Dear SE, please improve outdoor furnishing “Morning Glories”

Sent this today because the system wouldn’t allow me to place Morning Glories closer to the edge.


Dear SE and FFXIV development team,

There is an outdoor furnishing named “Morning Glories” which is a rack of plant/flowers in 2 flower pots, with a climbing frame for the plant. This furnishing is pretty and all that, however, how the placement grid works is terrible.

When placed on the lawn, this furnishing will leave a big gap in the back. The gap is about 10 times wider than of those other furnishing. It leaves a gap about 1 fulm wide, which is a dead space that makes my garden look unforgivably ugly.

Please, for the love of housing aesthetic, get rid of that space in the back of the climbing frame. There is nothing sticking out which would require space. The back of the frame can rest against, or stay very close, to a wall or the fence of estate just fine (and be more sensible and suitable). There is no reason that this piece of outdoor furnishing to leave such a gap. Please consider this request, and I will love you forever.

Best regards,


/doze on Oriental Deck

Recently rearranged FC house garden with a help from Dew (she designed the whole thing after I crafted stuff) and a help from Riot (making Oriental bridge).

Then, today Riot told me he found out from his friend that we can use /doze emote on the Oriental Deck. So I and Dew played with a few screenshots hahahaha!

ffxiv_06182016_082314_new ffxiv_06182016_102940_new ffxiv_06182016_103219_new ffxiv_06182016_103327_new ffxiv_06182016_103517_new ffxiv_06182016_103614_new ffxiv_06182016_103659_newFFXIV_Dew01

I also found a way to make my /sit become floor sit on the bench instead of normal seat pose. :D

