Why Stoneskin?

This is rather funny and yet is a serious business at the same time, so after thinking about it, I’d like to share my thoughts here.

Today I went out with real life friends who happen to play FFXIV on Tonberry. One of them mentioned playing WHM in a DF with stranger tank and getting asked (or more like criticized on) how she’s using Stoneskin too often, and getting told that it is a WASTE OF MP.


The question instantly made me frown and be ready to flip.

If one is just curious and asks why we, some WHM, if not most, like to use Stoneskin THAT much, I wouldn’t mind, and would gladly explain. But when it comes with negative notion, or saying it’s a waste, I’m ready to fume.

But I’ll try to stay civil here.

First off, Stoneskin, unlike Regen or Medica II, does not create any enmity when pre-applied. That is, if we use Stoneskin on a tank, then, when tank runs into a group of enemies, an enemy yet unclaimed by the tank won’t glare at us like “Oh this healer had already put a buff on this guy, I better kill her first.” So Stoneskin is a nice buff to have on the tank, or everyone, before the fight starts. Why? It absorbs a chunk of HP damage, equals to 10% of HP of the person whom we cast it on. So, let’s say if a tank has 30,000 HP, this Stoneskin will shield the tank for 3,000 HP damage.

Secondly, that 10% HP shield will buy us some time, at least for a few seconds. It is very useful when tank is making a long (large) pull, where the party doesn’t stop to deal with one group of enemies, but keeps moving forward for the 2nd or 3rd group of enemies before gathering them for AoE kill. While running, ideally, a healer MUST NOT Regen and shouldn’t cure the tank, because Regen will instantly pull enmity to the healer when they link or see the tank and aggro tank without claiming. And since the party is still running forward, casting Cure is kind of out of practice. Landing a Cure can also pull enmity if the tank hasn’t secured enmity on all of the enemies yet. Pulling aggro off the tank while running for a long pull can mess up the battle and may cause death. In this scenario, pre-cast Stoneskin is the best option for the healer. Sometimes if the Stoneskin wears off mid-pull, and if I see that the tank had already claimed all the current mobs, I will even Swiftcast Stoneskin before we reach the next enemy to refill the shield. This way I can start the fight with (Cleric Stance) Aero III or Holy instead of cure bombing the tank when we arrive at the destination.

Thirdly, although Stoneskin, at level 60, consumes 884 MP, while Cure only consumes 442 MP yet can heal about 3800 HP (testing at 1168 Cure Potency) non-critical. This may make Stoneskin inferior to Cure in term of MP efficiency in mid-battle situation. However, there are circumstances when spending 884 MP on Stoneskin is far more favorable. One of those circumstances is when we are on Cleric Stance mode. In Cleric Stance, my Cure (442 MP) can only do about 600 HP. Whereas Stoneskin still shields the same amount of HP (10% of max HP of the target person). Yes, Stoneskin isn’t affected by the Cure Potency penalty (switch) from Cleric Stance. If we’re nuking, on Cleric Stance, using Stoneskin is not just more proficient, but also more sensible and natural, as it does not require the WHM to switch off Cleric Stance to maximize the MP-efficiency of spell.

As for my own application of Stoneskin, I like to cast Stoneskin on tank (or myself, depending on the situation) in between my Holies, especially after first Holy, because spamming 2nd Holy immediately after the 1st will just nullify the Stun effect (yet still chips down the number of Stun we can do before fully resisted, if I’m, not mistaken). Sneaking Stoneskin (or Aero III instead, if applicable) will help me delay my casting long enough to finish 2nd Holy right after the first stun effect on enemies wear off.

Also, alongside Medica II and Regen (and perhaps an Asylum, if needed), a Stoneskin will usually make the tank recover HP in the middle of the horde of enemies, instead of losing it, which allows the WHM to leave the tank unattended even longer. We can use that duration to take care of other shit, be it a debuff that needs Esuna, or a DPS needing a Cure (I usually just throw them a Regen if thay aren’t taking more/continuous damage), or someone needs a Raise, or for me to run out of AoE range, etc. This, mind you, can be done without the hassle of switching Cleric Stance off, whereas utilizing Cure or Cure II will require us to do so.

My static tank used to tell me sorry for not standing still or stopping before running out of range when I cast Stoneskin. I said it’s fine. Then he said he’s glad I’m not mad at him, but he has a reason. If he stopped or stayed for every Stoneskin I cast on him, we could waste about 5 minutes through out the dungeon. XD So, I started to time my Stoneskin better. I aim to cast it right before the last enemy of the group die, so that the party can immediately go on for next pull. He never questioned me why I use Stoneskin that much, nor did he tell me it’s a waste of MP. And tell you what, to me, Stoneskin is something special. When I cast it on my tank, it is the collaboration between the healer and the tank (spell target) because it does not rely on MY stats, but the tank’s stat – Max HP. It is the reflection of the tank’s HP pool, not my MND or my Cure Potency. So when I cast it on a tank with 38k HP, that’s a WOW. 3800 HP free damage shield where I won’t have to cast a cure for!

And no, that does not mean we do spam Stoneskin all the time during battle in place of Cure. As I said, we are aware that it uses double the amount of MP required for Cure, so it has different application and is used in specific circumstances.

Shitty mouth SMN

As you may have deducted from the title, today’s entry will be an angry rant full of swearing.

I went to sleep and woke up to an old message from Dew on Skype, wailing about a leveling roulette she did alone while I was asleep. She pasted a batch of chatlog, and I read it and could only say WTF. It’s so wrong in so many levels.

[6:57](Chibidew K.) Hello!><)/
[6:57]Xandu K.: Hello!
[7:00](Chibidew K.) got key><
[7:02](Chibidew K.) >< sorry
[7:15](Chibidew K.) please pull small group ; ;
[7:19](Chibidew K.) Xandu you have new belt from here?
[7:20](Chibidew K.) change plz >,
[7:20]Xandu K.: yes i think so?Please use the auto-translate function.
[7:20](Chibidew K.) nice^^
[7:25](Chibidew K.) Wait, please.
[7:25](Chibidew K.) my mp lost ><
[7:25](Chibidew K.) Thank you.^^
[7:35]Xandu K.: sorry guys playing with one handPlease use the auto-translate function.
[7:36](Azatro T.) Terrible healing bro.
[7:36](Sien V.) Lag spike
[7:36](Chibidew K.) drag dragon far poison please
[7:36](Chibidew K.) because dragon re-hp from his poison ><
[7:41](Chibidew K.) I not havbve mp
[7:41](Chibidew K.) :(
[7:41](Xandu K.) sorry got both hands back now
[7:41](Azatro T.) Would you like my ????ing pet to tank? Are you ????ing serious
[7:43](Chibidew K.) I’ serious because I not have mp for heal all :(
[7:43](Azatro T.) You suck then.
[7:43](Azatro T.) Manage your mp.
[7:43](Chibidew K.) you see tank siut plz
[7:46](Azatro T.) OMFG LEARN TO DODGE
[7:47](Xandu K.) quit complaing, i got a kid to deal with too
[7:48](Chibidew K.) everyone need to learn please clam down ; ;
[7:48](Azatro T.) Learn what? HE CANT DODGE
[7:49](Xandu K.) nope i like to take it all up front
[7:53](Chibidew K.) Thank you.pt
[7:53](Azatro T.) and the idiots finally did it
[7:53](Chibidew K.) TT_TT
[7:53](Xandu K.) ooooo mean comments

OK, first thing first, the tank. The tank claimed to have been taking care of his or her baby. I understand that real life shit can come up and mess with your gaming. But in my opinion, it would be much nicer if one has some decency to communicate to the party that there was an emergency matter that requires immediate attention, or tell the party BEFOREHAND that you cannot pay 100% attention to the battle in the dungeon. Dragging the party through your shitty play because you have something outside of the game to deal with is quite cruel. People are unprepared, and thus have no time or too short time to try to think of plan B.

At least for me, if I know that the tank is going to have less focus to the fight, I can prepare myself ahead of the time to heal faster and earlier, and also know I should preserve MP and some skills for OH SHIT situation that might spring up any moment soon. Not knowing what to expect can spell disaster to the whole party.

Also, that attitude “quit [complaining], i got a kid to deal with too” was also so wrong. NO. You better be apologetic that you’re causing trouble. Being like “so what?” like this and blaming others for not putting up with you is a no-no. If the kid’s matter needs so much attention, a decent person would tell the party “Wait, please.” and perhaps “Kid aggro, BRB 5 mins.” or something. Playing with half attention (or half of your available hands…) and wiping the party so many times is not fun. I know people play game to enjoy it and for fun. But you have to be considerate of other people’s “fun” too. Don’t be a shithead and be like “oh I play for fun, why so serious?” and make the party suffer from how shitty you are. No one likes their fun to be ruined.

Then, there is this SMN who was fast to throw insult.

It is EASY to blame healer when the party dies. But have you looked carefully and analyzed the situation?

Healers aren’t omnipotent gods who has endless pool of MP to heal through abnormally prolonged fight. Healing in Brayflox (normal) last boss is difficult enough for a veteran healer like me, even in a decent party. What do you expect of a healer in a party where people don’t dodge and fail to avoid boss regen (poison) mechanic?

Of course if you stand in the pool of poison, you lose HP, and boss keeps recovering its HP. “Healer sucks” and “manage your MP” weren’t the correct comment, nor do they point to the real problem that needs to be solved.

Manage MP?

White Mage has Regen at level 35. Regen is great and is more MP-efficient in comparison with Cure. It helps a lot and should always be used. BUT GUESS WHAT. Brayflox is capped at 34. So a capped WHM in Brayflox normal cannot use Regen. The system prevents it.

What about MP recovery skill? Oh yep, Shroud of Saints is great. But it is 38. GUESS WHAT? It is also capped and is inaccessible in Brayflox normal.

Of course if healer has to cure bomb the tank, MP will run dry. Doesn’t mean healer sucks or is bad at managing MP. This SMN made me want to stab someone eye’s out with the blunt end of my WHM wand. So much ignorance and absurdly mean comments made me furious!

(She’s been drinking Hi-Elixir, too, because that was all she had.)

It’s ridiculous how people are quick to blame someone without looking at the whole situation and analyze it to see where the flaw is and where the party can improve.

My friend isn’t fluent in English, yet she tried so hard to communicate and give advice to the tank to make the situation improve.

What did the SMN do? Just yelling at people. Why didn’t you at least try to be helpful by telling the tank what to do, instead of just screaming at the healer and the tank. (I know the tank is highly likely non-English speaker, but apparently they can understand a little, and with help of translator, there should be enough understanding in communication.) Blaming the healer, saying healer suck, and not contributing the information to the party, yet going angry when the party does not succeed well, is not just ridiculous, but stupid. Contribute to it. Say something useful. Tell tank or the party what to do to improve. Be constructive.

In my eyes, my friend did much better and tried harder than the SMN. She tried to tell the tank to move the dragon away from poison. She tried to tell tank to change belt to a better one. SMN only kicked and screamed and pointed finger and left “idiots” comment before leaving. Wow, that’s so useful (Sarcasm)!  //sigh

I used to get into Brayflox with a random tank who still wore level 25 gear! We didn’t even get past the first boss, because the tank kept dying so easily. What did the 2 DPS in my party do? Tried to tank the adds (failed, and died, over and over.) We wiped for 3 or 4 times before someone said I’m sorry, I can’t continue like this, and left. No one blamed me, the healer, because they had EYES and were also smart enough to see that tank gear was at fault. When a tank is undergeared, it is harder to keep them alive. Don’t scream at the healer. Look at the root of the problem. If you only know how to scream at people and throw insults, without even paying attention to the circumstances or analyzing what went wrong that caused the failure, then YOU are the idiot. Pshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Goodbye Bahamut!!!

Goodbyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Bahamuttttttttttttt!!!!!

OMG I’m freaking out!!! We finally downed Bahamut, CoB T13 (Final Coil of Bahamut, Turn 4).

Today we gathered again and tackled T13 once more. Corn needed a minute, so I took that opportunity to take some group pics. XD Sorry, Kuji, first pic has you with very evil face HAHAHA.


Must love /gpose new feature that allows party to stop looking at the camera. :D


During the fight, I was derping really badly, even managed to die TWICE, and only remembered to take 3 pics.



Today we surprisingly took only 1 attempt to win.

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It’s really nice to beat Coil of Bahamut with close friends. :D (We always go in as small group, partly because I fear drama. I heard about drama and endless drama involving endgame raid and I’m scared. The fight is very intense, and everyone could be on the verge of flipping shit. So I guess we kind of never wanted to struggle with recruiting more raid members ><;; You know, even with this tight-knitted, laid-back and light-hearted team, we yelled at each other or got pouty on occasions during Coil runs. We prevailed while managing to preserve good relationship only because we’re very close, whereas I don’t have the same confidence for loyalty and forgiveness from other people as I have with these guys. We’re also casual players and other average raid players won’t like us or our messy/random schedule, hahaha!)

Phoenix, Down. One more to go.

We beat T12.

Yesterday we went back to face the Phoenix once again, unexpectedly. Well, Corn and Kuji might have expected it, but I thought we weren’t going, as Dew had to leave her house very early to take her mom to a doctor appointment, and PZ told me he wasn’t feeling well (so I shooed him to bed, before Corn logged in).

We ended up going anyway, at first Corn just wanted to go in as 4 people to try the “hot potato” strategy. We learned so much and we did much better after he explained some of the mechanics. It felt much easier when we knew (or at least were aware of) what to do.

Then, someone said wahhhh could have passed with 1 more person in the party. And Dew spotted PZ on FB and told me, so I asked him to come. We spent so much time melding up people (Corn had his lunch and melded for Dew at the same time lol) and eventually entered.

We wiped a lot and refined our strategies after each wipe. I was so excited to see so much improvement in a short period of time.


Below was the last battle pic I took on our successful attempt. I was too busy panicking healing people and passing the hot potato (Purgatory debuffs) and trying to stand in the Fountain, etc., and didn’t have enough brain to take more pics as Phoenix was dying. XD


And finally, the Phoenix was down.

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We were rewarded handsomely with am epic, heartbreaking cutscene. *sob*


Off we go, to the last stage, the evil Bahamut awaits. Long story short, we didn’t win and disbanded a little before 4 a.m. Thailand time. LOL. We will try again later. We learned a lot already. :D

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Beat T11

Today we tried T11 again, with 5 people, as usual. After countless wipes during the 48 minutes of pain and agony (LOL) and screaming into Dew’s ear through Skype voice call (making her panic a lot, sorry, Dew!) we finally fell the Mechanical Hydra beast.

Deadaga XD Wiping so many times it got a little bit frustrating and discouraging. But we did see the potential, and kept practicing. Corn was our strategy man, and both PZ and Dew contributed by recalling, through dying over and over, some gimmicks that were originally forgotten and telling us what to do.


Below were the pics from our successful attempt. It was frustrating to solo heal because everyone were like dying left and right and in the midst of the chaos, I could hardly maintain my composure and cool head. I feel bad for Dew because I was yelling into the voice call when I panicked or got mad XD but Dew said it’s ok, we’re even, because she yelled at me when PZ and Kuji were killing her add too fast, too. Haha. She was like, please type for me, “go help Corn.” And I was like “NO NO NO NO Why is PZ dying” and “WTF my heal can’t reach!” and couldn’t type for her. XD And she was like “DON’T ATTACK MY ADD OHMIGOD” “NO!” in the voice call because she couldn’t type very well while fighting. Poor thing lol.


Finally won. Again, I couldn’t stop cackling. XD I laughed so hard I even woke up Q-chan, my Sugar Glider.

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Wheeeeeeeeeeee~ I’m so happy today.

Corn even got a Dreadwyrm robe for his SMN. It’s so purdy!!!


T9, T10 and (attempt) T11

Again, we (finally)  managed to scrape together 5 bodies to attempt T9 (Second Coil of Bahamut, turn 4) last night. This time PZ logged in and joined us (yay!) so we had more targets for the fire & ice. No more getting 2nd ice in my face before the aiming fire could land!!!! XD LOL!


T9 alone took 3 hours, including dinner break/snack break/bathroom break.

Last session (about a week ago, or maybe it was 2 weeks ago) we knew we improved. Even though PZ wasn’t with us, we nailed the Comet phase and got to the 2nd part about 90% of the time. The Fire & Ice thing was what we had BIG problem with. But last night, with Corn’s plan of having everyone huddling together except Fire-debuffed person, we flew through it quite smoothly. I even developed a skill in reading my own debuff precisely and managed to avoid zapping the party with my Thunder shots. This time, though, the Divebombs are once again my woe, up until we won.

To be honest, I ran around like a headless chicken when it’s Divebombs phase. Amid the havoc and my panic, I had completely no idea where the north is, not to even mention remembering where to place bomb or hide from bomb (4-11 o’clock, 7-2 o’clock, 2-7 o’clock). Also, I think I kept killing Corn with Lunar Dynamo that was aimed on me.


In this pic (above), I didn’t even remember what all happened…. But 3 people were dead and I entered panic mode.

From examining the chatlog: PZ died (twice), then Corn also died (from my Lunar Dynamo, I think) then Dew died.

[2:18]Philemon Zydyk is defeated by Iceclaw.

(Corn raised PZ with Swiftcast, but sadly, I also spent a Swiftcast + Raise on PZ too.)

[2:18]Philemon Zydyk is defeated by Nael deus Darnus.
[2:19]Corn Muffin is defeated by Thunderwing.

(I started casting Raise on Corn without Swift.)

[2:19]Chibidew Kinoko is defeated by Thunderwing.
[2:19]Nael deus Darnus uses Dalamud Dive.
[2:19]   Parried! Kujimaro Hanabi takes 4616 (-20%) damage.

(From here, Kuji started tanking.)

[2:19]You cast Raise.
[2:19]   Corn Muffin gains the effect of Raise.
[2:19]Kujimaro Hanabi uses Bloodbath.
[2:19]   Kujimaro Hanabi gains the effect of Bloodbath.
[2:19]You use Swiftcast.
[2:19]   You gain the effect of Swiftcast.

(I Swiftcast + Raise Dew as soon as Swift cooldown ended. Meanwhile, Kuji had to save himself using all the surviveability skills he could, LOL.)

[2:19]Kujimaro Hanabi uses Second Wind.
[2:19]   Kujimaro Hanabi recovers 2714 HP.
[2:19]Kujimaro Hanabi uses Power Surge.
[2:19]   Kujimaro Hanabi gains the effect of Power Surge.
[2:19]You lose the effect of Swiftcast.
[2:19]You cast Raise.
[2:19]   Chibidew Kinoko gains the effect of Raise.
[2:19]Kujimaro Hanabi uses Jump.
[2:19]   Nael deus Darnus takes 2319 damage.
[2:19]   Kujimaro Hanabi absorbs 579 HP.
[2:19]   Kujimaro Hanabi loses the effect of Power Surge.
[2:19]Corn Muffin is revived.
[2:19]Corn Muffin suffers the effect of Weakness.
[2:19]You begin casting Cure.
[2:19]You cast Cure.
[2:19]   Kujimaro Hanabi recovers 4921 HP.

(After raising Dew, I finally regained conscious and remembered I had to prioritize keeping Kuji alive.)

[2:19]Screenshot saved.
[2:19]Chibidew Kinoko is revived.
[2:19]You cast Cure.
[2:19]   Kujimaro Hanabi recovers 4867 HP.
[2:19]You begin casting Cure.
[2:19]Chibidew Kinoko suffers the effect of Weakness.
[2:19]You cast Cure.
[2:19]   Corn Muffin recovers 4830 HP.
[2:19]You use Benediction.
[2:19]   Chibidew Kinoko recovers 26006 HP.
[2:19]Chibidew Kinoko uses Hallowed Ground.
[2:19]   Chibidew Kinoko gains the effect of Hallowed Ground.

(Dew prepared to take back enmity.)

[2:19]Kujimaro Hanabi loses the effect of Bloodbath.
[2:19]Corn Muffin casts Ruin II.
[2:19]   Nael deus Darnus takes 765 damage.
[2:19]   Nael deus Darnus fully resists Blind.
[2:19]You use Tetragrammaton.
[2:19]   Critical! Kujimaro Hanabi recovers 10786 HP.
[2:19]Chibidew Kinoko uses Provoke.
[2:19]   Chibidew Kinoko’s enmity increases.

(Dew managed to take Nael back on her.)

[2:19]You use Divine Seal.
[2:19]   You gain the effect of Divine Seal.
[2:19]You begin casting Medica II.
[2:19]You cast Medica II.
[2:19]   You recover 3112 HP.
[2:19]   You gain the effect of Medica II.
[2:19]   You take 241 damage.
[2:19]   Corn Muffin recovers 3073 HP.
[2:19]   Corn Muffin gains the effect of Medica II.
[2:19]You recover from the effect of Icebitten.
[2:19]   Kujimaro Hanabi recovers 3113 HP.
[2:19]   Kujimaro Hanabi gains the effect of Medica II.
[2:19]Kujimaro Hanabi recovers from the effect of Icebitten.
[2:19]   Chibidew Kinoko recovers 3136 HP.
[2:19]   Chibidew Kinoko gains the effect of Medica II.
[2:19]Corn Muffin recovers from the effect of Icebitten.
[2:19]Nael deus Darnus readies Lunar Dynamo.
[2:19]Chibidew Kinoko suffers the effect of Icebitten.

(At this point my brain couldn’t think and was on auto-pilot mode. My eyes bulged at the HP bar of the boss, we were so close.  I tried my best to recover the party, because everyone took lots of DMG even then. And Fire & Ice shots were still coming at us ruthlessly.)

[2:19]Chibidew Kinoko loses the effect of Hallowed Ground.
[2:19]Nael deus Darnus uses Lunar Dynamo.
[2:19]   You take 4529 damage.
[2:19]   Nael deus Darnus absorbs 4529 HP.
[2:19]   Corn Muffin takes 4662 damage.
[2:19]   Nael deus Darnus absorbs 4662 HP.
[2:19]Corn Muffin recovers from the effect of Thunderstruck

And OMG holy shit, Corn was so in the zone and was trying to zerg Nael down while I was busy Sprinting (I can’t even remember why I sprinted) and healing people. I mostly paste just what people did, but the the DMG, but below I MUST paste Corn’s damage. XD

[2:20]Corn Muffin uses Tri-disaster.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus suffers the effect of Bio.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus suffers the effect of Bio II.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus suffers the effect of Miasma.
[2:20]Corn Muffin uses Virus.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus suffers the effect of Virus.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus suffers the effect of Fever.
[2:20]Chibidew Kinoko uses Fast Blade.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 803 damage.
[2:20]Chibidew Kinoko hits Nael deus Darnus for 439 damage.
[2:20]Kujimaro Hanabi uses Vorpal Thrust.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 1687 (+50%) damage.
[2:20]Kujimaro Hanabi hits Nael deus Darnus for 887 damage.
[2:20]Corn Muffin uses Fester.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 2779 damage.
[2:20]   Corn Muffin gains the effect of Aethertrail Attunement.
[2:20]Corn Muffin uses Swiftcast.
[2:20]   Corn Muffin gains the effect of Swiftcast.
[2:20]Kujimaro Hanabi uses Dragonfire Dive.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 2056 damage.
[2:20]You cancel Raise.
[2:20]Corn Muffin loses the effect of Swiftcast.
[2:20]Chibidew Kinoko uses Savage Blade.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 1025 (+50%) damage.
[2:20]Critical! Chibidew Kinoko hits Nael deus Darnus for 699 damage.
[2:20]You use Sprint.
[2:20]   You gain the effect of Sprint.
[2:20]Corn Muffin casts Summon.
[2:20]Kujimaro Hanabi uses Full Thrust.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 3018 (+72%) damage.
[2:20]Chibidew Kinoko uses Bulwark.
[2:20]   Chibidew Kinoko gains the effect of Bulwark.
[2:20]Corn Muffin loses the effect of Aetherflow.
[2:20]Corn Muffin uses Energy Drain.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 1466 damage.
[2:20]   Corn Muffin absorbs 733 HP.
[2:20]   Corn Muffin recovers 884 MP.
[2:20]   Corn Muffin gains the effect of Aethertrail Attunement.
[2:20]You lose the effect of Divine Seal.
[2:20]You begin casting Medica II.
[2:20]Kujimaro Hanabi uses Jump.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 1581 damage.
[2:20]Kujimaro Hanabi hits Nael deus Darnus for 870 damage.
[2:20]Corn Muffin uses Painflare.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 1906 damage.
[2:20]   Corn Muffin gains the effect of Aethertrail Attunement.
[2:20]Critical! Chibidew Kinoko hits Nael deus Darnus for 673 damage.
[2:20]Corn Muffin loses the effect of Aethertrail Attunement.
[2:20]Corn Muffin uses Dreadwyrm Trance.
[2:20]   Corn Muffin gains the effect of Dreadwyrm Trance.
[2:20]Corn Muffin begins casting Ruin III.
[2:20]Kujimaro Hanabi uses Impulse Drive.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 1508 damage.
[2:20]Chibidew Kinoko uses Rage of Halone.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 1450 (+61%) damage.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus suffers the effect of Strength Down.
[2:20]Chibidew Kinoko uses Foresight.
[2:20]   Chibidew Kinoko gains the effect of Foresight.
[2:20]Chibidew Kinoko hits Nael deus Darnus for 431 damage.

(Meanwhile, Fire & Ice shots kept hitting us, making me nervous and scared.)

[2:20]You cast Medica II.
[2:20]   You recover 2337 HP.
[2:20]   You gain the effect of Medica II.
[2:20]   Garuda-Egi recovers 2389 HP.
[2:20]   Garuda-Egi gains the effect of Medica II.
[2:20]   Corn Muffin recovers 2358 HP.
[2:20]   Corn Muffin gains the effect of Medica II.
[2:20]   Kujimaro Hanabi recovers 2394 HP.
[2:20]   Kujimaro Hanabi gains the effect of Medica II.
[2:20]Chibidew Kinoko uses Fast Blade.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 786 damage.
[2:20]   Chibidew Kinoko recovers 2385 HP.
[2:20]   Chibidew Kinoko gains the effect of Medica II.

[2:20]Corn Muffin casts Ruin III.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 2105 damage.
[2:20]Corn Muffin begins casting Ruin III.
[2:20]You use Cleric Stance.
[2:20]   You gain the effect of Cleric Stance.
[2:20]Chibidew Kinoko hits Nael deus Darnus for 422 damage.
[2:20]You use Assize.
[2:20]   You recover 564 HP.
[2:20]   You recover 1395 MP.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 3934 damage.
[2:20]   Garuda-Egi recovers 584 HP.
[2:20]   Corn Muffin recovers 596 HP.
[2:20]   Chibidew Kinoko recovers 581 HP.
[2:20]   Critical! Kujimaro Hanabi recovers 873 HP.
[2:20]Chibidew Kinoko uses Savage Blade.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 1076 (+50%) damage.
[2:20]Kujimaro Hanabi loses the effect of Heavy Thrust.
[2:20]Corn Muffin casts Ruin III.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 2041 damage.
[2:20]Kujimaro Hanabi hits Nael deus Darnus for 764 damage.
[2:20]Chibidew Kinoko hits Nael deus Darnus for 414 damage.

[2:20]Corn Muffin uses Deathflare.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 3987 damage.
[2:20]   Corn Muffin loses the effect of Dreadwyrm Trance.
[2:20]Kujimaro Hanabi uses Disembowel.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 1566 (+54%) damage.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus suffers the effect of Disembowel.
[2:20]You use Fluid Aura.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 2007 damage.
[2:20]Corn Muffin casts Ruin II.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 721 damage.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus fully resists Blind.

[2:20]One or more party members completed this duty for the first time. A bonus has been awarded to all members.
[2:20]You obtain 100 Allagan tomestones of poetics.

[2:20]Chibidew Kinoko uses Rage of Halone.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus takes 1363 (+61%) damage.
[2:20]   Nael deus Darnus suffers the effect of Strength Down.
[2:20]Corn Muffin defeats Nael deus Darnus.

During the last breath, Corn did a whopping amount of 15,005 DMG (DoT and Garuda not included). Kuji Pumped out 13,050 (not includeing DoT).

The battle was so intense and I couldn’t stop cackling when we won!


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And we were rewarded with some epic and super epic cutscenes.

Then, onto the first turn of Final Coil, T10.

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We got eaten badly from the adds, so we had to exit and have Corn change back to PLD.


After a few wipes, we managed to win, with me dead on the floor, screaming internally “KILL IT! Just 1% left!!!!! We can’t fail!!!”

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And woop! We won.

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Then, onto T11. Which we haven’t beaten yet.

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This thing is very difficult, and the best we could do was 44%. Then, it was almost 4 a.m. and PZ had to sleep because he has work on Monday.

Please improve Market Board’s Advance search functions.

Dear SE and the devs,

Please add more functions to Market board advanced search.

As the search only returns 100 hits for such items as Shards, Crystals, Clusters and many more, when we buyer, or browser, select to view the seller list on specific item. I have, recently, realized that we cannot navigate to next page of sellers. And this is highly inconvenient.

Why would one want to see the sellers who are selling at higher price? Because sometimes people sell things in bulk. Fire Clusters, for example, are listed as a pack of 1,000, or 999, or 500 at best. Sometimes we only need 100 clusters, but the search cap of 100 hits prevent further browsing, making it impossible to see the sellers who list items in smaller bulk, which happen to be at higher price.

Moreover, this problem happens when same person (or different person) sell in large quantity spamming. For example, one retainer is selling 999 clusters at the same price of 100 in 15 slots. I also suspect that the same player also uses a different retainer to list even more clusters at the same price, in same bulk size. This results in same person or same retainer occupying over 50% of the search result that came up.

To visualize the example, here are a few screenshots:



As you can see, the current Advanced Search cannot help solve this problem.

So, I would like to suggest 2 new functions for Advanced Search menu.

  • Sort by quantity sold (descending/ascending) and Sort by price (descending/ascending)
  • Sort Filter (hide redundant results (and show only 1 of them))

Redundant results are those that are sold by the same retainer at the same price and are also at the same bulk size. This will allow buyers to be able to see more variety of choices to choose from in the search result.

It will also benefit sellers who sell items in smaller bulk, though at higher price. They now can also have some exposure to buyers, instead of getting the search results (100 hits) hogged by one or a few persons.

Please give these functions some careful consideration.

Thank you dearly,


2nd letter of suggestion sent on 30 June 2018.

Dear SE,

I do love your “Display only HQ items” function in the Market board system. However, it would be splendid to have even more search filter options. Such as “Hide redundant results” (meaning same retainer, same price, same bulk size) and “Sort by quantity” (both ascendind and descending, please) and the reverse of the current sort, “Show most expensive on top” or something.

Let me elaborate how and why we needd those functions.

Case in point, the search result can only show 100 cheapest sellers, regardless of quantity or bulk size. I am having problems with someone selling 99 Twincoon. This person is selling with many retainers. Some of the retainers are selling 20 slots of Twincoon. I do not want to buy 99 Twincoon for 546 gil each. Because that would be a gil sink, having to pay 54,054 gil up front for the surplus quantity that I will not use.

I would rather buy 20 Twincoons, even at higher price, let’s say for example, 800 gil each, and pay only 16,000 gil instead of wasting with the surplus. But guess what? Currently, that option is impossible. Because someone (or many) is occupying and almost monopolizing the market on Twincoon. All the 100 search results are big bulk listing which I am unwilling to buy.

Please improve our quality of life by either expandding the search results (to maybe 200 results, please) or add more useful search options to the filter function.

Thank you very much.