Using mounts as height aid for screenshots

I’ve been using my mounts for height adjustment when I’m taking FFXIV screenshots in 1st person camera view for a long time but today was the first time I’ve noticed and compared the height difference between various mounts.

In some circumstances, when you’re trying to take a nice screenshot while in 1st person camera mode, tilting the camera up and down can achieve what you want for your pictures, but it doesn’t always work. Take this screenshot for an example, here I wanted the umbrella to be the foreground of the ocean view. I wanted to see more of the sea water above the wooden floor and to see some of the top of the umbrella without moving closer to the ocean. Tilting my camera up won’t help. The only option I had would be standing on a higher ground. There was nothing to climb on, so my mounts are the answer.



Without any mount I see too much floor and cannot see the yellow part of the umbrella.

Coeurl is a low mount and gives a only slight lift off the ground.

Legacy Chocobo is a little taller, and I assume it has the same height as Company Chocobo.



Fat Chocobo is a bit higher.



Draught Chocobo is even taller.



Ahriman gives noticeable height.


1st_person_screenshot_mount07Goobbue is maybe too tal. LOL!

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