Trying to catch Olgoi

Have been unsuccessful in catching the fish for my Supra fishing rod.


In 2 days (I don’t fish 24 hours, I slept too!) I got about 10 rounds of Heat Waves. Most rounds were about 20 – 25 minutes long, except one that was 40 minutes! I got a hell lot of Dune Matas, and a bunch of Caravan Eels. Got 9 “the fish gets away” messages in total.

G: 369, P: 315 = Fish gets away x 4.
G: 387, P: 307 = Fish gets away x 1.
G: 382, P: 307 = Fish gets away x 2.
G: 363, P: 299 = Fish gets away x 1.
G: 359, P: 305 = No hook yet. LOL.
G: 353, P: 289 = Fish gets away x 1.

I’ve been trying various foods to tweak my Gathering and Perception. I’ve tried fishing with both FC buffs on, and no buff. I’ve tried sitting while fishing. This is driving me nuts. At this point I’m ready to try any voodoo to help me land some Ogloi Olgoi already. XD

It’s going to be a long and tough road…. But I’ll keep trying.



An hour later, I got one more chance with Heat Waves. So I used G: 359, P: 305 setting. Heat Waves lasted 25 minutes. Results as follows:
Mooch x 5
Caravan Eel x 2
Dune Manta x 2
Fish gets away x 1

Then I got mad and stood up and changed my belt out, trying G: 355, P: 300 setting for the first time.

And yes, I landed my first and only Ogloi Olgoi on 27 Jan, 9:09 PM.

ffxiv_01272015_210959sThen, the weather ended. I will try to catch more when Heat Waves show up again.


27 Jan, 11:05 PM, I caught my 2nd Olgoi.


Then 28 Jan, 12:43 AM, I caught my 3rd Olgoi.


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