The Joy of Having a Flying Mount

Not only that flying mounts are making an adventurer’s life easier and enabling fast travel, but they are also excellent means for any screenshot enthusiast to enjoy taking pictures in the game far beyond the old capability.

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We can now take a screenshot from any height, distance, and angle. We can take a picture of anything from pretty much anywhere while adjusting the elements in the frame much more to our liking. No more frantically jumping to reach a specific camera angle (and still can’t get it anyway). No more getting angry at how the piece of land ends before we could walk to a spot where we want to stand while taking a screenshot. No more being blocked from the perfect view by a mountain or a boulder.

The only downside? Now my screenshots folder gets about 400 new pics per day on average instead of 200. LOL. (But I expect it to tune down soon when I finish all the quests, because I also take screenshots during quest cutscenes.)


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2 Responses to The Joy of Having a Flying Mount

  1. Miingno says:

    By the way, Coerthas Western Highlands sometimes has auroras during the night! Don’t miss them, they’re beautiful!
    Also at midnight you can often see a shootingstar in the eastern sky during clear weather~

    • Aleczan Knighthill says:

      Auroras?!? We have Auroras in 3.0 too!? OMG! Thank you! I’ve never noticed. I will watch for it next time I’m out there at night. Thanks!

      And the shooting stars are so elusive. I saw it 4-5 times but I was never quick enough to take a screenshot. ; ; so sad.

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