Dear SE, about RMT friend request spams

Sent a suggestion through in-game Help Desk today:

Nowadays RMT friend request spams are getting extremely aggressive. I’ve just gotten 3 requests in 5 minutes or so. Right now how the Friend Request notification react to our click makes it cumbersome to decline friend request.

Please change the interface to make “no” mean NO. For example, change the options from “Yes” and “No” to “Accept” “Decide Later” “Decline.”

Right now, when we click on the notification of friend requests, it automatically assume that we want to accept friend request and only ask “Accept friend request from XXXXXXXX?” and only let us answer “Yes” to accept, or “No” to temporarily dismiss the window.

Please change this menu to reflect Teleport offer menu, where we can immediately decline it and get rid of the notification. Or, as I’ve already stated in my other suggestion long ago, please make it so new characters cannot send Friend Request unless a tutorial quest has been completed first, and please limit the number of friend requests that a character can send out per minute or per 10 minutes, so that people or bots cannot spam friend requests to a thousand of receivers at a time.

– End of suggestion letter –


Scenery Screenshots

Some scenery screenshots from my FFXIV folder. I posted this on tumblr yesterday and this set of pics was shockingly popular and received over 70 notes in just one day. O_o

Some of these were taken before I got my new PC, so the pictures may vary in size and resolution.

Sunrise at Tranquil


The moon outside Tempest Gate


Sunrise at Costa


The light house at Hammerlea


The moon at Forgotten Springs


Morning sun at Sagolii Desert


The Byregot’s Strike


The Oasis of Forgotten Springs


Costa Del Sol sneak a peek


Ul’dah view from Hammerlea


Monk’s Battle Effects

The other day, my desktop computer decided to mess with me and suddenly played FFXIV on slow motion. (Can watch here if you’re curious how it looked like ) So I saw it as an opportunity to play around with Weaponskills and take some screenshots which would be tough to take in normal circumstances.

The light effects are stunningly beautiful (a bit too bright, though, sometimes I can’t see anything lol, just blinding blotches of light).

I try to name them the best I could, but it’s from memory and doing the attacks again can’t really reproduce what happened in these screenshots (as my PC is now acting normal, no more slow motion) so forgive me if the Weaponskill names are wrong in any of these pics.

Dragon Kick






Howling Fist

I didn’t get any good pic for Howling Fist on that day so here’s a new one to show the light effect.


One Ilm Punch


I really love One Ilm Punch. It’s handsome. :)



Snap Punch

ffxiv_Monk_SnapPunch ffxiv_Monk_SnapPunch2

Steel Peak


Touch of Deathffxiv_Monk_TouchofDeath1 ffxiv_Monk_TouchofDeath2

True Strike


Twin Snake


First pic was taken from bad angle and distance, but this pic has the black snake-like shadow trace from my fist so I want to show it.

ffxiv_Monk_TwinSnakes1 ffxiv_Monk_TwinSnakes2

Twin Snakes impact!

Arm of the Destroyer


Bootshineffxiv_Monk_Bootshine ffxiv_Monk_Bootshine2

:D 21 pics, that’s it for today.

Knight Captain’s Chair in different brown dyes

Today I made a mistake of dying my chair Rose Pink. So I had to remove the dye using Terebinth. However, I thought it might be better to try to match the chair’s brown to my table (I’m using Glade Dining Table which unfortunately cannot be painted) so I tried many browns. I took some screenshots for self reference in picking the best brown, so I’m uploading them in case someone will find them useful.

Rose Pink


No dye (terebinth)


Bark BrownKnight_Captain_Chair_03


Chestnut BrownKnight_Captain_Chair_07


Orchard BrownKnight_Captain_Chair_06

Russet BrownKnight_Captain_Chair_05

Chocolate Brown

Mole BrownKnight_Captain_Chair_08