Monsters Location Maps: Rank B Clan Hunt

Link to my Google Drive folder of Monsters Location Maps:

I made these maps because I am terrible at spotting places using the coordination, I would have to fumble about for a long time, trying to hover my mouse everywhere on the map to find the correct pos. By marking the pos onto a visual map, it helps me a lot when I need to scout for these Clan Hunts. The maps were originally intended for my personal use, but then it became useful to a few friends, then to a few strangers in the game. Eventually one of them said I should post this on the internet. So here goes…

Note: I’m not going to come back to edit the .jpg pics I post here. However, the Google Drive link will be updated as soon as I notice any unlisted spawn spot or confirm anything new.

Coerthas Western Highlands:


The Sea of Clouds:



The Dravanian Forelands:


The Dravanian Hinterlands:


The Churning Mist:



Azys Lla:


FC Materia Stock

I manage the FC box in my FC, and those lazy friends leave the duty of treasurer to me because…….because I horde all craps.  ><;;

Recently I’ve made a list of what we have, so that it’s easier when people need specific materia for their own melding. So, here’s a list of some materia we have, just for LOL.


The reason why we horde so many Crafter’s and Gatherer’s materia is because we’re still working on getting BiS gear for both, and with current ordinary gear, we feel it could be a waste to max meld everything. So this stock is for FC when we decide to meld in the future.

Also, this stock was originally intended for everyone’s use. People can ask for these materia for free. However, instead of asking for materia, people ended up spiritbonding their own gear, converting them, and throwing more materia in the stock. XD OK, banking up for the future is cool. I have no complaint.