Flag coordinates marker

Useful map function of FFXIV: <flag>

I’ve already talked about <pos> which will mark the map at your current position, but now I’m going to talk about how to mark a flag on the map without having to be physically there.

However, I only know how to do it by using keyboard and mouse, because I use keyboard and mouse. If I find out how to do it with a controller, I will add the information later.

– Additional information –

A friend, Kuji, looked it up for me and said:

PS controller it’s R1 on map to set a flag marker

So, R1 for PlayStation controller, it is.


Austia Silverwing of Midgardsormr says:

On ps3 you can hold L1 and click R3 for mouse. then L2 is left click, R2 is right click. also L1+select gets rid of hud, L1+start is screenshot.

– End of additional information –

First, you have to open the map where you want to mark a flag on. Then, you use your mouse to point at the spot, and hold CTRL button on your keyboard while using right-click with your mouse.


When you mark your own map with a flag in this method, the chat input will automatically type <flag> for you, so that you can hit enter to add text before or after it, or just send the <flag> to your chat channel right away.


When sent into the chat, the <flag> will show coordinates as the pic above. Anyone who sees this message will be able to click on it in the chatlog to mark their own map with this flag.

This flag will stay there until you mark other flag, click other coordinates, or log out.



We can only have 1 flag at a time, so if you click on any other coordinates, the new one will replace previous one.

Although there can only be one <flag> marker for anyone, but you can mention 2 coordinates at the same time if you use a <pos> and a <flag>, like in the example below:


The chat log will come up like the next screenshot below:


If your friend click on the coordinates that you sent, in this situation they can see (and mark) 2 different spot, but only one at a time, because every coordinates flag will overwrite each other.

FFXIV_Map_Marker_006I guess that’s all to know about <flag>.

Related entries:
Coordinates in FFXIV
Handy coordinates marker

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