dragged the mobs all the way to the back of the room. YOU.

And where’s the oh-shit emergency skill, Living Dead, that could have extended your death for at least 10 seconds?  And not all enemies were on you, yet you still died. =_=;; That means your tanking skill, in combination with my healing skill, cannot withstand that many enemies.

I was so miffed and replied “Where’s your Living Dead? :P”

Corn got pissed off, too, and called the DRK out on those mysterious AFKs. The DRK said “I was trying to type”  (I thought to myself, type what? You’re not supposed to type while engaged in battle.) On my second thought, though, maybe the DRK meant he or she was trying to type to tell the party that he or she needed to go AFK. But….how long does a person need just to type “Wait” or “BRB” or “AFK” or “sec” or to type wa [and tab, for auto-translation of “Wait, please.”]. After 3-letter notification to make the party listen, one can have plenty of time to explain the situation or the need to AFK or to pause the pull.

Anyway, after everyone went to HP and ran back again, the DRK darted forward without waiting for Protect (probably was too pissed off to care). So I had to cast Protect on them again, at the same time the DRK aggroed first group of enemies, and my Protect stole enmity right off the bat. DRK didn’t even care and kept running forward for the 2nd group. I had to Sprint to catch up and heal, etc.


While we were fighting through the room full of statues that gradually spawned enemies, the argument went on and on. The tank was angry that Corn pulled. (Honestly, I would, too. I always hate DPS that pulls before tank.) Corn was pissed that the tank kept going AFK unannounced. (In this case I regrettably sided with Corn, because going AFK unannounced is very rude, IMO. And to top it off, the tank was so squishy and died from pulling too many mobs without consulting the party, and then immediately blamed me, I was infuriated.)


I also had to use Benediction there (like, what the!?! I only used Benediction there on Dew when and if we pull 8 enemies at once.) The tank seemed so occupied in exchanging angry messages with Corn and didn’t focus on tanking AT ALL. It was even worse than before. Tank was always on the verge of dying, even when I fully focused on healing and switched to bombing Cure II instead of Cure as usual.

I finally snapped and said “You’re squishy enough when not typing, please focus.” Which is very mean, I know. But I just really can’t tolerate that attitude. A sub-par tank who’s not trying to do the job properly, but focusing more on typing an argument…


After that, 4 enemies spawned, and the tank seemed to be mad at my remark, and seemed to intentionally neglect to take back the aggro. I tanked 2 of them the whole time until they died. I spent Tetra on myself. I cure bombed myself. I refused to die. Meanwhile Corn threatened to vote kick the tank, to which the tank replied “Kick me u crybby” and “Like i care” so after the mobs died, we voted kick the tank.

Good riddance.

There was just one enemy on the way to last boss room, if I remember correctly. We got past that just fine and got to the boss room. Corn waited for a bit, but no tank came in. I was unwilling to wake Dew up, so I just stood there, trying to not get mad at what happened. =_= As you can see, apparently, I failed to stay not mad.

Corn eventually decided to tank with Titan-Egi.


And of course, we won without casualty.

Titan-Egi, tanking a boss better than a real person Dark Knight. =_=;; WTF.







Corn is barbaric when he’s on SMN

Lately, Corn had shifted to playing SMN instead of PLD. I guess he got tired of tanking and found a new fun in the DEEPS zone. He seems chirpy and energetic when he shredded the horde of enemies into pieces with his magick. Nowadays he goes to roulettes with us on his SMN about 98% of the time.

Today, too, he was on SMN. And we were about to do some unsync runs for the kitten’s sticker book (Wondrous Tails) but I was distracted by the new teaser trailer, drooling at the monks sparring. I changed to Monk to admire my new gearset, which Corn and I and Diver crafted yesterday. Then there was a kaching and I realized Corn entered CoB T1 while I was on my monk. XD

I was like “Oh shit, I’m on monk.” But Corn said “I know.”

So, yeah we went on and killed the trash mobs. Corn died at the last mass pull before I could kill the damn Golem. I finished off the few mobs that were still alive, and we tacked the epic Snake.

Long story short, after letting Corn tank one half of the snake while Titan-Egi tanked the first half, Corn died and Titan went poof! So both halves of the snake came after me, and merged. I tried to put up the fight best I could, but I died. Corn went homepoint after he died so he didn’t see my epicness. As, after I died for about a second, the snake also died. We double-KO. lol



I swear I didn’t remember using Blood for Blood. I never used Blood For Blood while straight-tanking anything. So I guess it was either I used it when Titan was still alive, or I accidentally smashed the button while in frenzy. I would have been so bummed out if we didn’t win. So that DoT was a nice save!!!

Dew A9

Put this here because Dew needed explanation/translation, as the guy was complaining a lot and amid the busy fight, Dew couldn’t understand all the details, so she copied the text and asked me to tell her what and why people said those things. I also wrote my own opinion in English, in case anyone involved, especially Kuma Leeno, would stumble here and read this, I hope they will start to understand Dew a little.

[3:39](Kuma) wake up tank
[3:40](Chibidew) sory macro broke
[3:41](Ahzek) TP almost out! using Invigorate
[3:43](Kuma) …………………………………..
[3:43](Principia) Dont use lb3 on damage on hard raids มีคนบอกว่าในเหรดยากอย่า LB 3 เพื่อทำดาเมจ 
[3:44](Principia) Except finishing touch ) ยกเว้นเวลาบอสใกล้ตาย ใช้ปิดเกม
[3:44](Kuma) ” hard ” raids อินี่ก็ย้ำคำพูดว่า “เหรดยาก” แบบประชด
[3:44](Ahzek) this shouldnt be hard คนนี้บอกว่าอันนี้ไม่ควรยาก
[3:44](Kuma) it’s barely a raid when it’s that simple บอกว่าอันนี้ง่ายขนาดนี้ แทบไม่ควรเรียกว่าเหรดด้วยซ้ำ
[3:48](Ahzek) hellooooo!
[3:48](Kuma) like ahzek said อันนี้บอกว่าใช่ อย่างที่ข้างบนบอก (มันไม่ควรยาก)
[3:48](Kuma) chibidew cmon man do your job
[3:48](Chibidew) sorry :(
[3:49](Kuma) it’s ok, but next time grab aggrp ตรงนี้คือมันบอกว่าไม่เป็นไร คราวหน้าให้เอาแอ๊ดไว ๆ หน่อย
[3:49](Kuma) aggro
[3:49](Chibidew) run to me please I don’t see add

Although it was true that Dew couldn’t see the spawn as fast as everyone, due to the lag, and thus was why she couldn’t provoke big Faust faster than the monk hitting it, and thus said sorry (and sometimes lag kills her macro, too). here I personally feel Dew said it wrong. She should have said “run to me, here is safe spot”
Because, according to Dew, that monk was trying to fight big Faust in the quarter where the lava was coming next (to my knowledge, after reading a strategy guide, if lava comes up and burn it while big Faust is alive, it will explode and wipe the party)

The party should drag the big Faust around and then put it where lava is coming next, only when it’s nearly dead. When it has a lot of HP, placing it on the lava destination is, of course, going to cause a wipe.

[3:49](Kuma) there’s like a whole different light on the plateform อันนี้มันบอกว่ามีแสงเวลา Faust ใหญ่เกิด
[3:49](Kuma) everything turn purple ทุกอย่างจะกลายเป็นสีม่วง
[3:49](Kuma) + an aoe dmg แล้วมี AoE ทำให้เจ็บด้วย
[3:49](Kuma) u should see it “ต้องเห็นดิ”

I’m completely lost here, but Dew said he could be referring to the meteor drops. Then, she rewatched a guide video and saw that he’s referring to big Faust spawn. But tell ya what, she never saw the purple while in the fight, because everyone goes to hide on the other side of the boss, and thus the view is blocked. 

[3:49](Kuma) just get reactiv (อันนี้ไม่เข้าใจ ให้ไปชุบอะไรเหรอ? หมายถึงขยะหุ่นปะวะ? — I can’t understand “get reactiv” and what it might refer to.)
[3:49](Kuma) and stop reviving that god damn hell spider at start อันนี้มันโวยวายเรื่องไปปลุกแมงมุมผิดตัว
[3:49](Kuma) she’s dead
[3:49](Kuma) in the right place
[3:50](Kuma) at the right moment
[3:50](Kuma) let her be มันบอกว่าแมงมุมตัวนั้นอยู่ตรงนั้นถูกแล้ว อย่าไปปลุกมันขึ้นมา

Here Dew was completely lost again, because on her main server, the Japanese wake up all adds and kill them all at the lava spot. They don’t skip any add.

[3:52](Kuma) row (row อะไรก็ไม่รู้??? ไม่เก็ต  — row what? I don’t understand either)
[3:52](Kuma) the add อันนี้เรียกให้ตีแอ๊ด (ที่พี่เรย์เฝ้าอยู่?)
[3:52](Kuma) the fkin freakin add
[3:52](Kuma) chewbidew
[3:52](Kuma) wake up

After getting told off last time, Dew was already waiting for the big Faust add at where it was spawning. She provoked and flash, But the monk still screamed. And she couldn’t pull it off the lava fast enough, so it stuck to the monk and exploded. (What’s funny is that he kept dying in the explosion because he kept trying to kick Faust’s ass in the lava??? Why don’t bring it out of the lava before it rises? O_o??)


It exploded and party died, so the monk was mad bro again.

Dew told me she was on PLD (her mistake, because she’s better as WAR, on PLD her reaction is a bit slow, and when it’s laggy, it gets even worse.) Anyway, I wonder why he just stood there slamming his fists on it instead of running to the safe spot to drag it along. Screaming doesn’t seem to help the survival rate.

[3:53](Kuma) my last piece of hope has vanished มันงอแงว่าความหวังชิ้นสุดท้ายของมันได้สลายไปแล้ว
[3:53](Principia) Do the impossible อันนี้น่าจะร้องเพลง มั้ง???
[3:53](Principia) See the invisible
[3:53](Principia) Row row
[3:53](Kuma) FIGHT THE POWA
[3:53](Chibidew) ok
[3:53](Chibidew) so hard when I’m lag

[3:53](♠Kujimaro) sorry dew, making you do this
[3:54](♠Kujimaro) lets try another time
[3:54](Chibidew) why here st do everything >_>

She plays on Masamune (as WAR, ST) and on the Japanese DF, healer picks up the Generator and drags the adds to the correct place, while Sub-Tank waits and grabs big Faust, and no one fights aggro against the ST. The monk was like screaming at Dew to do the generator and she didn’t understand why. And the monk screamed at her for not grabbing the big Faust, yet still pound fists on it to compete aggro, and she can’t understand why, either.

[3:54](♠Kujimaro) how does it work in masa?
[3:55](Chibidew) I know why drk need mt
[3:55](Chibidew) he lazy drama
[3:55](♠Kujimaro) hm
[3:55](Chibidew) in vdo guide and masa healer drag XD
[3:56](♠Kujimaro) sorry ill drag next time
[3:56](Chibidew) but need me voke fast too
[3:56](♠Kujimaro) no you cannot voke add
[3:56](Chibidew) today I think I’m lag
[3:56](♠Kujimaro) because tether
[3:56](♠Kujimaro) you can voke the big add tho
[3:56](Chibidew) yes
[3:57](♠Kujimaro) just not the normal one
[3:57](Chibidew) I don’t know why dps not drag big add to me at A
[3:57](Chibidew) bcoz a is save point
[3:58](Chibidew) this one strong and we can not kill fast

Additional info, at start, Dew tried to be a Main Tank, she engaged first, but the DRK in the party wouldn’t yield to her and kept competing aggro. She got tired and gave up. And became Sub Tank.

I told her to, from now on, say at start of the fight that she wants to MT, as the lag makes it hard to grab the add quickly, which could mean a wipe to the party. If anyone complains and wants her to ST anyway, she should explain her lag problem to her, if they can accept a delayed Provoke, then it’s fine. 

Being way sub-par in a DF is rude

Alright…. it’s not often that I would go to leveling roulette with strangers, because I find random party hard to deal with. So I usually don’t brave any DF unless I’m desperate, or in a really good and confident mood, or have a friend or two tagging along.

Yesterday I went to Leveling Roulette with Dew and Lulu. We were unlucky enough to get Qarn, the worst nightmare of 2.0 low level dungeons, pre-adjustment (Qarn used to be much harder before a patch where they made some dungeons easier.) And we were unfortunate enough to get this random ARC in our party.


He was new, but that wasn’t the problem.

He was slow in targeting the enemies, but that could be excused.

He had moderately sub-par gear:
Main hand – level 32 (NQ)
Head – level 15 (Pirate Bandana)
Body – level 30 (NQ)
Gloves – level 23 (aetherial)
Pants – level 23 (aetherial)
Boots – level 30 (NQ)
Right side he had a level 1 neck, a level 1 earring, and a level 1 ring.
Other 2 slots were empty.

(I didn’t check his gear until later, when we had TERRIBLE struggle in Golem boss room, and when we finished the dungeon, I didn’t remember exact levels of his equipment (except his bow, and the fact that he had a mix of lv 20ish gear and level 30 gear), until I compared the screenshot below to his Lodestone profile which hadn’t updated yet.)
When I first peeked at his gear and took mental note of roughly what he wore, I decided to not say anything, since I always feel guilty for secretly judging people by their equipment. Plus, I could understand that some people might come in the dungeon via roulette and get something higher/harder than they expected. So I can forgive unprepared people who’s slightly undergeared. To me 5-8 levels undergear is excusable. Also, Aetherial gear tend to be about as good as normal gear of 3-5 levels above it.

As we went on, a headgear (aetherial lv 35) and a pair of pants (aetherial lv 35) dropped, and the ARC immediately changed to those. So I decided once again that he deserves some credits and a forgiveness.

I also noted that in first boss room, when we all got Doom debuff, this ARC tried and ran to a lighted platform, but failed because the light was being a jerk and moved to the other platform instead. He didn’t follow to the new one. This is a common mistake among the newbies, so he died even though I tried to guide him there while telling him to come {This way.} I forgave that death, because at least he knew what to do and he tried. After raised, he didn’t miss a Doom cleanse again, either.


But in the last boss room, we did HORRIBLE. Adds stayed alive like forever even though Lulu was fast and switched target and/or jumped into the box very quickly. Dew swore up and down that the ARC’s max HP dropped from start. I said impossibruuuuuuuuu because he got 2 new pieces of equipment, his HP should go up, not down. But the fight was brutal. It was painful. It was even more painful than the Golem room where I ended up having 0 MP (after raising the ARC once and Lulu once) even after using an ether of some sort.

So when we won, I peeked at his gear again….






He sneakily swapped out the level 32 bow and had been using a level 15 Aetherial bow since WHO KNOWS WHEN.

I got really mad and screamed into my Skype call with Dew. Dew cursed a few words and we both left without commending the douche. Lulu was pretty fed up with him at some point in the dungeon, too. Because he pulled a group of mobs before Dew could run in, so the mobs were scattered when Dew provoked and stuff, and Lulu slept them, but the ARC woke them up.

I was too baffled to say anything to the ARC. I was afraid I would come out extremely mean and rude if I were to say something to his face, so I just left without saying anything.

Guys, it is ok to come in unprepared and be slightly undergeared, if you put enough effort in contributing to the party, it’s forgivable. It is, however, a douche move, to come in with decent or forgivable gear but then swap to other equipment which is more than 10 levels below the dungeon. (And in this specific case, the weapon was level 15, the dungeon is level 35, so it was 20 levels below the dungeon!!!! Just WTF, man.)  It is beyond rude. You’re leeching our labour and effort. I, as a healer, had to nuke the shit out of everything because you cannot make decent DPS. It is unfair to us. It is selfish.

I disapprove. :(