I’ve been browsing my screenshot folders recently and found this one, which I would call “my masterpiece of the year 2014” without hesitation. It was taken on 8 December 2014 when I made a stop at the Mark of the Lover on the top of a cliff in Coerthas Central Highlands.
Below: me in front of the backdrop. I can’t remember why I was there. Probably was because I saw nice sky and decided to go there for a pic. You know, Coerthas hardly ever has a break from the snow storm. Rare photo occasion anyone would snatch if they have chance!
Update: 2 more Ishgard screenshots from later (5 MAR 2015), now with “glare” setting on low (I usually keep it off, so the first pic had glare: off).
It snowed on me while I was messing around with my glare setting.
Awww so pretty! Love those screenshots :*
Thank you Livi! (I just realized I called you Kou Ji in your blog when I commented, hahaha!!! I forgot that when you visited here you use the name Livi.)