Please make Hab meet inspector Hildibrand

Sent this today:

Dear SE,

After the Gold Saucer patch, I noticed that Hab became a Triple Triad player and started accepting Triple Triad challenges from adventurers. For that, I thank you. It was the very kind of you to have given him some activities to entertain himself. However, as now the boom of Triple Triad has quieted down, Hab is lonely again. Whenever I visited his camp to collect Mythril Ores, I can’t help feeling sad for him.

His Sabotender buddies never came to visit him ever again since they went home. And adventurers stopped coming here, except perhaps some Miners. Is it possible for you to somehow let him meet Hildibrand? Inspecter Hildibrand is famous among the fallens, and Hab should have heard about him. Perhaps you can make him get a letter from one of his Sabotender buddies, for something emergency or mysterious, and Hab wants to help his friend. So, Hab might seek help from an adventurer to contact Hildibrand and have him solve the case for a happy ending.

Then, his idle dialogue should change, for those who have finished this latest quest. Because even now, after I have befriended him, and helped him find his friends, and learned of his beautiful nature, he still treated me like a no-name adventurer who seemed hostile. He talked to me like a stranger. He does not recognize me.

Please at least make him recognize me, and say something like “Oh I’m happy you come here to visit me.” “I hope you are doing great in your adventure.” “I miss Sabotendrick, Sabotendred, and Sabotendale. I hope they are fine.” Or something to show a little bit of happiness in him. This poor soul is sitting all lonely in a faraway corner of a vast and quiet desert. It makes me sad that he doesn’t even enjoy my presence there because he doesn’t recognize me as a friend.


And this:

Dear SE,

I’m sorry for writing yet another letter about Hab the Zombie. I just ran into Albin the Ashen, the elite mark rank B for weekly hunt bill. And I just realized that Hab could use some background story as a friend of Hab. Maybe they befriended each other after they became fallens.

And since Albin is on a hunt bill, you may want to make Hab say something like “Albin went and got his name on the wanted list and now he wanders the land to escape the hunters” or something like that. Maybe Hab could be the source of gossip or information as to why the Grand Company would place a prize on Albin’s head when he is rather harmless. Thank you for reading my ramblings. But I truly hope that Hab has more happiness and more friends.


What got into me? LOL IDK. I’m drunk and I’m not sorry.

Hab the Zombie, revisit

Today I visited my friend, Hab, again and decided to write a poem about him.

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Here sits Hab, the lone zombie.
In a far corner of Sagolii desert.
He is calm and quite friendly.
So, adventurers, don’t be alert.

He despises the taste of brain.
And is just chilling at his campfire.
Stay your sword, axe, lance and cane.
And soothe your killing desire.

Sit down with him and listen.
Many stories, he’ll share with you.
How his friendship had him smitten.
You know, Zombies Are People Too.

He used to have a few close friends.
With whom he had fun together.
Those green and thorny Sabotens.
But one day, they left for adventure.

Hab was frantic with pain and worry.
To have again become a loner.
He hoped his friends were in safety.
Even if they left because his odor.

I went to search, through his request.
In the Shroud, Wineport and Zanr’ak
I found all, and thought it the best.
But now he sat alone in the dark.

His spikey friends were homesick.
And said they miss their family.
Their departure was so quick.
And Hab couldn’t hide that he’s lonely.

But while I frowned with sadness.
Hating that I brought the third one.
He said something that’s so selfless.
I was baffled from the stun.

“As long as I know they are in safety,”
He told me with a gentle smile.
“Even if they aren’t here, I am happy.”
It left me speechless for a long while.

So, adventurers, if you would please.
Come visit this guy when you can.
He has Triple Triad expertise.
If you also play, challenge this man.

In your free time, keep him company.
His camp also has ores, such as Mythril.
He deosn’t deserve to be lonely.
Please come here to sit and chill.

– Aleczan –