Hunts these days

Again, a rant from me.

I kind of miss the old days when The Hunt thingie was more civil. When people would be patient and wait for others who are still rushing to the spot, when people would ask “All here?” or “Ready to pull?” or say “Pulling in 60 seconds,” when people would shout and communicate to organize the scout, or the spawn trigger.

Back in those days, when I was catching Glimmerscale in Western Thanalan to try to trigger Zona Seeker, people who had high enough stats to catch the fish would band together and make team effort, while those who couldn’t fish it would offer to scout. When someone caught the fish, they shout with <link>. Then, if someone spotted the NM, they shouted the <pos> and some people might thank the fisher. Then they waited for the fisher to change job and get all skills/spells recast ready, and we all hunted together.

These days? Nope, no team effort. And no fisher appreciation. Today I caught a Glimmerscale that had actually spawned a Zona Seeker, but I had to shout 3 times just to get an invite to a hunt party. It seems that hunters nowadays tend to just stand at the possible spawn spots and communicate only to their own group when the NM pops in one of those spots. No team effort to try to trigger the spawn anymore. I looked around and I seemed to be the only one who even tried to fish up the trigger fish, even though the spawn window had been open for several hours and the weather was in right condition. What is up with that? Have the knowledge of spawn trigger/condition died with the older generations?

Also, after Zona died, I headed to Fallgourd Float to wait for 5 PM. Again, no other fisher. No shout asking about who to fish and who to scout. I fished for a while until I caught a Judgeray, I shouted with <link> to report it. Within seconds, people started shouting “inv.” This is the trend I’ve been seeing lately. Most people shouted “inv” without actually mentioning the pos. To find out where the NM has spawned, you have to either get a party and head to your party or follow the crowd, if you’re lucky enough to see the train.

Hunting crowd got less civil, and more selfish nowadays it is so sad to see. If I weren’t the one who fished up those fish which I knew would trigger the S rank sometimes, if I didn’t know the windows were open, the chance of me getting a piece of the S rank NM would have been so slim. I got there in time to get full credits only because I was there trying to trigger them. Other NMs? I tried and failed multiple times. Sometimes even when I was already in the map, I couldn’t get there fast enough for full credits. Sometimes I couldn’t even dismount my chocobo before it died right in front of me. Ridiculous.

I assume that the Hunt isn’t this bad when it is not prime time, though. I was lucky enough to join a few kills where people waited so a long time for the gather. It just made me pretty miffed that no one tried to help catch the trigger fish anymore. It was supposed to be server-wide team effort, but look at this…. *sigh*

Grrrr…that’s it for my fisher rant. I guess DoW and DoM won’t care much about this issue. ><;; But you know…..without a fisher to fish the trigger fish, you can camp the freaking NM all day and it will never pop. Unless it is force spawn after timing out??? IDK.

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