FC: En Taro Adun <4Aiur>

Today after an Expert Roulette, I got a brief opportunity to try to get a group pic. But Kuji had to leave the house in real life, so he dove off so I only got just 1 group pic in my folder LOL.


Yeah we have 4 regulars nowadays. PZ doesn’t log on every weekend anymore. He’s kind of addicted to some other new games (or his old, unfinished games, LOL!) We can still ask him to hop on to help with stuff, like Dew’s CoB clear the other day. While Bray seems to have completely quit since the rise of 3.1.


Anyway, look at this pic. It’s not easy to set a male Au Ra in the same picture frame with a Lalafell. XD Hard to balance the crop, you know.


If I want to zoom in at this distance, and want to see the whole body of Dew, Corn’s head will be cropped off at the top. Like the pic above. But if I want to see the sky, and Corn’s SMN horn, Dew is cropped at the waist. XD


Solution? Dew jumped onto the rail of the Living Arch and eliminate the height difference. All happy now. If Kuji were there, he would have to go on the rail on the opposite side, next to me. XD


Really love the newly added functions in /gpose

Today I was able to steal some nice shots of Corn and myself at Vanu Vanu beast tribe. All thanks to the /gpose thingie.

ffxiv_03212016_024214 ffxiv_03212016_024217

It’s been difficult to really take good screenshots of Corn, because when he’s out in the sun, he hardly stays still, due to the demand of beast tribe quests. And when he goes AFK in the house or in front of the house, it’s usually either too dark or raining, or he’s not in PLD outfit.

OK it’s now 4 A.M. and I need to make myself sleep XD Night night all.


Fisher, Folklore and Blue Scrips Token

Sent this just now:

Dear SE and development team,

I’d like to make a plea to you to please look into FFXIV Fishing a little bit more.

Currently we Fishers have tougher time than other Disciples of the Land. Not only that we cannot right out select what fish we wish to catch, like BTN and MIN select slot of the specific node, we do not own any offhand tool and thus our stats suck and, despite all the effort in donning up to boost Gathering rating, the tougher fish can, and will, escape. While BTN and MIN can spend 250 GP (for +50%) and perhaps 50 more GP (for +50% +15% on top of that) to ensure 100% success rate, overgeared Fisher can still get “The fish got away.” message randomly.

While I am alright with these and see these challenges as an entertainment, there is other aspect of Fisher (or the lack thereof) that I am extremely unhappy with. The Folklore information on Fisher’s Fishing Log (or Fish Guide).

There is no way to tell, without going out of our way to farm 99 blue tokens to test it at the vendor, which tomes we have already acquired. Since the blue token cannot be exchanged for something else (as the other Blue scrips purchases are done by directly spending the Blue scrips) if now I have exchanged 99 blue scrips tokens, and find out that I actually have all the 3 tomes already, I am pretty much screwed. Because I would have 99 x 50 = 4,950 scrips that I can no longer spend anywhere in any way.

I know we can also check folklore we got by going to the folklore fishing spot to try to catch those legendary fish, and see if we could catch it or not. But this could take hours, because the target fish won’t always bite, and even if it bites, there is no guarantee that we could land it.

Unlike Botanist folklore page and Miner folklore page, we Fishers have no separated page for the folklore fish. The fish from folklore tome are put together, mixed, with other fish.

Please, I do not want you to pamper us and make fishing easier, but at least for user interface – the Fish Guide – please improve it regarding the Folklore information. Add a separated Folklore page, or make it possible to check, in a glance, which folklore we’ve already acquired and how many fish are in those pages (it can be blacked out like normal uncaught fish, that is fine), and, like BTN and MIN folklore item information in the Gathering Log, tell which map that fish is in.

Or, if that is unmanageable, please at least make us (everyone) able to trade Rowena’s Token (Blue scrips only, for both the gatherer and the crafter, if you’d please) back to Blue Scrips.

T2-T7 Cleared for Chibidew

Last night we had quite an adventure. Chibidew got to the point where she can tackle CoB and SCoB (her goal is to co-tank with Corn against NVD, LOL). Coincidentally,  yesterday Corn got some new recipe from some Masterbook IV, and wanted to know where the Allagan Aetherstones drop. We decided to go to CoB to see if they really drop from there, and to see the drop rate.

Since Chibidew already cleared T1 with us long ago, we went to T4 (because it’s short) and T2 just to also get the completion. We asked PZ and he was interested, and logged in to join us. Therefore, with Kuji, we had 5 people. T4 and T2 were very easy and I thought we would try those again to see the drop rate and to farm what already dropped, but Corn suggested that since we had 5 people, we might as well tackle T5. Of course, all agreed.


However, since I suck (VERY BADLY) and kept dying to Dive Bombs, Corn had to change to his other job, SMN, to ensure there is a second raise for oh-shit situations. And then, Kuji had to go AFK for dinner, so we had 4 people.


After so many tries, mostly wiping to Deathknights + Twister, we finally…..downed Twintania.


Kuji came back while we were killing first set of adds on our last attempt, but we stayed in hope of getting more practice before leaving the duty to pick him up. Turned out to miraculously won in that attempt!

Then PZ had to go to sleep, as it was 3 a.m. We still went on with SCoB though… Killing T6 (wiped twice before figuring we better ignore the slimes).

Then, we continued to T7. XD We wiped so many times I felt that it was impossible and that we should wait for PZ and do it again next week. Nope. There seems to be no “impossible” in Corn’s dictionary. He again changed to SMN to help deal with the adds, since our main problem was the adds which swarmed me or him and was killing everyone.

We also, for the first time for us, figured out (through intensive googling) that we must stand outside of the “hitbox” of the petrified Renaud (Ogre add, is it an ogre? LOL I don’t know the enemy type) to make it count, otherwise the system considers it to not block the ray.

Finally,with enormous difficulty, we won.


:D It was soooooooooo exhausting but also a shit load of fun. Personally, though this is both tiring and time-consuming, I would not hesitate to do this again with my FC folks. It provided challenges and also an opportunity to put our capability under stress test. I also feel it helps tighten the bond between us. It’s so refreshing to have FC activities, because lately it’s rare we do anything together in the FC as a group of more than 3, due to the extensive list of daily things that everyone has to complete and the limited playtime of those who have a full-time job, and the time zone differences. ><;;


And here’s s group pic in the workshop while we made some progress to the Airship part, after T7 ended. Missing PZ, though. :'(

Terrible Void Ark Run

I was just in a terrible Void Ark run.

But it was somewhat tolerable, mainly because no one yelled or threw insults at others.

Our own party seemed to have 2 persons who don’t know how to dodge. 3rd person in our party kept dying because they wouldn’t stand in Medica range and kept missing the Medica effect. And I had a hard time running around to find them and get in Esuna/Regen range. And many people in party B seemed to be either slow in dodging as well, or they didn’t know the mechanics too.

First boss, at the second time where the boss chases and bombards a target, my party suddenly half-wiped in a blink. T_T The other party had so many dead people too. I barely managed to stay alive after getting jump surprise with a drop of water bomb….all because I couldn’t see who got marked. I guess others died because of that, too. Or the marked person ran the wrong way, I have no idea which.

We had noticeably low DPS and killing speed, in comparison with average Void Ark runs I’ve been in.

Cuchulainn was especially bad. First attempt we had so many deaths due to people not dodging the slamming tentacle, the green vomit from hell, and two of my own party members kept dying to the Bile from Under or something (can’t remember name).

I didn’t have enough time to try to communicate because our tank was the main tank. I think I might have to start making short macro lines to explain the key attacks that need to be dodge… So if someone keeps dying to the boss mechanics, I can just hit the macro button. T__T

Then our BLM died and accidentally, I believe, home pointed. So we were 1 DPS short. Then I saw an attack I’ve never seen before. I believe we were too slow in killing, so the boss raged. Like, the tank got bitch slapped to death, somehow, which happened while everyone else got stunned in the middle of jumping up to hide on the platform from the whole room Bile. Can’t really tell whether it instantly killed the tank and froze us, or if the tank died because all healers were frozen. The status was “Bind” and “Out of action.” The tank home pointed, perhaps accidentally, or perhaps decided to home point because boss rages and people were already dead. So I tried to raise party B’s tank, while trying to survive and healing the rest of my party.

Then I saw that the boss had 5% HP left, while the LB gauge was 3 bars full! I waited and waited for someone to LB while running around like a headless chicken looking for party members to save from death. Then, I realize I was the only person alive, and decided to use healer’s LB. I raised 5 people in my party and thought they would be able to finish it alongside other parties’ survivors.


But nope, everyone got severely attacked and we died. I truly believe that the boss was raging. :(

It was very exhausting. But at least on 2nd attempt, we managed to win.

Last boss wasn’t too painful, to say the least.

Now, I’m the type to stick around until the bitter end or until we succeed, if I see even the slightest ray of hope in it. When people fail and die, and keep dying, even after I said “Please dodge the tentacle” and when you would expect a person to already learn how to dodge from all the past deaths…. but there is no toxic attitude or comment or insult being thrown around in the party OR in the alliance, it is much, much more tolerable.

Like, if people don’t throw a tantrum and stay civil, I would have almost zero stress dealing with the situation, even after 2 or 3, or even 5 wipes. On the contrary, if we wipe once or twice, or even if we only half wipe and could recover, but people become salty and rude about it, yelling at each other, blaming other people without being constructive, my stress level rises dramatically, and all I want is to get out of that hell hole.

This alliance was bad in performance, but people stayed civil, and friendly. And we managed to win. No insult, no kicking and screaming, no spewing bad attitude. This is enough to make me willing to stay and try more attempts with them. I don’t mind failures as much as I mind bad manners and rudeness.

P.S. I think I’ve raised (not counting LB) people at least 20 times in just one run.

Senpai (Corn) Parody

This morning I made a “Sanpai” parody of Corn and post it on tumblr because this blog had server problem. ; ;

Now that the server is back, and my blog is up and running again, I’m putting those screenshots here as well. :D

CornSenpai_01b CornSenpai_03 CornSenpai_04 CornSenpai_05 CornSenpai_06 CornSenpai_07 CornSenpai_08c CornSenpai_09b CornSenpai_10b

The blacklist bit is based on a conversation in the FC weeks ago, which went like this (not exact wording):

Kuji: Oh hey, I heard they’re bringing back the mentor system. Will you mentor the new people?
Corn: No. My secrets belong to me only.
Me: LOL. But didn’t you have a stalker who kept calling you senpai, senpai? And you did tutor him!
Kuji: Ohh poor thing. His senpai didn’t notice him.
Corn: I did notice him. He’s now on my blacklist.
Kuji: o_o oh that’s so cold.
Me: Well, he was quite a….troublesome kohai.
Corn: He was a jerk.
Kuji: LOL fair enough.