Sea Breeze Summer Pareo

Today I finally got sufficient amount of Octomammoths and luck to use desynthesis to obtain my own Sea Breeze Summer Pareo, after having only the top part, Sea Breeze Summer Halter, for a long time. (And, OMG! Gigantsharks and Octomammoths ate people, so we found swimwear in their stomachs!)

I even got lucky enough to get an extra piece for a friend. :D So, we went to the beach and took some screenshots together.

Malana and I

Malana and I


Bombdance :)

Bombdance :)

Me on my Draught chocobo.

Me on my Draught chocobo.

Today is a great day. :D

Earlier in the morning, I also got a new pair of shiny pants from Corn. The Artisan’s Culottes weren’t very pretty, but they don’t look so bad after I dyed them.

Grape Purple Artisan's Culottes.

Grape Purple Artisan’s Culottes.