Dear SE, 3102 error is horrible

Sending this to in-game support:


Dear SE,

Can you please do something about error 3102?

Getting disconnected from the server is already upsetting enough, either it is caused by my own internet hiccupping or by server’s congestion. Being unable to log back in immediately makes it even more unbearable. Why is my “ghost” staying on the server for so long after I am kicked by the server? Sometimes the error 3102 can spam continuously for over 10 minutes. And on a unique instance, I’ve encountered an incident where my 3102 fest continued itself for 30 minutes, which doesn’t make sense.

More recently, though, I once got kicked from the server during a boss fight in Neverreap. Of course, by the time I managed to get through the log in screen, badly bruised by endless assaults from the 3102 devil, the whole party, including me, had already fallen to our foe. Although we won in the next attempt, it left my heart extremely heavy due to the fact that I was made the burden of the party only because my ghost refused to leave and let me return.

Today, again, I was onto a Heavensward unspoiled mining spot, but as soon as I landed on my feet and executed Stealth to stay safe from the cruel beaks of the overgrown cockatrices in Hinterlands, the server kicked me out. I was rejected countless times by the server because 3102 devil hates me. Maybe I’ve cussed at it for too many times it had built up a stunning amount of grudge, who knows. By the time I got back into the game, the unspoiled node disappeared right before my eyes.

This is truly aggravating and I could not hold my rage in and had to resort to filing a complaint against this offender.

Please punish the 3102 error for interfering with my gameplay. And although players are not allowed to dictate how the GM carry out a punishment, I would like to suggest you permanently ban 3102, for the sake of all the players, as I heard that this is a repeating crime against so many victims.

Thank you dearly,
An angry loyal player.


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